Cody Rhodes: Best Gimmick

Which is Cody's best gimmick?

  • "Dashing" Cody Rhodes

  • "Disfigured" Cody Rhodes

  • Current Gimmick

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It's goin' down forreal!
He was "Dashing", "Disfigured", and well his current gimmick. All gimmicks were pretty good, but which one was the best and why do you think so?

For me, I really liked his "Dashing" gimmick. It was pretty awesome for that mirror to show up during his entrances. Those segments where he would hand out advice on being dashing we're kinda weird but worked really well. Made me think "What an asshole". Haha.

But his "Disfigured" gimmick was pretty good too. It lasted too long though. I think it could've gotten a better ending that it had, but ohwell.

Answers, go.
I honestly wasn't a huge fan of the 'dashing' gimmick. I only liked one thing about it and that was when he sometimes got hit in the face he would lose it and it would be pretty funny. (Bragging rights or Survivors 2010 is the best example. can't remember which one it was) But back to the question, I like his disfigured gimmick the best. I really liked how he would sometimes take his 'mask' off and use it to knock out other people and steal the win. To me, that's when i really noticed how good Cody Rhodes was. Now he's my second favourite. (Behind The Miz of course)
I wasn't a fan of the "Dashing" gimmick. The mirror was something I've seen before with both Shawn Michaels and Lex Luger. But the "Disfigured" persona and mask gimmick was a good and natural transition for someone who thought so highly of themselves and their appearance. It was an opportunity for Cody to further develop and he took that opportunity in my eyes. The gimmick itself did not have longevity though and it was inevitable that he would move on from it. I missed the moment when he stopped wearing the mask. But having read up on it, I think it could have been dragged out a little bit longer rather than the suddeness in which it was done.

My favourite Cody Rhodes was the one he portrayed after his unmasking and into the Royal Rumble 2012 and onto his feud with Big Show. I liked the way he carried himself physically and his cock sure attitude.
Without doubt the disfigured gimmick. i am kind of hoping big show does the wmd on cody at extreme rules and cody goes back to wearing the mask and maybe at over the limit he beats show by using the mask to steal the title then take the mask off and say he tricked big show and gave him an embarrasing moment again. that way cody gets heat and goes over show.
I didn't distinguish between the two, I always thought it was a natural progression of a "image" character.

A character who is so outwardly self-loving, who could not mental cope with being anything but flawless.

Of course it wasn't written to progress that way, it just happened when Rey legitimately injured Rhodes' nose. It might have been even a hotter angle/character if a wrestler tried to scar Cody.
I am not a fan of the changing cody rhodes gimmick this often, my favorite era was late 80s early 90s when they had strong tasteful gimmicks and every wrestler had a long story behind who they were. Just watch the 1990 royal rumble or skim thru it. gimmicks like jake the snake, macho man, rowdy piper, and every mid carders having string gimmicks made wrestling great to watch, it appears wwe is trying to move in that direction again and i hope it works.
All are good gimmicks for Cody. I like where he is right now. Those gimmicks were very good but were stepping stones for Cody Rhodes so he can get some exposure and rise up in the rankings. The dashing gimmick fit him. I liked the mirror. The undashing gimmick was very good. I loved how he passed paper bags out to people and used the mask as a weapon in matches. As those pass, Cody Rhodes is in a good situation. He is now on a good level. Many people dont like the Cody Rhodes/Big Show fued but at least he is in a fued. Before this Cody was just squashing low carders for a while. While Cody Rhodes may not have a "gimmick" right now... he is in a better situation then other times and will now start to stay with this one persona and continue to rise in the WWE.
i thought the "most embarrassing videos" have been hilarious, plus those segements don't take up alot of time. therefore they can get cody on tv every week and also have time for the other new gimmicks-wrestlers they are trying to push without forgetting about rhodes.
to be honest i have like Cody Rhodes since he split from ted dibiase and randy Orton.

he has become more aggressive and now i can see him being a future world heavyweight champion.
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Obviously he has gotten kind of bland with his current "gimmick: if you can even call it that. I love "Dashing" and feel like that is an awesome angle to play as a heel. I kind of wish he would go back to it.
for me his disfigured gimmick was the best he became more violent during it and during this time he had great fueds with rey,orton and other people to me his dashing gimmick just was weird i mean freaking out if he got hit in the face and the beauty tips made him seem gay to me :shrug: and his current gimmick...well whats the gimmick there?
I liked his disfigured gimmick the best for sure. The promos he did over that time were just a lot different from what you normally see, and it's something really original. I liked all of his gimmicks, but the disfigured one was my favorite.

Give his current gimmick a little more time and maybe I'll start liking it more, but for now disfigured is the best.
i actually love his gimmick now, he's finally breaking through and showing his different abilities in the ring, and on the mic. Dashing was okay, it was a start. Disfigured got all of our attention. Now he's breaking through and becoming one of the most impressive wrestlers in the 'E'
The best thing about Cody's current gimmick his the depth of his character. It's a hybrid of his cocky, dashing gimmick with just a hint of darker insanity from his undashing gimmick. No other mid-carder has what he has. And he's pulling it off pretty well IMO.
I actually like all three gimmicks, but my favorite would have to be the disfigured gimmick. He really came into his own with that one. The demented promos and laugh were great, and I even liked the paper bags except for the fact I think it was over used a bit. I actually wish they would have kept the gimmick going a bit longer, but I do think this feud with the Big Show is going to put him over the top.
I've been a fan of Cody over all three of these gimmicks, but my personal favorite was the Disfigured Cody Rhodes. I loved the baggers, though they were probably what kept the gimmick from being taken seriously enough. It reminded me a lot of an early Mankind in many ways and Cody made it work for me. It was fresh too. Hadn't seen anything like it in awhile. I do think a hybrid between the cocky Rhodes and the malice of the Disfigured Rhodes would lead to the best outcome- which is what they seem to be doing. But I don't think they've got it down yet though.
I loved him when he sported the mask. His promos were awesome. What is his current "gimmick" anyway? He's just a typical boring heel now thats making Big Show more important than he should be. At some point the WWE is gonna have to do something with him and honestly I'm fine with another IC title reign. Maybe this time give him some competition though that could allow him to have some 4 star matches.
I voted for the Dashing gimmick. Sure it was a bit too silly to ever take Cody past the midcard, but I really enjoyed it. His promos and tip segments were hilarious. I also really liked his entrance during that time where he looked at the fake mirror and had the really catchy song. Then he had the disfigured gimmick which I felt overstayed its welcome. Much like the Dashing gimmick, it would have held him back from achieving success further up the card. The paper bag promos got really old after a while too.

The current gimmick is what Rhodes needs to stick with if he is ever going to reach the main event level. It has a better song than the Disfigured gimmick, no annoying paper bag segments, and no silly tips pn how to become Dashing. Rhodes' current persona is going to be his most successful one. Would I rather see the Dashing gimmick return? Sure. It was a fun character that helped him stand out when he first became a singles wrestler. It's too silly for a world title contender though. No one would ever take Dashing or Disfigured Cody seriously as a threat. Orton did him a huge favor when he (kayfabe) broke the mask.
The previous gimmicks were good, but it will be this gimmick that takes him to the top. Just like the boy toy Michaels of 93 and 94 couldn't be a top guy, dashing Cody Rhodes wasn't going there either, and the disfigured gimmick was a way to move away from dashing and make him more legit and eventually put him where he is today and in a position to be a top guy.
I think the Dashing gimmick was the best. All of his gimmicks have been good but this was the best. This gimmick was cut short and i think that they should have let it run for a lot longer and really let him build himself with this gimmick before fading it out.

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