Concept match

TWJC: The Beginning

Royal Rumble Winner
I have an idea for a concept match. Not sure if it's been done before. Basically it's a ladder match where a pinfall can eliminate someone. The sole purpose I have for this is cramming a ton of guys in a ladder match, having multiple super high spots, and not injuring someone.

You could have like an 8 team ladder match with these rules, which would ordinarily be a clusterfuck. But with this, you could eliminate 4 or 5 teams before the climax. It also adds a wrinkle on it with different strategy.

So let me know, is it a stupid ass idea or could it work if they choreographed it right? BTW, in my fantasy world, the tag titles at WMXXX are defended in this match with highspots galore.
It would certainly add drama and it sounds fun on paper, but I don't think it works simply because you'd need at least two referees in and around the ring waiting for pin attempts and there's no real room for extra bodies in those matches. I know in Jimmy Korderas' book he said his instructions for those matches was to clean up the debris when he could and stay out the way. It would be dangerous for the refs and especially dangerous for the wrestlers with extra bodies to account for.

As for teams, 16 guys (8 teams) in a ladder match would be total overkill. Instead of six guys laying around selling while two guys (or teams) are spotlighted or doing their spots you have 12 (or 14). It just doesn't work. And again, between the ladders and all of the extra bodies in a relatively small working area, it's just too dangerous.
It would work in the MITB ladder match where guys can be eliminated after big spots but I think I have a good twist to the concept. Have 1 member from each of the 8 teams start and if you get a pin you can be joined by your partner so you get the advantage of having 1 less opponent and a partner. It would mean that at most 8 people are in the ring at once
If it's only 2 teams in the ring at a time then it could work, but the team that won it would have to come in late otherwise doing an 8 team ladder match from start to finish is going to take tolls on bodies. Also aside from your amazing high spots there's no real reason to have the match, no psychology. It's having 16 guys in the ring jumping from ladders for the sake of having 16 guys jumping from ladders.
I think 8 teams might be a little much. With my idea, I think 4 would be best. Since you want a Wrestlemania match, I guess six could work too.
As suggested, start with two teams. Eliminations are by Pinfall or submissions (or maybe tables too). After a team is eliminated, a new team enters. When you're down to two teams, it becomes a ladder match. Simple to follow and you don''t have to worry about the ring getting crowded.
It would certainly add drama and it sounds fun on paper, but I don't think it works simply because you'd need at least two referees in and around the ring waiting for pin attempts and there's no real room for extra bodies in those matches.

See, I think the chaos adds more intrigue. What if a team gets pinned but there is no ref since another team us getting pinned at the time and then that team goes on and wins? What if the ref has to decide which team to count first? I love that stuff as long as they don't overbook it with to much bs.

I think this is a cool, simple wrinkle on what could be a very entertaining match. You don't want too many guys at once but this could easily work. It just needs enough time therefore WM 30 probably isn't the best place for it since there is so much else going on. But still good for Raw or a secondary PPV (or whatever we are going to call them in the age of the WWE network).
Team or individual; I like this idea. It would be a great way to get a lot of names on the card. Some big spots early on and then slowly get rid of the filler names.

A 6 team ladder match might sound like an absolute clusterfuck but if done correctly it would be entertaining and would allow people to get a spot on the WM card.

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