Comics... The Best First Issues?

Danger Burger

Thread Killer
As far as my searches go, this does not already exist.

All y'all comics readers out there listen up... Please.

Some comics are better than others, that would be a ridiculous thing to try
and discuss. Often, the first issue of a comic can make or break the entire
run. Some fail. Others blow chunks of heaven from each small box on the
page. I think it would be nice to discuss these, even for a short while.

In classic tread writing style i will "start the ball rolling" (not "start the
ball-rolling") and throw out a one or a two that come to mind!! Be
forewarned that I have no clue if my ability to add images will work yet or

#1- Human Target (1999)


This baby is a beauty. I got it after seeing the TV show (which i assume was
a prequel to boston legal... No?) and was pleasantly surprised that it was
entirely different.

The premise is simple and ridiculous. The main character is a master of
mimicry and disguise. People want you dead? You hire this guy to be you and
draw in the killers for some good old fashioned 'Karate' or whatevers for

Go. Read it. I dare you.

#1- Miracleman (Alan Moore)

Possibly the best numero uno ive ever read. I never expected the images to
appear, especially not the that size, but i hope it confirms the gravity of this
thread. We all know Alan Moore is good (at everything but pornography it
seems). This is another stellar masterpeice. It journeys through styles and
time explaining the character of Miracleman (now known as courtroom man)
and theres not much i can say about this that you wont discover on your
own... If you dare. And just incase you dont dare... I dare you to!

Maybe a little change in tone is due??

#1- Deadpool (1997)

As far as i know Deadpool is the man. If you dont know that... Heres a
decent place to start (after the two previous mini-series of course.) This
issue gets every little thing right straight off the bat. We get the characters,
their motivations, their situations, lots of killing, lots of jokes and more fourth
wall breaking than when superman punched reality. Its good. Abandon all
hope, ye who enter deadpool. And do please enter.

Thats me done for now. The trouble of liking number ones is often that you
keep reading. Strangely enough though, deadpool is the only here i have
contunued with thusfar.

Let me have it people. Your thoughts, opinions, and personal favourites??
You stole Deadpool! Hell with it, I'm still saying Deadpool. That book was the first time I ever read that type of humor in anything. Also, the violence pissed my mother off, so that made it even better. Great artwork and awesome sense of mood and style. Loved that book and that's why it's my choice.

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