Clay VS Tensai


Dark Match Winner
Not sure if other people noticed but while the brawl was happening, outside the ring Clay and Tensai where going at it. Got me thinking, why not have each other feud for their first big feuds. I honestly don't think Tensai will never get over with this gimmick but I do believe he would be a perfect first feud for Clay, and that it could help get Clay over (not just a dancing comedy over, but taken seriously as a competitor over). I understand they are two big men but they both move well for big men and I think it could be an interesting feud. Thoughts?
Both guys have glaring similarities and differences. Both have had previous runs in WWE but are relatively new in WWE with their current characters. Both guys are accompanied to the ring but by very different valets. Both are large lumbering men. Clay shows a little more speed and agility but Tensai looks stronger and more mature in the ring. Tensai is no nonsense and Clay is all nonsense. Both guys could use a feud.

I like the idea but I don't see there being much room on the shows for anything significant. Just something I am afraid WWE would just throw together.

May be one guy will get a mid-card title and make it more significant (although not much more).
i was actullay thinking tensai fueding with sheamus might be good i dont really have much interest in brodus vs tensai but seeing tensai take on sheamus might be interesting sense both are big brawlers and sheamus really doesnt have a challenger for no way out in place why not tensai? might get him some much needed heat.
I wouldn't mind seeing this feud. Both guys are incredibly boring and stale at the moment, mainly because they lack direction. It is the norm in the WWE that newcomers have their first big feud with more established stars, so it would be an interesting change of pace to see two "new" guys going toe to toe. There is also the potential for some great comedy here; just imagine Clay cutting promos on Tensai, or mocking his entrance.
Tensai is no nonsense and Clay is all nonsense.

Great point. I don't know what the company plans to do with Brodus Clay. Are they going to make him into a rampaging beast or keep him as a kinder version of Doink the Clown? When Clay was backing Alberto Del Rio, I figured him for a crude brawler who was going to knock over anything in his path. Instead, he's a combination of Flash Funk and the Godfather. Right now, I have no interest in seeing him fight Tensai; a fight between intensity and comedy doesn't play well.

As for Tensai, I admit being impressed last night. I didn't realize he was so much bigger than Sheamus, and his offense looked formidable against the Celtic Warrior and John Cena. He takes shots from the superstars and comes back with offense of his own. It looked credible and effective.

Still, the match was miscast. Tensai shouldn't team with anyone because he's the ultimate loner, the guy who walks through WWE by himself and wreaks havoc in solitary fashion. He needs no one. Teaming with Dolph and Swagger looked ridiculous, sort of like Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids. I like what Vickie's guys do in the ring, but it was so incongruous with what Tensai was doing, they didn't seem to be a team at all.

For the same reasons, I didn't like Tensai as being on the plus side of a 3 on 2. If anything, I figure WWE would sooner have him in a handicap match in which he's the 1.....against 2 or even 3 other guys. That's the way to build a monster.

As for Tensai vs. Clay? I can't see it working. What happens when Clay uses that "belly bounce" thing of his, which sends his opponents flying around the ring......and Tensai just stands there and absorbs it? What does Clay do then?
Well it makes for an interesting feud if done correctly, considering both have never lost under their new gimmicks they could factor this in. Have them face each other in a couple of matches with no clear winner. Build it up that the two are equals and can't be beaten leading into the PPV match where there must be a winner. One then goes on to the bigger feuds, the other goes into the midcard (which means in theory Tensai winning the feud)
This could be an interesting feud if they did it. Brodus should be the one to go over if they do have them feud. He has a decent looking future ahead of himself, whereas Tensai is an absolute joke. The ironic thing is that Brodus is meant to be the silly one right now and Tensai is being pushed rather hard as a serious threat. I cannot take him seriously. This gimmick will not help the fact that it's still Albert and he still sucks. The entrance makes me laugh almost as much as Brodus' does.

I could see them having a couple of matches with the Funkasaurus coming out the winner so that he can be put over. That is what Tensai should be doing anyhow, putting people over. He is a joke who will never get anywhere no matter what gimmick he has. If Tensai were to win the. WWE would be making a mistake. I also would not want the feud to last too long. One or perhaps two PPV's is fine but anything beyond that will get very boring very quickly.
I thought the potential for a short feud between Sheamus and Tensai was the likely one coming off last night's Raw. I could see a feud with Brodus and Tensai happening after WWE realize Tensai isn't getting over, their contrast in personalities should be enough to work a short program.
I said this a while ago just because i'm not a fan of Brodus Clay at all and i said i would like Tensai to destroy him. lol But on a serious note. I think the feud could work. I'm not sure it would go over as well as some people think though. I don't think there would be anyway to make Brodus look strong in this without making Tensai look weak. Whoever Tensai feuds with he needs to beat. So people keep throwing the Sheamus idea which i agree would be good but in order for that to happen Tensai would have to win the title from Sheamus. I don't see anyway Tensai could lose and it not hurt him. As people like to bring up he's not completely over with the fans yet. Any loss could be critical to his character of being this dominant force. If he already loses what would make him dominant. I think one match between Brodus and Tensai would be good as long as Tensai got the win. But i don't think a feud between them is needed. They could have a match on Raw or Smackdown and be fine. Honestly at this point i think The Miz should feud with Brodus Clay. He has picked up multiple loses to him now and i think it could get Miz back on track if they had it done correctly. The Miz could just keep coming after Brodus until he finally beats him. Then after he beats him, moves on and gets back on track. As for Tensai i haven't put much thought into it. This might sound odd but maybe a Kane feud? Kane hasn't really done anything important lately all he has been doing is squashing Zack Ryder. I think someone like Kane could easily put over Tensai and have him come out of the feud looking strong. And the fans can still get behind Kane as a face.
The big man vs big man story is usually a no go area for the WWE unless you are talking about the likes of Show, who I believe is still a good worker, Kane, who is still one of the best workers in the company and of course the Undertaker.

Tensai is good. Just good. Not great. But as we have seen from him in the past, he can still pull off a good match. Clay on the other hand, I am no so sure of. I saw him have a ten minute match with Heath Slater at Wrestlemania Axxess this year, and he looked okay, but their styles, although not massively similar, don't look like they'll mesh together properly.

For the sake of giving them both a feud to get on with, it does however make sense. They just need to be careful with it. Make sure it doesn't go on for longer than it needs to. Especially if the first encounter sucks.
I would find this horrible.

Tensai bores me. I just don't like him in the ring and find him terrible to watch. Clay was funny at the start but when he started burying guys like Ziggler, Swagger and the Miz i just got annoyed. These are guys with a lot of talent and are having to loose to clay.

Saying these two are good wrestlers for big guys isn't saying much. Looking at other big guys they are obviously better than the likes of Khali and perhaps Henry and but i would class Kane and taker as "big men" and they are infinitely better.

I would hate if this feud became a reality especially when other guys with a lot more talent are not being used.
Tensai looks stronger? That is yet to be seen. He struggled to body slam Sheamus. I'm not interested in this being a fued.
Although I'm not particularly a fan of either character (I preferred Brodus as the monster heel he was as Del Rio's protege), Brodus is seemingly getting over with his dance routine, if for no other reason than the girls and his entrance music. The WWE needs to hurry up and find him something legitimate to do in terms of a feud but I don't think a feud with Tensai is the answer. If they're trying to build both of these guys up they need to be very careful with who they book them against because they pretty much have to wind up on the winning ends of their respective first feuds, which means they can't have Tensai matching up with Brodus right out of the gate because someone will have to lose and hence lose their momentum as a monster.

If I were to book a feud between the two I would probably have Tensai continue his tear, give him one, maybe two, interesting/main event feuds in which he comes out on top. People begin to question who can stop Tensai. Meanwhile I would have Brodus start to lose a few matches/feuds against guys like Cody Rhodes or Dolph Ziggler...someone in the mid-upper-mid card. Finally have Brodus confront Tensai and let a feud be born...

I think if they're going to have these two face it should be a little bit later, certainly not while they're still developing as characters. Tensai has more to lose by losing more matches early on, in my opinion. I feel like the crowd is not relating with him as much as they are with Brodus, even if it is just for comedic reasons.
If I were a religious fellow (I'm not), I would be praying to Christ this happens. However, it can only end with both men going away. Forever. That's my hope.

I marked as hard as anyone for Brodus. You know, the first four or ten times he did his schtick. At this point I'm over it, as the kids say. He doesn't bother me, I just no longer care.

Tensai is Albert, okay? Get that? The crowd sure does. No one gives a shit. I think they should have a Death Match - winner leaves, loser leaves. Sounds fun.

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