Confessions of a Video Rental Store Clerk


[This Space for Rent]
I’m bored, figured I’d enlighten everyone to what goes on there.

1. Rental Stores/Theatres - No Relation: I’ve convinced a lady that everyone who works in theatres loathe those who work in rental stores, because they take away their business. And vise versa.

2. Random Customer Conversation: A Child asked her Mother who Santa was. (seriously) The exact reply the child got from the Mother was, and I quote, “It’s just a fictional character made up by Grown Ups to bring joy to your heart and mislead your head. Like the Easter Bunny and Faithful Men.”

I had another Woman, on a cell phone, AT THE COUNTER CHECKING OUT, tell the person on the other end of the phone that she couldn’t wait to get there and get wet. -- I’d be lying if I told you I assumed she was going swimming.

3. Porn & Religion: I wear a cross, but it doesn’t mean I shun porn. Any time anyone rents porn and “I” check them out, they look down, away, or anything but directly at me. A co-worker believes its because of my cross. I tested the theory, put it under my under-shirt. First person to check out porn (female, oddly) decided to talk to me about how she enjoys watching it so much. Such an AMAZING conversation, that I unfortunately couldn’t take beyond PG-13.

4.Late Fee Excuses Are Awesome: Lady came in the other day, had over $10.00 on her account. Her exact reply as to why her movies were late was due to going into labor and delivering her newly born baby. She said, again and I quote, “As I was pushing, I thought to myself ‘Oh shit, those movies are gonna be late.’”

More to come when I have them.. Remember them.. And get bored enough to post them. This is all for now. Enjoy.
4.Late Fee Excuses Are Awesome: Lady came in the other day, had over $10.00 on her account. Her exact reply as to why her movies were late was due to going into labor and delivering her newly born baby. She said, again and I quote, “As I was pushing, I thought to myself ‘Oh shit, those movies are gonna be late.’”


Doctor: OK. At the count of 3, you push.

Lady: *pant* *pant* Oh... Shit... *pant* *pant* ...honey... *pant* ...the movies... *pant*

Doctor: ... Three!
I'd tip my hat to you if I was wearing one, oh slinger of movies, for I have walked in your shoes.

I used to work at Blockbuster, was a Shift Leader. Funny stuff, keep them stories coming.
Ah a fellow employee of the dread art? I work in a DVD rental place myself- used to have videos though :) Officially our job title is that of a Customer Sales Representative though- which I always found hilarious. Is your store by any chance Blockbuster? They used to own us, but we were sold on during the summer.

Personally I always found with that when people rented the arty porn films (Baise Moi, 9 songs, or The Lovers Guide) they always used to rent them with something else, and place the offending item below. Ireland must be a bit more conservative (though some of the guys are asked for "Blue films" every so often)

I can't unfortunately think of too many funny stories- we mostly tend to get the rude and rudder who fight over three or four Euro debts, no matter how long a queue there is behind them or who demand that because their CD has a four euro sticker on it, it must be sold for that price- despite it really being 10.99. A very common misconception that :) That and the certainty that at least 20% of the items we sell over Christmas will come back to us in some shape or form- usually with more shouting than it left us though sadly.
I haven't had any good stories in a while, but thankfully the Holidays are amazing for stupidity.

5. The Force: We were running a Buy 2, Get 2 special for our PV (previously viewed) movies and a lady brought up 2 $14.99 movies and 2 $9.99 movies. She wanted to pay for the cheaper movies and get the more expensive ones for free. Well, as anyone would know it doesn't work that way. Normally anytime a special like this (anywhere) is being ran, its known that the cheaper/same valued item is marked as 'free'.

Well, when I tried explaining this to the Lady she replied with "I feel like I'm being forced to commit to something that I don't want to." When I replied with explaining I was sorry and asked if I could either help her with anything more, possibly explain it better, or just help her find a different selection of movies she replied with "You could help me by giving me what I want, and let me pay for these (9.99 movies) and get these (14.99) for free." I told her if I did that, I could lose my job.

She replied with "Thats not something I'm concerned with. I just want my movies, and you're forcing something else on me and it makes me feel like a victim."

..... ..... ..... I just simply could not reply. When I refused to let her get her way, she stormed out of the store throwing a fit on the way out.

6. Door Stopper: Due to heavy winds, our exit door was broken. As a result, we had to lock it - post a sign explaining to use the other door - and tell customers who went near it, that they had to exit through our entrance door. As if you can't see where this is going.

Anyways, a guy dropped movies off at our entrance drop-box then proceeded to walk all the way around toward the exit. We told him it was broken and wouldn't open. He said "gotcha". He continued toward the door. We replied saying he would have to go out through our entrance. He nodded, and continued to the exit door.

Upon getting there.. he pushes on the door and naturally, it didn't open. He turns to us and says "Hey guys, something's wrong with your door - I can't get out."

There is just nothing you can do for some of these people.
lol @ people.

I mean I wish you could pay for the cheaper ones but I mean it doesn't work that way. Like I said be nice if it did. She sounds like someone I know from VA lol..

and as for the other dude WTF. He must had been stoned out on someting...or just an idiot and I'm willing to go with the just an idiot part.
Everyone, share your stories. I want to read them. Doug, Sid, anyone else...
Everyone, share your stories. I want to read them. Doug, Sid, anyone else...

I will. When I have more energy I can get into some of it. I'm just a little on the tired side now, and have to get ready to do some stuff today.

Unfortunately, I won't be around too much on here today, though.

Doug, stores use Electronic Applications because of a couple reasons.

1) Welcome to the 21st Century and the concept of technology. It is simply more professional.

2) If applications are misplaced in the hustle-bustle of a retail environment, then management simply can go back into the computer and reprint them.

3) Because when you submit an application and a store is interested in possibly hiring the employee, we submitted that application to a company that does a criminal background check on that employee. So all of that was handled electronically.
it also makes it harder for people like myself to get a job there. sure its easier but still. anyway.... I'll post some stories a bit later. even my case manager failed on the electronic app
it also makes it harder for people like myself to get a job there. sure its easier but still. anyway.... I'll post some stories a bit later. even my case manager failed on the electronic app

Then, chances are that neither of you unfortunately are the type of candidate they are looking for.

The behavioral questions asked during the application process are designed to see if your personality traits would make a good fit for the type of environment that comes with that particular job. They are geared to see how you are in such things as interacting with customers or people in general, what your attitudes are in taking direction, dealing with fellow team members, etc. ..... they take a look at honesty, your thoughts on what you would do if you see someone doing something else dishonest, whether you can multi-task, manage your time, etc.

It may make it harder for you to get a job, but keep in mind that the company isn't placing your interests first. They are placing their interests first, as they have every right to do.
I work at a pizza place, and a bar. At the pizza place, it's the usual "I'd like the Italian Steak Sandwich (insert options here), an order of loaded fries, and an 8" pizza with (choice of toppings." I respond with, "For dine in, or carry-out?"

Customer: For here.

Me: anything to drink, sir/ma'am?

Customer: Yeah, I'm trying to lose weight, so I'll have a diet.

Bear in mind, the individual in question is by their self. I doubt the diet will work.

From the wonderful World of Bartending:

A lady walks in, with her kids in tow. I kindly ask her to leave, for obvious reasons. The following convo occured:

Me: Ma'am, I need to ask you to leave.

Customer: Why? I'm over 21!

Me: Miss, you can't have kids in a bar. It's illegal, and I could lose my job, as well as this establishment getting shut down.

Customer: What the hell?! Who are you to dictate to me where I can take my kids?!

Me: I'm the guy asking you kindly to leave. Now, if you want, I can call the authorities, and they'll escort you off the premises.

Customer: Fine! Fuck you! I'll go to a bar that'll appreciate my business!
I've worked at a movie theater/video rental store so I've pretty much seen it all.

Now the journey of a tech support guy, that's a whole new ball game. I think I've been asked 50 times if I can see what's on a customer's computer screen from where I'm sitting. Of course I can, I use my magical telekinetic ability to magically see something hundreds of miles away using only my mind.

Then there's the people who don't know how to scroll down. Or click on start. The people that ask me for their password for their computer is always a riot.

I could update a thread all about this at least 8 times a day if not more.
so here is a story... maybe not that funny but its pretty lame if you ask me.

sometimes a store will put items in a different slot to make room for products that are either 1) new or 2) have newer expiration dates. the most common thing I get is:

Customer: no that's the wrong price

Me: hmm did you check the price tag?

Customer: yes I'm pretty sure I checked the price. it said x amount

now usually you would get someone with override privileges at this point. so I get the manger. so, said person comes over calls the department head of said item in question and he says the correct price was not what the customer said.

Customer: ok I don't want it then. I thought it was the other price.

maybe if you looked at it correctly then we wouldn't have to waste people's time.

and I've been working as a cashier for 5 years now so I've pretty much seen just as much as Sid has

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