There has been a lot of discussion about what happened at BFG with Bobby Roode and weather he "is ready" or weather the build up was a waste. People are saying give it a chance, let it build, there's more to the story bla bla bla, but I'm not hearing many comments about the money spent and business standpoint of not giving people what they paid to see, weather it was good story telling or not. At the end of the day people spent $60 bucks on this PPV and left with a horrible taste in their mouth. Now lets not forget the "they" storyline from last year. That is 2 years in a row that some people got burned. I want some feed back on what people think about the twists on these shows and if its really worth it when it comes to keeping fans, and keeping people buying these PPV's. At some point, the people making the storylines need to give the majority of the fans what they want, or expect to see, even if it is very predictable. Do you think for these big PPV's predictability is good? If you paid for the last 2 BFG PPV's and were disappointed will you buy the next one? Where will you draw the line? and if you already have, what would it take to get you to buy another PPV after numerous disappointments? Just interested in what people are thinking apart from the any specific story line aspect.