Cody Rhodes had asked for his release

Thriller Ant

Beep Bop Boop
From his non-Stardust Twitter:

(1/2) The past ten years have been quite the trek, but as of earlier today I have asked for my release from @WWE

(2/2) I'll speak further on the matter shortly. Thank you to all the pro-wrestling/sports entertainment fans worldwide. Thank you
Seems fishy. Why come out with it before the matter has actually been settled? Cody/Dust has a history of playing mind games via social media.

Rhodes/DiBiase/Sandow as TNA's newest stable. Crash the party SlamAn.
That sucks. I really liked Cody, and I think he had a pretty good career in the WWE on the whole. He definitely made Dusty proud.

Wasn't a fan at all of Stardust, but I appreciate his dedication to the gimmick, even through hard times (see what I did there?).
Oh well. With the exception Kofi, the company has moved on from that crop of talent. I half expect Sheamus and Ziggler to follow sooner rather than later.

Hope he does well somewhere worth watching.
I think Cody has been one of the more underrated/underutilized talents on the WWE roster. You could tell that he had the respect of WWE Creative at several points of his career (Legacy, his victory over Rey at WM27, Rhodes Scholars, The Brotherhood) but for some inexplicable reason they never fully bought in to his potential as a top guy in this business. Honestly, the same could be said for his brother and even his father's WWE career but I thought Vince would do them right by pulling the trigger on Cody.

It makes me happy to see that I'm not the only person who saw big money in 'Dashing' Cody Rhodes, and I personally think not revisiting that after his nose healed was the biggest misstep of his booking. He should've kept the gimmick to this day, and I think he could've easily transitioned to top heel by 2013 and really put on some clinics with top faces of the time CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, and John Cena.

Regardless, Cody Rhodes still had a very memorable career in my opinion. When it comes to midcard guys of the last decade, I would only put him behind Miz, Dolph, and Kofi in terms of overall success. I would put him first among those men in terms of overall ability and main event potential. He's one of the winningest tag team competitors in the history of the business, winning with the likes of Bob Holly, Ted DiBiase jr., Drew McIntyre, Damien Sandow, and big brother Dustin. He was a major part of several main event programs over the years, including Legacy vs The McMahons and taking WWE by storm as the Brotherhood feuded with the Authority. He will absolutely be missed, I wish him and his new wife the absolute best. While he is not "first ballot" I think it would be disrespectful to not give him a HOF nod somewhere down the line, since it is not uncommon for midcard guys who had main event potential to get in.
Damn. He was always entertaining to watch IMO. He could do well in ROH, I doubt he goes anywhere else though. Nowhere else seems like it would be a good fit & I doubt up and moving to Japan is in the cards since his wife works for WWE.
Sucks to hear.. Cody proved many people wrong when he split from Legacy. Nobody thought he would make it at all and thought he would fizzle out shortly after the group disbanded.. He proved he can make anything work, he was booked with a lot of weird ass shit, but he somehow made it entertaining to watch.
i liked his dashing phase, the paperbags were cool. stardust was the worst thing of all time tho.

i thought he was pretty average, i only remember as the guy that didnt wear kneepads, no idea why people thought of him as future world champion, i thought intercontinental championship was the most he would ever get.

i guess he knew with all the better talent coming to the main roster he was most likely gonna be left behind. or something
He's a solid enough wrestler, but he's not all that entertaining. With all these super talented call-ups happening, that's simply not going to be anywhere near enough anymore. He's not really going to be missed on the shows.
Apparently Golddust and Cody walked out on the Smackdown tapings. Definitely a lot more happening behind the scenes.
Heartbroken. Always saw the potential in Rhodes. I always felt that whenever they gave him the ball he ran with it. He rarely received the ball however. Commiserations.
People forget it's been 5 years since dashing Cody Rhodes.

Next month would mark 2 years as Stardust.
I watched that Shield match earlier. Like most Shield matches, it's fucking terrific.
Battleground or the Raw rematch?

Either way, those are two of the absolute best Shield matches. With Bryan and those guys running hot, 2013 was possibly one of the best in-ring years the company has ever had.

Apparently Golddust and Cody walked out on the Smackdown tapings. Definitely a lot more happening behind the scenes.
I'm hoping Goldy was just trying to chill his brother out.

Next month would mark 2 years as Stardust.
Fucking hell!

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