

Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
Does anyone like it as much as I do, or at all? Keep in mind I'm graduating in May with an A.S. degree in Restaurant Management/Culinary Arts and I am Certified by the National Restaurant Education Foundation in Food Costing, Food Production and Hospitality & Restaurant Management. I also plan on owning a Restaurant someday. If you do like cooking what do you like to cook?

My favorite type of Food to cook is Irish food. They use a lot of potatoes but that's not all., They use everything that any culture uses. Meat, Seafood, Grains , stuff like that. There just known for using the potato in everything
I don't enjoy cooking, nor do I cook. I am not a woman.

I do like to bake though. I make quite a mean German chocolate cake. My brownies are something heavenly, too. I always add a touch of vanilla flavor to my brownies. It makes them taste just right.

My uncle is a chef. I went to work with him once. It's actually a stressful job. I was surprised. After that day, I no longer wanted to be a chef.
I hear you man. I love to cook. I would have to say that my specialties and favorites are the following:

1) Velveeta with Shells: Man, it can be hard work getting the Velveeta to just the right consistency...I almost crack under the pressure of knowing that if the Velveeta becomes too thin, I will have to wait five minutes for it to harden again and start the process of softening all over. Oh, the agony!

2) Any Kind of Rice-A-Roni: Man! No one this side of the Pacific makes a meaner San Francisco Treat! When my mom comes over to my place from time to time and freaks out over a floor covered in nothing but Ping Pong balls, Solo cups, and Natty Light cans, nothing mollifies her more than a bowl of some ol' Rice-A-Roni.

I commend you Denny Crane. In terms of cooking, you are an inspiration. Just know that I aspire to one day be able to cook Fettuccine Alfredo Pasta Roni without burning the milk. Keep me in your thoughts!
I absolutely love to cook, perhaps not as much as the OP, but enough that I am addicted to Food Network. I was raised in an traditional -borderline stereo typical- Queens New York Italian American household where my Mom cooked dinner nightly and eventually when I was old enough passed her recipes down to me. Recently, I've learned to expand and modify some dishes to make my own recipes.

So for right now, as one could guess, my specialties are home made Italian dishes based on family recipes. Though I have tried other dishes from cookbooks and TV shows.

Since moving to Louisville KY I've also begun getting heavily into American BBQ/Smoking. I've built my own smoker and have tried various regional types of BBQ and experimented with different wood chips to enhance flavor. I've yet to make my own BBQ sauce though so if anyone has a recipe to try I'd be all over it! I prefer a vinegar based sauce but tomato works great too.

I've just started to work with sauces and pan reductions so thats been going great. Some have turned out better than others but I think I'm just using too much heat, not enough liquid, and/or low quality saute pans (or I just suck).

Lastly I must say that in addition to traditional Italian foods, I absolutely love steak. If you are ever going to NYC, and somehow get tired of eating the best pizza in the world, I suggest you reserve a table at Peter Luger's Steak House in Brooklyn! So far the largest I've eaten was a 48oz porterhouse at Morton's in Boston MA (Though I have eaten a 5lb roast beef solo). I hope to one day eat at the Big Texan and tackle their 72oz steak. I try to cook variations on steak dishes often with many different cooking methods: Grill, broil, Smoke, Saute, Braise etc. As such I've tried a few variations on a bistec pizzaiola which I'm still tinkering with; it's good but I know it could be better.
I can cook the simple things, and could probably live on what I can cook, but I can't do anything 'fancy' and I doubt I'd ever be able to. I would love to know how to do it though, it seems such a great skill to have, and nothing is more romantic than cooking your wife/husband a meal.

I love baking random things, more than anything. Buns, cakes, biscuits etc. I think it's fun, especially when it comes to decorating them. I'm a little kid when it omes to things like that.
I can cook the simple things like eggs, grilled cheese sandwitch, omlets & hamburger meat. There's more but I ain't gonna mention it.

My favorite thing to cook is sausage links with mac n cheese or velveeta shells n chess with a cheeto casserole. Everyone that is there when I make it loves it especially the cheeto casserole.
I'm living in shared accommodation with three typical students. Ability to cook is like currency here, and I'm minted.

With regards to what I can cook, the answer is more or less whatever the hell I want. I don't have a good flan dish, so quiche and shallow bake pie are out of the question, but beyond that I can't think of anything I'd by physically unable to produce if the inclination took me.

The very top of my Christmas list this year was a frying pan. Beautiful model. Three layered for even head distribution. Teflon coating for non stick goodness and a helix base so it stays rooted to the spot. If I was the kind of man who had sex with frying pans, this'd be the one I took into the cupboard with me.

Unfortunately, the flip side of being a student is the fact that I have minimal finances to keep myself alive on, and when a man is unable to keep his spice rack stocked with saffron then he might as well not bother and revert to a pot noodle diet.

Home made currys (and by that I mean a sauce made through a compilation of spices and other ingredients, not a jar of Pataks), stir frys and a multitude of mince oriented dishes are the basis of my subsistence. I also do stew with dumplings if I don't feel like putting much effort into a meal.

Tonight the plan is for a bacon and prawn omelette, although I lack both fresh herbs and any suitable cheese, both of which I would traditionally look to include in such a dish.

The only aspect of cooking I do not enjoy are recipe books. Call me a culinary snob (I'm every other kind of snob, so who the fuck not) but I shun anybody who follows a precise recipe when I cook. A list of ingredients is one thing, but precise measurements and instructions turns the art of cooking into a methodical and laborious process.
It's like comparing the work of a great artist with someone who traces the outline of their painting and then does colour by numbers to finish it off.

So year... I guess you could say I'm into cooking. Certainly beats sex, drugs and rock and roll and any rate.
I am a pretty decent cook, many of the recipes I have taught myself, or expanded on other recipes. I like to make food that has a lot of different types of sauses. One of my favorite sauses to prepare is a sweet and sour, or a sweet chili sause. The one problem I have with cooking or baking is the mess that needs to be cleaned up. I do not have a dishwasher, and I loathe washing dishes. That is my downfall, and leads to me having a messy kitchen.
I have a love/hate relationship with cooking. I am a good cook. I just dont like to take the time to cook anything. My specialty is actually grilling. I can grill a mean steak, or even some lemon pepper chicken that will melt in your mouth. Off the grill I can make some damn fine Fettuccine Alfredo and Chili. I can make a mix of things. I just dont particularly like taking the effort to do so.
I'm lucky that TM is such a good cook, because I can't do much other than basics like spaghetti, lasagna, baked mac and cheese, rice, baked chicken breast, and easy things like that.
He's good at mixing flavours. I have no sense of what would go well with certain dishes.
I hate cooking. I'd rather just not eat than have to cook a big meal.
I love to cook, thats why i work with food. My favourite kind of food to cook is Itallian. there is nothing better then making the Basics like Spaghetti, Lassagne ect.. and jazzing it up to the way you like it. I also love making homemade Stews. you know the kind where you open your Cuboard and just chuck everything in the pot and add gravy?? Yumm.

the one thing i make really good is Danish'es. the recipe i use and make for work have been said to be the best in Tasmania. I take good pride in my sweets and usually sell out by lunch time regardless of howmany are made.
I cook some of the time. Usually its just some easy chicken dish though, or some sort of spghetti. So just something that doesn't take long, still tastes great and is easy to make. I can't cook any of the fancy/harder stuff though, but it doesn't really matter. I can still cook dinner, and that's all that matters.

Making desserts and sweets are the best. Slices, cakes, biscuits, whatever, it's great just to get into the kitchen and make it. I make a great vanilla slice, usually make them for one people come over, and they're usually gone in about five minutes. But the best part is eating it afterwards. :D

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