Confirmed For Raw: Bryan VS Orton III


A couple of sites, including WZ, are announcing that Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton will take place on this coming Monday's Raw. As everyone knows, their first match this past Monday was stopped due to concern over Bryan's health. This would lead to a heated confrontation between Bryan & Triple H backstage though, allegedly, they apologized to one another and things have been smoothed over. Last night on SD!, their rematch ended with Bryan scoring the victory via count out. The post match angle in which Bryan, upset at having won as the result of a count out, hinted that there'd be another bout between them as Bryan demanded that the match be restarted, which didn't happen.

According to some reports, the original idea was for Bryan to go over Orton this past Monday. Allegedly, the "weak link" angle will continue for a while with the aspect of Bryan scoring big singles victories against top opponents while on his way to, eventually, challenge for the WWE Championship. Both their matches have been very good and I'm expecting this one to be no different. The only difference, that I'm predicting, will be that Bryan scores a decisive win over Orton by making him tap.
I firmly believe that the ending to the first match was a work. As shown on Smackdown, it seems as they are running a storyline where DB cant score the decisive victory that he wants and needs. I expect this to continue tonight with Orton accidently getting DQd giving DB the win. Its all a big work, you're foolish If you think otherwise and there was no argument with HHH.
It does kinda seem like the whole thing was a work. It is a big coincidence if he got hurt on Monday fitting perfectly into the storyline that they already had going. I think Bryan needs to get a clean win over Orton this time moving on to someone new. I like the feud with Orton, but WWE gets into the habit of having too many matches between the same two guys with no space in between matches. I don't want them to drop the ball with Bryan so his time over Orton needs to be on Monday.
Why is it impossible for WWE to keep matches like this for PPV anymore? Cena they can book for once a month, but other feuds they need to put 3/4 matches consecutively. Takes away some much prestige to a feud by saturating like this. Is there no other way for the dumbasses in the back to develop a feud than just have them wrestle each other twice a week?

Orton v Bryan they could have kept going through the summer after Monday with 3/4 matches instead of 3 in a week IF they knew how to make people itch to see it, instead of handing it to us on a plate.
Kinda diggin the whole weak link angle. Wasn't too big of fan of DB and Kane being a tag team with exception of those sessions with the anger management doctor. Its sorta like Unleash the Beast or I guess one can say Unleash the Goat haha
I do think WWE just gives too much many good matches away, but I get this one - they gave them some time to develop a rivalry, they even gave them a good promo to start last night's smackdown, so that's a lot better than the most times. However, I'm not following the point of the rivalry - I mean I get it for Daniel Bryan - he's trying to prove "he isn't the weakest link" and that's obviously a mini-feud to get him over. But what about for Randy Orton? His point is just "trying to beat Daniel Bryan" and if he does that, I am not seeing anything better for him - he did what he said he would do and that's it. He's a 9x world champion, so there is no way he's going to win Money In The Bank - him and Cena had a lot of matches already so, he isn't going to go after him.

What i'm trying to say is that this storyline is a little bit too predictable in booking-wise and I don't like that. I would rather have those two have a match at Money In The Bank with Randy Orton playing as an heel, because in that scenario those two would gain a lot from that - Orton could go on to feud with Sheamus, Jericho or Ziggler, while Bryan could go on to face John Cena at SummerSlam.

Well they are going to have a fun match, but they are not the highlight or the reason to someone tune in - at least the smart fans. Let's hope the match never really starts, or that they end up ending the match in a draw. If Orton submits I will pretty much say that WWE did an awful move - Orton can still be relevant, he's pretty much my favourite guy when it comes to psychology, selling and storytelling and I do see a lot of Jake "The Snake" promo skills in him - let's hope they can see it too.
I have doubts that Orton will lose cleanly next Monday, but it's what needs to happen. If DB is going to challenge for the WWE title, he's gotta build up some significant victories. He started by going insane on the Shield multiple times and making Rollins tap last week.

If Bryan pins or submits Orton, it's gonna get a huge pop and it's going to further his momentum. Only CM Punk is getting a better reaction from the crowd right now, and that's because he just returned. Bryan is the hot hand in the WWE right now, and thus deserves this big push. I hope it ends in a title run.
Bryan is indeed kinda over in a big way in WWE right now. But i think this whole series of matches with Randy Orton are getting a bit too much. I still don´t get it if all that surrounded the first match was a work or really Bryan hurt himself and i understand Triple H side if it was really an injury but if it was and the original plan was for Bryan to beat Orton on that Raw then i think on Smackdown they should have given Bryan the win. There should have been no need for this match, but i do understand if Bryan´s win is on Raw, since it his WWE main TV Show.
well as Bryan was supposed to win via pinfall in the first match, Im tippig this match will be a cracker and Bryan will get the pinfall clean over Orton. They are really trying to build him up for MITB and on to Summerslam. Lets just hiope he shaves that ricockulous beard off, he needs to look like a champion to be considered one, not a comedy act
Bryan don't need to go over Orton to face Cena. How many jobs has Ryback done on PPV and he's had title shots the past 2 months on PPVs. Logic and wins/losses don't mean crap in WWE.
It's also interesting how Randy Orton has, in effect, replaced Kane in this program, as Kane was nowhere to be seen Friday night. No, I don't believe he's been completely written out, but neither do I think Kane is headed for the major push Daniel is getting.

The dynamics of the program for this threesome is terrific in it's unpredictability. Plus, it's great to see Randy in a role like this; he's always been the loner as well as the main character in any scenario he engages (since he became a star). Now, he's a key player, rather than the only player, and he's doing it while staying in character, which impresses me more than I thought would be possible with Randy.

No, Kane isn't going to battle with Daniel yet, although that inevitably comes, doesn't it? We're not seeing them in matches with each other, but we might.

Plainly, a lot of Creative thought has gone into this all-male threesome. It's an unusual arrangement......and it's working. Great stuff.
I firmly believe that the ending to the first match was a work. As shown on Smackdown, it seems as they are running a storyline where DB cant score the decisive victory that he wants and needs. I expect this to continue tonight with Orton accidently getting DQd giving DB the win. Its all a big work, you're foolish If you think otherwise and there was no argument with HHH.

I see another non conclusive finish to the rematch on Raw, and then this set up MITB, where Orton and Bryan square off in 2/3 falls or they are both in the ladder match.

I agreed, it's 100% a work and alot of people were swerved by dirtsheets who worked with WWE. It' too much of a coincidence that a injury happen on live tv when there's a storyline about Bryan being a weak link.

The report here is probably the most accurate about what went down last Monday Night for Daniel Bryan, Orton and HHH.
So, a storyline that could have legitimately lasted at least until Summerslam is force-fed inside a week. The hell, WWE?
This was probably my second favourite match of the year. It really was so well worked, I thought the inventiveness with which they worked in their key moves was superb and the intensity of the brawling really drew the crowd in. Bryan's front kicks/kendo strikes combo looked so brutal.

This has been a great TV mini feud that has set Bryan up perfectly for a match with Cena at Summerslam for the WWE title, and make no mistake they can easily revisit Bryan vs Orton down the line as I think Orton tapping out might lead to him snapping and finally going heel.

There comes a time in every push where the WWE has to decide whether to pull the trigger and a big part of that is getting the big win over a genuine top star. Orton put Bryan over with no excuses, tapping out in the center of the ring, that is a huge statement as regards Bryan's standing in WWE and Randy deserves a lot of respect for being such a selfless pro.
This was a very cool match. Daniel Bryan has been on a roll lately and has been able to achieve two milestones; being the first to defeat The Shield in six-man Tag Team action and defeating Randy Orton by submission (from what I can recall, Daniel Bryan has at least three total victories over Randy Orton in his entire WWE career). I've said this repeatedly in the past before, but I'll say it again as it has relevance here. You haven't done it all in the WWE until you've beaten John Cena and Randy Orton. They are today's The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin. They have accomplished multiple things (ex. defeating multiple big names) and have both reached the zenith in their careers. They are cemented names that deliver the unpredictable competition. When Daniel Bryan beat Randy Orton, it automatically established him as a legit contender of the WWE Championship. A believable contender (unlike his road to the World Heavyweight Championship where he was cleanly beaten by Wade Barrett). That damages more than it benefits. The same can be applied to Dolph Ziggler, but that's a separate story. I think Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton are friends backstage, so I'm sure these two didn't mind the outcomes of their series. Orton has been putting over a lot more wrestlers recently, so kudos to him. He will always be a Main Eventer and cannot be damaged at this point. I still think he has another WWE Championship reign in his future. I hope the momentum continues and Daniel Bryan collects more victories. A match against Rob Van Dam in the future would be great. Also, I'm still waiting for that Daniel Bryan vs Dean Ambrose match.

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