Commentary On Raw Last Night During The Santino/Swagger Match


Wise Guy
Jerry Lawler & Micheal Cole might be on to something. Turn them both into smartasses and they might be as entertaining as Heenan & Monsoon. These guys were really getting on a roll in the commentary during this match.

Skip ahead to about 5:30 into the video and just listen to them. I could really get behind this kind of team of King Cole.

I can't get over King saying: "If JR had been on the Titanic, the iceberg would've sunk."

By far the most enjoyable commentary I've heard in ages and ages.


I wonder how many other people really enjoyed listening to their commentary?
And if it gets over, I would really hope they'd do more of this kind of commentary too. I really don't like listening to these two bicker endlessly and I haven't heard Lawler this animated since the attitude era.
So you thought that was entertaining? The WWE goes out of its way to tell us how awful bullying is, then they spend an entire match making fat jokes. How clever. The commentary on both Raw & Smackdown is just another example of how awful the current product is, & I'm sure that many people watch Raw with their TVs muted. I know I do.
Jerry Lawler & Micheal Cole might be on to something. Turn them both into smartasses and they might be as entertaining as Heenan & Monsoon. These guys were really getting on a roll in the commentary during this match.

Skip ahead to about 5:30 into the video and just listen to them. I could really get behind this kind of team of King Cole.

I can't get over King saying: "If JR had been on the Titanic, the iceberg would've sunk."

By far the most enjoyable commentary I've heard in ages and ages.


I wonder how many other people really enjoyed listening to their commentary?
And if it gets over, I would really hope they'd do more of this kind of commentary too. I really don't like listening to these two bicker endlessly and I haven't heard Lawler this animated since the attitude era.

i really hope your being sarcastic because i found the commentary nothing but annoying. the jr jokes are never funny and cole has always been a pain to listen to. id rather they talk about the wrestlers than themselves.
Cole is...well Cole and Lawler sound's like he just waking up every 5 minutes. Yet I can get past that in certain terms, but what I can't accept is the annoucers spending the entire match talking about EVERYTHING BUT THE DAMN MATCH!!! It's distracting when two wrestlers are busting their ass trying to tell me a story and Cole is blathering on about his own personal bullshit. While people shit on Booker T, he at least keeps focused on the match at hand and even gets Cole to STFU and get back to calling the match. Why on earth is Matt Striker backstage and Cole making my ears bleed?
RicoLen I agree with you and mentioned it in my Raw aftermath post. Lawler was great last night, he seemed to revert back to his old self and I really enjoyed it. Cole was great too for the most part..I thought they worked really well together. The JR jokes were funny, I can't stand all these whiter than white, PC gone made, up on a high horse, attitudes that some people have... so they used a few fat jokes, big deal. They were used in context to poke fun at JR not obese people in general. I hope they keep it up because they seemed to allow themselves a little more freedom and came across as having a little more fun than usual.

I would agree with perhaps throwing in more move names and actual comments on the matches fromm time to time though.
2 things
1) WAH WAH WAH WWE will never be as good as it was in the past, it's shit, all my ideas are better, everyone today sucks. Cole is annoying despite being over, King is old and stupid. I want commentators to be Heenan or to be sporty.

2) I've enjoyed the commentary of cole for a long time now. He's a good heel commentator and is funny because he gets pro wrestling. King usually sucks and has old jokes and comes across as a 50 year old trying to look 15 (which Cole makes fun of, "the one night of the year it's okay to dress up you don't"-from halloween). However, King can hold his own if he needs to and once he updates his jokes, it works. Cole is pretty amazing though. He's subtle and I think his jokes are probably too smart for most of you to get. He makes fun of how most divas are too old for King and he makes fun of guys for being bad entertainers.

One of these comments is rational and makes sense and is something that could actually be argued. The other is a bitchy, irrational, nostalgia/opinion-driven rant that is only backed up by more nostalgia and opinions.
Let me start off by saying that I'm a fan of Lawlers commentary. A lot of people hate on Cole, but he gets the job done at the booth. Granted, he talks about a lot of trivial stuff, but he's always the first one to correct Booker T when he calls a move wrong.

However, making fun of Jim Ross is getting old. It was old when it was just Cole doing it, and it's still old with Lawler doing it as well. I know it's all storyline banter, but Ross does commentory. He's already 90% of the show, he's our narrator. We don't need our storyTELLER to have his own story.

They just need to get back to basics and start calling wrestling matches. That's what they're paid to do.
I actually thought for the first time in a while on Raw commentary that their banter with each other didn't seem forced. It was good to see them actually have a conversation without King crying about something Cole said. Hope they can keep up like this as the author sai.
The only thing I enjoyed from that commentary was Lawler making the pig joke about Vicky and making Cole laugh so much he actually snorted! THAT was funny, but ripping into JR is just annoying.
i don't really care about the jokes they do on the program, but the thing that makes me upset about this is that sometimes and in some matches, they don't even call one move, they spend the entire match talking about crap, i get that cole is heel, but in the end he is the play by play guy, he needs to recognise the damn moves, the important ones at least, but sometimes he only rants and say "wow" and nothing more...
Absolutely not.... Raw Comentairy is terrible.

William Regal, Matt Stryker, Josh Mathiews, Jim Ross.....and ofcourse....he is growing on me BOOKER T are all bareable on the commentairy.... Its a damn shame CM punk is such a good wrestler because his Commentairy was awesome!

Michael Cole needs to get off my damn telivision.... and the king isnt doing it for me anymore ither.
I thought the opposite. It highlighted everything wrong with commentary.

If Cole/King want a comedy slot on where they "review" old matches in heinsight and do their tomfoolery over the top - fine. But NOT at the expense of everyone on the roster.

It's completely counter-productive.

Tell me, what benefit do those in the ring get out of the commentators trying to get themselves over?

How are the commentators helping tell a story or helping the development of character?

There's two pretty straight-forward answers to those rhetorical questions.

The hate on Cole himself is silly. He's a decent commentator.
The thing is, he's following the directions that he's given. Why do he keep talking about off-topic issues instead of doing play-by-play? Because that's what he's being instructed to do, I strongly believe.

So the problem here isn't who's on commentary. Is the direction that the WWE production wants to take regarding commentary.

Anyway, personally, it doesn't annoy me nearly as much as most people here seem to be annoyed. Though I'd love to get some more commentary on the actual match and on the feuds of the wrestlers on it.
I've always liked the idea that if there's two guys doing commentary, each one has their own agenda. Usually this means that there's a straight man to call the match, and a color commenter to add in some comic relief or witty remarks. If we have two people calling the match we get the type of commentary you find on old backyard wrestling tapes. If you have two color guys, it becomes a comedy routine. One evens the other out, which is why JR and the King were a successful team, just like Monsoon and Heenan. All credit due to Joey Styles for trying to do both, I'm sure it wasn't easy and he held in there for years.
Lets look at the joke here:

"If JR had been on the Titanic, the iceberg would've sunk."

We know that the Iceberg sunk the Titanic that is fact. Most see this as a crack on JR but I dont see it that way.

The Iceberg would have sunk...think about this...JR is tougher than the titanic and the iceberg. JR can kick an Icebergs ass where the Titanic couldnt.

Remember Cole is bragging about beating JR and how he is weak King comes out with this comment. Tells me that in an odd way King is saying Cole he is tougher than you give him credit for.

I know many wont agree because anytime JR is mentioned people just instantly think BULLY BULLY BULLY and Fat Jokes.

As far as Fat jokes have you ever seen Gabriel Eglasies (sp) he is a large comic and his whole show is fat jokes...Hey Ese how you get in that car holmes with a shoe horn?

There are stages in fatness
and OH HELL NO!!
they both SUCK now.
i feel they have been doing NOTHING to help promote the product and the in ring work .. actually i feel that both of themhave been truly Hurtin the SuperStars.. and i dont mean in the right way as if cole being a heel is supposed to get me to disagree with him and hate him but hes doin it the wrong way

cole needs to actively become a manager right away.. if WWE had less outside wrestling suits, they would do the right thing and put & pay VENTURA or PIPER or sum1 talented to sit in the "gorilla/ Vinbce" spot then a cocky heel to sit in the "ventura/heenan" spot..

its so simple. if u have wwe 24/7 on cable.. under TVCLASSICS watch PrimeTime Wrestling.. a new episode from June 89 was just uploaded yesterday.. it is WHAT professional Wrestling announcing should be.. or go watch any Saturday Nights Main Event from 1990.. Vince & Jesse that rematch between savage & hulk w/ the champion boxer as the special guest ref... ventura and heenan knew how to make the viewer at home follow the story

uh im disgusted w/ it.
Im personally a fan of Cole, I love his heel commentator persona and whilst I wouldnt argue he can reach the heights of commentary like JR, I do think he offers much more in mid card and lower card fights, where-as JR only tends to be really good for the big events (and mainly with Stone Cold it must be said). As for that particular bit, I loved it, Cole and Jerry are brilliant when they arent bickering with each other. Jerry's comment on the pic calling attracting Vicky had me in stitches and by the sounds of it had Cole laughing as well. More of that please, its far better than the commentary of 6 months ago with the ridiculous feud.
have to agree with the haters atm.

There's too much of Cole having a go at Lawler and JR and not enough commentating on the actual action, you know that thing they're there to do.

Cole is no Heenan or Ventura he should stop trying to be, he's worthless.
hell even JBL was more entertaining now.

and what's even worse he flip flops ever few mins, one minute he's being an ass and the next they are joking around with each other. WTF pick an alignment and stick with it.

Still nothing can be as bad as Tazz or Booker T on commentry.
michael cole is a genius! jerry lawlers cena ass kissoing face routine needs to stop! he need to be the funny heel commentator again
Seriously guys what are you complaining about? King/Cole were great during this match. JR/King didn't always call the matches they sometimes got off topic for a couple of minutes and then got back to the match. What's the problem with the announcers making it seem like they aren't just reading junk from a teleprompter/script? I loved the pig part. You could hear both guys trying to suppress their laughter. Was quite a refreshing break from the usual boring commentary they perform. If Cole/King continue like this I won't have a problem with their announcing. It's nice to see them lighten up the wrestling commentary and allow for some of us to get a laugh during the match.

"stop doing that here comes Vickie" nearly made me fall out of my chair because Vickie has done a great job at losing weight and she is starting to look better. I'm not saying I'd hit that but from where she was a year or so ago, you can clearly see a big difference.
Cole is...well Cole and Lawler sound's like he just waking up every 5 minutes. Yet I can get past that in certain terms, but what I can't accept is the annoucers spending the entire match talking about EVERYTHING BUT THE DAMN MATCH!!! It's distracting when two wrestlers are busting their ass trying to tell me a story and Cole is blathering on about his own personal bullshit. While people shit on Booker T, he at least keeps focused on the match at hand and even gets Cole to STFU and get back to calling the match. Why on earth is Matt Striker backstage and Cole making my ears bleed?

This is what I don't like about these two alone. Don't get me wrong, I love Lawler and Cole can be annoying (which is what he's supposed to do as a heel commentator.) But they seem too often to focus on everything but the match at hand. Booker has come a long way in my eyes from when he first started, and I enjoy when he's talking.

Let me start off by saying that I'm a fan of Lawlers commentary. A lot of people hate on Cole, but he gets the job done at the booth. Granted, he talks about a lot of trivial stuff, but he's always the first one to correct Booker T when he calls a move wrong.

What's funny about that is, Cole sometimes calls out the wrong names as well. During Nattie and Alicia's match, I double facepalmed when he called the Boston Crab the Sharpshooter.
This is what I don't like about these two alone. Don't get me wrong, I love Lawler and Cole can be annoying (which is what he's supposed to do as a heel commentator.) But they seem too often to focus on everything but the match at hand. Booker has come a long way in my eyes from when he first started, and I enjoy when he's talking.

What's funny about that is, Cole sometimes calls out the wrong names as well. During Nattie and Alicia's match, I double facepalmed when he called the Boston Crab the Sharpshooter.
I double facepalmed when you didn't get Cole's character. He ISN'T SUPPOSED TO KNOW THE MOVES, THIS ISN'T A FUCKING SPORT, IT'S ENTERTAINMENT, HE'S A CHARACTER. His character is this selfish smarmy little prick who is so wrapped up in himself and being trendy that he doesn't care enough to call moves the real names.

Why is it such a big deal that Cole calls moves the wrong name? He's a heel who doesn't really care about that wrestling stuff (it's part of why he's a heel) so why in god's name would he call them the right names? that's what Lawler is supposed to be there to correct.

Why can't people think outside the box of "pro wrestling is serious business" and realize it's entertainment and everyone is a character?
Okay, so you've completely missed the point I was making.

Never did I say it was a big deal at all. My point is, it's funny (i.e. ironic) that he criticizes Booker everytime he calls the wrong name and then he turns around and does the same thing. What makes you think we don't realize he's a character, playing a part? We're not idiots, nor are we so consumed in the acting itself that we don't see what's going on.

And let me take this time to point out your contradiction. If he's "a heel who doesn't really care about that wrestling stuff," then why does he constantly get on Booker's case when he's wrong?
I almost forgot I made this thread.

Yeah I'm serious when I said I liked the commentary on that match. It was the first time in ages that the commentary made me laugh out loud. The ribbing Lawler gave Ross was great IMO. Suddenly Cole didn't seem like such an ass simply because King had him snorting like a pig himself at his pig joke.

Everyone gets their panties in a wad about commentators not calling the play by play religiously but when JR did that it was the first step towards boring commentary. Monsoon wasn't a neutral play by play caller, he was a pro-face foil to Heenan, who was a slightly racist loon.

No one complains about Heenan nor Monsoon at commentary, despite the fact that there were several matches where they had their own completely entertaining conversation going that was only secondarily connected to the match at hand, and frequently talking about a match from earlier in the card.

People need to be more objective and keep in mind that really the only problem in the commentary right now is that there isn't a verbal foil to Cole right now so he runs rampant making everyone around him look stupid.
well I really came across the fact along time ago that it's not the guys who are repeatedly in the main event but the commentating that sucks the most in the WWE.

Seriously how can you have your top show called by someone like lawler? He recently even said he doesn't like to be a commentator. He sounds like an old lady and makes these ridiculous fat jokes all the time. And Cole is doing a good job as a heel but he doesn't even call matches sometimes, and hardly knows any of the moves wrestlers do. announcers should not be the main focus of the show, they should call matches and not talk about crap like JR's fat and about divas underwear for example. It's almost or is as bad as WCW's.

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