Cody Rhodes' "I Hate Mexicans" Promo


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Alright, no doubt by now that many of you have seen the video that I sent in to WrestleZone of the Cody Rhodes "I Hate Mexicans" promo. There's been a big response to it on youtube (over 8,000 views in a day and a half), with many comments. However, most of those comments do not create an intellectual discussion on the matter. Personally, I have mixed feelings. On one hand, I thought it was pretty funny seeing him say that in front of a crowd which was largely Mexican. However, on the other hand, I did find the comment to be somewhat inappropriate. Anyway, my opinion aside, I wanted to get you, the people of WrestleZone's opinion on the matter.
Well i hadn't seen it, so im watching it on youtube right now, and all i can say is that he is copping amazing heat. And as a heel, that is what he is supposed to do. That's all there really is to it.

Piss off the crowd, get a reaction. Being a Heel 101.
I'm not surprised to see that it's got a lot of criticism. People say that they want more controversy in wrestling, well there it is. The potential racist implications of that one single phrase is obvious and that is legitimate controversy but that's not what most of those screaming "I hate the PG Era" actually want.

What most of them actually want is something nice, safe and predictable but only under the guise of controversy. They want to see wrestlers swearing in their promos, get cut open and the female wrestlers acting like hookers on speed. That's their idea of controversy: tired old cliches rather than something that will actually stir up emotions, talk and debate.
I'm not surprised to see that it's got a lot of criticism. People say that they want more controversy in wrestling, well there it is. The potential racist implications of that one single phrase is obvious and that is legitimate controversy but that's not what most of those screaming "I hate the PG Era" actually want.

What most of them actually want is something nice, safe and predictable but only under the guise of controversy. They want to see wrestlers swearing in their promos, get cut open and the female wrestlers acting like hookers on speed. That's their idea of controversy: tired old cliches rather than something that will actually stir up emotions, talk and debate.

You know, I never really thought of it that way. You make a good point. Thing is most people are saying that it's getting him good heat (and I can't argue that), but I think there's better ways to get heat than to say something that could possibly alienate an entire country of people. I mean, Smackdown's viewership is largely latino, so making a statement like that is, without a doubt, going to make a lot of viewers turn away. On the upside though, Cody is getting MUCH better on the mic. Controversy aside, the whole promo kept the crowds attention. At no point was the crowd bored or silent. I do agree that we need to bring more controversy back to wrestling, but you have draw the line somewhere. You can't have on of your stars alienating a large portion of the duience. It's just an all-around bad idea.
I really don't care for anything that Cody does, but he did say he hates Mexicans. I mean, me being a Mexican hate Cody Rhodes. As far as getting heat, well he is getting heat, but it i the kind of heat that drives people off their televisions. Especially if he is going to be feuding with the likes of Big Show. Hopefully he goes into a program with with Del Rio and the "Mexican" beats the shit out of him.
I really don't care for anything that Cody does, but he did say he hates Mexicans. I mean, me being a Mexican hate Cody Rhodes. As far as getting heat, well he is getting heat, but it i the kind of heat that drives people off their televisions. Especially if he is going to be feuding with the likes of Big Show. Hopefully he goes into a program with with Del Rio and the "Mexican" beats the shit out of him.

I would love to see Cody Rhodes get ripped apart by Del Rio. Unfortunately I don't see it happening. They're both heels, and I can't see either of them turning face any time soon.
I believe it was not that big of a deal. Wasn't it all scripted? If so, just a heelish thing not really suprized to see Dashing Cody Rhodes say "I Hate Mexicans" it was all an act to get some major heat and possible set up a upcoming feud with Del Rio. Right now he doesn't have much going on so that would be my dumb unsophisticated guess.
I don't know why the guys above me are suggesting del rio is a feud for cody when mysterio is also mexican, more importantly face and his current feud is ended of course at the same time. Either way I love this. I don't think it's even racist to say you dislike a group of people, but I haven't seem the video. If he preceeded to talk about any racial stereotypes about mexicans then it would have been racist but as it stands, that statement is just an expression of his feelings surely, not that I'm mistaking it for being genuine mind you.

Personally this is what I like to see, people say spicy things that don't go down quite right with the crowd, it's when wrestling gets a bit real is when it gets a bit more interesting.
House shows are test grounds for possible televised storylines. Saying "I hate Mexicans" is a racist remark. Maybe Mysterio or Del Rio or any other wrestler with Mexican blood will have a problem with that.

Cody Rhodes might hate Mexicans but Cody Runnels does not.

Please remember that this is the WWE and not the National Enquirer. You cannot go around stomping your feet with your pee-pee out being angry saying this is racist bullshit. This is a made up story for live theater with stage combat.
House shows are test grounds for possible televised storylines. Saying "I hate Mexicans" is a racist remark. Maybe Mysterio or Del Rio or any other wrestler with Mexican blood will have a problem with that.

Cody Rhodes might hate Mexicans but Cody Runnels does not.

Please remember that this is the WWE and not the National Enquirer. You cannot go around stomping your feet with your pee-pee out being angry saying this is racist bullshit. This is a made up story for live theater with stage combat.

Exactly this. When SD! toured Australia last year, Del Rio did a thing on how much he hated Australia. Im sure they have a heel doing this sort of thing at all the house shows no matter where they are.

In this promo Rhodes cut, he was about to face Chavo, he got cheap heat saying he hated mexicans, then lost to chavo. Crowd leaves happy.
Excellent point! Noone couldve summed it better! This kind of thin happens all the time. Don't they say on wwe all the time, that they hate the british, its all part of the program. I guess its just twitter and viral videos that are exaggerating what is already pretty routine in the wresting arena...
I thought it was GOLD!!!!! PURE GOLD!!!!! Cody is getting so stale and old and this promo threw a intresting little wrinkle into his persona. If he does something about all the guys he faces, then no1 will make a huge stink about it, and it'll give him instant heat.
Rhodes is simply being a good heel in my opinion. How many wrestlers over the years have insulted the nationality of their opponents, and the audience as a whole. Bret Hart did it with his anti-American promo's, JBL did it, Angle did it....infact Rhodes insulted the British audience on the last tour, playing up all British stereotypes.

Maybe the actual words were a bit over the top, but WWE has always been borderline on racial remarks, and its not like he said I hate blacks or anything really racist. Insulting someone's nationality is not as bad in my opinion, its just like going to Philladelphia and insulting the people there, or doing the same in NYC, or anyhwhere, and Rhodes is just playing a character designed to get heat from the audience.

If he was in England and said "I hate English people"...I would just boo him. I know he doesnt really mean it, its just the character he is playing. No big deal to me. I think all these "OMG OMG he's racist!!" people need to get a fucking grip. Its not a bad racist remark over skin colour or religion, just your country....something that has been part of heel wrestlers for years.
I've seen it, and I don't really like it to be honest. I'm not mexican, I'm a hispanic.. Big difference. But, I just thought it was very unprofessional of WWE to allow Rhodes to do such a promo, especially because they have a large audience that is Mexican. I know they're trying to get Rhodes some heat, but a good 'I hate (insert city he's in)' would be enough. No need for racist comments.

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