Cm Punk and Brock Lesnar


Occasional Pre-Show
So I just read a Cm Punk interview and Punk said that after WrestleMania he would like to Tag with Brock and potentially become World Tag Team Champions.

Now I think it would be a good paring because Brock could be the power of the team and Punk could be the high flyer like Kane and Daniel Bryan, and plus they have Paul Heyman in there corner which could help.

So I have a few questions

1. Would Punk and Brock make a good team?

2. What if any name would you give there team?

3. Could you see them winning the Tag Titles?
They would make an entertaining team. A team that would sell PPV's. I can already see Punk and Lesnar v Cena/HHH/Taker at Summerslam.

Heyman has been incredible since he returned. Everything he says and does is just perfect. This combined with Punk's mic work and Lesnar's persona is scary good. Winning the tag-titles maybe a bit unrealistic. I don't see Lesnar being here for the long run and it seems a waste of Punk's talent. Perhaps they only hold the belts for a month or so but even than I think they would be better suited to dominating the WWE for a while and than facing the dream team at either Summerslam or Survivor Series.
Ever since Heyman and Punk got together, I've wanted to see this team. I think they'd make a really cool team since they're two VERY different guys in the ring. Throw in the terrific mic work of both Heyman and Punk and the tag team division then becomes must-see. The only hang-up is Brock's schedule. Would he agree to working more dates just to be in a tag team? Pretty doubtful. I could see something happening with them as a short-term team, maybe at a Summerslam or something like that, but long-term and/or with the belts seems unlikely to me.
I get why they are keeping them apart right now as they both have programs. I don't see them feuding with Team Hell No or going for the tag titles. The tag titles area worthless and Team Hell No are a joke, it would be a step down for them. Just put them up a against a couple top faces like Cena/Ryback or Sheamus/Orton. Eventually Lesnar and Heyman could turn on Punk leading to a feud between the two.
I think it's the WWE so yes it can work. (What, Yes, Woo) Need I say more on if it can work?

I want it to happen but only if it gets the tag team titles back on the card of every PPV & only if they lose to a valid team of newer guys. You don't have to build on a team like Lesnar, Punk & Heyman. They would instantly be a success. Have them beat everyone including the team MCMG said of Cena & HHH @ SummerSlam & after they seem unstoppable that's when they lose in a fluke match on Raw the next night vs the Prime Time Players (Or insert the team you want here) Then have PTP beat Lesnar & Punk again @ the next PPV but this time because of a miscommunication leading to Punk V Lesnar at some point.
I cream in my pants thinking about it. THAT would be cool!

Have them basically run over everyone in WWE for 6 months and add another person along the way. At Summerslam, the ultimate payoff could be a Sheild face turn and bingo, there you have a huge payday and interesting climax that could carry into Survivor Series and the RR.

Ambrose and Punk out-mik'ing each other? SWEEEEEEEEETTTTTT!

Who the fuck needs Preperation H or Stale Ass Cena or the Crock of Shit?
as others have said I'd like to see how Brock-Punk would work as a team

but the only issue is Brock's limited dates he's supposed to work .. as it wouldn't leave much time to Tag with Punk

*unless Brock is really sold on the Tag team idea.

**I've heard Lesnar is in to work Extreme Rules, but what about beyond that?

The Tag Division has been hot and cold the last couple months. Mysterio-Cara was a pretty big loss as IMO it leaves too many heel teams

Prime Time Players, Rhodes Scholars, Shield, Primo & Epico, 3MB, etc
I think Punk was generally staying in character. In the same interview, when asked about a possible match between him & Lesnar, he said something along the lines that Lesnar would be crazy to fight him. Given Lesnar's part time status in WWE, he's not going to be teaming with anyone. Given Lesnar's star power, Vince probably feels the tag team division is a waste of that. Truthfully, he's probably right. Lesnar is a hired gun brought in and used every so often to jack up ppv buys.

If they were to become a team, however, I see no reason why they wouldn't be a great team. They'd immediately be the most talked about tag team wrestling has seen in years. Punk & Lesnar are a great mix with Punk as the guy with the speed & skill while Lesnar is the powerful bruiser. Toss Heyman into the mix as the manager for their team and you'd have fans all over the net wetting themselves.

As far as a name goes, I think WWE would best market them as simply calling them "Paul Heyman Guys". That could sort of be their "unofficial" official name. In a promo, Punk could simply refer to himself & Lesnar as Paul Heyman guys, WWE puts it on a t-shirt and said t-shirts start selling like crazy. The fact that they both do indeed happen to be Heyman guys only makes it all that much more marketable.

As for winning the tag titles, why not? Brock Lesnar's first run in WWE is talked about passionately to this day. Lesnar's one of the most dominant guys in the history of the company with wins over many of the best that's ever been in the business while winning 3 WWE Championships along the way. CM Punk has only recently gotten off the longest World Championship reign WWE has seen in, literally, a generation and is one of the most over wrestlers on the roster. There'd be no point in putting two guys like them together without making them tag champs at some point.
This is what you do. Have Lesnar and CM Punk team up close to RR. Have them take on/defend their titles against Kane and Daniel Bryan (Lesnar/Kane, Punk/Bryan would be an awesome matchup). Somewhere have Taker involved in this match setting up Lesnar vs Taker for WM 30
I definitely don't see them working enough matches as a team to pick up the tag straps, but I like the idea in some form leading to one or two big matches.

After Lesnar and Punk lose at Mania, Punk can do what we've been hearing and take off for a while. Then they could bring Punk back as a surprise to save Heyman after a babyface has incapacitated Lesnar enough to make people think that Heyman was about to get his. Then all three could start appearing together in promos and the like, building to a match at SummerSlam where they can seek retribution for their Mania losses by facing off against a team of Triple H and Taker. That scenario wouldn't be a stretch.

As for a name, I also doubt they would receive any type of proper official moniker, as Jack-Hammer said they would likely just be casually referred to as "Heyman guys". But as I personal preference, I could get behind The New Dangerous Alliance. That could even play into the long-rumored possible Punk/Austin supermatch at Mania.
Would love for this happen. Lesnar/Punk with Heyman as manager would be entertaining as hell. Punk's high-flying/technical prowess with Lesnar's power & MMA fighting would make for some good matches. Maybe a possible TLC Match....
I love this idea, as long as it leads to a Punk vs Lesnar match down the road. Mania 30 perhaps.

They would make an entertaining team. A team that would sell PPV's. I can already see Punk and Lesnar v Cena/HHH/Taker at Summerslam.

Also The idea of Cena/Taker/HHH vs Punk and Brock, add Heyman to the team, that will get some great heel heat. Like old school manager (Heenan/Cornette) getting beat up by the babyfaces heat.
What if Paul Haymon gets a group of wrestlers forms a stable like the Heenan family. The Haymon Family sounds good it's kind of a ripoff but I like it:banghead:
^ well it seems with the exception of the major belts, the mid card and tag titles aren't really defended regularly (can't even recall the last time Cesaro defended his U.S. Title off top of my head)... so Brock and Punk could afford the ball being dropped a bit. As they'd probably only defend their belts at PPV's and what not

IMO some kind of cross over of Brock & Punk would be a pretty neat angle. As both are Paul Heyman guys, and likely to lose at WM

Brock and Punk will need a direction to go in post Mania, and teaming up (while unlikely) should be considered more realistically

**if Heyman did make a stable, what other superstars do you see as good fits?
**if Heyman did make a stable, what other superstars do you see as good fits?

Easy. The Shield. A stable consisting of CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns with Paul Heyman filling in as a modern day Bobby The Brain would be an instant classic. There is literally no weak link there. Every single guy can go in the ring, and those who don't prosper on the mic have the benefit of one of the best "talkers" in the history of the biz in Heyman...
I would rather not see Lesnar or Punk team with anyone, since that is a major step down for them. They are the top two heels in the whole company and are wildly popular as singles competitors. Sure maybe they could team up at Survivor Series or something. I would rather use Brock to catapult Punk to higher levels of stardom.

I'd love for Brock to be the one to take the WWE Title off of Cena. If Brock is, indeed, scheduled to work a regular schedule this year, he can perhaps face Cena at Summerslam and take the title from Cena. Then, he holds it through Wrestlemania. Along the way, Heyman and Lesnar turn on Punk, saying that he's "holding them back." Then, Punk wins the Royal Rumble and faces Lesnar at Wrestlemania, where he beats Brock and becomes WWE Champion as an uber face.
^ if that scenario holds true to a T, with Brock taking belt off Cena and Punk and Brock wind up wrestling one another @ Mania 30. I have two issues.

#1. What about those tentative plans for Brock-Rock at WM XXX?

#2. If Punk and Brock are matched against each other process of elimination it leaves Taker for John Cena (provided Taker does beat Punk and decide to continue on)

#3. With all the above booked, what would that leave for The Rock? Granted he could be making movies and out of the picture completely, or if Taker hangs up the boots there's always Once in a Lifetime Part 3 (kidding, but not really because it could happen)
^ if that scenario holds true to a T, with Brock taking belt off Cena and Punk and Brock wind up wrestling one another @ Mania 30. I have two issues.

#1. What about those tentative plans for Brock-Rock at WM XXX?

#2. If Punk and Brock are matched against each other process of elimination it leaves Taker for John Cena (provided Taker does beat Punk and decide to continue on)

#3. With all the above booked, what would that leave for The Rock? Granted he could be making movies and out of the picture completely, or if Taker hangs up the boots there's always Once in a Lifetime Part 3 (kidding, but not really because it could happen)

I think/hope WWE learned their lesson for next year.. You cannot book in advance assuming Taker will be there. If he wants to wrestle they you really do not need to develop an angle over 2-3 months. With the streak, that angle can build it self in 3 weeks. Basically everyone on the roster has a built in story with Taker, just say "I'm gonna break the streak", and you're in.
First problem... Lesnar appears so little that he makes The Rock look like a full time performer. Even on the rare occassions that he has a storyline he only works maybe half the RAWS leading into the PPV match. I cant possibly take him seriously at this point. Beating him is almost pointless because he never wrestles, losing to him is worse because you get nothing from a feud with a guy who never appears and wont be there to continue the program after the PPV match.

Second...Punk is already doing his duty for Undertaker, which all things considered I'm OK with. At least Taker is a veriviable legend with 25 years of hard work in the industry and this feud has helped Punk establish himself even more as legit main event heel, plus I believe Taker will let Punk have a great match. However, are we realy going to ask Punk to put over another PT'er, one who wont give him as much in the fued or hasnt done as much for the industry ? He deserves better

If they wanted to do a short term story with the two as heel partners against some assorted good guys like Cena, Ryback, etc that's fine. Should at least be an entertaining match.

My feeling might change if Lesnar actually started appearing F/T. Remember, even though HBK & Flair were only P/T in the 2000s when they were involved in a storyline they wrestled Full Time.
Less storylines involving people who never appear, it's really painful to watch the main event being so.... dead, while the WWE buries 3/4s of it's potential roster to make once a month performers (or.... less) look good.

Tag titles on Lesnar, while its a neat concept and all.... All it does it take a steaming dump over all of the potential tag teams and wrestlers who can use the division to elevate themselves, all so that Lesnar's name can be everywhere, because he isn't?

Much better keeping him solo for here and there
Brock is only interested in big money matches according to Heyman, it's all business for him, teaming with Punk in a defunct division wrestling people like Cody Rhodes and Darren young will not be on Lesnar's agenda.

I think we will see these two team but it will be a one off on PPV, think The Mega Powers vs The Mega Bucks type of thing, with Punk and Lesnar vs a super team of Cena and Triple H or maybe The Brothers of Destruction.
Yes, Brock Lesnar and CM Punk would make a great Tag Team in the WWE.

There are only two names I would give this team, and that is the Paul Heyman Guys or the New Dangerous Alliance.

Not only could I see them winning the Unified WWE World Tag Team Championship, but I could also see CM Punk winning the WWE Title and Brock Lesnar winning the World Title as Tag Team Champions. Okay, that might be stretching it too far, but my point is, yes, I see them winning the Tag Straps, if they were to team.
With the way the Tag Division is being booked, I don't see Brock-Punk stunting anyone's growth as aside from Team Hell No ... there aren't too many legitimate quality teams

but yeah Brock-Punk as a team does seem as a stretch, especially if Brock's only after high profile match ups .... which he and Punk certainly won't find in the Tag Division's current state

**but that Triple H-Brock angle got me thinking ... new Age Outlaws was a team Brock took out singlehandedly .... maybe they'd want revenge?

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