Chyna Was Getting Ridiculous Pops


Future Women's Champion
Here me out. Everyone is famliar with The 9th Wonder of the World, Chyna. Well I was just searching stuff on Youtube and came across some of Chyna's matches. That's when I realized...

Chyna was getting ridiculously loud pops!

Watch some of her matches/segments with Ivory. She's really over. Now watch this video where she's arm wrestling against Vince. During her entrance, Chyna is getting a great pop.


I never knew Chyna was getting cheered that loudly during her career. Is anyone with me?
Of course she was over. She knew it and that's why she wanted to be paid the same as some of the headliners of the time. Which is why she eventually left because WWF were unwilling to pay over the odds for an upper mid card novelty act.
with u in what? not knowing she had fans..
not liking her? cause i know alot didnt..
Or Liking her ? Cause i Did, and still Do/Would if she was to ever come back...

Dude, what the fuck did you just say?

I was a huge fan for Chyna. I watch alot of her matches on youtube now and I see no comparsion between her and Beth Pheonix. Sure their both big divas but Chyna was the shit back in the day. I'm not surprised she got alot of pops, she was amazing.
I know a lot of people harp on her! Sometimes with good reason I might add. But of course she was over...she never would've gotten the push she got if she wasn't. I doubt Vince would've ever given her the money, considering the hard time Sunny got a few years earlier, I don't think Vince would want to upset the boys.
Here me out. Everyone is famliar with The 9th Wonder of the World, Chyna. Well I was just searching stuff on Youtube and came across some of Chyna's matches. That's when I realized...

Chyna was getting ridiculously loud pops!

Watch some of her matches/segments with Ivory. She's really over. Now watch this video where she's arm wrestling against Vince. During her entrance, Chyna is getting a great pop.


I never knew Chyna was getting cheered that loudly during her career. Is anyone with me?

What is the point of this thread? I hate to down somebody with an ADR sig but this thread just seems pointless. Yes, Chyna had fans and got some great pops...Just about everybody in the WWF was over during the Attitude Era...Just think about it...Freaking Scotty 2 Hotty and Crash Holly were really over as well...Maybe you can add a post to the thread and explain what you were really going for cause I just don't see it.
Chyna was getting ridculous pops because she was the BEST woman wrestler in the world at that time to me. She was already competing with men and she won 3 Men's titles. Not to mention she won 1 Women's Titles. She is probably the most dominant women's wrestler behind Awesome Kong. In fact she might even be the most dominant. :)
I was actually just arguing about this over at /wooo/ the other day with someone trying to call Chyna's IC title reign and singles push a total failure. It absolutely was not, Chyna was getting some of the biggest pops in the entire company around the fall of 1999, during what's generally considered the most popular time of the company's history. That's damn impressive. If they hadn't stuck her with Eddie a few months later and completely killed her push as a singles contender against the men she could have been a pretty big draw for several years to come for the company, but backstage politics and her drug issues made sure that never happened. Too bad, I always liked Chyna and would love to see another woman of her size given a chance as a singles competitor in the mens divisions, perhaps someone like Beth Phoenix.
Chyna was getting ridculous pops because she was the BEST woman wrestler in the world at that time to me. She was already competing with men and she won 3 Men's titles.

But the only reason she was "competing" with men was because the writers called for the men to take a beating from her. Yes, that can be said of all the matches in pro wrestling, but at least most of the other performers have sufficient wrestling skills to make a match look believable.

As much as I like the idea of a woman who could mix it with the guys, Chyna wasn't the one I would pick. She definitely had the look, but that's all she had. In the ring, she was one of the poorest wrestlers I've ever seen. Her moveset was weak, her repertoire was limited, she didn't sell for her opponents, and she was slower than Big Show. That last point should be emphasized: she was as slow as molasses...... and I think WWE didn't rush to satisfy her contractual demands because they realized her gimmick was running out; there's only so long you can push a wrestler who can't wrestle.

Now, if they want to try the mixed wrestling angle with Beth Phoenix or Awesome Kong; that's another thing.
Chyna was AMAZING!!!!!!!! I loved how she is the ONLY female to have held the IC title, let alone more than once!!! She was such a talented Diva and was always the most dominant in the WWF when she was employed with them. I just was watching her first IC title win, and recall that PPV and how tremendous it was to see her win. She was a solid wrestler and could more than hold her own. I know people dont care much for her now, but I still WISH, knowing it will never happen, that she would one day step back into a WWE ring. Id love to see Beth or Kong mix it up with the men, and maybe even hold the IC title. but I think those days are more than long gone!
Chyna was nothing more than a freakshow with fake tits. EVERYBODY got good pops back when Chyna was popular and plus she came from DX which is one of the most over groups in history so there should really be no suprise there. She was a decent wrestler I guess but the whole women fight men thing doesnt work for me. Its just unrealistic. Women should be in the women's division or a manager/valet. Thats it. Chyna should have been no exception. Beth Phoenix? I'm not even gonna go there...shes not even that big.

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