CM Punk just made NXT watchable

When the main event was on, and that one girl hit a spear on the other, I literally cried laughing. ..

"SPEAR SPEAR SPEAR" - Michael Cole
" It was the most dangerous spear i've ever seen" - CM Punk in a fucking hilarious voice.
if you have to go back and watch that one part, oh my lord CM Punk does wonders for this show, I consider this the most entertaining season by far just from this weeks episode.
I really enjoyed Punk on commentary. He didn`t say a lot at first, but he seemed to get more comfortable as the show went on. He had some really funny lines and come backs. I wasn`t sure what to think when Cole came back, but I actually kind of liked the little trio they had going. I loved that they had him sign off and him telling Josh to shut up at the end was hilarious. I`m intrigued to see him back next week.
The commentary was absolutely amazing. I've always felt as though people don't Punk credit for being the amazing wrestler he is. Excellent on the mic, good worker (much better in ROH), charismatic and witty. Basically everything Jeff Hardy is not multiplied by a billion. I really hope WWE appreciates him backstage for doing the amazing heel work that's so rare nowadays. I'll never forgive them for burying him at HIC last year. Fuck the Undertaker.
Sorry, I should have posted an "lol" after my "AJ sat first" comment, I meant it to be a humorous mockery statement not a legit answer to an obvious rhetorical question.

But I still maintain the CM Punk, whether in the ring, or behind the announce table, is still in character when he cuts the show down. It's heel behavior that HOPEFULLY the audience recognizes as crude and douchey. Remember, the show's primary demographic is for fans who don't know terms like "over", or "kayfabe". It isn't geared toward us smarks.

A person who is watching the show is doing so presumable because they like it, so when a heel anouncer says "This sucks," the viewers response is to be offended and annoyed that the "jerk" on tv is saying that something the viewer likes is bad.

Our perspective is different because we know how the business works. It's hard to do, but you have to put yourself in the shoes of someone who believes it's all real.
Sorry, I should have posted an "lol" after my "AJ sat first" comment, I meant it to be a humorous mockery statement not a legit answer to an obvious rhetorical question.

But I still maintain the CM Punk, whether in the ring, or behind the announce table, is still in character when he cuts the show down. It's heel behavior that HOPEFULLY the audience recognizes as crude and douchey. Remember, the show's primary demographic is for fans who don't know terms like "over", or "kayfabe". It isn't geared toward us smarks.

A person who is watching the show is doing so presumable because they like it, so when a heel anouncer says "This sucks," the viewers response is to be offended and annoyed that the "jerk" on tv is saying that something the viewer likes is bad.

Our perspective is different because we know how the business works. It's hard to do, but you have to put yourself in the shoes of someone who believes it's all real.

I'm gonna have to rep you for standing by your arguement and i can see what you're saying. Perhaps it would have been better if Josh Matthews had made more of an effort to argue with Punk as opposed to just sitting there making snide jokes. Thinking back to the point i made about Ventura and Heenan; yeah, they ragged on the faces but they had McMahon or Monsoon to question what they were saying so you didn't just completely have negative comments. In fact, a good percentage of the matches called by Monsoon and Heenan contained Monsoon exclaiming 'Will you stop!?' whenever Heenan went on a rant. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks or so, Matthews will not only engage Punk like he excellently did this week, he will also question some of his comments in order to get a fair, balanced commentary team. Towards the end of this weeks NXT, Cole and Punk were shutting Matthews out and it was hard to hear that 'pro-face' observation.
Listening to those three on Wednesday (I missed the Tuesday broadcast because I was watching NCIS) reminded me so much of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Just three guys who absolutely shred something that is supposed to be taken seriously. Makes me wish that WWE would do more of this with really bad matches. Just let these three play the MST3K roles in bad matches and just rip them to shreds.

But yeah...Punk is a breath of fresh air on the NXT broadcast to keep on track of the OP.
My favorite Punk line of the night was "this is the greatest night of my life." I've never laughed out loud at wrestling so much, than I have the last few weeks watching NXT. Punk was great all night, but when Michael Cole sat down with him the show got better. I'd love to see Punk on commentary every week. This show needs something else to keep people interested, because the wrestling hasn't been doing that yet. And it's working.
CM Punk made NXT more watchable. The only reason I'm watching NXT3 is because Kaitlyn is fucking gorgeous and the fact that it's actually funny. Bitch fights every other minute, Vickie Guerrero falling over trying to run an obstacle course, and seeing CM Punk make hillarious jokes. Kaitlyn mostly though. As long as I get to see Kaitlyn's boobs, tightly wrapped in leather, then I'm alright. She's gorgeous.

Michael Cole having a piss fit was quite entertaining too. It's all just to add to his heel gimmick though, don't really care for Cole nowa'days. I'd love to see CM Punk as a permanant NXT announcer, now THAT, THAT would make NXT more watchable.
CM Punk was awesome!

The whole show I was thinking the second he retires they should employ him as a commentator.

On another note, how much does Matt Striker hate his job on nxt
Indeed CM Punk was immense, but credit to Cole who I am totally prefering as a Heel. I may even become a "Cole Miner".
When he screamed "Spear, Spear, Spear!!" as if it was the main event at Mania during the match on last weeks show, I have never laughed at Wrestling commentary as mch in my life.

Bravo Cole and Bravo Punk. Its nice to see something positive coming from NXT season 3 for a change.
But yet- he wasnt back this past week on commentary? The show totally sucked ass! No matches & even before anyone is even eliminated: the show moves to

Good deal WWE!!
Punk was great last week, but not this week, because he broke his promise of coming back.

I guess he lied about NXT being his favorite show too.

Punk not being there brought the show down for me(the matches didn't help either).

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