coincidents in TNA and WWE


So I just wanted to discuss something that's not usually talked about. And that's coincedentses in WWE and TNA,

I was just thinking about last year and how bully ray and the rock created the caalvzilla thing. And then I realized they are both world champs now.

And the biggest coincedents' that Wwe and Tna share.

Aj styles and John cena.

Boith debuted for there companies in 2002.
Both of them started out as heels but then became great babyfaces.
Both of them are the biggest face of their respeced companies.
Both of them have a triangle love angle in 2012, and end up getting screwed by the chick.

Both of them have stated and is said by fans that 2012 has been the worst year of there careers

Now that its 2013 both of them seem to be on a path to sucess. Cena is gonna beat rocky.

Aj is in a VERY tricky storyline, is he heel is he fface, is he aces 8 or the new sting?

So what eles coincidents are there
Well everything its like a big circle you have the aces and eights hmmmmm just like the shield.(even though they are made out to be like nwo but still the same story re used in the end) You also have team aries and roode hmmmmm just like team hell no. Storylines just get used by wwe or tna and then used by the other now tna is going on the road aswell just like wwe have been for years and by the looks of thing the ryback staryline is getting rehashed by tna aswell with rob terry. Want me to go on as there is plenty more examples
Love triangle isnt entrely how I would describe blackmail by psuedo-pregnant-junkies. But maybe thats just me. There was no triangle! Christ.


Some group has randomly appeared and taken out big names.
Theres a lacking distinct mid-card DESPITE talent in both companies.
Previous decades biggest stars are taking up serious amounts of tv time.
Nothing interesting ever happens.
And one of the ones that sticks out to me is the rise of Zack Ryder and the debut Robbie E. Both were ripping off Jersey Shore and both were late to the party.

Except Robbie was created as a Jersey Shore spin-off spoof character. Ryder on the other hand was just doing an over the top version of a typical twenties Long-Islander(the classic example of a wrestler being himself, just kicked-up a few notches), and he was doing the shtick pre-Jersey Shore. Ryder wasn't ripping anything off, WWE were the ones "late to the party" really displaying Ryder's character on TV, so it made it seem that way.

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