Comment on this one please.


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
From my Little History Lesson thread.

What a fucking ego??? Why bother reading anything when our man KB here seems to have all the answers. You would think he was there when this all went down, no? No, judging by his age he would have been at school, or should have been at school when WCW closed. Was there a business class focusing on WCW? No. NO NO NO NO NO!

I don't have any strong beliefs on this subject I just think that human beings don't deserve this 'matter of fact' bullshit!! YOU SIR KNOW NOTHING!

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What a fucking ego??? Why bother reading anything when our man KB here seems to have all the answers. You would think he was there when this all went down, no? No, judging by his age he would have been at school, or should have been at school when WCW closed. Was there a business class focusing on WCW? No. NO NO NO NO NO!

I don't have any strong beliefs on this subject I just think that human beings don't deserve this 'matter of fact' bullshit!! YOU SIR KNOW NOTHING!


KB has forgotten more about old school wrestling than you'll ever know, kid. Was he around for most of it? No. But have you ever heard of that lovely invention called a "DVD Player"? They've been around for a while, you should check into it.

As for the "ego" you seem to find with him, if you'd actually pay attention, you'd notice that he's just talking about something he loves in a passionate and informed manner. Since when is that ego?

Seriously, if you spent as much time listening as you do finding fault, you might learn something.
Actually I'm going to have to delete that for spam Dex. i meant just in here but I didn't make that clear I guess. My fault on that one.
Alright KB, sorry about that. I'll paste my post from there on here for posterity because I like it.

*edit* oh, i'm stupid. you already did. My bad. Wow, I suck today.
This is one of the things I never really liked about the bar room :( I don't mean to offend you Klunderbunker or seem to condone a personal attack made on you, but I have never liked the way some posters here draw attention to disagreements they are having with posters on other sections of the site. Dexter's responce is a prime example of what this can cause (even though his was much calmer than it could have been or others have been in the past).

In my fairly lowly opinion this disagreement should stay between those in the thread and people involved shouldn't post here to get their allies to march in on their side and attack their opposition.
I was young when it happened...But still old enough to have a brain and know what was happening...
This is one of the things I never really liked about the bar room :( I don't mean to offend you Klunderbunker or seem to condone a personal attack made on you, but I have never liked the way some posters here draw attention to disagreements they are having with posters on other sections of the site. Dexter's responce is a prime example of what this can cause (even though his was much calmer than it could have been or others have been in the past).

In my fairly lowly opinion this disagreement should stay between those in the thread and people involved shouldn't post here to get their allies to march in on their side and attack their opposition.

Like KB said, this is the only place someone can make a retort without violating the spam rules. I suppose there's always the option of just ignoring it and letting it go without comment but why should we if we don't have to? That's, among other things, what the Bar Room is for. We support each other and when some random tool like that guy comes along and says something stupid, we blow off a little steam by joking about it here.

I don't really see the harm.
This is one of the things I never really liked about the bar room :( I don't mean to offend you Klunderbunker or seem to condone a personal attack made on you, but I have never liked the way some posters here draw attention to disagreements they are having with posters on other sections of the site. Dexter's responce is a prime example of what this can cause (even though his was much calmer than it could have been or others have been in the past).

In my fairly lowly opinion this disagreement should stay between those in the thread and people involved shouldn't post here to get their allies to march in on their side and attack their opposition.

Wow, that's a ballsy -- and, in my opinion, dead on -- posting. Obviously, it's probably going to be far from the general concensus, which is why I say it's "ballsy."

It's bad enough when people resort to name-calling in threads. When I was reading these forums for quite a while, well before signing up to post here, that always made me uncomfortable. To repost those kinds of comments and build an entire thread around those just seems to blow them further out of proportion. It also unnecessarily (in my mind) incites others to join into the back-and-forth.

Even though a few have defended it saying this is the only way to address those things without getting a spam violation, that ruling was probably established for a reason. Really, what's the point of building up allies/calling others to action against that guy? Seriously, what good does it do?
I'm not building up allies. It simply amuses me that someone would say this about anyone and thought it would get a laugh out of people. The thread this was made in simply to educate people on something and explain it to them, and this is what someone decides to say about it? I'd hardly say i was doing any harm in making the original one.
What's the point of building up allies/calling others to action against that guy? Seriously, what good does it do?

It just shows a little solidarity. Some of us spend a lot of time on here... probably more than we should honestly. Consequently, it's a pretty close knit group and we support one another.
It just shows a little solidarity. Some of us spend a lot of time on here... probably more than we should honestly. Consequently, it's a pretty close knit group and we support one another.

I'm not looking for support. This was meant to be something like this: "So, I do something to try to give people some insight to something they seem to be misled about and I'm insulted for it? Well, since according to you it's ok to be a prick about something you just don't agree with, here you are."
It just shows a little solidarity. Some of us spend a lot of time on here... probably more than we should honestly. Consequently, it's a pretty close knit group and we support one another.

This is where I have to assume it's simply an age thing. I'm (quite a bit) older, so I would just see something like that posting, shake my head, and keep on moving. I don't really need my buddies to tell me that I'm not [insert whatever someone else says about me here]. When I was a little younger, though, I am almost certain I would have said that.
I'm not looking for support. This was meant to be something like this: "So, I do something to try to give people some insight to something they seem to be misled about and I'm insulted for it? Well, since according to you it's ok to be a prick about something you just don't agree with, here you are."

It's ok KB, you don't have to say it. We know you need us. ;)
I'm not looking for support. This was meant to be something like this: "So, I do something to try to give people some insight to something they seem to be misled about and I'm insulted for it? Well, since according to you it's ok to be a prick about something you just don't agree with, here you are."

Oh, you did it to be spiteful. Well, now that makes more sense. At least it's a bona fide (if somewhat questionable) reason. I can totally accept it, especially since you knew in advance how it might well be perceived by others.
If he had simply disagreed with me or done something the way you're doing it now, this thread wouldn't exist. I have zero issue with someone calling me out. I have a BIG issue with people being jerks about something for no apparent reason (and no, I'm not innocent on that either).
No, something I have seen time and time again in these forums is how some people make discussions which really have absolutely nothing to do with that person very personal. You and I can completely disagree about who would win the Road Warriors vs. Brain Busters match-up in another forum, but the reality is, your decision doesn't have anything to do with me. As a result, why on earth would I start calling you names if I can't make you see eye-to-eye with me?

Some people don't get that concept. It seems to be that they have an inordinately large ego, meaning they think that everything does, in fact, in some way, revolve around them. I've been there myself, but I like to think I've grown beyond that these days. At least I hope I have.

I guess the proof will be whether or not I start calling someone an "a$$hole" when I can't make him agree with me as to whether or not Goldberg was Under- or Over-Rated.
I have nothing against bar room solidarity, or posters here becoming good friends Dexter. My problem with this kind of thread is that it invites personal attacks to be made on the opposition poster- which is what it actually did in your case- and has been done with great amounts of vitriol in the past. I just don't agree with posters making these kind of attacks on others when they weren't personally involved simply becuase someone else asked them too. Especially when this other person has no shortage of allies and the opposition poster is doubtfull to have any. It just doesn't seem right to me :(

I understand what you mean Klunderbunker by putting it here in a no spam zone so people can say what they wish, but this kind of thing can give off the impression that someone isn't welcome and invites people to make personal insults. I know there is a long tradition of that kind of thing here- but its not something I really like to see.
While that's true on the personal attack thing, note that I didn't say attack him or even who he was (granted it's not like it would have been hard to find). I also didn't insult him, but said I didn't like what he was saying as I thought it was disrespectful.

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