Closer to expansion

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Dj Martyn

Dazed and Confused
They were going to do a video shoot on 6/6 in Nashville for the Slammiversary pay-per-view, but on Memorial Day, the production crew and the ten wrestlers working the shoot were told that it was cancelled. The reason for the cancellation was because Jeff Jarrett and Dixie Carter were having a meeting with some television executives, although who it was wasn't clear. Jarrett has told wrestlers of late that he's really confident in getting two hours on Spike. TNA has had discussions with other parties as well, so TNA has a bit of leverage in making a two hour show finally happen. Their contract with Spike expires this fall.

Sounds like there finally getting the 2 hours a week one way or another. Either with an extra show each week or 2 hours on spike....Any thoughts? is this a good thing? Bad thing? which would you prefer 2 hours on spike or two 1 hour shows?
I want just one 2 hour show. I don't really like having seperate shows and stuff. I think if they get 2 hours they will be able to show the X Division and tag teams more and maybe introduce a mid card title down the road. And two 1 hour shows wouldnt make sense anyways.
a 2hour show definately i think that they try to fit too much in the 1hour it becomes too overwhelming sometimes also it will give time for some of the midcarders to get some exposure rather than just working house shows
Clearly the 2 hour show is best. If they had 2 shows one would become the story soap opera A version and the other would become X division wrestling B version. Bother catering to 2 diffeent audiences.

2 hours allows for major angles and exposure for lots of guys while providing a "spectacle" if you well. RAW and Nitro used to be fun because you had so much going on and 2 hours let you do alot. If TNA had 2 straight hours it would be a great show and they might be able to test tapings on the road when they are comfortable.

2 hour show all the way.
I never thought about possibly introducing a new mid-card title, but that sounds like a great idea Killuminati. theres already more action in TNAs 1 hour than there has been on RAW lately, so im all for it.
There's no chance of them adding a midcard title as Jarret believes that having too many titles devalues them. Plus, in order to have a company where anybody can be perveiced to be able to win at he heavyweight level, you can't seperate with eithr weight classes OR by having some guys seem like they can only compete in a specialty division (i.e Hardcore). Plus, WWE has made women's wrestling a joke. I do think that when TNA expands, they will be adding more talent. And trust me, there are alot of premium free agents out there to make a decent run at some ratings. Can you picture Morgan and Conway wrestling Styles, Lynn, and Joe? I can, and it just might happen. Just watch and see.
I'm not saying they'll add a midcard title soon because it would devalue them I guess and not be able to be showcased in one hour. But when they have 2 hours and become bigger I think it would help them get over the midcard guys to go to the main event. Guys like Robert Roode could use it to get to the top and it would also make a place for guys like Rhino, Abyss, Killings, and others to be instead of just hang around. I think eventually it will happen and will help them but it wouldn't work right now with one hour.
TNA is currently in negotiations with the FOX network regarding a possible secondary TV show.

TNA sent out a text message yesterday via it's mobile service touting last week's record TV rating. The message also mentioned that they are closer than ever at getting a 2 hour show on Spike TV.

See, I've read the mynetwork TV thing before, which is owned by Fox. Still, getting another one hour tv show is really dumb. I think TNA is failing to realize that two split hours still doesn't get the job done.

They need to consecutive hours to build up proper feuds for the evening. Ahh I'm so damn frustrated right now if this is true. How TNA can't get a two hour show is beyond me. I understand they are jumping all over the chance to be on network TV, but they shouldn't settle for another hour show.
As reported two weeks ago on, TNA President Dixie Carter and Jeff Jarrett had meetings at the Fox Executive Offices in Los Angeles on June 6.

We can now confirm that earlier reports about a potential deal with MyNetworkTV were false and negotiations between TNA and Fox are currently moving forward right now.

A potential TV deal with Fox could mean a big jump in the amount of TV hours the company produces on a weekly basis because of the opportunity for exposure through multiple networks. Early word has the potential deal with Fox being a mult-network deal.

We will continue to follow this story as it develops on our TNA website located at

Maybe I spoke too soon. This is a very interesting development. Fox has several networks that they could air wrestling on including Fox, Fox news, FX, and FSN, which obviously Fox News won't broadcast it, and FSN would be a very bad way to go. Fox is another multi-media conglomerate like Time Warner with WCW.

So just a little backstory on Fox and Wrestling. Rupert Murdoch hates Ted Turner. During the Wrestling War, there were rumors of Murdoch starting up a promotion, or helping back McMahon to put Turner out of business, so Murdoch has had an interest in wrestling before.

If TNA gets to Fox, and does multiple shows, this is the first shot in a big War. Murdoch can go toe to toe with McMahon, and can back the product up. Hell, Fox is notorious for sticking with shows that should have been dumped months earlier. The only problem with TNA is if they end up on the Fox Network, they will probably be on Friday Nights, and direct competition to Smackdown! I don't like that idea to start off with.

I'm actually looking and hoping this deal happens. My god, the talent that could be signed and the money Murdoch could back into the product.
After reading this I am really excited now for the future of TNA. If they can land Fox and Fox does the backing it says it will TNA can only grow bigger. If they put TNA on regular Fox where people with basic cable can get it like Smackdown then TNA will open itself to a whole new fanbase. I can only see this as a postive and not a negative.
I would say negative, I don't think TNA has the roster strength needed for this and would double their workload, one selling point over the WWE was less working. I would like the e to be contested, but this maybe putting the wagon before the horse here. They still got issues on Impact they need to fix, they need more wrestler better annoucers, their writing is kinda lame. Who is gonna call the show? If its he current crew it will be just like Impact part 2. Or maybe they are looking at options just in case spike doesn't renew or give them 2 hours.
TNA President Dixie Carter was in Los Angeles earlier today negotiating with Fox for a deal that would begin this Fall. She will not be at tonight's iMPACT! tapings.

This is not for MyNetwork TV, and it is not for the Fox Sports Network either.

This deal would have TNA taping 2 to 4 hours of programming per week, and would have TNA programming on more than one FOX owned network.

We are gettin closer and closer to this TNA deal. My god, if Fox gets behind this thing, it mighta ctually force the WWE to step their product up. I know people on here don't think to highly of TNA, but as a wrestling fan you couldn't be more happier. Competition brings out the best in the workplace, and I hope to god this happens.
TNA CANNOT to a brand split and I'm fairly certain that they will not. While they have enough guys that can wrestle, I just dont think that they will be able to get the rating they need with a split and they know that.

The most likely scenario is that Spike gives them 2 hours, which will be the main show, with a secondary show for an hour on a Fox channel with another 1 hour recap show.


Impact leaves Spike and moves to the Fox channel (which I'm thinking would be FX) and they have an additional 1 hour recap show.
I pray this happens "expand and the will come". I think this will cause not only to step there game up but will cause TNA itself to get better. It only will benefit us fans in the end.
2 hour show.. man if this happens TNA will finally start living up to its potential, i mean look at their PPVs... much better than WWEs, a 2 hour show is a lot more time to book some sick x division matches, and still have their main events.. that is what they need

though 2 brands would ruin them, even though they do have a big roster with a lot of talent, not many of them can carry a show, and seperating brands limits feuds, it just suks, on that point, WWE should stop with its brands also in my opinion...

anyway, i couldnt help but wonder, if TNA gets their 2 hour slot, will WWE take their 3 hour slot?... cuz if TNA goes 2 hours, it will prove that its here to stay and getting bigger and bigger, fans will start to think it will be another WCW x WWE... and for vince to prove that they still are superior, he might take the 3 hour slot... i hope this happens, i would love to see 3 hour show on a daily bases...

in the end, TNA isnt going anywhere, and will still provide competition with WWE, if they get this 2 hour slot, maybe vince will start to improve the wrestling on raw, smackdown and ecw.
i hope this goes through cause im tired of waiting a whole damn week for 1 hour of wrestling cause i cant and dont watch the wwe shit or that watered down wecw,shit if it wasnt for tna i wouldnt even be watching wrestling.wwe lost me when they fucked the invasion story line and the nwo story.3 hours a week of tna get it done dixie
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