Conor McGregor In Talks With The WWE


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Credit: Bleacher Report

Never one to shy away from offering his opinion, UFC lightweight champion Conor McGregor recently spoke on a wide variety of topics.

With WrestleMania 33 approaching April 2, McGregor left the door open for a possible WWE appearance at some point.

"Never say never," he said, per MMA Fighting. "I'll love to go into that WWE and have a real knock. Let one of them have a real knock and see what's what. But we'll see. There's conversations ongoing. I've turned down some things, the conversation's still ongoing."

WWE and the UFC have agreed to share talent in the past. Brock Lesnar returned to the Octagon in July at UFC 200. Ronda Rousey had a memorable appearance with The Rock, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon at WrestleMania 31 in 2015.

McGregor also had choice words for WWE chairman Vince McMahon, particularly regarding the unique walk McMahon has on WWE television, which McGregor used following his victory over Eddie Alvarez at UFC 205 in November.

"I'm thinking Vince McMahon must be pissed," McGregor said. "I don't give a f--k about Vince McMahon. I stole that walk, and that walk is now mine. And not Vince, or any of those p---ies over at the WWE will do anything about it. That's my walk. I created that walk. I made that walk."

I actually watched the UFC sit down interview with McGregor last night and thought this was very interesting. He first started talking about Vince and the walk that he "adopted" from McMahon. He seemed very brash and totally dismissive of the WWE. But, later on, when asked about the chances of turning up at WrestleMania in some capacity, McGregor was a little but more welcoming.

As he said, he has turned down some things but he must be open to appearing or he would have shut it down before talks could get off the ground. The truth of the matter is that McGregor is a businessman at heart. On numerous occasion last night, he made mention to wanting to make a certain level of money. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that if the WWE put the money on the table for Conor, he would be doing something at Mania. He would pocket, probably, millions of dollars for turning up and doing half an hours work. That sounds like good business and Conor likes good business.

The real question is what Conor McGregor is worth to the WWE and whether that investment would pay off. There is no doubt that he is immensely popular and, in all likelihood, would give WWE buys a bit of a boost if we was doing something worthwhile. McGregor wants a certain amount of money for doing the event and I don't think that he will get it. Vince knows he is an attraction but what can they do with him and what good would it do? It would have to be something meaningful but there's no long term benefit for the WWE.

Still, as was pointed out, talks are ongoing and seeing McGregor at WrestleMania, after everything he has said about the WWE and it's personnel, is a very real possibility.
Conor McGregor presents both positives and negatives.

Right now, McGregor is the hottest thing in MMA. He has a very impressive win-loss record of 21-3, he's the first fighter in UFC history to hold two championships of different weight classes simultaneously, he's a huge draw as the UFC ppvs he's headlined have all drawn well in excess of a million buys, he's outlandish, he's brash, he's cocky and he has the goods to back it up. Essentially, he's like an Irish Floyd Mayweather, Jr. only for mixed martial arts rather than boxing.

I don't know if McGregor is genuinely the shit in real life he frequently comes off as in the media or if it's ultimately more of a character he plays in order to get headlines. My guess is that it's probably a mixture of both and while a WrestleMania appearance would generate a lot of buzz, I have to admit that part of me would cringe to see one, or more, of the WWE wrestlers yet again made to look like a chump. Whenever it's some sort of deal with celebrities or actual fighters, WWE usually has the wrestlers involved look like idiots, *****es or both.

A one off appearance is probably all WWE would get out of McGregor because, as I said, he's the hottest thing in the fighting world right now. He makes millions for each fight in the UFC and if he and Floyd Mayweather, Jr. ever do have a fight, it'll be one massive payday. A one off appearance would be fine with me as I've no real interest in seeing yet another special attraction in WWE that's just there for the money; I can say that as a fan, but I'd also completely understand any motivation Vince would have in bringing him in to wrestle every so often if he could.
WWE constantly bringing in outsiders and letting them punk their wrestlers just blows my mind. Going back to Mr. T, Buster Douglas, Lawrence Taylor, Mike Tyson, Floyd Mayweather, Snooki(SMH), it goes on and on. Ridiculous. Pay them to come in....and actually make your wrestlers look good once in awhile! If they aren't willing, screw them. Don't pay them and don't bring them in.

McGregor should come in....if he'll tap to Samoa Joe. If not, F off. They don't need him. Rousey should come in....and lay down for Sasha Banks. If not.....f off.

They used Ken Shamrock right, for awhile. He looked strong and extremely dangerous, but not above their best talent.
Yea I can't see McGregor coming in and laying down for anyone on the roster. As JH said he's the hottest property in UFC right now and to loss in a scripted fight would be a blemish on his record. Besides if you listen to what he's saying that would be the last thing he would do.

Hell even Rousey had a go at both HHH and Steph and that was just a promo, but she bested both of them. So McGregor showing up and taking a fall just wouldn't happen. And like others have said, celebrities showing up making the WWE wrestler's look weak is getting old. Sure he would bring in viewers but for a one time shot. I'm not sure the end result would be worth. McGregor would go back to UFC and whoever he beats would just go on.

Don't think this fight with Mayweather is going to happen either. Seems like McGregor is raring to go but Mayweather is the one backing down.
I think Conor is likely endearing himself to Vince, in that he's willing to acknowledge the WWE and react with a brash attitude that doesn't outright marginalize the WWE.

I'm honestly wondering how much of a "bad boy" Conor is, in that I think that he only puts on the asshole persona when the cameras are on for publicity. I doubt that he (at the express direction of his agents) would be willing to take a bump in any manner, so I'm imagining that he'll take on a guest spot that won't involve anything more than what we saw from Ronda.
They used Ken Shamrock right, for awhile. He looked strong and extremely dangerous, but not above their best talent.

Great point. I thought they used Ken Shamrock extremely well upon his arrival in WWE and for awhile thereafter. He wasn't booked weak but was never misplaced on the card; hung around the IC title picture mainly, and had a few BRIEF run-ins in the main event. Completely appropriate.

If they could at one point book Ken Shamrock well, they surely could book Conor well. Even if he wasn't a regular performer, there's got to be a place for him somewhere.

Conor won't be in UFC/MMA much longer. He wants to fight Mayweather, make some $ in WWE, and make movies. I think he should do all three... just because he can.
If he doesn't show up that'd be preferred. If he does I'll just skip over his involvement entirely, because I know it's almost certain it'll be drag the mood of the overall show. Florida Georgia Line knocking out Sandow was all I needed to see in recent to know I hate outside / celebrity involvement. I skipped the entire Wrestlemania show last year almost, because it looked horrifically unappealing / boring and I'll just do the same in this case. If he brings an actual audience to the pro-wrestling community that'd be awesome. Other than that he makes money, and WWE loves money. As long as it's mutually beneficial and people want to see it, no harm done. I'll just skip it.
McGregor should come in....if he'll tap to Samoa Joe. If not, F off. They don't need him. Rousey should come in....and lay down for Sasha Banks. If not.....f off.

You want fake wrestlers to go over some of the best fighters in the world?

That just isn't a good idea and would do a lot more harm than good. Could you imagine the headlines?

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