College Football Spring Practice Thread.


Dark Match Winner
List what your team is, 3 things you are keeping your eye on, and the player you are keeping your eye on.

I'll start.

My team: Notre Dame Fighting Irish,

3 things:

1. How will the 5 early enrolled freshmen adapt to playing at a higher level. (Everett Golson QB, Aaron Lynch DE, Kyle Brindza K, Brad Carrico OL, Ishaq Williams OLB). Besides Carrico who has to gain weight and muscle to play at OL. The 2 5 stars Aaron Lynch and Ishaq Williams are expected to get significant playing time and I want to make sure I believe the hype. Kyle Bridza is expected to compete for the punter job and can hopefully add much needed net yards. Everett Golson is a dual threat QB that is competing for the QB position with a returning Dayne Crist, Tommy Rees, and Andrew Hendrix.

2. That brings me to my second point the QB completion. There is really a 3 way battle for the QB position at this point as Golson likely won't start but can be used in a Tebow-Esque way. Dayne Crist was the starter last year for the first 9 games and he then tore his Patella tendon. Crist is the most experiences and has the ability to scramble if he is in trouble. However Crist is very injury prone and has had his last two seasons cut down due to two different leg injuries. Tommy Rees stepped in for Crist when he got hurt and went 4-0 as a freshman. However the Defense and running game stepped up too help ease the transition. He has the intangibles to be a good qb and lacks the physical tools. Andrew Hendrix is a qb that the coaching staff is raving about. He has a 4.7 40 and has a very fast pin point accurate release. I am interested to see which qb emerges out of this group.

3. Michael Floyd is one of the best wide outs in college football. However he will likely be suspended due to a DWI incident on Sunday night. Which wide receiver can step up. People expect it to be a 2 way battle between Deion Walker and Daniel Smith. Deion Walker is a senior who is a bust as he was highly recruited but it never translated on the field. Daniel Smith is a 6'4 Sophomore who many coaches are raving about. While you cannot replace a Floyd you need one of these wideouts to step up and fill the void.

Player to Watch: Deion Walker. In his final year at ND this once talked about highly rated recruit was expected to be a great WR. He was fast and tall. He now has to make sure he can comeback next year as he is a Senior with 1 year of eligibility left. The coaches have said he has made progress and has become more tough which was his one weakness. Hopefully this transfers to the field and he is able to comeback next year and be successful.
Oklahoma University.

Keeping my eyes on the

1. Defensive Backs.

2. Tail Back position.

3. More Wide Receivers stepping up to take the load off of Broyle.

Player that I am watching.

Laundry Jones: He has everything needs to lead a team to a national championship, but he just doesn't have the consistency.
University of Southern California

1. There's like a two way tie between that Defense and our injuries. We have so many injuries that it's depleted our roster at key positions. Lord knows we have every fucking QB in the country on our roster, I think there's like 6, but we don't have solid back ups at key positions like OT and DE. Monte Kiffin had better tighten up our defense this year, too.

2. The senior leaders on this team. We only had two upper classmen on our entire starting defensive roster last year and that inexperience showed with the absurd amount of personal foul penalties we had. Penalties in general. Leaders need to step up and handle the tempers of the younger players.

3. Development of our receivers. Now that Brice Butler, who happens to be a friend of mine, is leaving the university, we are one short at receiver. Woods is apparently injured as well. We didn't have a standout receiver last year. Johnson couldn't hang on to the ball to save his fucking life, ROCKY knows this better than anyone, he dropped the pass against ND that would have given us the lead. Someone needs to step up like Williams, Smith, and Jarrett did.

Player I am watching

Matt Barkley: We go as he goes, he had moments of brilliance last year and some duds. It's shit or get off the pot time, Matty, you've had more time as starter than anyone in USC history, in terms of being a true Freshman, and this is your Junior year. If he's gonna start to shine, I expect it to begin this year.
The University of Michigan

1. How is the team adapting to the more pro style offense coach Brady Hoke and offensive coordinator Al Borges are implementing?

2. Has the change back to a traditional defense worked, does it look like Michigan won't be the defensive joke of the NCAA (thanks for that, RichRod)

3. Has Michigan corrected its special teams problems to the point where I can expect them to do better than 4 of 14 in Field Goals?

Player: Obviously, this has to be Denard Robinson. How has he adapted to the new system, since he is the one that will be running it? Can he throw from under center? They will find ways to let him run, not worried about that...but will he be able to be an effective thrower when he isn't in the shotgun?
I hope USC rebounds back after the way the NCAA mistreated them, but i guess they were just trying to make them an example. Even as an OU fan, i think that USC got the crap treatment.

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