CM Punk needs a "Flock"


Dark Match Winner
First of all, I just want to say that in my opinion CM Punk is a great heel. I've really been loving watching his character develop further in recent weeks and think he brings a unique feel to Smackdown. With that said, I also think this thing he's doing with Luke Gallows (Festus) could become interesting very soon.

Ole Festus was never very entertaining, to me at least. Besides the antics performed by Miz & Morrison involving Festus he never did much for me as a character. So my point is you have a guy who can wrestle fairly well for a man of his size and experience level who's character was too out there to repackage him with a slight change in personality or simple heel/face switch. I think the decision to repackage him the way they did was a good idea, especially if they build on this idea.

I can't help but get a Raven's Flock feel from Punk and Gallows. Maybe because Punk and Raven had their fued back in ROH, or because Punk sort of reminds me of that renegade, anti-hero type character like Raven.

Most of us have wondered where some names that we haven't seen 'future endeavored' have been in recent months and this could be a way to get back a few. Also, some people that may need repackaging that are still currently on tv could enter the fold.

Anyway, what I guess I'm asking is how does everyone feel about Punk and Gallows being the start to a faction? Do you think it is possible? Would you want to see Punk head up his own band of redeemed 'straight-eders', and if so, who would you like to see join the flock? As far as people who I believe are still signed with the 'W' but don't get any tv time that should be considered, I'd have to say Curt Hawkins. Why not, I never cared about him or Zack as the Major Bros or Edgeheads, but think Ryder is doing work now. First thread.
I had the exact same thought when I was watching Smackdown last week. Punk could become the leader of some kind of straightedge cult. That would definately be an interesting idea for a stable. Punk supposedly "converted" Gallows and now Gallows started believing in a "high power". As long as they don't take it too far, like they did with the Ministry, this could be a great angle for months to come.

And you could take wrestlers who need to be repackaged or who once had heat that's now fizzled out. If he added Finlay as the wiley veteran who once had a drink problem... Stereotyping, I know, but still. Or could you imagine if Punk recruited MVP to be his right hand man? This could be one hell of a stable. I'm just desperately hoping WWE goes somewhere with it, rather than just having Gallows as Punk's enforcer to get some heat for a while before Gallows disappears again, leaving Punk with no real direction yet again.
First of all, let me say that I love this idea. Punk with a group of straight-edge followers would be great television. If this happens, I would like to see Mike Knox join in. Knox is a beast and great in the ring. That flying cross body attack is sick! He could possible team up with Fest-uhh Luke and be a power house tag team of the group. Also, somebody else still unused yet employed that I would like to see is Charlie Haas. He's quite a good technician and IMO under-appreciated (The World's Greatest Tag Team was one of my all time favorite pairings but ended up being one of those groups that produced two Jannettys unfortunately). Knox could use alcohol as his vice and Haas using maryjane or something, then Punk shows them what straight edge can do for them. Even if all this stable does is put Knox and Haas back on my screen then I'd be satisfied.
Anyway, what I guess I'm asking is how does everyone feel about Punk and Gallows being the start to a faction? Do you think it is possible? Would you want to see Punk head up his own band of redeemed 'straight-eders', and if so, who would you like to see join the flock? As far as people who I believe are still signed with the 'W' but don't get any tv time that should be considered, I'd have to say Curt Hawkins. Why not, I never cared about him or Zack as the Major Bros or Edgeheads, but think Ryder is doing work now. First thread.

Punk starting a straightedge faction would be interesting, as others have pointed out. I think it's possible because it would be a good way to get some of the superstars who "vanished" lately a chance to do something again and possibly get over. Just look at what this is already doing for Gallows. I agree with KingShaw and say that Curt Hawkins should be recruited. All his friend Zack Ryder needed was a character change and he got very over, I'd like to see what that does for Curt too.

Being a Straightedge myself, (not the judgmental kind like Punk's heel character though) I would support a group because it would be very interesting to see how they would interact with the other superstars. Why not go one step further and build another stable of "partiers" to face them? Now THAT would be a stable feud worth seeing because it would make for some fantastic matches and promos, not to mention giving a lot of people another chance to get over.
Excellent thread, I have to agree whole-heartedly with the OP.

I've been having a very difficult time watching WWE products of late, particularly RAW, but I have to say that Smackdown has been a major sigh of relief for me, and I attribute that in large part to the work of CM Punk, who IMO has absolutely established himself as Edge's would-be replacement were Edge not able to return.

Regarding the OP, however – a stable was exactly what I was thinking the minute Punk introduced Gallows essentially as a recruit. What I really love about this most, IMO, is the wide-open slate for re-packaging guys in the new Punk Army mold. Guys like Curt Hawkins, Charlie Haas and Mike Knox could certainly benefit from it.

It'll be interesting to see where the WWE takes this, and how far they go with it, because though it has the footing to be a great springboard for guys, the WWE product is still a bit diluted IMO, and they could quickly run out of feuding room if the "brand" rosters continue to only show face on each respective brand – especially if the stable grows to a 4 or 5-man crew.
Im trying to think of potential members of CM Punks "intervention" (kudos to whoever came up with this name in another thread). Im gonna pretend that the brands dont matter.

Goldust-Transform him into Dustin Rhodes, have him be in a tag team maybe with Gallows.

Hornswoggle- IM NOT KIDDING lol. Have him become a badass little midget. He can start talking about how drugs made him think he was a leprachaun.

Curt Hawkins. they can explain his absence on being depressed and goin down a destructive path, but CM Punk saved him.

Those are three that id like to see in the group. maybe repace Goldust with Knox maybe...but something like that
In the fourth shot in my war against the Smackdown section, I am going to answer the question quite simply:

Does CM Punk need a "Flock"?

I will admit, your hunch is spot on in terms of the similarity that they could draw with Raven's flock into CM Punk. I have made various statements in the Luke Gallows thread amongst others that this stable that CM Punk would piece together would do wonders for not only himself but for all involved. I threw around the name "The Intervention", and I think that by drawing wrestlers from all brands and all walks of life, this is the perfect ticket to repackage some characters that are not being utilised properly and to also set CM Punk up as a truly powerful heel.

They've dropped him back to the mid-card to lick his wounds after that rollercoaster summer, and I think this was a great move. Keeping him in the main event spotlight for too long would have worn him out, both physically and heat wise with the fans, as there is only so much abuse about alcohol and pills they will take before they stop caring. I think by gathering a few wrestlers to back him up in the mid card, he could become a serious threat.

As for who I would want to join, I have no idea. Curt Hawkins certainly is available, but the fact is that he hasn't been seen for months, and his presence would seem a little strange. I would prefer a group of guys that have been more brainwashed by the ideologies that Punk preaches and have them change character, a la Festus, instead of cowardly sidekicks, as I feel this would benefit his character more.
I remember reading that this idea was floating around a while ago and I think it's a great idea, the IWC loves themselves a stable or two.

It keeps Punk relevant without chasing a title and also makes use of other talents. I'd love to see him feuding with John Morrison.

Punk seems to be going with a Messiah/Cult type gimmick, which is a good way of developing his Straight Edge stuff, since there's only so long that he can keep saying don't do drugs or alcohol.

Along with Gallos, I can deffo see them bringing in Curt Hawkins, from what I heard his sporting an Emo type look and he has a great back story too - feel into depression after being dumped by WWE after the split, Zach Ryder is doing great etc. I can see him being the Stevie Richards of the Flock, slightly sycophantic

It's also a great way to bring in Kaval too. Let Punk show him of as this perfect, natural and focused athlete, a vice-free example, and then just let him kick ass! It would also make an interesting team-up with Gallos, the big and the quick.

Then chuck in a random Diva or something.

Whoever came up with the name Intervention, that's great!
Agreed with everyone, a flock of Punk's own would be a great way of getting him and the members over, however with Punk seemingly straying in the Mid-Card for the moment, I could only see adding one or two members as viable, since there is so much less to fight for these days. Back in the day you had the World, IC, Euro, Hardcore, Tag, and Lightweight titles to fight for, and one spot for a Diva. Now you really only have the World and IC titles to fight for, so I think it makes having a stable bigger that 3 or 4 people pointless.

Anyhow, if it were me I'd bring Paul Birchill and Katie Lea in, saying they we're classic underachievers because they we're constantly using downers, it got so bad that they got kicked off of lowly ECW. But with Punk intervening, they've been able to kick the habit, might even make Katie Lea CM Punk's on screen girlfriend saying that she helped Punk intervene with Paul.
Cm Punk as a flock leader would be too much like Raven. It is pretty much what i have read. What there doing with punk is great because you have new story line. I would love to see Jeff Hardy come back saying punk helped him..
Ive said a few times on here that using Mike Knox in the role the have gallows would have been effective for both. Punk would have got massive heat and Knox could gain some credibility in the role. its ridiculous how much Knox is jobbed out on Smackdown. the guy is massive, but actually has some good moves in him, unlike say batista who is just a boring juiced up yawnfest.

I like this idea though for Punk.... he needs something as he is lost feuding with R Truth and deserves main event status... his promos and work with jeff was awsome... there is only jericho who has been a better heel the last 12 months
I like the idea and it's something that's been tossed back and forth in a few posts since the unveiling of Luke Gallows. I think it could be a good and interesting way to do something with some wrestlers that are getting lost in the shuffle.

Dolph Ziggler was slated to be the next IC champion but it didn't turn out that way. I think the WWE was wise in not making Mysterio or Morrison lame duck champions, but there's still a lot to be done with Dolph Ziggler.

Mike Knox is little more than a big hairy jobber and I honestly thing he'd have great potential as the bruiser in a straight edge faction. Knox is a big guy that's pretty athletic. He doesn't look like some bodybuilder or anything, but he has the solid build of a big, strong guy. I honestly believe Mike Knox could be the Bruiser Brody of the 21st Century.

There are some others of course and all could be brought in by Punk and claim that drinking and/or using drugs is responsible for their careers going nowhere or the fact that their careers have just come to a screeching halt.
Took my same comments from the Gallows thread, from 11-28-----------

[I]I absolutely LOVE this idea! I had thought about Punk starting some kind of "cult" type stable in the last couple months- just never had the time to share it here. Great way to get Punk hated even more and a fine way give Festus... Errr...I mean Luke Gallows a rub.

I have no problem with "lukes" new "look". I honestly didnt know it was him until Punk said the name, and I was like: wait...lemme rewind that! & sure enuff- he did say Festus. The shaved head was a absolute MUST since the man is obviously balding. I honestly woulda liked to see a more "Niedhart like" goatee on him. This one looked like a 17yr olds goatee. Thats being picky I guess, but its just what I thought when I saw him. I would also lose the camos and the black ?military? boots. It just looked goofy on Gallows- almost chicken legged. I guess if more "followers" will be added to the group, and "they" wear the same camos & boots also- then, Im fine with it. Kinda makes it a uniform of the "followers".

Speaking of the "followers": I thought the best person to start "following" the SE-lifestyle of Punk could have been ECW newcomer Vance Archer. It woulda set up perfect: Archer could talk about how he was- lost in his ways the last few years (however long he was in TNA) but he now has a new friend that has showed him a new way to live. Makes perfect sense to me- and Vince even gets in a small dig on TNA. BUT: he has already debuted on ECW, so there goes that idea! Maybe the same could be said for Kaval tho! ;)

Other possible "followers" include:
Mike Knox: would a tag-team of Knox & Gallows work? I think they could be an intimidating duo. But of course that would mean Vince would have to actually give a rats-ass about tag-teams anymore!
Paul Burchill: I thought I read something about him goin to SD & Katie goin to RAW. GOOD- break them up. PB joins "the lifestyle" & let Katie actually wrestle on RAW. Good for her!
Curt Hawkins or Charlie Haas: Mid-card "follower". They both need some help getting back on TV, dont they?

I like the post I read about likening it to a "Ravens Flock" type stable. I was thinking the same thing. & People can just keep joining the SE-lifestyle, cuz they see "it works"! It really has no limits. Of course- you dont wanna over-do anything.


Absolutely LOVE the idea!!
I absolutely disagree. While the idea of CM Punk's own stable may seem like a positive idea on the surface, I fear he would get lost in the shuffle. Why? I have trouble believing that the bookers/writers would know what to do with Punk and his gang of misfits. I prefer him by his lonesome, feuding with some of the top superstars on Smackdown.
I think a CM Punk-led Straight Edge Stable would be great TV; we haven't seen a big stable for a while now. I'd like to see Mike Knox involved purely for the reason that his promos regarding the body (bones, nervous system etc) could easily be converted into straight edge lectures. "Alcohol kills x amount of brain cells, etc etc".

However, I fear that a Straight Edge Stable would turn into the Right to Censor 2, and I'd rather the stable stood on its own rather than be compared. Also, depending on the size of the stable, I'd hate to see Punk get lost in there. He's real hot property right now and if this stable came to life, the focus would need to be solely on him.
CM Punk can play the cult leader perfectly. What we've seen of Gallows he seemed to be playing the cult leader with him.

He could take monster jobbers into his group saying their wrestling abilities were hindered by their previous drug usage. Mike Knox could come out with his beard shaved and his hair in a ponytail or Kane could come out in a suit. He would say how he saved all these men and they owe a debt to them. Imagine Punks "flock" all coming out in suits. Would be a symbol of how they're entering anew phase of their careers. I would love to see this in the future and hopefully Gallows is a sign of this.
The suit thing really doesn't suit Punk though. I mean aside from the straight-edge thing, he is still essentially a grungy, anti-establishment type of guy. I think a better approach would be to allow Punk's followers to be themselves and not let drugs/w/e influence them anymore.

I think Charlie Hass would also make a good addition, but just as a general follower not as a recovering addict. Nothing about Charlie Hass has ever made me think he was addicted to anything, on the contrary he seems pretty clean. I would put him with CM Punk with him saying that he's been rejected by the rest of the locker room because he never goes to the bar with them and but Punk accepted him with open arms.
Joe henning - he could talk about how his father was lost and how he doesn't want to end up like that etc. And wants to live a perfect life (I think you can get th picture here)

Charlie hass - I'm sorry his imitating people gimmick alone would make someone think he is on something...or when he would randomly put on the luchador mask. On LSD or something easyly

I must say I don't rate mike knoxx and was hoping he would be future endevoured. I think a guy like Chris masters who has been let go previously for failing the wellness policy because there is instant backstory there
In my opinion, Dolph Ziggler is the perfect guy to add to the Intervention (perfect name, btw)

Dolph has this bleach-blonde look and is billed from Florida. He could EASILY be played off as a party-scene casualty and brought back as a drug free killer who actually succeeded.

He could say drugs and booze caused him to act like someone he wasn't and it prevented him from becoming the Intercontinental champion. Punk's group would get a lot more of a rub if Dolph came back and won the IC belt and gained momentum.

It also sets up a real easy split turn down the road where Dolph could eventually challenge Punk because he likes to have a drink. If Dolph does a great job as Punk's #2 then he could jump into the main event with a turn feud.

I can only hope that's why he is off TV.

This has a TON of potential if done right. Otherwise it just turns out to be Right To Censor all over again without the suits.
I have no clue how her music career is going, but if its somewhat of a failure how about bringing Lita back into the mix. Her addiction wasn't alcohol or drugs her situation that needed help was her sleeping around. Matt Hardy to Kane to Edge all within a year. Then she met Punk and he helped her see the way and understand that sleeping around with everyone will only hurt you in the end (STD). Or you could bring Sunny back as well.
What was the purpose of Raven's Flock anyways? Was it the same motive as Punk's? But Punk should start a stable, I think they will be pretty cool since he is the best heel in the WWE right now. I think 3 superstars from SD should join Punk and Gallos. That should be Dolph Ziggler, R Truth and Mike Knox. Now R Truth had that whole coming from jail having a second life thing going on. He could join Punk to officially turn his life around.

As for Mike Knox, Knox has that whole knowing the elements of the human body thing going on. He could join Punk and describe the bad stuff that can happen to your body if you do drugs. And well Ziggler can be their to say that he was losing matches cause of drugs, but now that he turned away from it he is winning matches again. But I feel a 5 man stable would be awesome. WWE needs good stables right now.
King Douche's idea is good. Mike Knox would have a great role as the serial killer doctor gimmick they seem to have him in.

I'd love to see a straight edge cartel. Punk and Gallows, Dolph Ziggler, Knox, maybe some others, it could be fun. I like stables, and think they open up many storyline possibilities. Maybe we could have Vance Archer graduate from ECW and join, saying being drug- and alcohol-free made him INTENSE.
Thanks for liking my idea. And yes Vance Archer is a good wrestler, he could help out in the group. Another wrestler I like to see join Punk's stable is John Morrison. Morrison is better as a heel then face and he could say that doing drugs gave him mood swings now that he has gotten rid of the drugs he is fine now. Morrison with his wrestling ability would be a great help to the stable.
First: Hell yes, CM Punk should expand this current-tag team of Gallows and himself to a stable.

I've got so much to say about this angle and stables in general and what Punk/Gallows reminds me of in general.

A) The repackaging of Festus to Gallows is brilliant. Taking a pretty irrelevant wrestler to someone who has a gimmick with legs. Albeit, Gallows has some work to do in getting over still. Pretty sure the last time you saw Festus was on Raw with Vince implying Festus took a dump in the bathroom. :banghead: So you reintroduced him as a new man, a clean living body guard for the man who he sees as his savior -- the 2nd or 3rd most over heel in the company -- CM Punk. Gallows will do anything for Punk, Punk can do no wrong (well until the eventual breakup feud, if everything goes well). I've noticed since Gallows redebuted, Striker and Grisham are calling Punk the Straight Edge Savior, not "..Superstar." Given him a nickname of the Surgeon General of Smackdown. Both the names and the cult-like affection are hinting at a future stable.

B) Long live the stable and how dearly I've missed you. Stables, most of the time, work. WWE, in my opinion, doesn't do enough of them anymore. We all know what constitutes a successful stable -- getting wrestlers otherwise uncared for over. Examples: Orton, The Rock, HHH. Legacy has been a pretty big botch so far. Initially, they couldn't seem to call the entire Trio "Legacy" or just Dibiase & Rhodes. And stuck them with the Priceless music for an uncomfortably long amount of time. But for every crap stable, there's 2 that worked. Evolution, DX, nWo, Nation of Domination, Ministry of Darkness. As I say this, I want to say that while I love love love Punk and he's been WHC three times.. I can't really compare his main event status to y'know HBK, Nash, Hall, Undertaker at their careers during those stables. You may need to draw more heat on Punk than having him feud w/ Matt or R-Truth before you start a full-fledged stable. A tag team for now will suffice, but there's no doubt in my mind that a stable of former-nobodies, now cult followers of a snotty elitist boy from Chicago has legs.

For what was wrong with DX, it had the perfect allocation of guys (Post-HBK version). 1 Main eventer/part-time secondary belt, A tag team, A guy to wrestle for the secondary belt, and a woman. If I booked WWE and I wanted to get guys over, I'd have it be set up this way --

Punk as the main eventer obviously.

Gallows who wrestles for the secondary belt and hopefully by then has enough wind behind his back. If Gallows is for some reason not in the group.. I think you need to put Reks in the mix seeing as he kind of has that Surfer/RVD/weed thing going on & he's basically been irrelevant. And there's always Vance Archer who I think has a bright future ahead.

I can think of only two choices. First choice and preference is the Hart Dynasty. I see a lot of parallels with Bret Hart towards the end of his WWF days and Punk. Both complain about how they should be the role models the world needs, but they're hated for no reason. Possibly work in that element with the Hart Dynasty's affection for CM Punk. Plus if you put in THD, you get the female element with Nattie.

If not the Harts, then..

Croft & Barreta who are pretty entertaining to watch and remind me of E&C. They don't have an obvious drinking or drug problem, but you could easily work in a storyline on top of the current "oh they love playing video games/juvenile" gimmick in which all they do is abuse drugs and play games (good-for-nothings).

C) The Straight Edge Society, as Grisham and Striker call it, reminds me of Two Dudes with Attitude. You had a cocky punk who enlisted the bodyguard help of a wrestler formerly poorly used. Now, that said. Punk isn't Michaels and Nash is far more popular than Gallows may ever turn out to be. But, I've watched wrestilng for the last 17 years (I'm 22) and I've never been this...caring of a wrestler than Punk since Shawn Michaels back in '94 '95.

The reason Shawn, Austin, Bret, Flair, Sting, etc etc got over with the crowd is because they worked the indies before WWE. Now that territories are pretty much dead, you rarely see wrestlers truly get over and look like they know what they're doing. ROH definitely serves that purpose, though. Punk, McGuiness/Joe/Daniels as a heel all can work it in the ring and on the stick. CM Punk is one of the biggest glimmers in WWE of the last 4 years. He's got a great unique look, talks very well, perfect music for his character, and has a really awesome heel beard now. He's not very big or tall (by WWE standards), but it's a reality Vince and company needs to face because the new upstarts are WAY smaller than the current main eventers.

That being said.. Let Punk get back into the title hunt again with the help of Gallows..give him another reign and then build the stable.
First off i just wanna say great thread, and ive read everyones replys which all have good points. Im a massive CM Punk fan especially now hes heel. I didnt see this post on here before otherwise i would have commented before now. I do think CM Punk does need a flock it was something i thought about the first week he introduced Luke Gallows.

When it comes to members for the group there really are a number of people that could be used most of them mentioned threwout the posts already. I think maybe Chris Masters could be a decent shout dropping the whole dancing pecks thing (not really a big fan of that tbh) as maybe a big guy cause i no a few of you mentioned Mike Knox. I also like the idea of Charlie Hass aswell concidering he hasnt had anything to do for a while. I also like the Diva idea wether that be bringing in Lita who would be my first pick or maybe i think Beth Pheonix could work well.

Also the name of the tag team escapes me but maybe the new tag team that debuted on ECW a few weeks back im not saying all these people i just think there people that could work.

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