Cm Punk/Heyman Feud Needs to End.


Pre-Show Stalwart
Its a good feud and with ryback it should get better, but after the next ppv,
i want something new for punk. its holding him back letting him chase after a manager. cm punk is like john cena where he doesnt have to be fighting for the belt to be in a major feud. but i wanna see another major feud i think punk will be excellent facing some guys like rvd thats a match i wanna see. or a feud with orton. after the heyman/punk has ended WHO WILL FIGHT PUNK?
I think this feud should and will end at Hell in a Cell. There is a match with Ryback and potentially Heyman but then it should stop (at least temporarily). Thereafter, he should be used in the corporation angle. That is the best place for him. No Cena, no Sheamus meaning this feud could do with a little extra star power.

A title match with Orton is a must and after that I wouldn't mind a feud with either Bryan or re-starting something with Lesnar.
I like the fact that they've kept Punk away from the corporation angle. I feel he's strong enough to hold his own angle/storyline. In saying that, he does need something new other than chasing Heyman and I'm struggling to think of anyone else he could face that isn't already tied up doing something else.
i think his best "matches" were against bryan, those were some sick matches! turn him heel again, put the belt on him, and have him feud with bryan ending at WM
If you end the Heyman/Punk feud, that means Punk goes after the World Title.

Which is always good, but the Danial Bryan angle right now is still pretty hot. If you throw Punk in the mix, you kill that heat that Danial Bryan has.

Punk and Heyman should end at Survivor Series with Punk vs. Lesnar 2. Hell it should main event the Pay-Per-View. No gimmick match, just Lesnar vs. Punk 2.

It's the best way for the feud to end. It's the only way the feud can end. Punk gets the big win over Lesnar. Lesnar and Heyman gain respect for Punk.

Potential Face turn for Lesnar. He would be an accurate face for the current angles going on right now. Food for thought.
CM Punk versus Paul Heyman has indeed gone stale. I'm praying that the Ryback injection aids it and in all honesty I think it will. Ryback has been far more entertaining lately and I feel like adding him to the feud is a surefire way to get to the end payoff of having Punk get his hands on Heyman. For as stale as the current feud seems it's pretty much guaranteed that it will end at Survivor Series. Team Punk versus Team Heyman seems inevitable and I think this could actually end up being a good thing for the currently boring feud. It's actually very sad to say that Axel killed the heat but that's the truth and it's because the WWE audience just doesn't care for him as much. However going full circle once again I feel like Ryback will change the dynamic and elevate the feud. Punk will get to Heyman and then it will all be worth it once again.
I like it, right now its the only feud that I can think of the top of my head that has a good long running heat to it. And they are getting to the end but right now I cant think of a good end without Lesnar or someone who can match Punk.
I agree. It should have ended at Night of Champions.
It shouldn't be this difficult for CM Punk to get his hands on Paul Heyman especially now that Brock Lesnar isn't around. He should have beat Heyman up and moved on to something else. Likely a feud with The Shield. But replacing Brock with Axel with Ryback and running this longer is getting stale.
Punk shoud have won't the title from Axel. It's the only way to add another mix to it beyond Ryback entering the equation who gets stale quick during feuds. This would be the perfect time to bring in Big E and turn him face to help Punk and even the odds.

It they're going to keep the feud going through Survivor Series now is the time to freshen it up and add to the mix. You can only have Punk hunting down Heyman as the main story line for so long. Since Ryback keeps taking of bullies, boom, make it a Big E bully lol.
I would like to see the Heyman/ Punk feud go more than 12 months

feuds in real life are not over when outsiders lose interest

this was a father/son bond through the tough times only to be broken when Punk got to the spotlight

i want long term angles, not this A.D.D. chop and change sherbet and Punk is the right character for it

Plus, it should not finish until Ryback has stolen a belt from Punk's grasp otherwise its all pointless.
i think his best "matches" were against bryan, those were some sick matches! turn him heel again, put the belt on him, and have him feud with bryan ending at WM

Why is the IWC solution for every thing "turn him heel?" Punk is an excellent babyface and he's not shoved down your throat like other babyface I'd rather have that than Sheamus.

Punk is in a compelling storyline which is keeping him separate from the corporate angle which is important since all the babyfaces in the angle other than Bryan are being made to look like idiots. And plus if you're not loving every second of Paul Heyman's promos there must be something wrong with, Heyman kissing Ryback on the cheek was awesome. So yeah, this should keep going and should end at Hell in a Cell since it's a great stipulation considering that Heyman can't run away finally these themed PPVs can lead to a stipulation that makes sense for a match.
Its not the feud that's grown stale, cause Ryback vs Punk or Punk vs Axle have the makeup to be good matches or at least entertaining, its Heyman that's grown stale, his repetitive promos, its like reliving the Heyman/Lesnar/Big Show feud all over again, that one was bad enough.

Heyman is ok as a manager and speaker, but just end this Punk/Heyman storyline feud. Axles build up to this point has been great, but now Heyman is really starting to take the spotlight off that guy who should get it.
I have liked this angle from the start, and I think with Ryback being inserted it could go through December. Punk and Heyman are gold and I miss the days of the extended feud. Now I do think Punk should get something new come Royal Rumble time, but I like the fact that he has been kept out of the HHH angle. I wouldn't mind seeing Punk go after the World title after the Heyman feud. He could definitely breath some new life into the World title picture.
I have liked this angle from the start, and I think with Ryback being inserted it could go through December. Punk and Heyman are gold and I miss the days of the extended feud. Now I do think Punk should get something new come Royal Rumble time, but I like the fact that he has been kept out of the HHH angle. I wouldn't mind seeing Punk go after the World title after the Heyman feud. He could definitely breath some new life into the World title picture.

I think Punk is beyond the World Title now. Even ADR in a interview talked of it as being a B championship and the title beneath the WWE Championship. I don't know what he'd really offer to the WHC at this point.

I don't think this feud will go on past TLC though and it would be nice to have Punk gunning for the WWE Title again because he never got boring as Champion. Plus Punk taking Ryback to a half-decent match will do him a world of good, because his stock has sank lower than Zigglers these past 5 months.
Its not the feud that's grown stale, cause Ryback vs Punk or Punk vs Axle have the makeup to be good matches or at least entertaining, its Heyman that's grown stale, his repetitive promos, its like reliving the Heyman/Lesnar/Big Show feud all over again, that one was bad enough.

Heyman is ok as a manager and speaker, but just end this Punk/Heyman storyline feud. Axles build up to this point has been great, but now Heyman is really starting to take the spotlight off that guy who should get it.

I totally disagree with this Heyman as a performer is fantastic, it's Axel's lacklustre and general mediocrity as a performer that hasn't allowed him to shine. If his surname wasn't Hennig I don't believe for a second the man would have a job with the company, let alone repeated opportunities to make a name for himself.

It's not like Axel hasn't been given the opportunity to talk, it's when he does he's just not flashy or interesting enough for myself, and seemingly most of the people in the arena to sustain interest. In one brief promo on Raw, Ryback who I generally don't find a very interesting performer has shown how Heyman can increase his appeal, as a heel.

As for Axel's in ring performance he's just a product of the the shoddy development system where they train all the guys to work the same generic matches and not to differentiate from the WWE style.
OMG Heyman stale? He's been consistently the best thing on WWE TV since he came back, he's such an amazing character his facials are godly. He's such a good villain that even smart fans boo him, Paul E is one of the best things in the promotion right now.
I would've agreed it should've ended until they inserted Ryback into the mix. Curtis Axel was dragging down the fued since he wasn't over, was forced, and wasn't too interesting in general to be taken seriously opposite CM Punk who literally just got off the longest and hardest push WWE's given out in a REALLY long time. Going from that to Axel felt like a massive dropoff, but going from Axel to Ryback is a nice few steps up.

I'm probably in the minority here, but I don't think I want to see another Punk/Lesnar match, especially if Punk is winning. I would prefer seeing Punk actually put Ryback over cleanly to end the fued and Ryback get the Lesnar match. Ryback needs the push a lot more than Punk does. Imo beating Ryback does barely anything for Punk, and neither does beating Lesnar besides a short term boost. Ryback beating Punk then fueding with Lesnar (win or lose), would give him a massive boost if booked properly.

As for Punk, I think he could seamlessly transition from a loss to Ryback right into anything else positive including fueding for the WHC or something. Ryback would have his hands full with Lesnar so nobody would question why Punk's getting the shot and not Ryback. Punk's already been given so much push and key wins that he's pretty much always a #1 contender like Cena.

Punk vs Ryback could be a fairly long and interesting fued imo, with each guys picking up a W from the other before a decisive match ends it. Maybe flukey or shady wins for the first two wins. . .like Ryback gets help from Heyman to win the first match, then Punk cheats and hits Ryback with Axel's IC title to "steal" a win for a big pop, then have a "everyone barred from ringside" match and perhaps some other sitpulation with whoever going over cleanly to end the fued. Then move the two on to something else.
Personally, I like that they've kept CM Punk away from the corporate angle. At least for now, WWE is looking to elevate Daniel Bryan to a level similar to Punk or even Cena. If you ultimately want Bryan to come off as an elevated star and a strong babyface, then he needs to be THE central babyface figure in the corporation angle. We've seen CM Punk against the powers-that-be several times in the past and while entertaining, it doesn't have the same sense of freshness the way Bryan's angle does. Bryan's not ranting & raving about the corporate machine or backstage politics, nor is he going on about how great he is, etc. He's just an extremely passionate guy who believes in himself and what he can do. He doesn't have to say he's "the best" every 30 seconds and hammer it in for people to get behind him. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of Punk's, but we've seen Punk in this angle before. We already know how he'd do, so having him sort of share the spotlight with Bryan might do more harm to Bryan than good. Let Bryan stand alone and establish himself just as Punk did 2 years ago.

Bryan seems like he's different sort of person than Punk. From an all around perspective, Bryan is someone who strikes me personally as someone that's much easier to get along with than Punk. Maybe I'm wrong and this is just a feeling that I'm getting. He's highly talented and passionate, great qualities to have in pro wrestling. He also strikes me as someone whose pretty cocky, thrives on baiting & confrontation and has a pretty big chip on his shoulder. Makes him extremely fun as a pro wrestler but maybe not so much in real life, depending on the kind of person you are. Bryan seems to be, all in all, a more "normal" sort of guy that people can relate to easier. Again, maybe this is just a sense I'm getting, but Bryan strikes me as a very easy going guy, someone that's easy to get along with. He's every bit as passionate & talented as Punk, though maybe without as many off putting personality traits. As I've said, Bryan comes off as a "normal" kinda guy and how often to "normal" kinds of people get to be the star in anything?

Now if this angle runs as long as some are predicting, all the way to WM, then introducing Punk into it later on after firmly establishing Bryan as an A level player is perfectly fine with me.
I'm torn in this, I think Axel drug the angle down after it was so hot leading into Summerslam, and in truth I'm not all that excited to see Punk wrestle Ryback either. IF Heyman had some more interesting guys for Punk to face I'd not mind it lasting until to Survivor Series but in truth I want to see Punk is the corporate angle, his mic skills would elevate the angle IMO.

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