Chyna passes away.

Another life destroyed by Vince to build his WWE empire. Vince made millions but wrestlers like Chyna died broke and juiced up on roids and drugs. I hope there's a special place in hell for that piece of trash known as Vince McMahon. R.I.P. Chyna.......

It's not his job to make sure people make the right lifestyle choices. WWE is more than willing to take care of rehab for anyone who wants it (they've done so for several former talents.)

Vince McMahon is their boss, not their dad.

And if we're being honest, Chyna was probably hitting the roids before becoming a pro wrestler.
Whatever she may have done in the wake of her WWE career. It was never anything that she could not be forgiven for.
Next Monday on Raw she deserves nothing less than a tribute and a well edited vignette serializing her career. Followed by a HOF induction in the near future.... whatever you might say, she paved the way for women in wrestling and she never forgot her past in the WWE.

R.I.P. Chyna, you will be missed indeed.
It literally hasn't even been a full two months since I created the thread on here in which I tried to argue that Chyna might be the single greatest female wrestler of all-time.

While that thread was only met with one supporter and many arguments, I guess I'll have to settle for the comments of praise on this thread, which are clearly only being written since Joanie is dead.

I was absolutely devastated waking up to that news and it does make me very sad that Chyna will now officially never have the full circle moment that so many troubled stars have had before her (looking at you X-Pac, Hall, Jake). I honestly think her involvement in porn is just a cop out, I don't think they would've brought her back no matter what but I promise you she deserved a nice return and HOF induction during her lifetime. No woman has accomplished what she had, and I am very certain that no one ever will. She literally is one of the all-time unique competitors and had she been able to co-exist with her ex and his new girlfriend this fact wouldn't even be up for debate.

RIP. Gone, but absolutely never forgotten. Thank you so much, Joanie "Chyna" Laurer.
As much as I'm very saddened, and my heart just sank in the last 10 minutes as I discovered this, my only hope is that Post-mortem, they give Chyna the spot she deserves, Triple H has made the infamous statement about if kids search Chyna on the internet, they might find bad stuff, which was true of almost any human being, especially celebrity, My one silver lining to this tragedy, is that it gives WWE the balls to put her in the HOF, even if it's for their own selfish reasons of soaking up media attention.
Sad but is anyone really surprised? She led a hard life. But she was a true pioneer and deservedly a HOFer.
Maybe she now can get the peace in death she never seemed to find in life
It's not his job to make sure people make the right lifestyle choices. WWE is more than willing to take care of rehab for anyone who wants it (they've done so for several former talents.)

Vince McMahon is their boss, not their dad.

And if we're being honest, Chyna was probably hitting the roids before becoming a pro wrestler.

Oh yea? Didn't Vince introduce roids to Hogan? Too many "ifs" and "probablys" in your horrible post to take it seriously. At least we agree that Vince is a piece of trash because you did not challenge that FACT.
This is sad news man. yesterday I literally listened to her theme song on youtube and her WM 17 match vs Ivory. She was one of the most recognizable women wrestlers in history. Key part of the attitude era. I cant believe her and eddie are both gone. RIP.
She was a shooting star, and she was loved by many.

Whatever her circumstances; she made pro-wrestling fun, she inspired a generation of young women and at her core she was a good person.

I for one wish it didn't take her passing to truly appreciate her accomplishments, but that's the world we live in. Rest in peace Chyna.
It's definitely a bit of a quandary when it comes to WWE's stance on Chyna.

First of all, it's a shame that this has happened and that she met her end this way; it's a shame that anybody comes to this sort of end. From what I understand, as of right now, it's being investigated as a possible overdose though I haven't read anything regarding whether it's accidental or intentional.

Some of what I'm about to say sounds heartless, it's not really intended to be, but I don't think endless praise needs to be heaped upon her or her life should be sugar coated just because she met an untimely end. For me, Chyna was never remotely a great female wrestler but, rather, she was a female who had a very unique look during a very unique time in pro wrestling. She was intimidating all around before she started with the breast implants, having her jaw worked on to look more feminine, etc. though she did keep herself relevant in WWE for quite a long while by reinventing herself from being this badass female enforcer to something more akin to the traditional sex pot Diva. I can't say that I ever really found her to be all that entertaining, she just happened to be surrounded by a lot of entertaining people like HBK, Triple H, the New Age Outlaws, Chris Jericho and Eddie Guerrero. While I was never a huge fan, I'd be a fool to try to deny she had a major impact and was a memorable part of the Attitude Era.

Chyna's problems, based on what we know about her, are more self-induced than anything else. Chyna has been significantly involved in drug use for a very long time and her drug abuse is part of the reason why her personal life became such fodder for the tabloids. Chyna winding up doing porn didn't surprise me in the least because it's par for the course for most women getting into porn to have a destructive life before porn or develop one while they're doing porn.

As to what WWE "owes" her, I've never really been against inducting her into the Hall of Fame but I just never really thought it'd happen because of her porn career. I can also see why WWE would be reluctant to induct her for personal reasons that have nothing to do with business. In February of last year, Chyna came out and claimed that Triple H physically assaulted her during their relationship, she even talked about it during a series of interviews with Vince Russo on his podcast. She eventually apologized for making the accusations and said that they weren't true, but the fact that she even went there was pretty despicable. Triple H has his share of enemies and haters just like any other major star in pro wrestling, but there's no possible justification for making such untrue claims. I remember that people were talking about the accusations for weeks, but that the talk suddenly died down when she admitted that the accusations weren't true; whenever a woman makes accusations like that, even if they turn out to be completely false, it's the accusation that people care more about and hardly acknowledge or remember the vindication of the person accused.

I am genuinely sorry that her life turned out this way and that she met such a tragic end but, as I alluded to, I don't think we should automatically be trying to elevate her to sainthood or fully declaring what WWE "owes" her just because she's dead.
I was the one supporter on the past thread who thought Chyna absolutely deserved recognition from the WWE as a pioneer for women's wrestling. All one has to do is look at the role of women pre-1999 and look at what women (as performers) have evolved into. Chyna made it possible to see women in the role of "wrestler" and not just "valet."

I find it interesting she resisted as first. She didn't want to be an in-ring performer. She was content with being Trips' sidekick. But she not only embraced it she excelled at it.

She has so much physical talent and potential. Even today there is no one who resembled Chyna (in her prime) as a lean, mean, physical specimen who had natural athletic ability. I would've loved to see her match up against a Beth Phoenix, a Gail Kim, Victoria, and of course Lita and Trish Stratus. I would've loved to see her in TNA.

I think the downward spiral happened after the porn tape was released. I don't think anyone knows the devastating effect it had on Chyna. It has to take it's toll mentally on someone who is not prepared to deal with something like that. I believe she's drowned herself in drugs and alcohol to blue out any memory of that and still to this day she claims she was drugged.

Yes, tragic. But the WWE should bite the bullet on this one and give her a small tribute. But I won't hold my breath.
Chyna was never remotely a great female wrestler but, rather, she was a female who had a very unique look during a very unique time in pro wrestling.

That statement could be said about a PLETHORA of male wrestler's including one Hulk Hogan.

reinventing herself from being this badass female enforcer to something more akin to the traditional sex pot Diva.

She was never a "sexpot" diva. Yes she had SEX APPEAL but she never just "eye candy" for the male audience. She had true physical talent in the ring. She was not a "sex pot" like a Sunny, Sable, or Marlena where the main focus was T and A. Sure she was sexy BUT when she stepped in the ring we forgot about all that and watched her match.

I ever really found her to be all that entertaining, she just happened to be surrounded by a lot of entertaining people like HBK, Triple H, the New Age Outlaws, Chris Jericho and Eddie Guerrero

She had a role. Her role was not to be "entertaining" but intimidating. She did that VERY well. I think she was entertaining with Jericho and certainly Guerrero. The mamacita gimmick was one of the most popular at the time and she did that well!

Chyna's problems, based on what we know about her, are more self-induced than anything else. Chyna has been significantly involved in drug use for a very long time and her drug abuse is part of the reason why her personal life became such fodder for the tabloids. Chyna winding up doing porn didn't surprise me in the least because it's par for the course for most women getting into porn to have a destructive life before porn or develop one while they're doing porn.

True, but we don't know what causes someone to go down the road of substance abuse. No one wakes up one day and says "I think I want to be an addict today!" It's usually a long, downward spiral. Yes they were self-induced but she had a history of emotional (and physical from what she says) abuse. I'm not giver her a pass but just to say it's her fault she's an addict doesn't take into account her past history of abuse. No one knows what went on in her life to cause her to go down that road.

In February of last year, Chyna came out and claimed that Triple H physically assaulted her during their relationship, she even talked about it during a series of interviews with Vince Russo on his podcast. She eventually apologized for making the accusations and said that they weren't true, but the fact that she even went there was pretty despicable.

I believe it was a cry for help. She has been largely ignored by Trips' and the WWE for 15 years (and rightfully so) but they spent enormous amounts of money of the rehabs of Waltman and Hall why didn't they send Laurer to rehab? ( She obviously needed it). Again, it was the wrong thing to do but I don't think she knew of any other way to reach out to Triple H or the WWE. She doesn't have anyone advising on the right or wrong thing to do. She's just sort of winging it off the cuff and sometimes that could hurt you.

I am genuinely sorry that her life turned out this way and that she met such a tragic end but, as I alluded to, I don't think we should automatically be trying to elevate her to sainthood or fully declaring what WWE "owes" her just because she's dead.

I don;t think anyone is declaring her a "saint". She's certainly had her hand in the way her life turned out but we just want to remind people of the impact she had in women's wrestling and the WWE. Someone watching WWE today would not even know who Chyna was. I believe it is up to us, as fans who grew up being entertained by her, to keep her positive memory alive.
I am genuinely sorry that her life turned out this way and that she met such a tragic end but, as I alluded to, I don't think we should automatically be trying to elevate her to sainthood or fully declaring what WWE "owes" her just because she's dead.

Nobody ever said she was a saint or an angel. Your whole post is unnecessary and rather classless to be honest. You have the right to state your opinion and I know this isn't some Chyna appreciation thread but still, I hate when people bring up all the wrongs in a person's life immediately following their deaths, as if they're trying to prove that this is a bad person who doesn't "deserve" something or other.

Everybody knows that Chyna was an addict. Everyone knows she did porn. But her accomplishments and influence in the ring can not be denied which you yourself admit. So why not just leave it at that? Nobody's perfect and Chyna was regularly portrayed as a kind and caring person. It's the same thing with the Rob Ford situation in Toronto. It's a shame that there's always somebody that has to focus on the bad in a situation like this.
RIP Chyna, a sad loss for the wrestling world. She was a legend, no doubt, and one of the biggest stars during the biggest periods in wrestling.
WWE is in a bit of a corner now. Considering the history and rather public falling out between Chyna and WWE (and Triple H, though I'm not sure which is the bigger story), WWE is damned if they do or damned if they don't. Already comments by WWE are being analyzed to death, as would a HoF induction. I almost feel that if they induct her, it will be regarded as equally tactless as continuing to ignore her.

I don't know why I bring that up. That's not the fucking tragedy here.

Chyna provided me with a handful of memorable, sometimes truly remarkable moments. Politics behind the match aside, Chyna vs Jarrett had it's place in history. Even in DX, it was such a wonderful juxtaposition of pairing this no nonsense chick with a revolving door of adolescents. In fact, I would say her absence was one of the major critical failures of the final run of Shawn & HHH as DX.

One of my own fondest memories of Chyna was the Corporate Rumble of Raw in 1999. The Rumble was for the #30 spot in the proper Royal Rumble, and exclusively featured members of DX and the Corporation. Just when you think all the participants had entered, Vince McMahon joins and wins the match (avoiding sharing the #2 spot in the Rumble against Steve Austin). Just when we thought it was over, DX's music hits to everyone's confusion, and Chyna comes out, eliminating Vince. Awesome moment!
I would not be surprised if this is ruled a suicide. Chyna has been screwed up mentally and physically for years. Would not have been surprised one bit if she had decided to just check out. As for what WWE will do? Cole and Mauro will each make a short announcement. Her picture will appear on the screen, and then will cut to commercial. That is it and all they are obligated to do. No ten bell salutes. No Chyna Memorial Battle Royals. No Locker Room tributes. Nothing. Just the bare minimum.

As for the HoF: IF she gets in, it will be in about ten years time. JBL's favorite "Power Couple" are not about to expose their children to the onslaught of taunts and bullying that will come their way in their elementary schoolyards. Thay will wait until the kids are old enough to understand.
She deserved alot more than she got from WWE. She essentially got pushed out of the company once Hunter and Stephanie hooked up and has been ignored and erased as much as possible.

What pisses me off the most is how WWE claims they will help any former talent with their addiction issues, Stephanie McMahon has gone on record stating that they've spent six figures on Scott Hall alone yet you still see former talent struggling with their demons. She was important to the attitude era as anybody else in that time peroid, she was a catalyst for the return of the women's division and despite her personal issues deserves recognition.

but they have to accept the help too. did Chyna seek help from wwe?
i just read that she might have died from an overdose of some medication she was taking at the time, if the rumor is reveal to be true, i really doubt that they would acknowledge her death on t.v or even have a video package since they don't want to put light on something like this. They're also the fact that she died at a very young age and that's a big problem for WWE. They didn't acknowledge the death of balls mahoney for that very same reason last week and he was less of an headache backstage then she was. So i really doubt the WWE will do something special for her.

As for an HOF induction, i'm thinking that if they don't want to induct Miss Elizabeth, who is a bigger legend as far as women's goes in wwe, because of the fact that she died of an overdose, i doubt that they will induct chyna.
Nothing sucks more than that moment that you pass away and the world rallies to say goodbye......Only to have a bigger star pass away at on the same day......As the world Mourns the death of Prince.
You know what. The woman has made mistakes in her life we all have. Whether it was taking drugs or making movies that caused her issues with her former employer, that is something she had to live with.

I don't think anyone is trying to make her out a saint, but she had some rough patches in her life, not unlike most others. She might not have handled it the way others would, but who are we to be judge, jury and executioner. People handle things the only way they know how.

She went out and entertained us for a number of years, and put herself through the grinder to do it. I appreciate what she did for women's wrestling, and I feel bad for her in the way her life turned out. I sincerely hope she rests in peace, because she didn't have much of it when she was alive.

She was a young women who died long before she should have.

"The candle that burns twice as bright lasts half as long."

I think the WWE had their own reasons for procrastinating on Chyna's Hall of Fame induction, but I don't think it was because of a grudge being held by Trips, Steph, or Vince, and I don't think it had anything to do with a hall of famer's porn career coming up in a Google search. By the way, that scenario already exists:

You don't have to defend her lifestyle choices or excuse her for any of the mistakes she made. She belongs in the Hall of Fame, though, and I'm sure she'll be there soon. Rest peacefully, Chyna.
That's a shame. Chyna was definitely a favorite of mine when I was a kid. She was up there with Xena and Wonder Woman on my "Women Not To Fuck With" list.

Will WWE acknowledge her passing? I have no idea. While she was a big player in her time, they've let other deaths pass by without so much as a mention (Umaga comes to mind). Chyna had a less than savory post-WWE life, something the company has vehemently tried to disassociate themselves from.

Given the current Diva's Revolution, they'll likely give her the pre-show graphic if nothing else. I'm not holding out for any fancy video packages, but a small acknowledgement is still better than nothing.
The whole Triple H and Stephanie thing and how they've been talking about it makes me take all the upset feelings I had for them when all of this even unfolded and how the company went about it over the next several years, but now, I found that I have no reason to be upset with them.

I'm more upset than I was before with Vince. This is all Vince. All the pettiness, bridge burning, not even trying to get back on good terms or even offering help, etc. It's all Vince. You make just one little mistake and he pushes you to the side, shuns you, and all of a sudden you no longer exist.
Nothing sucks more than that moment that you pass away and the world rallies to say goodbye......Only to have a bigger star pass away at on the same day......As the world Mourns the death of Prince.

I know what you mean.

My brother died in January, the same day as Glenn Fry from "The Eagles". Even though the world mourned Glenn Frey, I was more upset about my brother instead.

So, R.I.P. Chyna and Prince.
My eyes will never forgive me for making them watch one of her porn scences. Not sure why I did it but I did.

May you R.IP.

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