Clemency for ImAStupidCuntWhoCantFollowRules?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Yeah, so the dude has been here since Jan 2010, which means he's been in prison for like 17 months, so I wanted to help him get out (even though I dunno him or why he's in here)

He's been here since I registered and I registered a long ass time ago.

Anyway, I just wanted to bring this to light. ImAStupidCuntWhoCantFollowRules You've posted a few times lately, If you want out, the only thing I can tell you is maybe you should post a few good wrestling posts and you could probably be out of here in days. I'll even reply and help ya out.

Then again, if the higher ups realize you've been in as long as you have, they might release you on the spot, but posting something good wouldn't hurt.

And if ya do get released, make the best out of it! I think J4L should really be out of here b/c he's been very active for numerous months, and doesn't have my history, but anyway, you seem like you wanna be a serious poster so goodluck man.
Thanks for the support. I don't know how much of a difference this thread will make, though.

Considering the fact that I've been in here for 16 months, I'm pretty sure the higher-ups "threw away the key".
Ugh, whenever I see you on here it makes me less and less confident I'll ever get out.
Usually people in your scenario are let out. Why are ya in here anyway?
Hate to say it Jenks, but you're right. IASTWCFR broke a simple rule, and he got put in prison. He still isn't out. In your case,cConsidering they barely let you back onto the forums, you'd be lucky if you got out 3 years from now.
Maybes we should get Amnesty International on the case if he's been in jail for that long for breaking one rule...
Yeah, they're not gonna listen to you either.

Just let them let him out when they want to. Don't bother trying to argue a case, because if anything, they're just gonna want to keep him in here longer to piss both yourself and him off.

The best thing to do as a Prisoner is be active and just keep going, like I try.
Sorry but 17 months is a complete joke, mods just let him out and stop being stupid

Not really, he did soemthing that would get him banned and a bit of leeway was given so he was put in prison.

Same with Jenks.

Same with Jerichoholic4Life.

Thanks for your input, your feedback means a lot to us.
Thanks for the mention Lee. Always makes my day.

But it's true though, it's like we've been given a lifeline, or a very thin piece of Rope to hold onto.

I don't know what Macios or TakesPricksLikeAMan have been making of their outside time, but I know when/if I do get out of here, I'm gonna be one active motherfucker.

I've already promise when I get out of here, within the first 24 Hours of my release, providing I know about it, I'll make 50 Non-Spam posts.
G-mod, head of the fed, saving the fed and allround good guy.
Ugh, whenever I see you on here it makes me less and less confident I'll ever get out.
Usually people in your scenario are let out. Why are ya in here anyway?
He's posted 9 times since last June. What makes you think he'd get out?

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