CM Punk vs Stone Cold

Meat Boy

Dark Match Winner
This is something that I'm sure that every fan wish that would happen even Punk and Stone cold have both said they wish that this fued could have happened. If Punk was a little older and debuted in 1997 he could have had amzing fued with Austin.
It could start off with the celebrating and Austin starts to have a beer bash offers Punk a beer punk turns it down Austin stuns him and they start the fued from there the great thing about this either one of them could be the face or the heel in this fued. You could have them have a match where if Punk looses he has to drink a beer. Those two really could have a interesting storyline one you could do alot with. Even though it wouldn't be the same I wish Austin could come out of retirement and face Punk at Wrestlemania I'd rather see Punk vs Austin than Cena vs The Rock any day
I would love to see it... But I'm sure the iwc would fuckin ruin it just like they did with Rock vs Cena. Everyone wanted that match, wwe gave it to us, and now everyone bitches about how stupid it is. Same thing would happen to Austin vs Punk. People on websites like this would just fuckin ruin it.
I would too would love to see it and to be honest, I do think it will happen one day. I see it being a face vs face fued. Maybe CM Punk can be the heel depending on what's going on at that time; but, I'm pretty sure Stone Cold is going to be cheered regardless. Simply have Punk say he wants to know if he can beat Stone Cold Steve Austin, the man who inspired him.

I think it would be best since Stone Cold hasn't wrestled in nearly a decade, have them team up or Austin be involved in a 6-man tag or anything like that to help work off some quite possible ring rust. I firmly believe Austin could still put on another great match or 2.

And to the above poster, if you're worried about the IWC "ruining" this possible match/storyline, then don't read :)
We'll see if CM Punk bitches about someone coming back to face someone at Wrestlemania like he did the rock. He wants to face SCSA at mania, while bumping someone else off, but hated the fact that the Rock came back for mania and bumped someone else off.

Either way though, yes, the match and feud would be great. It would not be like rock vs cena in terms of passing the torch and star power (cm punk is still not on cena's level, and I dont even like cena). But im sure these guys can get really personal and make it a great storyline to watch.
CM Punk would have to be aheel in this match, he is much more effective on the mic as a face. He could go to town on Austin for his drinking, foul language, his taking ball and going home from 2002. Plenty of ammo and Vince himself would feed Punk ther lines he would want to get across on Austin. Austin I do think would go over in this match though, which would suck. Cena will go over The Rock at Wrestlemania, heres hoping they are starting a trend and the night after Mania after Punk retains against Jericho that Punk indeed cuts a promo about beating Cena, Jericho, Del Rios and that there is no competition on Raw for him. Would be great to have a heel Punk, but sustaining it for a whole year would be tough. Austin is like Rock, filming movies and shit, so Id hope they wopuld hold off until After Summerslam or Survivor Series to build this feud.
I would love to see it... But I'm sure the iwc would fuckin ruin it just like they did with Rock vs Cena. Everyone wanted that match, wwe gave it to us, and now everyone bitches about how stupid it is. Same thing would happen to Austin vs Punk. People on websites like this would just fuckin ruin it.

Erm, Rock and Cena's match hasn't happened yet, how did the evil IWC ruin it?!

"Everyone" isn't bitching about it. People were/are concerned that if it was going to be for the WWE title that the year in between would be rather boring and predictable which hasn't been the case. People are entitled to share their views and opinions on a forum. If you disagree with any views that people have, that's fine, but you shouldn't let it ruin a match or storyline that you yourself are enjoying. If you feel it's being ruined, that could be because you know subconsciously that the nay-sayers are perhaps correct.

Ever since the night of Punk's promo, and perhaps before too, a lot of people have been keen to see these 2 square off. If Austin was in his prime and able to make a substantial run on WWE tv then yeh, it would most likely be an awesome story. Austin in 2012 though? I'm not so sure.

Do you make Austin the face and turn Punk a heel again after spending the summer establishing him as Raw's 2nd biggest face? Punk as a heel seems to perform better, so if WWE went through with it, they may need to turn someone face to fill the gap.

Or do you make Austin the heel? This scenario also causes problems. Austin is a fan favourite and will have to do a LOT to get the crowd to boo him. This is a similar problem with the Cena - Rock story as Cena is with WWE for the long-term and is a money winner, whereas Rock isn't going to be sticking around too long after WrestleMania.
This will probably be a unpopular idea but I do not want to see this. And it's not because Stone Cold is not around, or I don't wanna see someone turn heel or whatever. I don't wanna see because Austin is a "wrestler" that knows 3 moves: punch, kick, stunner. So the see someone like CM Punk being wasted in a feud with Austin: thanks, but NO thanks!
To be honest with you, I was thinking at first that the "It Begins" could have been Austin's return. The two have had a battle back and forth on Twitter and it could have also led to an amazing last match for him. Then they could have had Jericho come back to feud with Taker as I dont think ANYONE wants to see him vs HHH for the 3rd time.
CM Punk vs Steve Austin at WrestleMania WILL happen... Probably next year. We want it, Punk wants it, Austin wants it. In fact, Austin has said that if he ever does have a final match at WrestleMania he wants it to be with CM Punk.

CM Punk talks crap on the Rock not because he's taking a spot away from a curren talent. But, because Rock claims he is back and never leaving which we all know is false. Rock only comes to WWE for a huge pay day.

@Moneymaker 90.... suggesting that Austin knows 3 moves is rediculous and you know nothing. Steve Austin, prior to his numerous injuries, was highly regarded as one of the best mat technichians. It was his numerous injuries and his moniker as the Toughest SOB that brought out the brawler in Steve Austin.
I'd much rather have seen Hogan vs Austin in 2005, I am not a big CM Punk Fan but I love Austin. so I guess anything will be better than nothing, so I bet they can make a good storyline with this. I'm ready for it...
Punk vs Austin would he cool, and just that. I really wouldn't be too excited to see a older Austin face Punk. In Austins prime I guess it wouldve been cool. The reason Rock vs Cena is better is because Cena never loses, and everyone wants to see if the Rock could beat him. Punk vs Austin doesn't excite me, that's just me though.
CM Punk would have to be aheel in this match, he is much more effective on the mic as a face. He could go to town on Austin for his drinking, foul language, his taking ball and going home from 2002. Plenty of ammo and Vince himself would feed Punk ther lines he would want to get across on Austin. Austin I do think would go over in this match though, which would suck. Cena will go over The Rock at Wrestlemania, heres hoping they are starting a trend and the night after Mania after Punk retains against Jericho that Punk indeed cuts a promo about beating Cena, Jericho, Del Rios and that there is no competition on Raw for him. Would be great to have a heel Punk, but sustaining it for a whole year would be tough. Austin is like Rock, filming movies and shit, so Id hope they wopuld hold off until After Summerslam or Survivor Series to build this feud.

No, CM Punk is at his best on the mic when he says what he wants, whether it is to a face or a heel. CM Punk doesn't need to change for this feud, his character is perfect right now and while he is a full on face, he could easily become a tweener. His (character)views on Cena won't have changed, same as towards HHH, and that is apparently fine.

Punk would have a lot of ammo to work with, and Austin would have some to come back with, neither needs to be a heel, just let them go at it and see who the crowd chooses.

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