Cleveland Cavalier fans...shut the fuck up already


Excellence of Execution
I was reading the story on ESPN about LeBron coming back to Cleveland and how the Cavs are upping security and all that. And, of course, there are plenty of comments on this subject, as they usually are on ESPN's comments section. But here's the part I'm having a hard time understanding...what the fuck is wrong with Cleveland fans?

Good God, what the fuck do you want from LeBron? He doesn't owe you a damn thing. He entertained you for SEVEN years. He made the city of Cleveland interesting. He brought revenue to the city which had never been there, and he made your basketball team something to be proud of first the first time since the late 80s and early 90s. LeBron James owes you nothing. He saw a job he wanted more than the one he had, and he followed every rule and regulation.

Cleveland Cavalier fans, get the fuck over yourself. You're embarrassing yourselves, and embarrassing the city of Cleveland, which is no easy task. You're acting like the psycho ex-girlfriend, who gets pissed because the guy realizes how unattractive you are, and moves on to a tall deep-tanned lady with blond hair, a tiny waist and big boobs. You clearly are inferior, so get over it.

Get a little perspective on what's truly important in life, and leave LeBron James alone. The fact that people will actually boo him is disgusting in my opinion. Leave the man alone.
I don't think the fact that he left is the biggest thing here. Sure, a lot of people still would've been bitter and booed the hell out of him, but I'm sure some people would still have supported him. I think the biggest issue was with how he decided to go about it.

He set aside a solid hour of TV to stab Cleveland fans right through the heart. I don't think he meant that much harm by the Decision, but he certainly caused a lot of damage. That just wasn't the way to do it, leaving his hometown team after 7 years without even saying anything to Dan Gilbert or anyone beforehand. Not a smart move.

He certainly didn't owe them anything as far as staying, but he should've done it in a much more graceful manner.
Cleveland fans act like he was their property...yeah, he is from there, but the only reason he was ever a Cleveland Cavalier was because of a lucky ass NBA lottery draw. He didn't choose to be a Cav, he was drafted.
Sly, if your girlfriend dumped you for some millionaire living in South Beach...would you just let it be? Would you think, "oh...she brought me a lot of good times, made my life pretty interesting, and I was pretty attached to her. But if she found somebody better than me...well that's just fine. I'll let her be and not act like she ripped my heart out and made me feel like I am worth 2 cents."?

Some people REALLY get into sports...and sports have the ability to bring a community together and get attached to their stars. Furthermore, people invest a lot of money and emotion into their local sports teams. So, yeah...of course the people of Cleveland are going to be hurt when he leaves. And if the breakup was it was...or course people are going to be angry. Just like you would be if your girlfriend dumped you via Skype with all of her friends and maybe even the new guy in the background.

So, while you might find it irritating, what you are really asking Cleveland fans to do is one if not both of two things:

1) Stop participating in sports as society has deemed appropriate/stop putting money and pride into athletics.

2) Completely defy the science of secure attachment.
like someone said....its the way he left..i use to be a huge James fan but that whole decision thing turned me against him...i mean he went to the last minute and says hey Cleveland im leaving and giving you enough time to get no one in free agency he sorta screwed and rubbed it in the Cavs face. And as well alot of sports fans felt he just quit during the playoffs another reason Cavs fans dislike him....your right some the fans shouldnt be burning jerseys and spewing hate...but as far as booing him i say he deserves it cause he did sorta screw the cavs over.
Sly, if your girlfriend dumped you for some millionaire living in South Beach...would you just let it be? Would you think, "oh...she brought me a lot of good times, made my life pretty interesting, and I was pretty attached to her. But if she found somebody better than me...well that's just fine. I'll let her be and not act like she ripped my heart out and made me feel like I am worth 2 cents."?

Some people REALLY get into sports...and sports have the ability to bring a community together and get attached to their stars. Furthermore, people invest a lot of money and emotion into their local sports teams. So, yeah...of course the people of Cleveland are going to be hurt when he leaves. And if the breakup was it was...or course people are going to be angry. Just like you would be if your girlfriend dumped you via Skype with all of her friends and maybe even the new guy in the background.

So, while you might find it irritating, what you are really asking Cleveland fans to do is one if not both of two things:

1) Stop participating in sports as society has deemed appropriate/stop putting money and pride into athletics.

2) Completely defy the science of secure attachment.
First of all, while I realize it was my analogy, sports and relationships are no where near the same level of involvement and commitment.

With that said, if my girlfriend left for a wealthy person in Florida, I wouldn't be bitter at all. I might be sad, but wouldn't be bitter. If the guy is better looking and makes more money, and she wants to be with him more, then who am I to get upset about how she feels and what she wants? Any person who gets dumped for someone who is clearly better would just be silly to be upset.

I'm sorry, but Cavs fans are just acting like a bunch of babies, and they need to stop.

like someone said....its the way he left..i use to be a huge James fan but that whole decision thing turned me against him...i mean he went to the last minute and says hey Cleveland im leaving and giving you enough time to get no one in free agency he sorta screwed and rubbed it in the Cavs face. And as well alot of sports fans felt he just quit during the playoffs another reason Cavs fans dislike him....your right some the fans shouldnt be burning jerseys and spewing hate...but as far as booing him i say he deserves it cause he did sorta screw the cavs over.
This is the main argument that gets used, and it's a pile of garbage. Cavalier fans have known for TWO YEARS that LeBron James may leave Cleveland. He didn't sign a contract extension, he went on the recruiting trail, he scheduled a public meeting to announce his contract decision. If Cleveland fans had no idea he was leaving over the last two years, then they're fucking imbeciles.

That excuse just doesn't fly. A previous poster had it correct...Cav fans realized they DON'T own LeBron and now they are throwing a big hissy fit about it. They need to grow up and shut the fuck up. And act like civilized human beings.
Maybe the Cleveland Cavalier fans are just upset about the tremendous impact that LeBron James bringing his talents to South Beach has had upon this franchise. I mean, the Heat are currently a whopping 9-8, as opposed to the 7-9 record being held by the Cavs. No doubt the Raptors fans have similar sentiments concerning the loss of Mr. Bosh.

I agree with you though. While I understand that sports fans are passionate about their teams and therefore feel slighted when a player elects to leave, it's old new now. Time to shut the hell up and move forward. After all, it's not all bad news. They do have a local boy as the current WWE champion. That's pretty awesome, isn't it?
I'm one of those guys who would say that its not that he left but how he left. Everyone-and really, everyone- agrees that may have been the worst PR move in sports. To go on TV for an hour, not tell your former employer anything until you go on TV, was a bad move.

Having said that, enough time has passed where these fans need to get over it. He's gone and crying or being upset about it won't do anything. Its time to move on and let him go.
There comes a time where you have to let this go, and that time has already passed if you ask me. Was "The Decision" special a dick move? Yeah it was. I can understand being upset about how he went about this, but enough time has passed already. Cleveland fans seem to think LeBron betrayed them and stabbed the entire city in the heart. He fulfilled his contractual obligation to the Cavaliers, and he really doesn't owe them anything after that. He wanted to move on, so let him move on. The Clevleland fans have burned his jersey, Dan Gilbert wrote his angry response to Lebron's decision, Cleveland made that ridiculous parody of Lebron's "What Should I Do?" commercial, and they still continue to whine.

I'll admit I kind of felt for Cleveland at first, but they've gone way over the top with all of this stuff. All of this whining isn't going to make their situation any better, and it just starts to look pathetic as more time goes on.
I am with Sly on this one. There is something wrong with Cleveland fans if they have to get extra security. But I also agree with General Dissaray. It's not that he left, it's the way he left. If he didn't make a one hour show on it then no-one would be this angry about him leaving. He had the right intentions, it's just he didn't do it in the right manner.

But again as Sly said. He owes you nothing? He wants a championship and Cleveland couldn't help him. He took your team to the finals by himself. You sign Mo Williams, he does nothing. You get a Shaq he does nothing, you get alot of role players not wanted by anybody that do nothing. You even get Jamison and that does nothing. All the players they got were psat there primes or just weren't good altogether. He now has a chance to win a championship because another team did the right thing by signing players that have a chance to win a championship, something the Cavs never done.
Cleveland fans have every right to boo LeBron James if they feel like it. If they want to hate him and think he's a piece of shit then it is their prerogative. The fans are the ones paying to see the games and paying for all the merchandise so they can cheer and boo whoever they want. However, there is a certain line that should not be crossed when it comes to the hatred of a person or a team in sports. There are some fans that go beyond booing and wish horrible things for these people or teams. There are many Cleveland fans that are guilty of this. If you want to boo LeBron then go right ahead, whether it's right or not is completely irrelevant, just don't go overboard with it.
Good God, what the fuck do you want from LeBron? He doesn't owe you a damn thing. He entertained you for SEVEN years. He made the city of Cleveland interesting... and he made your basketball team something to be proud of first the first time since the late 80s and early 90s.

It's an "if..., then" situation. I left the team alone much of the season while he was there, & to this second, prefer not to discuss him with any fans.

(If) he entertained me at all while here, made the city more interesting by being in it, & made the team anything to be proud of (more than before he was there), then he owed us nothing, Since none of that is true, we should sue him for some money back on his highly-overpaid contract.

I may be 1 of the ony lifelong Ohioans whose depression about not getting to a game this year almost equals the depression I felt sitting in the stands to watch him "play".
(If) he entertained me at all while here, made the city more interesting by being in it, & made the team anything to be proud of (more than before he was there), then he owed us nothing, Since none of that is true, we should sue him for some money back on his highly-overpaid contract.

I may be 1 of the ony lifelong Ohioans whose depression about not getting to a game this year almost equals the depression I felt sitting in the stands to watch him "play".
Of course all of that is true, are you kidding me? Go find reports on the estimated cost his leaving was going to bring to the city of Cleveland. Go find attendance figures from before King James and during his stay.

Of course he entertained a TON of people, and he brought a lot of interest to the city. To say otherwise is silly. As far as getting money back on his cannot be serious. No one could be that stupid.
Don't make fun of them. There entire economy WAS based off of him after all. But yeah, these Clevelanders are overly ********* over this ordeal.. Okay., he left you guys on a nationally televised broadcast on ESPN, and was supposed to be your savior. But he fucking left already. Get over it. Of course you can be upset, but to these massive levels?
Of course all of that is true, are you kidding me? Go find reports on the estimated cost his leaving was going to bring to the city of Cleveland. Go find attendance figures from before King James and during his stay.

Of course he entertained a TON of people, and he brought a lot of interest to the city. To say otherwise is silly. As far as getting money back on his cannot be serious. No one could be that stupid.

I've been through Cleveland enough (pre-, during, & post-Lebron) to know the "estimated cost" doesn't mean crap. Besides, I was thinking about it during the TLC match last night, & I don't remember the last athlete from around here that did anything for the town.

He didn't bring anything great to the city that wouldn't have come anyway.

"As far as getting money back,..." that's not stupid; Stupid is how you describe the people (here & in Missing Intelligence All Missing Intelligence) that paid him that money.

Oh, & v4, how are we/they "*********"? The pain in the butt went further South.
Fans pay to boo or cheer who they want when they want...just like in Wrestling Cena gets alot of boos and a lot of cheers...If Cleveland shouldnt boo Lebron then Denver shouldnt Boo Jay Cutler....Green Bay shouldnt Boo Brett Farve...i dont agree with fans literally hating a man...but they if they pay to see the game they can boo as much, loud, and long as they want.
Fans pay to boo or cheer who they want when they want...just like in Wrestling Cena gets alot of boos and a lot of cheers...If Cleveland shouldnt boo Lebron then Denver shouldnt Boo Jay Cutler....Green Bay shouldnt Boo Brett Farve...i dont agree with fans literally hating a man...but they if they pay to see the game they can boo as much, loud, and long as they want.

Yeah, but different boos are for different reasons. Regardless of talent (which he largely lacks), people boo Lebron b/c he sucks. As Seth Meyers said on "Update", he took an hour of TV to say something that takes 5 seconds (or less).
Yeah, but different boos are for different reasons. Regardless of talent (which he largely lacks), people boo Lebron b/c he sucks. As Seth Meyers said on "Update", he took an hour of TV to say something that takes 5 seconds (or less).

Wow, you are really confusing LeBron as a player and the way he went about announcing his decision. If you think he sucks as a person because of the decision then that is one thing but to say he lacks talent is absolutely laughable. The guy is easily the most talented player in the entire NBA.
Yeah, but different boos are for different reasons. Regardless of talent (which he largely lacks), people boo Lebron b/c he sucks. As Seth Meyers said on "Update", he took an hour of TV to say something that takes 5 seconds (or less).

Let me get this straight. According to you, LeBron has no talent, did nothing for your team, never entertained you, and did nothing for the community or the economy over there. So then why the hell do you care if he left? Why did anyone in Cleveland care that he left? He brought nothing to your city or team according to you, so what does it matter?

There was a reason fans, business owners and Dan Gilbert were upset about him leaving. He singlehandedly carried this team to the playoffs and to the Finals. Dan Gilbert reaped benefits from having him there. Attendence figures jumped the minute he was drafted. Businesses were getting more business while he was a Cav. Your arguement is crap.

I'm not going to sit and argue about whether people should boo at the game. Fans can do as they please. But stop being bitter and spewing out crap that is completely untrue. It just makes you look bad. LeBron meant a lot and did a lot for that city and team, which is why fans are going to pack that arena to let LeBron hear it.
Let me get this straight. According to you, LeBron has no talent, did nothing for your team, never entertained you, and did nothing for the community or the economy over there. So then why the hell do you care if he left? Why did anyone in Cleveland care that he left? He brought nothing to your city or team according to you, so what does it matter?

It doesn't, to me. Why do I care? I don't. That's my feeling on the situation. I don't know why Cavs fans ever complained/are complaining that he left, but that's b/c I don't see why they liked him in the first place.

There was a reason fans, business owners and Dan Gilbert were upset about him leaving. He singlehandedly carried this team to the playoffs and to the Finals. Dan Gilbert reaped benefits from having him there. Attendence figures jumped the minute he was drafted. Businesses were getting more business while he was a Cav. Your arguement is crap.

1] Attendance figures mean nothing; Attendance is great at every Pirates game I go to every year, & when was the last time they got near the playoffs?! People go to see players from the opponents. Likewise, people go to see Lebron b/c they are told he is good, not b/c he actually is.

2] He got the team to the Playoffs & Finals not b/c of what the team did, but b/c many of the teams they faced in the East are/were also crap.

I'm not going to sit and argue about whether people should boo at the game. Fans can do as they please. But stop being bitter and spewing out crap that is completely untrue.

It is impossible to stop until I start.

It just makes you look bad.

I think we need to check with the people of Miami; We could make that the Webster definition of the word "LeBron".
So people are too mindless to make up their own minds? You mean people can't see for themselves his talent. Its almost pointless to argue with someone who has no idea what talent is. There is a reason he was/is considered the best player in the world. You may not like him, that's an opinion. But to say he's not good or has no talent is just an unintelligent statement.

That's hilarious; You start by asking if I think people can't make up their own minds, but then, you finish the paragraph making a statement that many largely make b/c it's popular, & not necessarily b/c it's true.

As far as attendance goes, it sure does mean something. Look at the figures.

2002-2003 (Year before LeBron was drafted)---11,497
2003-2004 (LeBron's first year)---18,288
2006-2010---An average each year of over 20,000

What does that say? Well, one, the increase each year shows the excitement he brought to the team. The last time Cleveland averaged over 20,000 fans was during the '94-'95 season. Obviously he brought something. If he was as bad as you claim, people would have seen that and just stopped watching. He was the only reason fans went to the games.

I didn't say there was no increase in attendance. I said it wasn't b/c of his fans. The same could be said about Cena, or any of a number of wrestlers. As Cena himself said to Edge during their feud, some watched b/c they were fans & others watched to see him get his rear-end kicked. Just b/c I tune-in/go to see your game/match doesn't mean I do it to see you win

Second, the increase in attendance meant more business for the bars, shops, and resturants around the arena. That can't be disputed. Owners of these businesses have said themselves the boost that LeBron brought to them.

I'm sure similar figures happened when Jordan played. I was alive his entire career, & he never played for us... Yet businesses in Cleveland (& the surrounding area) would never have made the money they did if Cleveland never had a pro squad.

Without LeBron James, the Cavs don't make the playoffs in that weak East.

You tell me I'm making an unintelligent statement, & then make a statement that nobody would ever be able to proive right or wrong.

They certainly don't make the Finals like they did with him.

I might've said the same thing... From the same part of my mind that expected the Yankees to win several Championships over the past few years.

This past season was considered LeBron's best team. And that was with an aging Shaq and Antwan Jamison. Every year it was the same thing among Cavs fans, analysts, everyone. The Cavs needed to bring talent in to help LeBron. They never did. Yet he still was able to lead the team into the playoffs.[/QUOTE]

He led a team into the playoffs, & so did everyone else on that team. Unlike golf, basketball is a team sport. I'd say this year is as much proof as needed that he can't get there solo.
That's hilarious; You start by asking if I think people can't make up their own minds, but then, you finish the paragraph making a statement that many largely make b/c it's popular, & not necessarily b/c it's true.

Explain to me how he has no talent. I would love to hear this. He made players around him better, has fantastic ball handling skills, is one of the best passers in the game, has improved his outside shooting while being a beast driving down the lane. I could go on but I don't need to. His play speaks for itself. There is a reason why he was the most coveted free agent in history. Again, if he had no talent as you suggest, then why is he still considered the best in the game? Why hasn't anyone figured out he isn't as good as avertised? Right now people hate LeBron for the decisions he has made, but none would be as stupid as to claim he is untalented.

I didn't say there was no increase in attendance. I said it wasn't b/c of his fans. The same could be said about Cena, or any of a number of wrestlers. As Cena himself said to Edge during their feud, some watched b/c they were fans & others watched to see him get his rear-end kicked. Just b/c I tune-in/go to see your game/match doesn't mean I do it to see you win
I suppose all those 23 jerseys that were in the attendance night in and night out were of people who couldn't stand him right?

And who cares if they were there to see him win or lose. The fact of the matter is you still went to see him. Your arguement that people go to see the opponent's players instead of LeBron is laughable. When the God-awful came into Cleveland and the place was sold out, it was because everyone wanted to see Nate Robinson right? The jump in attendance happening at the same time LeBron James was drafted is more than just chance.

I'm sure similar figures happened when Jordan played. I was alive his entire career, & he never played for us... Yet businesses in Cleveland (& the surrounding area) would never have made the money they did if Cleveland never had a pro squad.

I never said LeBron James was the reason money was made in Cleveland. But he is the reason MORE money was made during his time there. Again, business owners themselves said how much LeBron leaving would hurt their businesses. You going to tell me they are wrong?

He led a team into the playoffs, & so did everyone else on that team. Unlike golf, basketball is a team sport. I'd say this year is as much proof as needed that he can't get there solo.

Let the year play out and see if the Cavs make the playoffs. I doubt it. LeBron was the best player on the Cavs year in and year out. He made the players around him better. Without him and his scoring that team wouldn't have won half the games they did. Were there times when someone stepped up and helped win a game? Yea, but they were few and far between.

Look at what happened in the playoffs against the Celtics. LeBron doesn't score and the Cavs get blown out at home. Absolutely killed. Perfect example of how important LeBron was to the Cavs.
1] Attendance figures mean nothing; Attendance is great at every Pirates game I go to every year, & when was the last time they got near the playoffs?! People go to see players from the opponents. Likewise, people go to see Lebron b/c they are told he is good, not b/c he actually is.

So people are too mindless to make up their own minds? You mean people can't see for themselves his talent. Its almost pointless to argue with someone who has no idea what talent is. There is a reason he was/is considered the best player in the world. You may not like him, that's an opinion. But to say he's not good or has no talent is just an unintelligent statement.

As far as attendance goes, it sure does mean something. Look at the figures.

2002-2003 (Year before LeBron was drafted)---11,497
2003-2004 (LeBron's first year)---18,288
2006-2010---An average each year of over 20,000

What does that say? Well, one, the increase each year shows the excitement he brought to the team. The last time Cleveland averaged over 20,000 fans was during the '94-'95 season. Obviously he brought something. If he was as bad as you claim, people would have seen that and just stopped watching. He was the only reason fans went to the games.

Second, the increase in attendance meant more business for the bars, shops, and resturants around the arena. That can't be disputed. Owners of these businesses have said themselves the boost that LeBron brought to them.

2] He got the team to the Playoffs & Finals not b/c of what the team did, but b/c many of the teams they faced in the East are/were also crap.

Without LeBron James, the Cavs don't make the playoffs in that weak East. They certainly don't make the Finals like they did with him. This past season was considered LeBron's best team. And that was with an aging Shaq and Antwan Jamison. Every year it was the same thing among Cavs fans, analysts, everyone. The Cavs needed to bring talent in to help LeBron. They never did. Yet he still was able to lead the team into the playoffs.
He set aside a solid hour of TV to stab Cleveland fans right through the heart. I don't think he meant that much harm by the Decision, but he certainly caused a lot of damage. That just wasn't the way to do it, leaving his hometown team after 7 years without even saying anything to Dan Gilbert or anyone beforehand. Not a smart move.

Look, everything else here has merit, and I won't be one to tell fans how to feel. If fans want to hate, it's their right to. It makes them look like belligerent, delusional fools, but they still have the right to a preference of people. Cleveland will likely hate LeBron, because he stands for a symbol of their own ineptitude in sports. I know, I know, I secretly think I'm Freud's love child, too.

However, I want to point to The Decision, the one thing people have blasted LeBron for. He could have done it classier. He didn't have to devote an hour worth of time on television to stabbing Cleveland in the back. I'm sorry, but LeBron didn't devote an hour of time to stabbing Cleveland in the back. ESPN did. Do you really think LeBron came to ESPN, with the idea of The Decision, and mapped out exactly how The Decision should go? Was his name on the credits for that damn... Whatever it was? No, likely ESPN realized they had money, and advertisers, who would pay their weight in Sassafras in order to air commercials during this time slot, and they saw the money in the big black guy with a tough decision to make, and fans to let down. That isn't to say LeBron isn't completely to blame, he has his fault. But ESPN had just as much hand in making the Decision such a sordid LeBron-Miami love affair, yet they're getting none of the blame. At all.

Anyway, sorry about that, but fans are free to hate. That doesn't at all mean they'll look intelligent in hating, as LeBron didn't really do all that much wrong. If anything, I blame the messy situation on ESPN's need to make a quick buck, and LeBron accepting to do this stupid television program from the get go.
I'm sorry, but LeBron didn't devote an hour of time to stabbing Cleveland in the back. ESPN did. Do you really think LeBron came to ESPN, with the idea of The Decision, and mapped out exactly how The Decision should go? Was his name on the credits for that damn... Whatever it was? No, likely ESPN realized they had money, and advertisers, who would pay their weight in Sassafras in order to air commercials during this time slot, and they saw the money in the big black guy with a tough decision to make, and fans to let down. That isn't to say LeBron isn't completely to blame, he has his fault. But ESPN had just as much hand in making the Decision such a sordid LeBron-Miami love affair, yet they're getting none of the blame. At all.

Do I think he came to them with it mapped-out? No. Do I even think he knew before that day what his choice would be? Not necessarily. But thousands of players re-sign with the same team, or sign with a new team, or get traded, every year,... & No hour specials on any of the literally thousand networks happen.

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