Complete First Round Results


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
The first set of matches have ended and here are YOUR results:



Sting b. Hayabusa 54-3
Steve Williams b. Magnum TA 40-7
Nick Bockwinkel b. El Canek 25-18
Kurt Angle b. Billy Graham 68-8


Jushin Thunder Liger b. Kerry Von Erich 81-10
Arn Anderson b. Iron Sheik 73-16.
Jumbo Tsuruta b. Abyss 67-22
Mick Foley b. La Parka 98-9


El Santo b. Shane Douglas 45-15
Booker T b. Bruno Sammartino 52-49
Shawn Michaels b. Jeff Jarrett 81-14
Dory Funk Jr. b. Jeff Hardy 53-38

New York

Randy Savage b. Kane 80-28
Owen Hart b. Jun Akiyama 56-33
Bret Hart b. Edge 89-23
Kenta Kobashi b. Tito Santana 62-8



Jimmy Snuka b. Gorgeous George 39-29
Goldberg b. Stu Hart 56-38
Kevin Nash b. Bobo Brazil 63-18
Dusty Rhodes b. Dynamite Kid 47-33


Hulk Hogan b. Fabulous Moolah 58-44
HHH b. Brock Lesnar 51-33
The Undertaker b. Tully Blanchard 57-5
AJ Styles b. Bob Backlund 38-24

St. Louis

Mitsuharu Misawa b. Lou Thesz 35-34
The Rock b. Tatsumi Fujinami 73-4
Toshiaki Kawada b. Lex Luger 29-16
Ted DiBiase b. Jerry Lawler 47-16


Ultimate Warrior b. Abdullah the Butcher 55-16
Sheamus b. Terry Gordy 39-36
Curt Hennig b. Christian 54-23
John Cena b. Sgt. Slaughter 67-16



Dustin Rhodes b. King Kong Bundy 54-25
Rick Martel b. Rhino 54-47
Raven b. Antonio Rocca 48-26
Chris Benoit b. Desmond Wolfe 87-17


Barry Windham b. The Miz 47-38
Ricky Steamboat b. Larry Zbyszko 75-1
Antonio Inoki Tied CM Punk 59-59. Antonio Inoki Wins Tiebreaker 17-12.
Samoa Joe b. Giant Baba 38-35

San Francisco

DDP b. Bryan Danielson 66-48
Batista b. Sid 67-29
Ric Flair b. Christopher Daniels 84-7
British Bulldog b. Paul Orndorff 57-13


JBL b. Steven Richards 75-24
Harley Race b. Berzerker 83-5
Eddie Guerrero b. Jerry Lynn 79-9
Pedro Morales b. Jack Swagger 60-33

Mexico City

East Rutherford

Rick Rude b. Mike Awesome 57-11
Scott Steiner b. Bam Bam Bigelow 58-21
The Great Muta b. Dean Malenko 51-20
Chris Jericho b. Michael Hayes 73-4


Buddy Rogers b. Ahmed Johnson 27-22
Tiger Mask I b. Bobby Lashley 43-15
Roddy Piper b. Lance Storm 38-14
Vader b. Mil Mascaras 46-10


Andre the Giant b. Big Show 49-43
Rey Mysterio b. Scott Hall 57-30
Stan Hansen b. Brian Pillman 40-24
Rob Van Dam b. Taz 65-22

Los Angeles

Bruiser Brody b. Marty Jannetty 60-13
Jake Roberts b. Rikishi 64-12
Randy Orton b. Terry Funk 64-52
Steve Austin b. Yokozuna 77-22

For the sake of sanity I'll just update this same thread.

Second Round Matchups



Sting vs. Steve Williams
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Kurt Angle


Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Arn Anderson
Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Mick Foley


El Santo vs. Booker T
Shawn Michaels vs. Dory Funk Jr.

New York

Randy Savage vs. Owen Hart
Bret Hart vs. Kenta Kobashi



Jimmy Snuka vs. Goldberg
Kevin Nash vs. Dusty Rhodes


Hulk Hogan vs. HHH
The Undertaker vs. AJ Styles

St. Louis

Mitsuharu Misawa vs. The Rock
Toshiaki Kawada vs. Ted DiBiase


Ultimate Warrior vs. Sheamus
Curt Hennig vs. John Cena



Dustin Rhodes vs. Rick Martel
Raven vs. Chris Benoit


Barry Windham vs. Ricky Steamboat
Antonio Inoki vs. Samoa Joe

San Francisco

DDP vs. Batista
Ric Flair vs. British Bulldog


JBL vs. Harley Race
Eddie Guerrero vs. Pedro Morales

Mexico City

East Rutherford

Rick Rude vs. Scott Steiner
The Great Muta vs. Chris Jericho


Buddy Rogers vs. Tiger Mask I
Roddy Piper vs. Vader


Andre the Giant vs. Rey Mysterio
Stan Hansen vs. Rob Van Dam

Los Angeles

Bruiser Brody vs. Jake Robers
Randy Orton vs. Steve Austin

Again I'll just update this as more results come in.
Goldust was great as IC Champion, back when it actually mattered; I don't see why he couldn't be one of the top 32.
The Natural Dustin Rhodes was fuckin' awesome. War Games bitch.

Yeah, great first round. Didn't post in all of the match ups because there were just SO MANY and I was swamped this week with shit so yeah. Definitely voting and posting in every matchup next round.
Yeah, not really sure why Dustin isn't getting any love. He didn't have the personality of his Father.. but he had about twice the talent.

And when Goldust came along, all that talent found its way into quite possibly one of the BEST gimmicks of its time. Such a shame the original character isn't still going today.. its just a shell of its former self.
Goldus. . . Dustin Rhodes beat King Kong Bundy?

I didnt think the forum would rally that badly against the fat guys
The only result I'm disappointed with here is Batista's dominating win over Sid Vicious. Sid should have won, but even if he didn't, it should have been a much closer vote.

I mean, what could people possibly use to justify Batista over Sid?

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