Cody Rhodes Mask?

I think they need to tweak it a little. Instead of drawing comparisons to Mankind, Cody should draw comparisons to the Phantom of the Opera. Paint the mask white, have him wrestle in a tuxedo, or have a tear-away tuxedo for him to wear. Hell, if Gerard Butler can be the Phantom, so can Cody.


I agree a lot with you here except I, personally would go for more of a Vega from Street Fighter look to his mask, and like Vega does he goes apeshit whenever someone damages his mask and absolutely dominates them.
Now before people think I am nitpicking or complaining, I am not. It's NOT a huge deal that he is wearing his regular attire again but I would prefer he kept on wearing the suit. Why? Think about it. Cody Rhodes has run with the ball ever since has draft to Smackdown. He managed to evolve his already terrific character.

He became this disfigured Cody Rhodes. Some calling him the American Psycho. Like a Phantom of the Opera or even Darth Rhodes. He does stand out with the towel and the mask but he would stand out even more IMO if he wore the suit and tie. Granted, I'm still a huge fan. I enjoy his ring work, his mic work, he has the total package outside of physique. I just think that going back to the regular attire is a step down in character development because I enjoyed the suit.

I just hope he keeps kicking ass and becomes the top mid carder in WWE and then starts main eventing, because he definitely has it.
The change in clothing might actually have to deal with the wrestling side of things. Cody does moves that require a lot of flexibility and the suit might limit that. So cody mght've gone back to the trunks due to comfortability in the ring.
I dont like Cody Rhodes gimmick right now, the guy is somehow better than this, he appeared on TV and have that "StarQuality thing"!!

I just hope that he gets back to his former gimmick or somehow desenvolve a improved Dashing gimmick!!

Well after the mask i just cant see Rhodes being a champion with that new gimmick!!
He should be awarded an Oscar for acting so well as Broken Cody Rhodes, however that thing shouldnt be like ManKind type of character, only for one specific time and then be Dashing again and fight for a contender spot at Fatal Four Away PPV, or whatever they call it now!!
I love what they are doing with Cody Rhodes and the whole dark psychotic character. The character has really made him stand out as a in ring performer also but there is one thing that annoys me, his mask. Why have a guy wear a clear mask and you can clearly see his face is fine when the story line is that his face is disfigured? Every time I see the damn thing I just think of when Trish "broke her nose" years ago and wore a mask like it for her nose. Just change the color of the mask or something and the damn guy will be a certain main event material talent without any distractions.
It is frustrating, but it's the only knock on the character.

For what his character is, it's silly that's is absolutely clear. Were it just a little transparent or pearlescent, it'd have a much better effect.
I love what they are doing with Cody Rhodes and the whole dark psychotic character. The character has really made him stand out as a in ring performer also but there is one thing that annoys me, his mask. Why have a guy wear a clear mask and you can clearly see his face is fine when the story line is that his face is disfigured? Every time I see the damn thing I just think of when Trish "broke her nose" years ago and wore a mask like it for her nose. Just change the color of the mask or something and the damn guy will be a certain main event material talent without any distractions.

I'm sure that part of the reason why they did not go with any sort of colored mask was due to the fact that Cody would have trouble seeing anything in his peripheral vision if it was colored... I don't have any experience personally in the ring with or without a mask, but after reading Chris Jericho's book where he was under the Super Liger mask and instantly had tons of problems in the ring due to the vision being blocked, I'm sure that it takes getting used to... The clear mask doesn't bother me and I take it as part of his persona... Yes he thinks he's deformed, but wears a clear mask.. clearly he's messed up... It's just another layer to who he "is."
I don't think it is that big of a deal. Cody in a recent interview claimed that his nose was actually broken and he went and visited the same doctor that gave Richard Hamilton (Pistons NBA star) his mask to protect his nose. Cody wanted something along that line. I actually don't have a problem with his mask. Sure it is clear, but it has a fog to it and makes Cody seem more disfigured. Despite the fact that you can see through it still portrays Cody to be uglier than he actually is. Plus it doesn't effect his character development and no matter what mask he has Cody is making it work and has been Smackdown's brightest star since the new year.
I actually like the mask the way it is. He don't really act like the mask is doing much hiding his face wise. He is always looking down talking to the ground during his promos and the light reflects it so you can't see his face anyway. adding colour to it would not suit Rhodes in any way.

Remember he was "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. We all know it wasn't really disfugured. But HE hated being hit in the face so Character wise even the slightest blemish on his face would mean Disfigured to him.

I fail to see how adding color would be the way to make him a legit Main eventer though...
His mask is a symbol of how Rey has affected Cody, mentally. He has been stripped of confidence and is now bitter. I for one love it and also its more a protective gear opposed to a mask which hides his 'deformities', which are all in his head.
I don't have a problem with the mask. It protects his face and, more importantly, it looks ugly, that's the point.

The only problem I do have with Cody is not so much with him as it is with the announcers.
Cody's face is FINE. Everyone can see that. He took off the mask at Wrestlemania and it confirmed what everybody already knew - there is nothing wrong whatsoever with his face. Obviously Cody's problem is of a mental nature, not a physical one.

So why don't the announcers acknowledge that? Why are they commenting as if Cody really has a disfigurement? Why can't they comment that this man is not disfigured, but crazy? It bugs me a little.
The whole point in the mask is that it's meant to make Rhodes look more psychotic. For one, it looks deeply sinister and it disfigures him. It also makes Rhodes seem mentally unstable in that we can see he's totally the same, but he doesn't believe that, so he has to wear his mask to keep the people out.
The mask is fine i think, but they could of done some make up to show him a little "off" in some areas as he has meant to of had surgery in this role
The clear mask is a very unique thing that we have not really seen anything like in a while. It's symbolic to Rey "disfiguring" his face due to Cody not even needing a mask. He does it anyway to get a reaction. He doesn't "need" a mask. He does not need to change the color of it. The fact that he doesn't need a mask, let alone a clear one, helps get him more heel heat because it annoys fans, so it's filling its purpose. I like that they are doing this, it adds more to his character.
The whole point in the mask is that it's meant to make Rhodes look more psychotic. For one, it looks deeply sinister and it disfigures him. It also makes Rhodes seem mentally unstable in that we can see he's totally the same, but he doesn't believe that, so he has to wear his mask to keep the people out.

Exactly! Thank god dude. Glad someone gets it.

The whole point of the mask is to show the fans that nothing is wrong ith Cody and all of this is in his head. It adds to the character he has. Cody is a perfectionist who thinks of himself in the highest regard, By us being able to see that nothing is wrong with him it leads us to believe that he may be legitimately crazy. I'm not sure if I have seen someone master a character this well in years. I've been a mark since day 1, and i'll be damned if cody will not be a top star in less than a year. He is in that dangerous Upper mid card area that can make or break you. Too bad he's gonna shatter the roof of that mother fucker.
I have mixed feelings on the mask, on one hand i like that it is legitimate, they actually use those masks for facial injuries like a broken nose. On another, i do not like how he hits people with a clear plastic mask and it so DEVASTATING it knocks out his opponent instantly. It is not believable at all, but i do like the dark psychopath personality he has now.
it never actually clicked to me that it was all in his head.... damn that makes it all even better! ive been praising him for weeks but also commenting that its a weak storyline considering you can see he isn't disfigured, but now that you tell me it was the point all along, i feel a little bit stupid now :(
The mask is excellent - we can see Cody's suffered no facial damage, as you guys say - and his "disfigurement" is all in his head. However, when the light hits his mask in a certain way ... woah. It completely changes the contours of his face, and for a split second, you look, you think, "wow, actually ... is his face fucked up?" It's just the lighting, but it'll drive you as insane as Rhodes thinking about it.

As for him doing the character well, he carries it off so perfectly. He's changed the way he carries himself, he doesn't celebrate when he wins, he just leaps out the ring covering his face, his entire ring style has shifted into something more bestial. I think also that the fact he did the "Dashing" gimmick equally as strongly as he's doing this one makes the transition between the two all the more prominent.

Nice one Rhodes. I used to think you were meh, but you proved me wrong.
I don't want to see Cody Rhodes using that mask forever.
In about a year, that would suck so bad...

I can only see him losing the mask in Extreme Rules, and if he wins at Rey Mysterio he can be the old "Dashing" Cody Rhodes and saying that he is full of people who looked at him and thought he was creepy and start to attack guys like Daniel Bryan, Trent Barreta and dominating every opponent with a "Dashing" smile!
When he gets the chance of fighting Orton, i hope it's for a major championship!
After Rey Rey, i can only see him losing the mask, because using it wont have a meaning!!

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