Contract Storylines


Pre-Show Stalwart
Problaby I like a lot the GM mode in the SD vs Raw, I think WWE is not pulling a big storyline in terms of the RAW/Smackdown contracts, as we can see some Superstar who had a contract for X months leave his brand or getting a new contract, or even play as a free agent (Cena doesn’t count), as we see him in both brands.
They played a bit of that with Slater and with Swagger, but I think it has been a really bad descision of WWE not to play it.
We could had Loser leaves Brand, Winner gets Contract, putting the current contract on the line or Comissioner/GM vs Superstar storyline.
What do you think? We’re gonna see it sometime?

My personal idea would be to do a new Draft in the postWM, and do contracts like that:
#1-#5: 12 months
#6-#10: 9 months
#10-#15: 6 months
+#16: 3 months
And play with a max contract of 6 months for a superstar, 9 if you are champion.
And play with it, have Main Event to be a Free Agent show.
(Obviously, outside the WWE official contract)
You seem to have forgotten that they did this big angle for mania this year with Shane mcmahon, Daniel bryan, Kevin Owens and sami zayn where at the end of the feud they had a tag match where if Owens and Zayn lost they would be fired from smackdown. This was a big storyline at the beginning of the year. The thing is you can't really use that contract idea to often because it won'T mean anything after a while. i like the idea of changing it up a little bit as far as the shakeup is concern but i don't feel like using the contract system will help make it more fun because let's face it, in the 3 months tier, you have the no way jose and Curt Hawkins of the company that nobody cares about so what the point of having them let's say on raw for 3 months and then they become free agent only to get sign to smackdown for a while. Nobody will care anyway.

So i feel like if the storyline needs to use the contract storyline then use it, it's always fun and get fans excited or in certain case, can be use as explanation why a smackdown talent is suddenly on Raw like Tamina a few weeks ago. But outside of that, i really don't like using it all the time. It's one of the rare stipulation that's not overuse in WWE.

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