CM Punk - Saving a Soul from the Audience

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Pre-Show Stalwart
On Friday at the beginning of Smackdown CM Punk had an incredible promo, and during his promo he announced that he'll "save a soul" from the audience next week. So, is he going to have a random person from the audience come to the ring, similar to the Master Lock Challenge? If so, I think this could be really entertaining, and better than the Master Lock challenge.

Or, maybe it's something similar to what they did with Santino. Maybe an up and coming wrestler will be an audience member and be "saved". Either way, I can't wait. What are your thoughts on it? Will it work, fail, and what to do you think will happen??
I would love it if he created a stable out of people he "saved". Next week he finds a FCW guy who's moving up in the audience with tons of beer around him. CM Punk brings him to the ring and the next couple weeks he can help him become straight edge.

He could keep doing this until he has a large "flock". If this is signs of the flock to come I'm excited for it. He could bring new guys to the company or even low mid-card guys and I think Punk would be a great leader. He has wonderful mic skills and that has gold written all over it.
I am actually in total agreement with this proposed gimmick. I was not a CM Punk fan until I watched his promo from last night. It was just so damn good and I just got a vibe from it that if this angle is booked right that it could be a very great thing.

The OP, name dropped Santino and I think he would be a great fit, granted he has to go to Smackdown first. He is a joke and Punk could enlighten him until he changes from whatever vice the writers give him into a completely serious wrestler or like Leafy said, Punk could find a developmental wrestler and help him out with whatever problem they give him.

This really could be an awesome storyline as long as the writers write it correctly.
I only read about the promo and it sounded quite epic. The Punk character is one of the best in the WWE in years and this could be just another thing that puts him over the top. The creation of a large stable would be rather interesting as Punk needs something to keep himself fresh week in and week out.

The one thing that still kind of bugs me is the fact that Punk continues to be a heel because he is against drugs and alcohol and the likes. I get that he's a total asshole while talking about it, but it still is pretty stupid having a wrestler being one of the most hated for telling people not to get high or become alcoholics, don't you think?
Like I said in the other thread, CM Punk needs to take a shower, then he can have his flock.

So CM Punk is starting a flock? Cool. Let's just hope that is doesn't become shitty with too many members. This is a great way to keep Punk fresh, and not rotten. Fuck stale, I'm saying rotten. This is also a great way to elevate the FCW main eventers. So go ahead CM Punk. Make your flock-right after you take that shower you dirty bastard.
I only read about the promo and it sounded quite epic. The Punk character is one of the best in the WWE in years and this could be just another thing that puts him over the top. The creation of a large stable would be rather interesting as Punk needs something to keep himself fresh week in and week out.

The one thing that still kind of bugs me is the fact that Punk continues to be a heel because he is against drugs and alcohol and the likes. I get that he's a total asshole while talking about it, but it still is pretty stupid having a wrestler being one of the most hated for telling people not to get high or become alcoholics, don't you think?

GD, your right, it is stupid that Punk is being booed for trying to help people. But lets not forget a stable by the name of the Right To Censor. They were created and taught pretty much the exact same that Punk is trying to do now. They were probably the biggest heel team in 2000 and 2001 because of their views. I think the reason for this is because people do not like being told what to do. You tell someone not to drink and they are going to be like fuck you johnny cash I will drink if I want. At least that's the only thing I can think of to why Punk and the RTC were booed.

I really hope this Punk straightedge group happens because Punk is so over with the crowd right now and it will only rub off on anyone who he teams with. He could be the golden spoon for some of the lower card guys such as Festus, Santino and others, if this is done right of course.
I think this is going to be great. I saw the promo and thought it was freakin' epic. I mean this guy is the best heel in the business today. I'm WWE, TNA, ROH, anywhere in the whole damn world. This guy draws more heat then anyone. He's brilliant. Why people think he can't draw is beyond me.

Now back on topic. Like I said I think this going to be great. It has all the makings to be so. Punk is so over right now anyone that he touches is going to get an instant rub. I really hope that this picks up and they run with it, because he's the one guy over the past months that hasn't become stale. Even with him coming out and saying the same thing over and over. This will add another layer to him. I only see good things coming from this.
This could be what Punk needs to launch himself into the stratosphere. Hes already a main eventer, but how many people became even better after they were leaders of a stable. All of them, from Raven to Ric Flair. This is Very intriguing, and I think it could help Punk draw even more heat, and become an even bigger player in the WWE for years to come.
What are your thoughts on it? Will it work, fail, and what to do you think will happen??

I think Cm Punk "saving" a member from the audience at a couple of shows is a brilliant idea. What would be awesome is if they have guys who currently have nothing to do at the moment storyline-wise, then have Punk "save" them, and they join the Straightedge faction under a new name like Gallows did. It has been mentioned before in other threads that they could potentially be a cooler version of Right to Censor if this is done. Then Matt Hardy and R-Truth could form a team of "partiers" to feud with Punk's faction of Straightedges. I came up with that idea in another thread, and still think it would be the best way to go with this.

Even if they only do it for one person it would be a good idea because Punk's segments have been great lately, even though he's a heel right now. As a straightedge in real life, it bugs me that Punk gets booed for telling people to not smoke and drink, since they should be booing his heel character, not the straightedge lifestyle. Although his character is judgemental and I'm not, that is where the difference is. I will be looking forward to this segment and I think it will work because it has the potential to be something really great if they use the right people for it.
Im really into the idea of Punk being a leader of a straight edge stable called "The Intervention" or something like that. It could be composed of guys like Gallows, who were "saved" by Punk. They could go around and try to convert people to straight edge. I don't think it needs to be bigger than four guys though. Just a big enough stable to make an impact on SD, but not too big where it gets ridiculous like the NWO or the Ministry. I think it's a great concept that is not only fresh, but it helps elevate Punk, and some young guys like Gallows that otherwise wouldn't have much to do.
This sounds like a very good idea. It will give CM Punk something do for the moment and may make him a better main eventer. Seem more like a threat. He's been a world champion several times yet doesn't seem a real threat even against people like R Truth. Hopefully this would have a positive effect like most stable leaders seem to get.

This will be a very entertaining if this done right. This could be the cooler version off Right Too Censor as someone has already suggested. The promo's will offcourse be very good as most off his has been lately. I'm looking forward too seeing what they can do with this.
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