Comment on this one please.

The point is, KB, if you think it's wrong to do what the other poster did against you, inviting the same kind of "retribution" through a thread such as this is somewhat counter-productive.

Besides, I'd much rather you spend more time over in the "Why Hasn't Hogan/Flair Ever Felt Epic?" thread, where I just posted a response. If we all focused on more interesting, entertaining fare and worried less about people who can't play nice, we'd probably all be much happier.
It probably wasn't the best thing to do, but that pissed me off. How would you like someone blasting something you made like that and not even saying a damn thing about it other than "oh look at this guy with him big ego thinking he knows everything." I'm sorry but if someone is going to be all bitchy like that over someone trying to do something productive here then they deserve such a thread.
I disagree. People do it all the time here, it seems, so this place would be clogged with "asshole threads" if we did it everytime.

Anyway, the fact that we can agree to disagree on this one aside, go back over and weigh in on the "Hogan/Flair" thread and the one about whether Hogan's Intentions for TNA are good. I'm interested in your thoughts on the points I've made.
All of what you say is true, but as far as the media relations issues go, Hogan isn't there to talk about TNA but rather his book. he's there representing himself and not TNA. Now it wouldn't be bad to throw in a plug about TNA, but at the same time this is about his book, not the company. You're not going to see McGuinness on a radio show or something because he signed with TNA. It's about the book, not the company, so I don't think he's failing them as much as the fans here are overestimating TNA's importance to Hogan.
Hogan is signed on as a TNA employee now, so his every move should be with that fact in mind. ESPECIALLY since he will be positioned very shortly (almost guaranteed) as a "face of TNA." From the perspective of a media industry professional, TNA should be harnessing as much possible exposure from Hogan's current PR tour as possible.
Yeah, but these appearences were set up before the announcement was made. The shows booked him for the book, not TNA.
I kind of agree with a little about what KB and PEP are saying about Hogan not promoting TNA. But at least he's mentioning them in his interviews which is more promotion/advertising than TNA has probably gotten. Honestly, a bunch of people still watch Larry Kind live and all of the other shows that Hogan has been appearing in, so just saying he went to TNA will intrigue people and make them check out the show.

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