Coco The Monkey's Court Of Public Opinion: Ten Minutes To Wapner

Doc seems more like the type who would get date raped while chester seems like the one who does the date raping. Although chester would likely be willing to date rape someone with you which might be making the best of a bad situation.
Doc seems more like the type who would get date raped while chester seems like the one who does the date raping. Although chester would likely be willing to date rape someone with you which might be making the best of a bad situation.

I'm with SD. Oh, and I'd much rather have a beer with Doc, as I'm afraid I might beat Chester unconscious, and that would ruin my night (and his).
- Great graphics maker.
- Friendly person.
- Solid all round poster.
- Is a cure to cancer
- Can get abit hormonal

- MMA brethren
- Can be a pretty good bloke
- Almost tapped out Chuck Norris with an inverted Triangle.
- Is funny when not so serious.
Chester'll want to stick his log into your log?


Dude, I can't stop laughing at this meme...where does this screen capture come from?
Doc would just lie about doing it all night.

Chester would atleast come clean and say he can't get it up.

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