Coming Attractions: Obscuro Edition

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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I'm only interested in about two Hollywood films coming out this summer, and I need some place to channel my impulsive need to uncover new films that look kick-ass. Therefore, this thread is to share and discuss upcoming films that will more than likely not have trailers at your local cinema or network spots. Now, I might add a few films in here that I've already seen but that have yet to get either a wide-theatrical release or an American DVD release; if I do this, then it's because I highly recommend that you check the film out.

The format of the thread will be the same as the Coming Attractions, which is geared towards mainstream films. All right, let's start things off. Here's a film I'm highly looking forward to:


Release Date: TBD (Released 21 May 2010 in the UK)



Synopsis (from imdb): Jamie Morgan's life has always been blighted by the large, heart-shaped birthmark on his face. He lives in an urban world dominated by a terrifying gang culture, whose random violence has convinced Jamie that the world is meaningless and ugly. But then Jamie meets someone who tells him the truth. The violence is not random. It's far from chaotic. There is a reason for everything. Once Jamie accepts this the world reveals itself as a thing of great beauty, and that's when his real nightmare starts.

tdigle's Take: When I think of Philip Ridley, two other people come to mind: Clive Barker and Tarsem Singh. Like these men, Ridley is just as morbidly imaginative, and Heartless looks like it will deliver the goods just as Ridley's cult-classic, The Reflecting Skin, did in 1990. For those of you in the UK who have already had the chance to see this film, I look forward to hearing your thoughts; regardless, I eagerly anticipate this film's release in the US.
Notre Jour Viendra (Our Day Will Come)

Release Date: TBD (Has a September release date in France.)

Poster (Teaser trailer has nudity; it's available on youtube, though.)


Synopsis: Not much is known about Notre Jour Viendra at this point. It seems to be about a red-haired young man (Olivier Barthelemy) hated by everyone (including his family), save for his therapist (Vince Cassel). In the hopes of fitting in, they leave for Ireland, the land of gingers. Unfortunately, though, hatred, self-destruction, and excessive violence follow them.

tdigle's Take: WOW! The teaser trailer for this film is only a minute long, but, after viewing it, I don't think I have ever wanted to see a film so bad. Besides starring one of France's greatest living actors and another Frenchman whose rise to stardom is imminent, Notre Jour Viendra is Romain Gavra's non-documentary film directorial debut. Son of legendary Greek filmmaker Costa Gavras, I have so far been nothing less than very impressed by Romain's work (watch the video for MIA's Born Free, and I guarantee that you'll have no other choice but to agree). Damn, I can't wait for this movie!
Notre Jour Viendra (Our Day Will Come)

Release Date: TBD (Has a September release date in France.)

Poster (Teaser trailer has nudity; it's available on youtube, though.)


tdigle's Take: WOW! The teaser trailer for this film is only a minute long, but, after viewing it, I don't think I have ever wanted to see a film so bad. Besides starring one of France's greatest living actors and another Frenchman whose rise to stardom is imminent, Notre Jour Viendra is Romain Gavra's non-documentary film directorial debut. Son of legendary Greek filmmaker Costa Gavras, I have so far been nothing less than very impressed by Romain's work (watch the video for MIA's Born Free, and I guarantee that you'll have no other choice but to agree). Damn, I can't wait for this movie!

This movie looks amazing, man. Seriously, I don't know what it was about the trailer but it really pulled me in. Maybe it was my odd love/fascination with Vincent Cassel which I can attribute to you, Tdigs. Point is, when this movie gets released I really want to get my hands on a copy of it because it looks phenomenal and I really hope it lives up to the expectations that I know have for it.
Notre Jour Viendra (Our Day Will Come)

Release Date: TBD (Has a September release date in France.)

Poster (Teaser trailer has nudity; it's available on youtube, though.)


tdigle's Take: WOW! The teaser trailer for this film is only a minute long, but, after viewing it, I don't think I have ever wanted to see a film so bad. Besides starring one of France's greatest living actors and another Frenchman whose rise to stardom is imminent, Notre Jour Viendra is Romain Gavra's non-documentary film directorial debut. Son of legendary Greek filmmaker Costa Gavras, I have so far been nothing less than very impressed by Romain's work (watch the video for MIA's Born Free, and I guarantee that you'll have no other choice but to agree). Damn, I can't wait for this movie!

This looks amazing, Tdigs. It's a short trailer, but still, the films looks very fascinating. It's a shame that movies like this usually don't get released in US movie theaters, and if they do, there's a good chance that they won't be around for too long. Films like this tend to be gems, because the stories and writing behind them can be gold. If this one doesn't hit theaters here, then I'll have to see it when it comes to DVD.
Heartless is great, got a as-good-as-you're-going-to-get-off-Jake score of 8/10. Tdigle, I'd lend it to you if only you lived in the same house as me, alas it's not going to happen. Easily one of my top three films of the year so far, but that top 3 also includes The Lovely Bones, so it might not be the best way to gauge how good this film is.

I haven't seen any other Philip Ridley films, I believe one if on it's way to me from Canada as we speak. Is my DVD player compatible with Canadian DVDs? Dunno, I'll get back to you.

Release Date: TBD (Will be released in Spain sometime soon.)


Synopsis: Joana Prats suffers from agnosia, a strange neuropsychological illness that affects her perception. Although her eyes and ears are in perfect condition, her brain cannot interpret the stimuli she receives through them. As the only one who knows the industrial secret left behind by her father, the enigmatic young girl will become the victim of a sinister plan to get the information out of her by taking advantage of her sensory confusion. As the plot unfolds, the two men closest to her will become crucial to its outcome: Carles, Joana´s fiancé and her father´s right-hand man, and Vicent, a young, impulsive servant working at the Prats mansion.

tdigle's Take: Hmm...well, the cinematography and production design look absolutely gorgeous, but I'm a bit hesitant at this point. My hesitation stems from an earlier experience with the Hungarian film Taxidermia. Like Agnosia, its trailer was just as visually stunning and intriguing, but it turned out to be a huge disappointment when I finally imported its French DVD release.

That being said, Agnosia does have two additional things going for it. One, it's penned by Antonio Trashorras, the writer behind Guillermo Del Toro's The Devil's Backbone, and two, one of its executive producers is Álvaro Augustín, one of the men behind The Orphanage and Pan's Labyrinth.

So, my interest has been piqued; I'm not chomping at the bit to see this film, but I will definitely check it out when it hits America's shores.
UPDATE on Notre Jour Viendra

So, there's a full-length, un-subbed trailer now available on youtube. I can't link it, as there is some brief nudity, but you can find the trailer by typing the following into youtube's search option: "NOTRE JOUR VIENDRA - bande annonce". Also, it's been rumored that the film will be released in the US under the title "Redheads." Yeah, I know it's a shit name, but it's the film that counts.

Also, Notre Jour Viendra's director, Romain Gavras, may or may not be part of Kourtrajme Productions, a French-film company/filmmaker group whose first full-length feature effort was Kim Chapiron's Sheitan. If this is true, then the New Extremity isn't the only thing that's great about France today.
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