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Annnnnnnnnd boom goes the dynamite!
That could be the noise that brings excitment back to Raw. The general consensus is that Raw is lacking lately, and I don't mean just on WZ on mean everywhere. From what I've been reading the rating have been falling slightly, but steadily for enough time now that something needs to breath life back into the show. And while I'm 100 percent sure that the WWE will be fine why not fix things before they get worse. I think the way to do this is by doing another Raw Roulette. I know that it isn't going to save the show for the future and isn't even the most original idea ever, I just think that it would help when they need it. I am not sure of the WWE schedule when it comes to PPVs and if any special Raws are coming up but if this doesn't mess w/ any of those I think this is what should happen.

From what I understand WWE hasn't held an event on Labor Day since 2006. But this year (Sept. 7th) Raw is going to be live (like usual) in Chicago. They didn't have a Labor Day Raw for 2 years, what better way to bring it back then w/ a special 3-hour Raw Roulette edition. Even if I'm misinformed on the Labor Day thing they should still have the 3-hour special sometime.

This could be a way to get alot of things that people are complaining about to change. One thing I read and hear alot is that the same matches always happen. Well this obviously takes care of that. When is the last time that there has been a TLC, 2 out of 3 falls, Table match, etc. at a ppv, let alone a Raw. I know that TLC, Tables, and other matches like that might be as PG as the WWE would like, but I think that they could sacrifice one show to do something like this, and even just the chance that these matches are going to happen gives me,and I'm sure others, enough reason to tune in.

Another common complaint that a Raw Roulette could fix is that people want new fueds and "so and so" to get a push. Well, use a Raw Roulette show in the same sense as the Tribute to the Troops where current storylines aren't used as much and let :face: have a match w/ :heel:. See what mid-carders can preform w/ the main eventers.You could still even have the main eventer get the win. If it fails, whatever, it was just a crazy week of Raw Roulette, but if it works then we could see some new fueds and get someone on the mid-card to get the fan support they need to get into the main title picture.

This is something that I've been thinking about for a while but didn't know when or how to do it. But after I read the Labor Day thing all my ideas fell into place. But like I said before this is just a temporary solution, something to restore the faith of the fans, and maybe even get the superstars of the future that WWE is looking for.
Sadly, Raw Roulette is also as predictable as the draft. It's set up in such a form where you can predict where the wheel is going to land. I.E. 4 Random superstars come into the GM room and say they want action for the night. The wheel spins. Thus creating a "strange bedfellows match." The women's match... turns into something sexual like pillow fights, bra and panties matches, etc... Happened all the time. You will never see Mickie James and Beth Pheonix have a title match and the wheel landing on TLC. It's all very circumstancial just like the Draft as far as who is participating and whatnot. Like when Morrison cost Miz the match on Draft night, the screen came up, and you knew damn well one of them was going to get the boot to another show.

Personally, for the major reason stated above by me, I don't like Raw Roulette just because it's predictable and doesn't do anything except give the whole show a gimmick for people to have a reason to tune in.

You have a good thought process about using it, but it just doesn't solve the problem that Raw is no longer the superior show. One night of Raw Roulette won't help anything.
First, props on the title. It reeks of awesomeness....

Know what DOESN'T though? Raw Roulette.

I agree it's predictable but it just shows once again the lack of creativity in the WWE right now. We'll get some comedy matches, some crap matches and a good match or two like always but.... at least we will have more wrestling than normal
Well, use a Raw Roulette show in the same sense as the Tribute to the Troops where current storylines aren't used as much and let :face: have a match w/ :heel:.

To be fair, this is the last thing Raw needs right now. It's already full of silly random matches, generic face against generic heel. If you want to sort Raw out, book interesting and exciting angles, not more random match-ups.

Random match-ups can be interesting but they don't draw viewers in, if the show is full of random matches people won't give a damn about tuning in every week, they'll just bother when they see fit. Interesting and developing angles throughout the show each week gains and retains viewers.
I think what raw needs is to hype up matches on Raw for example in 2004 they hyped up an ironman match between beniot and triple h and to be honest it got me excited for the match, im guessing the reason they dont do this anymore is because in 2004 they had one brand only ppvs so it made more sense to hype a match up for two weeks than two months

but what im trying to say is for raw just to hype up more matches for this week and the following week cause it would give you a reason to watch it, i doubt im going to watch raw just for raw roulette unless a match with major superstars are involved which i doubt

Raw roulette: Cyber sunday without the fans vote
To be fair, this is the last thing Raw needs right now. It's already full of silly random matches, generic face against generic heel. If you want to sort Raw out, book interesting and exciting angles, not more random match-ups.

I agree that there are alot of random matches that don't help any storylines or advance anything besides the show, but what I'm trying to say is that one more week of generic face vs heel matches isn't going to hurt any more and if there was something along the lines of a Raw Roulette behind it a generic face vs heel match could turn into a heated rivalry. Like I said before this could be a way to see who can hang w/ the big boys in a big match scenerio.

Personally, for the major reason stated above by me, I don't like Raw Roulette just because it's predictable and doesn't do anything except give the whole show a gimmick for people to have a reason to tune in.

To get people to tune in was one of the main reasons that I think a Raw Roulette should happen. I don't think they should make a weekly or even yearly attempt at it, just for when times are tough when it comes to ratings and trying to figure out who is going to lead the company into the future, and that time is now. And this might just be me (which it seems like it is looking at everyone's responses), but I'd rather watch a gimmick show than some of the stuff that I've watched in the last few weeks.

But I will concede that Raw Roulette is predictable, could easily fail and not be anything more than just another waste of time, but so is every Steven Segal movie that I watch but for some unknown reason I still give them a chance. All I'm trying to say is that maybe something different needs to happen, even if it's the same crap in a different wrapper. If I can use an example from before
4 Random superstars come into the GM room and say they want action for the night. The wheel spins. Thus creating a "strange bedfellows match."
What if those 4 superstars are Primo, Carlito, Rhodes, and DiBiase? The teams end up being Primo and Rhodes vs Carlito and DiBiase and we could see how they work against their partner, see if one is better than the other. And since everyone knows that partners always want to be alittle better than the other we could get some good Primo vs Carlito and Rhodes vs DiBiase action. This could lead to DiBiase turning face and starting a new fued between him and Rhodes/Orton and maybe even have WWE call up the other DiBiase to join Legacy. Also it could cause a riff between Carlito and Primo, they could lose their titles and fued w/ each other, blaming each other for losing the titles.

Is this how it would go down? No, but the point that I'm trying to make is that if Raw Roulette was done right or even just at the right time it could add a new level to the show. The main event picture might not change, but all the other matches on the show and ppvs could get alittle meaning behind them. And that can only help Raw and the WWE.
Is this how it would go down? No, but the point that I'm trying to make is that if Raw Roulette was done right or even just at the right time it could add a new level to the show. The main event picture might not change, but all the other matches on the show and ppvs could get alittle meaning behind them. And that can only help Raw and the WWE.

No offense, but spinning the Raw Roulette wheel doesn't give the matches any more meaning. Raw needs a steady climb back to the top, not just a one-off night of some random trick to get people to watch and then not care anymore. I know people think the Million Dollar Mania thing for 3 weeks was an awful idea (I think people are sore they didn't win), but how is giving away free money a bad idea? To the fans, it's amazing. Hey... free money. But in a sense you have to be watching the show to win (or so they say). But that 3 weeks didn't lead to anything positive for the WWE except a spike in the ratings for those three nights. That didn't work at all to keep people tuned in. Raw Roulette also doesn't work in the long run especially since it's not an original thing that just happened one night. There are nights in the WWE where just 1 thing happening can lead to the massive ratings winner it was. Austin 3:16 is a great example of that. As soon as that came out of Steve's mouth at KoTR, the creative machine just ran and ran and ran some more. Raw Roulette is nowhere near the same plane as Austin 3:16.

So as I think you mean a night of something special happening can boost the ratings... yes I agree with you 100%. But the best things come to those who least expect it. Nobody thought that Austin winning KoTR would turn into the rediculous Austin juggernaut that it did and have him become arguably the biggest star of all time. Even he said himself, people following him and that character was an accident because he wanted to create the ultimate heel. Do I think Raw can return to the ratings plateau it was once on? Sure. But you need to just have those 2 points cross somewhere. With the Austin 3:16/Attitude Era... it was Austin and competition with Nitro. Somebody said before, Vince and creative work the best when their backs are against the wall. They need that again. I compare what's happening now to having the New York Yankees (even though I despise them) go out and play high school baseball teams. WWE=Yankees. Everything else=high school. Almost 100% of the time, the Yankees will destroy those teams as the WWE does. But it becomes borrrrrrrring. But one of those times, the Yankees would be caught offguard, and they will lose a battle. At some point, SOMEBODY (*cough*TNA*cough*) is going to sneak up on Vince and the WWE and then we will see the creative juices start to flow as they would start to fear some of their talent jumping ship to the new up and coming company. Just because WCW buried itself, doesn't mean TNA will do the same. So really... just wait it out, something will happen that gains attention again. What will it be? Who knows. But you have to give it time.

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