Coco Answers Wrestling Questions


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Yes, this is a completely blatant ripoff of KB's ripoff of Lariat's thread. I had been considering making one of these as well and Lariat beat KB to it and they both beat to it, so I'm going to make one anyway because I don't like not being the center of attention here.
What was your thoughts on TNA's Monday night stint.
I'm happy they tried and failed. Took some of the lustre off of a lot of roads I'd rather TNA not go down long term. Similarly, I'm also happy we've gotten a dominant heel faction led by Hogan and Bischoff out of the way. There's a lot of things that were just going to happen once those two came into the company, and now they're mostly in the rear view mirror.
A Double or Double A?

If Austin leaves the X-division for a significant stretch of time, who can fill the void he'll leave?

Top five entrance themes currently used in America?
A Double or Double A?
A Double.

If Austin leaves the X-division for a significant stretch of time, who can fill the void he'll leave?
AJ, Daniels, Joe, or someone new. Not a knock on any of the other guys currently in the division, but Aries has a presence that dwarfs them all. If the Gut Check controversy leads to Joey Ryan getting a contract, he should do well and might fit in the spot Aries held.

Top five entrance themes currently used in America?
John Cena's, Undertaker's, Sheamus', Jericho's, Punk's.
What do you think are the best ten matches so far this year?
Keeping in mind that I think extensively ranking matches is BS and that I only really pay attention to WWE and TNA? I can't do it and feel comfortable that the list won't change by the time morning comes. I'd go with Bryan-Sheamus and Cena-Brock as an interchangeable one and two, but beyond that I can't be arsed.
Keeping in mind that I think extensively ranking matches is BS and that I only really pay attention to WWE and TNA? I can't do it and feel comfortable that the list won't change by the time morning comes. I'd go with Bryan-Sheamus and Cena-Brock as an interchangeable one and two, but beyond that I can't be arsed.

Fair enough good sir.
What is your opinion on AJ Lee?
I'm thrilled to see a storyline on WWE television that doesn't feel like it's being booking on cruise control. She's doing fine in her role. I never watch divas matches though, so I can't comment on her wrestling.
Who would you say has had the better World title reign thus far. Bobby Roode or CM Punk???

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