CM Punk: The King of the Promo

In the words of the Miz, "Really?...REALLY!??" I have been loving CM Punk this past month but you have got to be out of your mind to even consider him as one of the best talkers ever.

Has he been great this past month..Absolutely..Is he the most exciting talker on Raw right now..Definitely...Is he one of the Best talkers of all time..Not even close.

While there are probably 100 better talkers than punk all time(literally, I can name 20 off the top of my head Flair, Austin, Piper, etc), I am going to compare him to my personal favorite, The Rock. Everytime the Rock got on the mic the whole arena would hang on to his every word. There would be a HUGE reaction (cheering, screaming, booing, laughing) every time he touched the mic, whether it was heel or face. The Rock did not have a run like that for a month, but instead had it for his entire career. Not only did he have this his entire career, he had great segments and brought out the best in everyone even in guys like Kane who aren't supposed to really even talk or be funny (

Think back before Punk had his big promo. He never got a reaction like he is getting now. When he had his "Jesus" character, the mainstream audience could not care less about what he had to say. Now that he's had his promo, the IWC would gladly jerk off to his every word and claim he's always been the greatest talker ever blah blah blah.

The IWC is so biased towards this guy it's redicilous. Before his epic promo nobody really cared about what he had to say or if he even came out besides the IWC. This act has been amazing but it has the potential to get really old fast. This is coming from someone who loves what he's been doing lately. But he has NOT had an unbelievable or amazing career on the mic or in the ring. That's a fact.

Go ahead try and argue..tell me what you think....IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK!
He's the best going today but, as others have said, I can't put him at being the best of all time. He's white hot right now and it's easy to get caught up in the moment and make all kinds of grand proclamations. He's great at cutting promos and I think he could possibly be among the best of all time at some point in time. It's just too early for that now.

Punk also has to go against history. After all, all of us have our beloved childhood memories of Hogan, Austin, Flair, Piper, etc. and all those warm and fuzzy feelings we recall from them so guys like Punk, Cena and others have an uphill battle when it comes to being called the "greatest of all time".
To be honest, I don't think Punk is all that good on the mic. I don't think he has a voice that can grab a large amount of people's attention. I don't he has much emotional range (sarcastic, bitter, and whiny are all I hear when he talks). There's no noticeable difference when he changes emotions because, again, he just comes across as sarcastic, bitter, and whiny. His facial expressions match his emotions, which means that there aren't many.

I agree with others when they said that people are really overrating the guy. And I do think it is mostly due to content. Good for him for "speaking his mind," but does that mean he can't play a character that isn't based off being sarcastic, bitter, and whiny?

I honestly think the best talker in the WWE is John Cena. Not only can he play with the crowds' emotions superbly, he can do it at the drop of the hat. When he is suppose to be shitty, he is shitty. But goddamnit, when Cena means business, he can make a person wanna personally send $45 to Vince for the upcoming PPV.
Triple H has always been my favorite when it comes to promos, but CM Punk is massively talented, and when you put them in the same ring at the same time, it's amazing.
I do not agree that Punk is one of the best on the mic of all time... but I do think that Punk's promo at the end a Raw a few weeks back was the best we've seen in years and maybe one of the best of all time.

But why?

It's because he acknowledged names like Kurt Angle. It's because he said things that a lot of the lost viewership of Raw... no, the WWE... no, professional wrestling as a whole have been thinking for a long time now.

He has become the one that acknowledges the shouts of the fans and has been allowed to at least touch on some issues that many wrestlers would never be able to (Zack Ryder?). He has become the antihero that the WWE needed for years and hoped to produce with Orton and Miz and Nexus.

Orton didn't work, he's superhuman like Cena. They turned him face.
Miz didn't work, he's whiny and too doggone funny. They put him on T.V.
Nexus didn't work because... well, what the hell did they want anyway? And then the New Nexus?

...Punk has been allowed to say what many that have been around are already thinking. That's great.

Let's see if he can do that for a few years before we put him in the same league a Flair... or Jericho... or Macho Man... or The Rock... or Hogan... or for that matter, Mick Foley.
CM Punk is the hot name right now, but in no way is he one of the greats on the mic. As many people have already mentioned, he's not even in the top ten. The only reason he stands out so much now is because he is one of the few Superstars with the freedom to say what he wants as long as it's part of the storyline. If I had to put him on a list, he's not even in the top 15 of all time. Just my opinion though.

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