CM Punk and Daniel Bryan


Occasional Pre-Show
Over the years we've had numerous feuds. And of all the feuds we know the ones that stand out. The ones where even though they may get stale after seeing the same feud for the third or fourth time, the matches the two superstars produce never get old. Austin-Rock, HBK-Hart, Cena-Orton or Edge, Taker-Kane (debateable maybe), etc etc you get the point. Well seems to me we have a lack of mainstays in this PG Era, nobody "marketable". But here we have 2 very over superstars in CM Punk and Daniel Bryan. Both have had great matches in the past and have a lot of history together. My question to you guys is do you think CM Punk and Daniel Bryan could be the next in line to be the superstars you think of when it comes to a good storyline. I could easily see these two end their feud at No Way Out but in lets say a year start up again but Punk heel, Bryan face. And so on. Very rarely do we want to see the same feud over and over again, but who wouldn't want to see Austin-Rock at Mania a 4th time? In the PG Era and whatever may be the next era, I'll be hoping we see more of Punk and Bryan. Thoughts?
Well last nights match was great! And I wouldn't mind seeing a nice rivalry with the two of them. After tonight its apparent that at no way out it will be a submission match. My issue is with it is, face superstars rarely ever submit cleanly. I'd rather see this two battle it out when they're both faces because I feel like it would make it an even more amazing match. I personally like Bryan more than Punk. An Iron Man match at wrestlemania between these two would be amazing.
After last night,i'd say why not.Their match at OTL was the best WRESTLING match i've seen in years.If they can get a good storyline it may be Hart vs HBK level feud.I would love to see a 60 min iron man match between these two.And yeah,i'm up for a Rock vs Austin IV.
These two have such an amazing history with one another, and have chemistry in the ring like Bret & Shawn and Austin & Rock. It is just a joy to watch these two when they lock up. The idea that they could be this generation's Bret-Shawn or Austin-Rock or Cena-Edge is not far fetched and I would not be unhappy to see Punk and Bryan have that career-long feud like the guys you mentioned. It would be excellent, in my opinion, and I hope you're not far off in your thoughts.
They should be allowed to have as many matches as they like. I havnt really kept track but havnt they fought 4 times total in wwe so far? I think the first 3 matches were all interrupted/run ins/no clear winner/cheating etc. And then their forth was at OTL with the pin/submission bull****. Id like to see these guys wrestle clean without a controversial ending.

But yeah, these 2 are perfect in the ring and will never get boring. Id be happy to watch them wrestle 5 star matches all the time. They are just as great as angle/benoit, HHH/micheals etc. They actually know how to put on a great match while 95% of the lockeroom has no idea what the hell their doing in the ring.

You can see it in all the wrestlers eyes. They look so lost and scared. They have no confidence. WWE needs to quit making their own talent as they are still way too green and start hiring more indy wrestlers who have been busting their asses for 10 years already. They know what they are doing.

I can only dream someday we see AJ styles, christopher daniels and austin aries someday make it to wwe. The wwe fans would go insane with all the amazing high flying and technical wrestling.:p
I hope this feud continues until at least money in the bank. I can see an iron man match happening at MITB. I don't think it would be at summerslam or a main PPV though, just because their wouldn't be enough time to fit it in with all the other stars such as cena, orton etc. But at a MITB or No Way Out you can invest more time and effort into a single match. So, I'm loving the feud, I hope it continues, I hope the crescendo is in an iron man match. I just don't think it will be at a big 4 because 1 match shouldn't have to carry a whole big 4 ppv. Bret and shawn pulled it off... but no offense, this isn't bret and shawn
Am i the only one that just doesnt get it? While their match was technically great, i thought it was boring as hell. The constant submissions was drawn out, and it never really pulled me in. No great story told in the ring like hbk vs taker, or even jericho vs cm punk. The IWC smarks might be happy, but i was waiting for it to be over. There is a reason ROH is second rate.
The CM Punk/Bryan match at OTL I feel was the best match of the year next to Taker/HHH 3 from Mania. The real issue with the match is that it almost seems that the WWE as a whole just doesn't know how to react. The crowd at the PPV seemed split and rightfully so. Punk is the champ but Bryan is 50/50 based from the stuff that happened at Mania and onwards. Get those 2 in the ring and be prepared to get entertained for the whole match. It reminded me of Flair/Steamboat or Savage/Steamboat from Mania 3. Very awesome match but sadly wasn't the main purpose of the PPV. After that stupid Cena 'match', it was clear Punk and Bryan should've closed the show but well Cena is the center piece of WWE. I just hope Punk and Bryan can continue to feud for months because they have just magic in the ring that no one else on the roster does. I loved seeing an awesome wrestling match, hopefully plenty more after this one so the fans can maybe see a progression in matches. I just wish there were more WWE wrestlers who could do what Punk and Bryan seem to pull off so effortlessly.
I suspect a Submission match is next. A ladder match between these two could also be awesome.

I've been asking myself why I'm enjoying this feud (with a mere three weeks build) way more than Jericho/Punk (which had a three month build), especially given both feuds were over similar bragging rights. I think a lot of it has to do with Chris forcing his promos and going way too further over the top than he needs, whereas the promos and build for the storyline between Punk/Bryan have felt much more natural and believable (and Bryan's facial expressions during Kane's beatdown on Punk were just golden).
Their match was good but not great. I don't think these two will have anything like austin-rock. They will have a good feud this summer but nothing more. They will have matches on and off for a few years but it wont be an era-defining feud.
I think the potential is there for a great rivalry but I don't think the WWE would be willing to book it right. Their too intent on centering each and every show and PPV on Cena and all his bullshit shenanigans that its impossible to book Bryan and Punk in a great way, meaning it'll be hard for this rivalry to be one for the ages. Yeah maybe in years to come it will be known as one of the best rivalries of this era but unless the WWE really push this down our throats as something truly special then it will merely be remembered as a good mid-card feud.
I'm hoping that this leads to a the pay off match at SummerSlam in an iron man match (seems to be alot of iron man steam after Ziggler's comments and I'm on board). This is how I would book it.

At No Way Out I would have a rematch between Punk and Bryan in a traditional match just like the one they had at Over the Limit. I would have this match play out similar to there last match with Punk putting Bryan in the anaconda vice and have Bryan roll Punk up for the three count while Bryan's tapping. For Punk to save face you can even have Bryan tap just before the 3 (cause he's the heel) but of course the ref dosen't see this and Bryan wins.

Then because of the result of their 2 matches, they announce a iron man match for SummerSlam. In the mean time, they are each placed in warmup 30 min. iron man matches at Money in the Bank. Punk can face Ziggler, and Bryan can face Kofi or Ryder or another face like them. Of couse Punk and Bryan would win each match setting the stage for SummerSlam.

Then at SummerSlam we just sit back and watch an hour of great wrestling. I wouldn't care who wins, but I would have to think Punk would go over in this match.
Am i the only one that just doesnt get it? While their match was technically great, i thought it was boring as hell. The constant submissions was drawn out, and it never really pulled me in. No great story told in the ring like hbk vs taker, or even jericho vs cm punk. The IWC smarks might be happy, but i was waiting for it to be over. There is a reason ROH is second rate.

Says the internet smark XD, anyways, the match was awesome, and they got me wanting more, maybe a 30 minutes submission match or an iron man match would be cool.
Im really expecting the matches to improve in quality over the ppv they are given, showing the true quality of their craft as wrestlers.
I think a submissions match would be great for the next match, but they have to let DBD win clean. Then he can refuse to defend against Punk at the following PPV until he's forced in to an iron man match at Summerslam.
Will it be an era defining sort of feud? I'm doubting it because there are other things happening right now. John Cena is still the "face" of WWE, there's no way around that and the only way that can change is with the passage of time. Anything with Cena in it is going to get top priority. Also, probably within the next 6 weeks or so, we'll probably see the build really kick in for Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam. It'll be a big money match at one of WWE's Big Four ppvs.

That's not to say that Punk vs. Bryan can't be a big money feud. Over the course of the past 6 months especially, both guys have been doing phenomenal work in the ring and on the mic. Both men are heavily over right now and their matches, both against each other and against other opponents, have been some of the best of the year thus far. I've read some comparisons to Punk vs. Jericho and while I've personally enjoyed the feud, I'm thinking that a lot of people had kind of "moved on" when it came to Jericho and had such lofty expectations that, deep down, they knew that nothing would probably live up what they hoped for. Bryan is someone that's got a fresher feel to him than Jericho. Bryan has gone from someone who many were expecting to be the first MITB winner to cash in & lose 6 months ago to being one of the most over stars on the WWE roster. We've known he could go in the ring but he's now been able to establish himself as an opportunistic, jackal of a heel that people will pay money to see get beaten up.

His matches aganst Punk on the Raw after the Royal Rumble and then that Friday on SD! are the two best matches I've seen on television this year and their match at OTL was even better in my view. If you couldn't enjoy the match, then there's no hope for you in my view. If you're someone that needs a ton of high spots and constant movement in your matches without the benefit of having a story, then you're better off just sticking with the innumerable spot monkeys out on the indy circuit.

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