Cody Rhodes is amazing.

The Doctor

Great and Devious
Staff member
Super Moderator
So yeah, the dark match last night was Dashing vs. Seth Rollins. Rollins was pretty good, obviously had great in-ring skills, but didn't really play to the crowd very well. Cody, on the other hand, was incredible. This man has charisma oozing from every pore. He had the crowd in the palm of his hand the whole way through. It doesn't come across as well on television, I don't think. Live you can see all the little movements and expressions he does, all the pauses. He's going to be gigantic. I guess charisma is genetic for the Rhodes family.

I seriously can't praise Cody's performance enough. He was the real standout of that dark match.
Isn't Seth Rollins, Tyler Black?
Yeah. They announced him from Dayton, funnily enough. I suppose they wanted to make him seem like the hometown boy, and it worked. Crowd went bananas when they announced it and I could barely hear Roberts announce his name.

How was the entire show out of 10, Doc?

Live, a definite 10 from me. Got to see all of my favorite wrestlers and there were loads of good matches. Keep in mind this 10 encompasses the feeling of being there live, and having NXT, SD, and Superstars.
His real name is TYLER BLACK and they gave him Seth Rollins? WOW! That's as bad as Mcguillicutybuddy.

I'm glad Dashing's little nuances aren't going unnoticed. Something tells me he and Punk will have one memorable feud.
His real name is TYLER BLACK nad they gave him Seth Rollins, WOW! That's as bad as Mcguillicutybuddy.

Uh, no, his real name is Colby Lopez. Tyler Black is a name he put together from Fight club (Tyler Durden) and Harry Potter (Sirius Black).

Seth Rollins is a fine name. Easy to chant, unlike Kaval. Tried to get a Kaval chant going but no one could figure out how to do it :lmao:
Cody Rhodes is getting better every week. I love the hitting in the face thing.

On a side note, I didn't see your sign on NXT.
Cody Rhodes is getting better every week. I love the hitting in the face thing.

On a side note, I didn't see your sign on NXT.

I did. I saw it loads of times. I was at a great spot, got on camera a ton, and my "Make him tap" chant even spread across the arena and you could hear it.
I did. I saw it loads of times. I was at a great spot, got on camera a ton, and my "Make him tap" chant even spread across the arena and you could hear it.

Where were you? Right-side? I saw a couple of green ones. I heard the "make him tap" chant. Awesome!
Yeah, right-side if you face the Titantron, maybe four columns back. You could definitely see my sign. Out of focus, but it was there.

BUT ANYWAY, CODY RHODES. He was on Smackdown as well and ruled there.
How was the Trent Barretta/Curt Hawkins match? Reports say it was a good one.
Let's move this to the thread in the Cage so we don't accidentally spoil anything. This really was supposed to be about Cody.

I thought you were strictly anti chant Doc?

I'm anti-dumbass-chant. I'm completely PRO-chant if said chant is directed at the wrestler in question ("Make him tap", "let's go Kofi") and makes sense.
On the subject of Cody Rhodes, he is probably the best he has ever been. As a face he was a bit dull. With DiBiase he was pretty good and worked well in Legacy. But now he has hit a new level. He has taken what is one of the most used heel gimmicks and put a great spin on it.
Cody, on the other hand, was incredible. This man has charisma oozing from every pore.

I've heard that Doc has always been a big fan of the narcissists. He even lobbied for a Fatal 4-Way at the Royal Rumble involving:

Cody Rhodes vs. Rick Rude vs. Ric Martel vs. Lex Luger.

I'm pretty sure Cody could beat Rude. The others, I don't know.

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