Citibank arrests customers for trying to close accounts


RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
The Economic Voice said:
The Economic Voice [link]

Customers of Citibank were arrested yesterday after trying close down their bank accounts.

23 customers of Citibank allegedly found themselves under arrest after being locked in the bank at 555 La Guardia Place, New York by security guards who even forced legitimate Citibank customers going about their daily business back into the bank.

Citibank responded to the allegations of arresting customer by releasing this statement:

“A large amount of protesters entered our branch at 555 La Guardia Place around 2:00 PM today. They were very disruptive and refused to leave after being repeatedly asked, causing our staff to call 911. The Police asked the branch staff to close the branch until the protesters could be removed. Only one person asked to close an account and was accommodated.”

Video below shows quite clearly that those inside the La Guardia Place branch of Citibank were not disruptive and remained quite calm and peaceful and also there are reports from eyewitnesses stating the explanation given by Citibank is far from the truth.

The Occupy Wall Street movement has seen a resurgence of Eric Cantona’s call for people to withdraw their money from the banks and one site is attempting to assist this move.

This notion of removing money from the banks in order to bring them down is a genuine threat to the banking industry and we can expect more arrests by banks who are using the police force as their private security to prevent a collapse in their interests through mass deposit withdrawal.

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Hell of a country we live in.
They were being disruptive so instead of allowing them or anyone else to leave you locked them in the building against their will? smart Shitibank, real smart.
So they shouldn't have done what they say the police asked them too do?

A little to early to judge.
More like Shitty bank.

I just love how the video shows what caused citibank to call the police to begin with.

This thing is starting to turn into a huge joke as usual. Hippies complaining about the rich. The rich complain about hippies. Same story, different century.
I just love how the video shows what caused citibank to call the police to begin with.

This thing is starting to turn into a huge joke as usual. Hippies complaining about the rich. The rich complain about hippies. Same story, different century.

I still don't understand what exactly they want, or how the plan on getting it. The way I understand it they want rich people to stop being rich people, & think that camping out of Wall Street is going to make rich people poor. Am I not getting something?
No one is sure. There's a lot of damn valid points they make, but then a lot of nonsense. They are leaderless with no clear platform, and that's what keeps a lot of people from taking them seriously.

Unfortunately it's going to be turned into some sort of Democrat Tea Party. The thing will get hijacked.
I just love how the video shows what caused citibank to call the police to begin with.

Their plan was to all close their accounts at the same time, and after a while, Citibank simply called the police as a last ditch effort to keep people from taking their money. I believe that over them causing a fucking ruckus in the bank.. that was never their intention.

What Citibank and the pigs did here is absolutely pathetic. Say what you want about most of the people the media is covering on this Occupy Wall Street ordeal, but what we saw in that video is just not right, and hopefully that bank and every other bank who tries similar tactics end up paying for it harshly.
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And unless you were there you really don't know either way what happened. Both sides have an agenda.
And unless you were there you really don't know either way what happened. Both sides have an agenda.

And logic still weighs more on one side than the other. Plus, the video simply shows a young woman who is doing absolutely nothing getting thrown against the fucking wall. What in the World could she have been doing before hand to deserve that? You listen to the conversation, she said she was a customer, the cop says no you were in there with them, and then basically gropes her and throws her against the wall. Come on, man... how can you defend this?

And seriously Shocky, do you really think a leaderless group of people with no clear platform (as you put it) would be smart enough to create a plan to go into a bank, cause a serious disturbance to the point where the police had to be called, and then have someone waiting outside with a camera ready to start filming on cue as they stop causing a fray?
I'm not saying I agree with citibank, I'm just saying wait for more information to come out.

If you don't see video footage from the bank in the next couple of days then clearly they have something to hide.

I think the police were a bit excessive, but we just don't know the cause. If it was what occupy says, then some shit needs to happen to the officers involved.
And unless you were there you really don't know either way what happened. Both sides have an agenda.

I agree with you, but them physically carrying a woman into the bank was completely wrong. If they wanted to arrest her, then arrest her, otherwise they have no right in basically kidnapping her. I see a MAJOR lawsuit coming from that situation.

The real shame of this is when you do a Google search, you cannot find this story on any big news site. No matter where the truth lies, until the big boys of the news industry (Fox, CNN, etc.) get involved, this will just be brushed under the rug. Maybe the Daily Show with John Stewart will have to expose this as well.
They were being disruptive so instead of allowing them or anyone else to leave you locked them in the building against their will? smart Shitibank, real smart.

More like Shitty bank.

Point, Justin. Maybe next time, Lee.

Барбоса;3473583 said:
Bringing down the banking system sounds like a really good way to fix the current economic crisis

I don't think that's Occupy's immediate goal, though you do have to wonder what sort of economic guidance they want instated to steer the country away from an economic collapse while simultaneously replacing the current system altogether.
And unless you were there you really don't know either way what happened. Both sides have an agenda.

That's why we have this thing called video now. I posted a video of the events unfolding at the bank. You can literally watch what happened for yourself and make your own assessment here.

I get that you dislike the naive, sometimes obtusely idealistic viewpoint of these protestors Shocky and I understand that, but how can you possibly say that it's okay for a bank to call the police and have it's customers locked down like fucking criminals for the sheer act of trying to close their bank accounts? Watch the video. No ruckus is caused, no public disorderly conduct, they did NOTHING wrong here, except try to take their money out of a bank, which is fully within their right, but is apparently now a "cause for concern" and enough to call the police on your own customers for. That is pathetic, disgusting, and unforgivable. I don't give a shit if the police and the bank employees were simply following federal and corporate policy (which I'm almost 99.9% certain they weren't, because I'm pretty sure there's no policy in any bank contract that says they have the right to physically restrain you if you want to freeze or disable your account with them), this is wrong, and it's not even about politics man, it's not about the right or the left or what economic plan or political ideology you adhere to, it's about people not being treated like criminals for doing absolutely nothing wrong or against the law, simply to placate corporate higher-ups who don't want us feeble plebians to actually wake up and say "Why the fuck am I giving my money to these people again if they're just going to lose it?". Whether you agree with that ideology or not is irrelevant, they shouldn't have been treated like criminals here for doing nothing wrong legally, morally, or civilly. That's the issue at hand here.

tl;dr fuck tha police comin' straight from the underground
Uh guys, the video does not show anything before the doors were locked. We don't know what the scene was like before that. So many times protesters will deliberately cause a disturbance and when the police are brought in suddenly they think they can play the part of the victim. I'm not saying that's what happened here but the short video doesn't tell us any kind of real story. I know everyone wants to fight against big bad corporate America but we need to see more evidence before placing blame.

I agree with you, but them physically carrying a woman into the bank was completely wrong. If they wanted to arrest her, then arrest her, otherwise they have no right in basically kidnapping her. I see a MAJOR lawsuit coming from that situation.

I'll agree with this.

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