Classic Feuds that NEVER happened


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Ok, this is my first attempt at creating a discussion thread, but I think it is an interesting topic and get the opinions and ideas of many differing wrestlnig fans. My question is, what feuds that never happened would you love to hyave seen, or felt would have made big business for either WWE, WCW or ECW. Please make sure this is not a fantasy concept, make sure that these guys you select were in the same company at the same time, whether they were faces or heels. Personally, I feel the WWE completely dropped the ball the second the Legion of Doom(Road Warriors) entered the WWE. They should have entered into a tag team feud with Demolition, but in actuallity, The LOD and Demolition only ever met in 6 man tag matches with Ultimate Warrior joining the LOD. Booked properly, I feel this could have been a massive money feud. The LOD first time in WWE, and Demolition coming off their third tag team title reign. Even though Axe was ready for the scarp heap, he could have served as a heel manager or advisor for Smash and Crush. As feuds had a slow burn back in those days, Wrestlemania 7 would have bveen the best place to finally showcase on ppv Demolition vs Road Warriors instead of Demolition being jobbed out to two asian guys not under contract and LOD squashing Power and Glory, who they were trying to build. That is one that comes to mind for me, the floor is yours guys.
Two that immediately come to mind for me that I would have loved to see but for obvious reasons never happened were Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Hulk Hogan and Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Goldberg. Especially the latter one, had it taken place in 2001 when WCW first folded, could have made huge money for WWE. Imagine a PPV with Stone Cold representing Team WWF against Goldberg representing Team WCW/Alliance? (And yes, I know Austin joined the Alliance, but if they would have gotten bigger names in for the invasion, who's to say that would have still happened?)
I totally agree with you. I was a HUGE Demolition mark and I never understood why they just had one Main Event match and Colosseum Home Video match. It should not only have been a Wrestlemania match, but a Tag Team Championship match, instead of the LOD winning against the Nasty Boys...

Other Matches they missed!
*Randy Savage vs. Bret Hart- Wrestlemania IX
*Lex Luger vs. Bret Hart- Wrestlemania X
*Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair- Wrestlemania VIII
*Ultimate Warrior vs. Bret Hart Wrestlemania IX
*Ultimate Warrior vs. Undertaker...Major PPV
*Hulk Hogan vs. Jake The Snake Roberts...1991
*Randy Savage vs. Shawn Michaels...SummerSlam 92

To me, you can recite countless others...but why would you not book these no brainers? If anybody knows, please let me know!
I heard the Austin/Hogan feud never took place because Austin refused to work with hogan based on how hogan an bischeoff treated him in his last days of Dubbya See Dubbya and he felt hogan was just trying to get a rub to get more attention... So if anybody knows different please correct me
id say Hogan vs Bret Hart in 1993 was a big one, ric flair vs hogan at WM8 was a HUGE drop of the ball for vince, nWo vs DX wouldve been money in 2002 but i suppose that one couldnt have worked unless hall stayed sober. a proper goldberg vs sting feud would have been soo good for WCW i also think they shouldve had a huge scott stiener vs goldberg feud with pump booked as the unbeatable heel to goldbergs unbeatable face....i guess thats it for now.....
I heard the Austin/Hogan feud never took place because Austin refused to work with hogan based on how hogan an bischeoff treated him in his last days of Dubbya See Dubbya and he felt hogan was just trying to get a rub to get more attention... So if anybody knows different please correct me

I heard it was because both men flat out refused to job to the other. Hogan knew that, at the time, it was between him and Austin for biggest draw ever ad so didn't want to lose to the guy at Wrestlemania. Austin just didn't want Hogan coming in and going over him for the same reason.

Austin has stated that he said to Vince that the money feud for him was with Hogan at WM 18, but the Rock got his spot and Austin quit the company soon later. It's only a guess but i reckon Austin was pissed Vince didn't do more to persuade Hogan to take the pin for him in the match.
I heard the Austin/Hogan feud never took place because Austin refused to work with hogan based on how hogan an bischeoff treated him in his last days of Dubbya See Dubbya and he felt hogan was just trying to get a rub to get more attention... So if anybody knows different please correct me

The idea was to have SCSA vs HH but Austin was injured so the 2nd man of WWE: Rocky had to fill in. hulk always has stated in interviews if he could have one match that never happend it would of been against Austin and that he wanted to go over because of what Austin had became to the wrestling world. As in officially passing the torch as he saw it.

The rumours about Austin not happy with the match was false.
Hogan v Flair not happening was a travesty and Hogan's worst moment... he was making movies but wouldn't job out to Flair before he went, insisting on facing Sid and not even jobbing to him clean... You could see that one decision set a whole chain of events off, Hogan still left, Sid never got over and Flair never got the title run he deserved, triggering him to be gone after barely 18 months... The only beneficiary was a 2nd run for Savage that he would not have gotten otherwise...

The other feud I never saw but wanted to was due to the forced retirement of Ted DiBiase in 1993, I really wanted to see a title feud between he and Bret Hart and I think had Ted stayed healthy a bit longer then 1994/95 would have been about Bret and Ted... DiBiase as champ during the time Yoko had it could have been far better for WWE and allowed Bret, Luger, Davey Boy and Tatanka strong pushes...
This is one that actually main evented a wrestlemania,BUT IMO about 5 years too late,

Sid vs. Undertaker, When Sid debuted in mid-91 you could almost sense these two evetually drifting towards one another,BUT then Sid kept getting hit with the injury bug that would follow him his whole career.

BY the time their title match happened at WM13,you could tell that they should've had this match about 4 or 5 years earlier.
Randy Savage vs Bret Hart 1992-1993
Imagine if the Hitman and Savage feuded over the world title instead. It would have been the Hitman's biggest victory to date. I know Yokozuna was a great villain but the Wrestlemania where Hitman lost the title should have been where Hitman actually won his first world title. WWE wanted to 'phase' Savage out and it should have been done with Hitman defeating Savage. Two of the greatest wrestlers of all time. I know the match happened on TV but it would have singlehandedly saved Wrestlemania 9 from being the all time worst Wrestlemania. Instead, we had Hogan running in to squash Hart's momentum and beating Yokozuna for pretty much no reason.

Hogan vs Ric Flair 1991-1992
This would have been the logical feud and championship match for Wrestlemania 8. It would have been the biggest match of matches that hadn't taken place. The biggest two wrestling legends ever then and now. The Savage vs Flair match and feud did just fine and it ended up being what would have likely been a much better match and feud. Had it been Hogan and Flair, it would have been Hogan triumphing and Flair being squashed as if he was just another Sgt Slaughter.

Lex Luger vs Bret Hart
This would have been a logical feud culminating at Wrestlemania 10. Luger was turning into a smaller scale Hogan and Hitman desperately wanted his world title back. The way they both won the Royal Rumble could have been turned their friendship sour. Luger really should have won the title from Yokozuna at Summerslam the previous year when he had all that momentum. I still liked how Hitman vs Yokozuna turned out and ended at Wrestlemania 10. And I know back then that most American ppv matches were meant to be between faces and heels. But Hart vs Luger would have been like Hogan vs Warrior. A feud and main event match at Wrestlemania would have strengthened their legacies.

Randy Savage vs Roddy Piper
This could have been the feud of feuds. Savage and Piper were the two craziest wrestlers and most entertaining to listen to on the mic back in the 80s and 90s. They were often heels that were cheered and a feud between them could have
been magic. Sure these two feuded briefly in WCW in 1998 but in WWE this could have been the main event of the tournament at Wrestlemania 4. Had Piper not 'retired' for two years. Savage beating Piper for the title, or even the other way around, would have strengthened both guys legacies and either way would have set up an amazing main event at Wrestlemania 5 with Hogan. And I say that because, honestly, Savage beating Ted Dibiase with help from Hogan with a chair? Virgil could beat Ted Dibiase but Savage couldn't. Dibiase is extremely overrated today, I think i read a poster say he should have been used as a heel champ instead of Yokozuna. I don't agree.

Bob Backlund vs Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, DX Shawn Michaels, Piper etc.

I'd really like to have seen Bob Backlund in a feud with anyone from the 80s and 90s era. Bob Backlund's feud with Bret Hart is one of my favourite of all time. The 'heel' Backlund would have had an amazing feud with 'face' Hogan. This really could have been the
main event at Wrestlemania 1 or 2. Psycho Bob could have come back a year or two later in revenge for losing his title he never lost. I guess the way it happened turned out even better as it was 10 or 11 years after the fact and made the 'psychoness' of Backlund's obsession with the belt even more authentic. Still, i'd have loved to see him battle Hogan at Wrestlemania 1, Backlund vs Savage at Wrestlemania 2, Backlund vs Piper at Wrestlemania 3. It'd also be cool to see old school 'face' Bob vs DX Shawn Michaels. That would be an interesting feud!

Shawn Michaels vs Randy Savage
This match did happen during Savage's second title reign in the summer of 1992. However, a feud would have made sense seeing as Sensational Sherri was now Michael's manager and Shawn was closing in on the world title scene. Had Savage
not been forced behind the announce table prematurely we could have seen this as a feud after Summerslam and perhaps a main event match at Wrestlemania 9, 10 or 11. Had Savage vs Hart taken place and a series of rematches after Wrestlemania, we could have Michaels interfere on behalf of Hart and start a feud with Savage that would catapult Michaels into the title scene in time for Wrestlemania 10.

Rock vs Shawn Michaels
This match didn't happen and we all know why. Rock would have outstaged Michaels.

Hogan vs Austin.
This match didn't happen and we all think we know why. It could still happen but it would have made more sense at Wrestlemania 19. Hogan and Vince should have been pushed back for Wrestlemania's 20th anniversary.

This would have been the best feud of all time.

Hulk Hogan vs The NWO or DX
I would have personally loved to see face Hulk Hogan battle the NWO after Wrestlemania 18 and be the one to put the nail in the NWO coffin. They did feud for a week or two before the brand extension. But I think WWE dropped the ball on having the American hero battle the most heel faction in wrestling history. I also would have loved to see Hogan battle DX in the summer of 05 or even in the 90s although that would have been impossible. Imagine say your vitamins Hogan vs moral lacking DX. Or even NWO Hogan with Hall and Nash vs DX Michaels and Hunter. This would have been as big as Hogan/Andre.

Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle
If only Hitman hadn't wrestled Goldberg we could have seen the Hitman battle every top guy of the next decade. This would have been the best of all the possible Hitman feuds. Even though Bret was older, this could have been some of the best technical wrestling ever. It's the one match Bret still wishes he could compete in.

Randy Savage vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
I say Austin but really i'd have loved to see Savage vs any of the past decade of wrestlers. A feud with Savage could catapult anyone into stardom. The one feud I'd have loved to see is Savage vs Austin as they are two of the most loved rule breakers in the history of wrestling. Two of three if you count Flair but both Savage and Austin are no holds barred and would have feuded all over the building. Austin didn't need a feud with Savage to be 'over' but as a huge Savage fan i'd personally just love seeing this feud. Had Savage came back to WWF as it was rumoured in 1998 then this could have been one of the major matches of Wrestlemania 15. It was probably better that it was Rock vs Austin but I personally would have preferred the self proclaimed NWO 'lone wolf' Savage 'invading' WWF to battle Austin and tease (if he were to win) taking the World Title back with him to WCW. And more importantly the NWO. And Rock vs Austin happened many other times. A Savage-Austin match and feud would have felt like the NWO was invading. It would be like the reverse of Scott Hall appearing on WCW tv in May 96. Savage would have been a monster heel! And he had that new 'juiced' Undertaker look and had a new Hogan-like physique.
Even though relentless1 already mentioned this one, a real feud between Goldberg and Sting would have been amazing. I always felt that Goldberg's streak should have been ended by either Bret Hart or Sting.

I can only recall seeing two matches between Sting and Goldberg, and one of them didn't have a clean finish. The first was when Sting was in the Wolfpac (red face paint), and it main-evented an episode of Nitro. Goldberg was World Champ at the time, and the match's finish came when Sting had Goldberg locked in the Scorpion Death Lock. That's when Hogan entered, and clobbered Sting over the head with the title belt. Somehow, the ref just plain "didn't see it" (I don' think it was a matter of the ref being "knocked out", I think it just happened "outside his field of vision" somehow). Goldberg hit the jackhammer, and got the 1-2-3.

The other match was when Sting was World Champ at Halloween Havoc in 1999, and I believe he was a heel at that point. Sting called an "open challenge" to anyone in the back, and Goldberg came out to answer the challenge. Goldberg defeated Sting for the belt, even though the announcers didn't seem to understand why the belt had changed hands (leave it to the failing WCW at that time). I think the title change was later reversed, due to the match being "unsanctioned"...something like that.

I think this feud would have worked even with both Sting & Goldberg as faces, as it could have been booked as a "Franchise vs. Franchise" match. That would have been big enough to main event Starrcade, and sell the PPV on it's own. I would have GLADLY paid the PPV money just for that match back in 1998/99. I really wanted to see Goldberg's streak end with him tapping out to either Sting, or Bret Hart. I don't know why, but the Scorpion Death Lock/Sharpshooter just seemed like the move to beat him. IMHO, I feel that Goldberg's first loss should have came from some type of submission hold, and not the lame "no DQ" finish that it ended up being (Scott Hall using the taser, and Nash getting the pin). We all know how much MORE lame that storyline became, as well.

I would have also loved to have seen a rehash of Jericho & Goldberg, when Goldberg first showed up in the WWF. They had their little "joke feud" in WCW, with Jericho bringing out "Greenberg" (WCW's "Gillberg" at the time). When Goldberg showed up in the WWE, it would have been great to see a "real" feud between the two of them. Jericho had "proved" that he wasn't a cruiserweight anymore by that point, and the matches between those two could have been epic. The very beginning of the feud could have mentioned their "history" in WCW, with Jericho having "video evidence" of him pinning Goldberg back in WCW. That would have been hilarious! Too bad Goldberg didn't stay long enough with the WWF, as they definitely had a lot of other "dream feuds" for Goldberg during his WWF run. The Jericho/Goldberg feud would have been entertaining though, at least in my opinion. If it were to happen, I'm sure there would have been no way that Goldberg would have agreed to jobbing to Jericho. Maybe I'm wrong, but it just seems that way to me.
I heard the Austin/Hogan feud never took place because Austin refused to work with hogan based on how hogan an bischeoff treated him in his last days of Dubbya See Dubbya and he felt hogan was just trying to get a rub to get more attention... So if anybody knows different please correct me

Sounds about right to me. Hogan could no longer put on decent matches at that point anyways and Austin would have just made Hogan look like a fool. Hogan got his rub off the Rock that he didn't deserve at that point, so why should Austin have given him more?
I always wish Mordecai had been given more of a chance and had he been built up properly I would've loved to see Mordecai vs Undertaker. A modern day feud I would like to see simply for the matches would be Kurt Angle(if he returned to WWE) vs Jack Swagger. And finally I would love to see Sheamus vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

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