Cody Rhodes in the ring


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Is anyone else here really enjoying Cody Rhodes in the ring as a face? I've always regarded him as very solid in the ring, in the top 10 overall but on the periphery, and he's had a couple of big performances in gimmick matches (MITB 2013, Royal Rumble 2012 & 2013, Survivor Series 2011) and singles matches too actually (Mysterio at WM27, Orton street fight on SD and on RAW this year) but he's always been heel and adopted an old school approach.

However, since turning face (inc. his antics at MITB) I've really enjoyed how dynamic his moveset has become and tbf I've always thought his overall moveset as a heel was pretty varied as well, but as a face it's ridiculous imo. The guy can do power moves, high-flying, striking, you name it. For a guy that has shown great psychology in the ring too, I must say I'm impressed. Anyone else feel this way?
yeah, he's good as a face...he was great as a heel intially with the mask gimmick, but lost so much steam and wasn't the focus of rhode scholars, so this is a nice change
I really enjoy cody rhodes as a face, manly cause cody is one of my fav wrestlers, cody rhodes is a fantastioc wrestler im hoping he'll get a major push very soon
I love Rhodes regardless of which way they have him take his character. He seems to adapt well to what is thrown his way. Yes, it at times takes a while, but he eventually finds his nitch and can make it work. Cody most def has the making to be a future world champs if the E uses him correctly.
I just think that Cody Rhodes should get a new theme song, this one is just to bizarre for him. He's a solid midcarder right now, he does have potential to be big, we all know he has and the way he portrays himself proves that. One thing I really like about Cody Rhodes is how he can take pieces of his father and his brother and put it in his arsenal, at the same time he takes pieces from Randy Orton and develops his own craft. He knows his wrestling history, he seems to be a great kid that people in the back actually respect, as of now, he's pretty much a young veteran.

Now will he step up? He's just to dependent of WWE's creative team right now, they are giving him the ball and he's running with it once more. He needs to get the crowd behind him again, so for it to happen, he needs to talk more - Cody Rhodes to me is a natural talker, his facial expressions are very good and his model lookalike his marketable to be put into a poster. As good as he can be inside the ring, specially in terms of psychology and storytelling, he still needs to develop his character. If you ask yourself: "Who is Cody Rhodes?" what will you get? We know he's a 2nd generation star that has had some success and that's it. He is on a mission now, he wants justice for what happened to him but that's it - what happens after they move on? What's is it to like about Cody Rhodes the wrestling persona? That should be his focal points in the near future, so to me, he needs to get away from the World Championship belt for now, only until he can get his pieces all tied in.

I would be really into a Cody Rhodes vs. Curtis Axel feud for the Intercontinental Championship after his sting with Damien Sandow for instance. Cody doesn't even need to win the belt, only to do something relevant and keep on developing who he is, until we ask for him to go after his former best friend.
I can not fault Codys in ring ability he is a gifted technical wrestler and at times is mesmerizing to watch the one problem I have with Cody being a face is that his face characters seem to lack more substance than when he was a heel...heel cody had more depth to him and felt more real where as face cody is just sort of there so to speak...i think if they just gave him a stronger more definitive character he would be fantastic

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