Complete First Round Results

Batista has better pyro. All I can come up with.

You were expecting solid reasoning? Did you read the Hogan vs Moolah thread? People make up their mind and then think of bullshit to justify it, not the other way around.
Batista has better pyro. All I can come up with.

You were expecting solid reasoning? Did you read the Hogan vs Moolah thread? People make up their mind and then think of bullshit to justify it, not the other way around.

Oh I know, I said as much a while back.

All I'm saying is I don't see what the reasoning could be.
The only result I'm disappointed with here is Batista's dominating win over Sid Vicious. Sid should have won, but even if he didn't, it should have been a much closer vote.

I mean, what could people possibly use to justify Batista over Sid?

He turned heel recently, means he's good.
Batista actually has been quite good as a heel. I like Sid too and I believe I voted for him, but what argument could be made for him going over Batista Sly? He was the definition of a transitional champion and he didn't have half the success in his career that Batista has had in the WWE. From a kayfabe perspective Batista wins pretty easily.
Batista actually has been quite good as a heel. I like Sid too and I believe I voted for him, but what argument could be made for him going over Batista Sly?
Any argument made for either man, can be made for the other.

I'm not saying Sid is clearly better than Batista, but I AM saying Batista is not clearly better than Sid.

He was the definition of a transitional champion and he didn't have half the success in his career that Batista has had in the WWE. From a kayfabe perspective Batista wins pretty easily.

The problem with that is the "success" Batista has had has to be viewed critically, as Batista has had Raw, Smackdown and ECW to dilute the talent. I'm not saying Batista wouldn't have been a World Champion if there was only one show, but I AM saying Batista would not have had the "success" he's had.

Put Sid in a company with three separate and distinct shows, and I'd guarantee he'd have all those championships as well.
Yeah, I love Mr. Perfect, but Cena goes over there and it's hardly arguable. The only argument for Hennig would be his time spent on top of the AWA, but considering his father's role in the company that might not be the most impressive of resumes.
I'm assuming most of the pro-Hennig arguments are going to be about how he one of the greatest wrestlers never to win the big one and all that stuff.

I'm a tad worried about if Cena runs up against Warrior because I'll hear up and down about how many times Warrior lost clean in his career and I'll bring up the fact that if Foley could beat him last year, Cena could beat him this year.
I will gladly campaign for Cena if he goes against Warrior. Really can't stand Warrior. Probably because of how much I dislike him as a person and his racist, homophobic neo-conservative politics. That and his whole sucking as a performer for most of his career thing.

Cena's weird. He's a guy I liked, than hated, than respected but still disliked, than eventually grew to like, and now I consider myself a fan of the guy. Damnit if he doesn't deliver when you put him in a big match environment nine times out of ten. Not that Hennig was any slouch either, but from a kayfabe perspective it's really no argument.
I will gladly campaign for Cena if he goes against Warrior. Really can't stand Warrior. Probably because of how much I dislike him as a person and his racist, homophobic neo-conservative politics. That and his whole sucking as a performer for most of his career thing.

Cena's weird. He's a guy I liked, than hated, than respected but still disliked, than eventually grew to like, and now I consider myself a fan of the guy. Damnit if he doesn't deliver when you put him in a big match environment nine times out of ten. Not that Hennig was any slouch either, but from a kayfabe perspective it's really no argument.

When I first joined this forum, I was a huge Cena hater. Then I grew to respect the guy because of his work ethic and how he performs in the ring. I would admit that his character needs tweaking a bit but he is doing good for now.
...How the fuck did Joe beat Baba? Fuck I knew I shouldn't have been lazy with the first round.

Inoki won over Punk? Even after my brilliant write-in? For shame.

The first tragedy of the tournament occurred in Orton defeating Terry Funk. I love Orton guys, but come the fuck on, he's not on Funk's level yet. At all.
Orton beating Funk is a tragedy. SO is Fat Joe beating Giant Baba.

And Hansen could get RVD in the next round. And yes... I have my post for Hansen ready and willing. :D
Inoki actually tied with Punk? That's a shock.

Also, why did Orton go over Funk? The fuck, people?

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