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Cody Rhodes "Huge Push"


Pre-Show Stalwart
Cody has had a pretty good run as a face really over, and i think wwe really wants to see him get pretty big, but since cody is getting married he proably wants a month or two off, but then wwe can bring him back and make him a huge star, and he could be the outsider, like we've seen in the past. i think cody would do great as a top face of the company? will cody get a huge push?
and will anybody else get fired to join forces with rhodes?
I loved Cody's exit interview last night. It was a really good touch how he mentioned his family and how WWE has treated them poorly in the past. Dont know if he can be a top face, but he CAN be a main event guy. I hope when he comes back he gets a major storyline involving the rest of the Rhodes' family. That would make for some great TV. Or maybe Cody will come back unexpectedly (through the crowd or backstage) to screw Orton out of a match. He'll join up with Daniel Bryan, Miz, Dolph and Big Show and they form The Union 2.0. At least that's what I hope will happen.
Great promo by him after he got fired. You know the pop he'll get when he comes back will be huge. I could see this definitely propelling him into the main event.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Cody Rhodes vs Dolph Ziggler for the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 30. I know it's highly unlikely, but both guys seem to be getting a slow and steady push. A match between them plus a match between CM Punk and Daniel Bryan could be era defining.
As it stands now, he will be gone for a month and comeback at the October PPV, probably costing Orton the title. Add in a Big Show/Mark Henry vs the Shield paring and you have a nice classic 5x5 Survivor Series match with Orton,HHH and the Shield vs Bryan,Rhodes,Ziggler,Show and Henry. Then, after Survivor Series, you have Rhodes/Orton matches with Dustin on Cody's side and Cowboy with Randy. Then Dustin can turn on Cody in something like the Rumble which leads to Dustin/Cody match that Dustin wants so bad at Mania...then Rhodes wins MITB and cashes in.... that is how I see the next 12 months for Cody
The WWE claimed about a year ago that we were in the reality era. A lot of people scoffed at this, but it's really starting to come to fruition this past month. With Triple H playing off the IWC perception that he holds back talent, Orton playing off the IWC perception that he's a chosen son of the WWE brass and Bryan playing off his perception that he'll never get over because he doesn't fit the mold of a WWE top draw, these last few weeks of television have been great television because it seems like real life is playing out on the TV screen.

It appears that you can now add Cody Rhodes to the mix of reality being played out on WWE programming. Sure, he wasn't actually fired but the idea that the McMahon family has hated the Rhodes family is no secret. McMahon all but pissed on Dusty Rhodes's legacy in the late 80s with his "every man gimmick," taking a legendary figure and mixing his "I've dined with Kings and Queens and slept in the alley on pork and beans" catch phrase into a character that cleaned shit out of toilets, helped jump start pick-up trucks, "dated" a middle-aged, frumpy black woman and wore polka dots. Add in McMahon naming Mike Jones' servant character Virgil (after Rhodes) --- WCW lated named Jones' servant character Vincent (after McMahon) ---- as well making Dustin Rhodes a bizarre, androgynous character, and it's clear that McMahon has just been ribbing the Rhodes family for years.

While I'm not sure the WWE will go all the way with Rhodes, this potential angle has a lot to work with ... and in a similar fashion to the Daniel Bryan story arc, it will work because it's based in reality and just feels real.
Apparently, Cody Rhodes really is getting married, to a former Brandi Reed, who happens to be former WWE Diva Eden Stiles. He's taking time off for his wedding and to spend on his honeymoon before returning to action. At least, that's what F4WOnline.com is reporting right now.

I'd say Cody Rhodes find up in the World Heavyweight Championship picture upon his return, or at least not too long after his return. I have a feeling that Damien Sandow will cash in MITB at NOC, possibly taking the title off of Del Rio or RVD if he wins. I'm thinking it'll be RVD as RVD is another beloved veteran that fans will be viewed as getting the shaft due to an MITB cash in. As a result, Sandow could feud with RVD for a while, possibly with Del Rio in the mix for a bit, until RVD's 90 days are up, upon which he's scheduled to take time off before coming back. After that, I could see Cody resuming his feud with Sandow, this time over the World Heavyweight Championship.
I am still thinking this could lead to a Horsemen return/WWE debut - Rhodes, Bryan and Ziggler are perfect Horsemen material - Flair coming back to upset HHH and Vince makes sense, playing off the game panel situation, Flair playing "I give the fans what they want and Vince gets pissed card" and Batista will no doubt return at Survivor Series or similar as the 4th Horseman, perhaps setting up the long rumored War Games situation...

It's proof of how much Cody has improved and is rated that they will give him the time off while in such a hot angle.
There is no way Vince will allow the Horsemen to form in the WWE, and there is no way Flair turns on HHH. Naitch will be Brad Maddox's Replacement when Maddox says its too much and orders guys to interfere!!
The WWE claimed about a year ago that we were in the reality era. A lot of people scoffed at this, but it's really starting to come to fruition this past month. With Triple H playing off the IWC perception that he holds back talent, Orton playing off the IWC perception that he's a chosen son of the WWE brass and Bryan playing off his perception that he'll never get over because he doesn't fit the mold of a WWE top draw, these last few weeks of television have been great television because it seems like real life is playing out on the TV screen.

It appears that you can now add Cody Rhodes to the mix of reality being played out on WWE programming. Sure, he wasn't actually fired but the idea that the McMahon family has hated the Rhodes family is no secret. McMahon all but pissed on Dusty Rhodes's legacy in the late 80s with his "every man gimmick," taking a legendary figure and mixing his "I've dined with Kings and Queens and slept in the alley on pork and beans" catch phrase into a character that cleaned shit out of toilets, helped jump start pick-up trucks, "dated" a middle-aged, frumpy black woman and wore polka dots. Add in McMahon naming Mike Jones' servant character Virgil (after Rhodes) --- WCW lated named Jones' servant character Vincent (after McMahon) ---- as well making Dustin Rhodes a bizarre, androgynous character, and it's clear that McMahon has just been ribbing the Rhodes family for years.

While I'm not sure the WWE will go all the way with Rhodes, this potential angle has a lot to work with ... and in a similar fashion to the Daniel Bryan story arc, it will work because it's based in reality and just feels real.

Great post. It has me thinking that when Cody does return though, it's as a member of HHH's new "Corporation" albeit relunctantly. When Dusty came over to WWE in 89, that was after Turner had JCP fire him. He came to WWE & did what the bossman said from those silly vingetes to him wearing pockadots. It could be something similar with Cody.
I'm really enjoying this angle. It just shows you how good Orton and Triple H are as heels. Cody looked like a star last night. Just look at the crowd support for freakin Big Show the last couple of weeks.

That promo Cody cut was great. When he returns and jumps over the barricade and attacks hhh/orton in street clothes fans will go crazy for him.

It was a nice little touch mentioning that he is getting married. Nothing is more cold blooded than your boss firing you just before you are about to get married and planning to start a family.
Going by the reaction and the quality of the match with Orton, I'd say Cody is line for a nice push, when he returns.

Rhodes hasn't seen any real success since his disfigured character and IC title run a while back. He's been floundering since then, and constantly having the shit kicked out of him by Sheamus didn't help anything. Rhodes was in desperate need of a spark, and he got it last night with the match and his backstage promo.

I imagine Rhodes will return soon enough to help in the fight against the McMahons and Triple H for some payback. After that, I could see Cody working his way into the WHC picture, because the WHC picture is in desperate need of more face to go after Del Rio or Sandow, when he eventually cashes in. Hopefully by then Sandow will have something going for him. I understand WWE wants a SHOCKING moment when the case holder decides to cash in, so they do everything they can to keep him out of the spotlight. But the constant barrage of loses aren't helping Sandow.
If the WWE is trying to give Rhodes yet another attempt at a push, once again, they will fail, i don't hate the guy at all, is just that people need to realize that the guy doesn't have the talent to be in the main event scene, how many chances has the WWE gave this guy?? A lot, and not one of those chances has payd off, he even held Sandow back, in my opinion this is a way for the WWE to tell him thank you for your services, give him a high profile match, let's face it, if he had the talent to be a main event player he would have been WHC by now, or have a high profile storyline, or he would have main event a PPV, the WWE knows that Cody isn't main event material, but it doesn't mean he can't be a solid mid card guy, he must have done something great for the McMahons or Triple H outside the WWE, or they must feel they owe Dusty Rhodes to keep giving Cody chance after chance when there are several other superstars that deserve a chance far more than Cody Rhodes does.......
I think this can only be a good thing for Cody Rhodes. Being involved in such a storyline will help him progress.

Having him bring some reality into this feud was a nice touch. I'd be shocked if they didn't bring up Ted Dibiase either, he can be another person who wasn't a HHH guy but was Cody's close friend. Moreover, Orton didn't help him even though Dibiase did his bidding for a while.

I'm desperate to have Rhodes v Orton for the WWE title. I don't think that Cody should win but it could be fantastic feud. Lets hope Cody can step up and deliver - in the ring is no problem.

I wonder if Rhodes will go back into his feud with Sandow. Those two at WM30 for the WHC is something that interests me but I really want Rhodes feuding with Orton when Bryan is forced out the title picture.
After re-watching Raw (and this is slightly off topic) but the exchange between Heyman and HHH had me very interested.

Could it sensationally be that Heyman turns face and leads team Bryan against the big, bad corporation?

May sound silly, but the WWE has became a lot more 'real' lately. The personal exchanges between Vince, HHH and Bryan have such a personal feel between them. Throw into that Rhodes claiming that the Mcmahons have never respected the Rhodes' family etc, and we all know that Heyman and VKM don't really see eye to eye, could this be a chance to produce an amazing personal battle?

As I say, just a little thought I had, but imagine the passionate, real promos it would create and having team Heyman v team corporation would be immense IMO


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