

[This Space for Rent]
What's it been, 9 years now? What's the saying, "Gone, but not Forgotten". heh, what a stupid saying. I guess it'd be hard for me to forget someone I never officially got to know. But that doesn't mean I don't wish I had more of a chance to.

Everyone says you left this world so young, and had such a great life ahead of you, but is that really true? I've seen the life-style and living arrangements you would've grew up in to, and I can't say it looked all that "great" from my view-point. Of course being taken from those that loved you, and cared for you, is anything but the better option.

I'm sorry I never got the chance to know you, and out of all from that side of the Family, you were the one that seemed like the best to try and know. I think it's bad to say the most I ever pushed to get to know you, is after you had already been taken away.

I used to literally come to your grave, along with visiting my Grand-Parent's, always filling all of you in as if you were right there, listening. As if you cared. I remember standing in the cold rain, not caring because I didn't want to cut the time I spent there short. And then one day I just quit going, all together. I'm sorry, I don't know why.

I think it's stupid of me, to hate driving on the 15th of this month, all because of what happened to you. I almost literally refused to work, all because I was slightly scared to drive on this date. For 18 years, I barely knew who you were.. and for the, what, previous 9.. each year on this date, you've been the only person that's mainly always on my mind.

Christina, I'm as sorry as I could ever be, for never getting the chance to be more to you. I don't know how much better, having me in your life would've been, but I'd like to selfishly think it would've been at least a bit more helpful in some ways. If for no other reason, than to have someone to come to, to talk with.

I can only hope where ever you are now, it's definately a far greater place than where you were, here.

Rest in Peace,
You Uncle.
I never officially knew her. She was turning 15, and died 5 days prior to her birthday due to drunk drivers. Which is yet another reason why I can't stand people who drink a load then drive, thinking it'd never happen to them.

She was my niece, and I just wanted to say what I did overall, to say it.

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