CM Punk just made NXT watchable


Pre-Show Stalwart
Divas NXT, none-the-less.

Holy cow, I'm glad I decided to flip past SyFy channel tonight just to see how terrible Season 3 of NXT actually was. Thought I heard someone else at the announce table and it ended up being CM Punk, hilariously wearing his ring gear and a ratty brown sport coat.

Jesus, is this guy good at everything? Best commentary I have heard in years. I can't believe I watched an entire episode of a show about rookie divas, but that's how good it was with him behind the desk. My heart sank when Cole announced he would return, but Punk stayed, and said he'll be back next week!

I think Punk is the best man on the mic in WWE right now. I was at Night of Champions on Sunday and the promo he cut about Chicago was amazing. Tonight I was laughing at the WWE announce team, genuinely laughing, because he was so funny. Big step up from the typical toddler-level humor we get from Cole and associates.

Did you enjoy CM Punk on NXT tonight? Has it increased your interest in NXT?
Do you think Punk should be an announcer when his in-ring years are over?
PUNK was GOLD yesterday on NXT and certainly made it even more entertaining then it already was. When PUNK said He normally watches NXT season 3 with his pants off I was LAUGHING so much. I'm very excited that PUNK will be back on commentary next week.
Jesus, is this guy good at everything? Best commentary I have heard in years. I can't believe I watched an entire episode of a show about rookie divas, but that's how good it was with him behind the desk. My heart sank when Cole announced he would return, but Punk stayed, and said he'll be back next week!
i agree, Wow, CM Punk is the man in WWE. He can wrestle a match and even make a Big Show match, watchable, but his mic work and commentary is awesome, LOVED him as an announcer, he's better than Cole as a heel on NXT.
Tonight I was laughing at the WWE announce team, genuinely laughing, because he was so funny. Big step up from the typical toddler-level humor we get from Cole and associates.
Cole is an annoying heel and sometimes (except when he's loving on Vickie Guerrero) he's really good, HOWEVER, CM Punk was GREAT on commentary. When he stops wrestling, he's got a future as an announcer.
When PUNK said He normally watches NXT season 3 with his pants off I was LAUGHING so much. I'm very excited that PUNK will be back on commentary next week.
oh that line was VERY funny, i also liked how he called Jamie, Janice. he was the star of the night, who would've thought that an announcer would steal this show and CM Punk stole this show.
Did you enjoy CM Punk on NXT tonight? Has it increased your interest in NXT?
Do you think Punk should be an announcer when his in-ring years are over?

i enjoyed CM Punk and he's got me watching next week and now (if he stays on the show) i hope WWE finds a time slot for this show. You know my answer to the last question because i answered it earlier.
DAMMIT! I promised myself i would'nt torture myself by watchin' season 3...but CM Punk you say? He does have a way with words. CM Punk and Chris Jericho are like the only guys who can turn heel on their home crowd. I gotta see this episode now.
I have to agree to some extent here. I tuned in just to see who was replacing Cole and was pleasantly surprised. I still fast forward the lame parts which aren't few and far between, but at least its funny to hear Punk and now Cole talk about what a train wreck this show is. Punk saying "No one wants to hear you talk" to Jamie was hilarious. Its still hard to sit through the promos, matches, and competitions though. At least Punk will help alleviate that. It sounds like its a guilty pleasure of people.
I promised myself i would'nt torture myself by watchin' season 3...but CM Punk you say? He does have a way with words. CM Punk and Chris Jericho are like the only guys who can turn heel on their home crowd. I gotta see this episode now.
yeah you go to watch it. the NXT season 3 show usually sucks, but Punk being on there made the show actually very good to watch, last week, i was annoyed with Cole, even though he's a heel, he's only good, but he's not a reason to keep watching a show, CM Punk however was. His lines and his jokes were just funny.
Jesus Christ, all you people are jizzing your pants over Punk. I mean, yeah, sure he was funny. Sure he might have said what some of y'all were thinking. But if it takes one man to make something bearable, then I don't know what to say. Literally. I'm speechless.

Maybe I'm saying this cuz I normally don't care for commentary except when Cole is heel and bashes some of the people. I barely paid any attention to most of what Punk said last night anyway, so maybe that's why. I'll have to re-watch it online and see if Punk really is the "savior" of NXT.
Punk was awesome tonight. He kinda salvaged the remains of NXT Season 3 by saying that he enjoys watching Season 3 (Cole killed the show by shitting on it last week) so I'm at least glad that he started off right. But then he just starts off with some great interaction with Josh Mathews and it hit its peak when he was BFFing with Michael Cole when he came back. CM Punk was just too good to flip the channel (or in my case, watch a different video on YT) and I really hope he's gonna keep going for this season.
CM Punk: "It's funny, I'm not wearing pants. Thats exactly how i watch NXT every week." FINALLY true comedy was added to the show. CM Punk for fucking President!
Man, he was hilarious. I loved CM punk, I wish he would continue season 3, especially beisde Michael Cole not instead, Josh was there laughing all the time, that's how good Punk is

However, Should CM punk worry about being a good commentator at his first shot?

I mean WWE doesn't rate him highly when we see big show beating him week in week out and in just 2 seconds, even though he was hugely embarrased against Rey mysterio. He's the best thing on smackdown and NXT, one of the top 5 guys in WWE atm in worst case possible, yet he looses without looking credible, I think punk should be worried about being a successful commentator!
I absolutely agree. I'm not a huge mark for Punk by any means, but he was absolutely golden tonight. This just two days after having cut one of his best promos at NOC. He's really on a roll lately. The pants line was great, his usage of incorrect names for the Divas was great, the line about playing musical chairs when he trained to wrestle was great, telling Jamie that no one wanted to hear her talk was great... I can't recall the last time I found an entire show's worth of commentary so entertaining. Say what you will about Cole, but Punk actually had a great rapport with him, too. The way they collectively ridiculed the show to the dismay and simultaneous amusement of Matthews was excellent. Allowing Punk to sign off the show for him and Cole alone, followed by "Shut up, Josh" was a fantastic cap. I'm glad to hear he'll be back next week.
Punk seemed entirely comfortable on the mic...He reminded me of Jericho, whenever he grabs the headsets. Some guys have it, some don't. Punk does. Nothing he said seemed forced, and he was pretty damn funny at times. As soon as he said Matt "Jefferson D'arcy" Striker, he had me.
I've just finished watching this weeks NXT on youtube and i was pleasantly suprised to see who was joining Josh Matthews on commentary. I though CM Punk did O.K, as it took him 5-10 minutes to really get into his groove. Some of the things he was saying were not brilliant such as the introduction of the rookies and Matthews egging him on to say each one looked like a bartender. But once Punk got settled he was a joy to listen to.

This raises a few questions though;
1) Is this a regular gig? With NXT Season 3 rumoured to be going online once Smackdown moves to Syfy, i would imagine Punk would still be behind the mic until the show's duration.

2) Why Punk? This is what worries me. Notice how CM Punk, the guy who is doing very little on Smackdown in terms of storyline, is picked to announce on NXT. None of the main event guys on RAW and not even Christian, another guy who is solid on the mic are picked to announce; just Punk. With Christian seemingly engaged in a feud with Alberto Del Rio, it appears Punk is the odd man out and has nothing to do. His 'feud', for lack of a better word, with Big Show was poor and didn't really let him show what he could do in terms of ring-work. Hopefully, creative can find him a feud whilst allowing him to announce because i would hate to lose Punk as a main event player just to gain Punk as an announcer.

3) Hinting to the future? Lawler, Savage, Ventura. Three wrestlers turned announcers who were entertaining to listen to. Is this what the future holds for Punk? Does anyone see Punk perhaps announcing on one of the main shows after his career is over? I personally think that with a bit more confidence and announcing under his belt, he could definately do a fine job on RAW, SD! or PPVs.
It's about time they started doing something differently in WWE. NXT is like an experimental show. I was already enjoying it when Cole was dancing like a fool, but now Punk comes out and yuks it up? This show just became the most entertaining show of the week.
It's about time they started doing something differently in WWE. NXT is like an experimental show. I was already enjoying it when Cole was dancing like a fool, but now Punk comes out and yuks it up? This show just became the most entertaining show of the week.
agreed, CM Punk was yuking the show up, a ton of great lines from Punk just made this awesome
Maybe I'm saying this cuz I normally don't care for commentary except when Cole is heel and bashes some of the people.
if you liked Cole bashing people, you would enjoy Punk. He was on fire with his one liners and he didnt get some diva's names right and i think he did this all on purpose which made it more funny.
CM Punk.... :worship: I'm so in love with you right now. Besides my love for Striker...oh are God on the mic. Not only are you a legend on SD, but you are making NXT watchable. I am SO hoping you become a permanent fixture on that show at the table. :worship:

This man, is there anything he cannot do?! I hope to goodness this is what they need to get it the kind of support having different superstars come in and do commentary, but I hope Punk is the main star. I loved the line "I watch NXT every week with no pants on." :lmao: That was pure gold!! Well I guess just because you're straight edge doesn't mean you can't be horny. :lol: Dude doesn't have alcohol, drugs, or ciggarettes, but he certainly is in need of some fine female forms. Hehe. I think all that pent up hormones is making him a great announcer. I give you :thumbsup: WWE for this move, let's hope its one that lasts a while.
Did you enjoy CM Punk on NXT tonight? Has it increased your interest in NXT?

Not really no. I hardly ever pay any attention to the announcers, unless it's due to a guest announcer which is a rare thing. CM Punk was interesting last night, however the interest was still focused purely on the NXT concept, not because I exactly care a lot about it, but because at it's still somewhat interesting in it's own manner.

Do you think Punk should be an announcer when his in-ring years are over?

I said the same thing about Chris Jericho, as I'll say about Punk now. I wouldn't mind seeing CM Punk being an announcer. I don't necessarily see it happening, however I wouldn't mind.

CM Punk, just as well as Chris Jericho are two highly charismatic and good heels, they can work the microphone and work the crowd to a T, and therefore they would both make great announcers. However, I wouldn't get my hopes up to see them get behind the announce table, especially considering they're most likely in an era where the announcing isn't really needed, compared to Jerry Lawler, who I'm sure makes a good handful of money, however didn't earn as much back in his hayday compared to the guys now.
CM Punk was GOLD last night on NXT,he had me rolling with his Pants line and calling Matt "Jefferson Darcy" Striker. I still like NXT but its just funny to hear Cole,Matthews,and now Punk just kinda poke fun at it as well.
I think the thing that really helped Punk tonight was Josh Matthews and the back-and-forth the pair had. It reminded me a lot of the Cole/JBL partnership on Smackdown, with Matthews/Cole constantly winding up Punk/JBL until they came back with a really snide remark. Matthews was doing it regularly last night. Here's a few examples:

'You're a three-time world champion, right, and you couldn't get a shirt and tie? You made a lot of money in your career, huh?'
(during the musial chairs segment which Punk is ragging on) 'This looks like something straight-edge people do'
(after AJ's win, which again Punk rags on) 'It reminds me of seeing CM Punk win the world title for the first time'

I just thought that Matthews was a good foil for Punk and certainly helped ease him in to the position by constantly engaging him and asking for his opinion which in turn, helped Punk get over some very funny observations.

However, i have a big problem with Punk's announcing and that is his constant degrading of the NXT concept and the NXT rookies. Look, we all tend to share the same opinion that Season 3 of NXT is shite and this weeks episode was no different. Aksana's HORRENDOUS talk the talk attempt (i don't care if it was shoot or work; it bombed) was the worst offender and should take any criticism that comes her way, but ragging on a concept that a) you're supposed to be promoting and b) is on its last legs anyway is ridiculous. Again, here's a few examples that wound me up:

*sighing when Striker mentions the talk-the-talk challenge
(when Cole comes back for commentary) 'This show sucks with or without you'

I just felt it was a little unnecessary. I understand the heel commentator rags on the faces but the heels too? What purpose does this serve NXT? Getting the rookies names wrong was funny the first 2 times and i was very entertained with his nicknames on Jaime during the talk-the-talk challenge, but with Maxine looking like one of the more credible heels on NXT season 3, why is the heel commentator constantly demeaning her? One of my favourite announcers was Jesse Ventura, and whilst he demeaned the faces, he praised the heels and i saw very little evidence of Punk doing the same.

Like i said in my first post, i thought CM Punk did ok, but i wouldn't go as far as what some of you are saying. Hopefully within the next 2 weeks, Punk can find his feet and actually help elevate some of the heels on the show like Maxine.

One question i ask after seeing this week's musical chairs segment. How the hell did Naomi lose with an arse that big? ;)
Aj sat first.

CM Punk is being his character, a heel who only cares about himself and who apparently has an incredibly sarcastic sense of humor. Hugging Cole and clapping at his return wasn't meant to be serious, it was meant to be sarcastic. Cutting down everyone else is just being a selfish heel. He's not there to put people over. He's there for himself.

I think the WWE may be finally acknowledging how they view the divas and are turning it into an angle where the announcers just completely crap on the whole concept. But they're making the show watchable either way. I'd think the same way if it were rookie guys in the ring too.
One question i ask after seeing this week's musical chairs segment. How the hell did Naomi lose with an arse that big? ;)

Thats what I was wondering!!! And I thought they really set up for another Punk comment when Matthews said that Naomi was "taking up more of the chair"

But yeah, I thought Punk did good. He didn't really say all that much, as Matthews pretty much carried the show with Punk throwing in little funny remarks here and there. Overall I enjoyed it.

I think it also helped Punk's cause because this week was actually a good show. At least by NXT Season 3 standards.

Cole/Punk/Matthews have a good announcing chemistry together. I wouldn't mind seeing the three of them for the rest of this season.
Oh man. I was going to skip NXT from now on, but when I heard Punk was on it, I watched. And then Cole returned? Awesome. I laughed so hard at Spear! Spear! Spear!
Aj sat first.

CM Punk is being his character, a heel who only cares about himself and who apparently has an incredibly sarcastic sense of humor. Hugging Cole and clapping at his return wasn't meant to be serious, it was meant to be sarcastic. Cutting down everyone else is just being a selfish heel. He's not there to put people over. He's there for himself.
I think the WWE may be finally acknowledging how they view the divas and are turning it into an angle where the announcers just completely crap on the whole concept. But they're making the show watchable either way. I'd think the same way if it were rookie guys in the ring too.

Firstly, i know AJ sat first; it was a humourous look at the junk that is in Naomi's trunk :suspic:

JBL was a selfish heel, and during his tenure as SD! announcer, he put over many heels ranging from King Booker to Finlay to Edge. Now the bit in bold is the part i disagree with, partially. As a wrestler, CM Punk is there only to put over CM Punk. This makes perfect sense. However, as an announcer, CM Punk is there to put over the talent. That is an announcers job. Yes, CM Punk is supposed to be a snide, pompous, humourous prick but only to the faces; as a heel announcer he should be putting over the heels or at least the fucking show he is on. Would heel Lawler, Ventura or Heenan actually insult and demean the show they were on? All played heel roles in the booth but never once said on television 'this show would suck with or without you'.

Another part i don't agree with is the part about CM Punk being on NXT to put himself over. Why? The ratings for NXT are poor and the show is losing its deal with Syfy in two weeks to Smackdown. If, as rumoured, NXT becomes 'web-exclusive' content on, i doubt many of the dwindling audience would continue to watch as the prospect of women's wrestling in WWE is not particularly enticing nowadays. I think if creative want Punk to stay relevant without a feud, he could always announce matches on Superstars which at least still has its television deal.
Punk could make The View bearable to watch

I've head that Punk has said that he doesn’t know how much longer he will be able to wrestle. This may have been the WWE just trying him out for commentary.

And no surprise, he is AWSOME at it

CM Punk = :worship:
CM Punk's addition to the show this week truly was a wonderful one. First off you had to love the way he came out in ring gear only with an overcoat over top of his gear. That was funny, and his overall mannerisms were entertaining to listen too. His presence was just very welcomed in my opinion. And as much as I usually hate Michael Cole, when he came back to the booth to join Punk and Matthews, thats where things really started to get entertaining as hell. Through out the rest of the show you had both CM Punk and Michael Cole expressing fake enthusiasm for what they were watching. Also they're constant criticizing was very funny. The reason it was so great was because these were the exact thoughts I was thinking myself while watching the broadcast. It added just this new level of entertainment to the show, with Punk and Cole brilliantly working off of each other while poor Josh Matthews tried to effortlessly defend it. All in all the commentary last night was very fun to listen too and I hope they keep this team around for the rest of Season Three.

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