Christian's WWE Status - Still on ECW?


Pre-Show Stalwart
well, well, well, it looks like christian is stuck in ECW. am i right? or are my eyes deceiving me? but weren't ppl hoping he'd go to raw or smackdown??? and the christian burial continues.

But in all honesty, this is sad. its a damn shame, even though he got the win on shelton benjamin last night, they don't seem to push the man forward. post your thoughts about christian's wwe status.
He's only just arrived in ECW, it's not like he's used up all his options. There's no real need for Vince McMahon to give a huge push to a wrestlers who thought he could do better three and a half years ago.

From reading about Christian on this forum it's the best thing he's on ECW. People will appreciate it more when he moves. It'll also be bad for him, he'll never be able to live up to the hype.
I've decided that - in the short term - it probably is best for Christian to stay on ECW. If he were on, say, Smackdown it's likely that he'd be buried beneath the Edges and Jerichos of this world. A real Matt Hardy predicament, if you will.

On ECW, Christian will hopefully take the belt off Swagger - a man that's recently been made to look almost as good as John Cena. I think Cena's given a perpetual rub to the entire ECW brand.
I guess he could take another few months on ECW. He has more chance of winning the title there, compared to being on RAW or SD! where other talent would be above him. And I'm sure they could move him onto a different brand without any fuss when they wanted to. Kelly Kelly did it last year. They don't have contracts, remember?
As I just said on the main thread for the draft, Christian needs to prove himself to be a main eventer and hold the ECW Title with confidence. For a guy that doesn't watch TNA, I wouldn't be able to tell how good he is unless I could be bothered to youtube it.

He still has a number of programmes to work and like Jake said, he's only just returned. With Morrison still around, there is some good programmes to work, Koslov excluding.

In short, ECW is the best place for Christian right now
As I just said on the main thread for the draft, Christian needs to prove himself to be a main eventer and hold the ECW Title with confidence. For a guy that doesn't watch TNA, I wouldn't be able to tell how good he is unless I could be bothered to youtube it.

He still has a number of programmes to work and like Jake said, he's only just returned. With Morrison still around, there is some good programmes to work, Koslov excluding.

In short, ECW is the best place for Christian right now

Well this sums up the whole reason why you agree of him being in ECW. You never watched his TNA run am i right?, which is the reason why i believe he should have been drafted, just like everyone else on here has said before. Deny it all you want.
I'm not denying anything. I just think that I've heard Christian has proven himself in TNA (from word of mouth), he's yet to prove himself entirely in the WWE. TNA is run alot differently and Vince will make all the calls in WWE. I think his nike skills are worthy enough to put him on as World Champion, but it's a case of time and patience if anything.

But equally, aside from this forum, how many people will say when they watch wrestling that they watch TNA? To most people WWE is the only thing out there. I've watched a couple of TNA episodes last year, I thought it was rubbish! That's why I don't watch it.
My problem is Christian going to Smackdown is simple. My city doesn't get MyNetworkTV. And I want to be able to enjoy Captain Charisma. Sure, ECW might seem Minor League, but he could be the face of that brand. The legitimate champion, one who takes on all-comers and defends the belt at PPVs. If he is on Raw, he would be, at best, about 10th in terms of TV time. On Smackdown he would probably get more, but still. If I were anyone, I would rather be the center of ECW than the person being left off TV on Monday nights.
Well this sums up the whole reason why you agree of him being in ECW. You never watched his TNA run am i right?, which is the reason why i believe he should have been drafted, just like everyone else on here has said before. Deny it all you want.

I agree, I believe Shelton killed Christian last night. Christian just pick up the one that's all. I really prefer Christian in TNA though. We will see what happens.
Am I the only one glad he's still on ECW? He's a big fish in a small pond and can shine on ECW. He'll get TV time weekly. I LIKE that he's on ECW.
See, here's the thing.

Everyone complains that ECW is going nowhere, that its useless, and that they shoudl get rid of it, or at lest try and have some real talent on there. However, when WWE decides to actually keep a good worker on the show to help the young guys out, and to help build the brand up a bit people can't stand it. He can't be moved fast enough.

I mean ya, he might be wasted a little bit on ECW, but I would wait until later in the year, when perhaps some injuries open up some upper-midcard/main event slots, to move Captain Charisma. That way, he can step in and be just as relevant on whichever show he ends up on as he is on ECW.

I can see him moving sometime around Summerlsam. Either way, it won't be long before we see Christian make an impact, be it on ECW or wherever. I can see him having a lot of matches on the new Superstars show, to help keep him visible.
christian is fine were he his he is not a big enough star for smackdown or raw think about it him vs triple h or cena come on he is not even in the same league i JUST HOPE WWE CAN BE HALF AS GOOD AS TNA IS NOW SOME DAY VINCE SHOULD TAKE NOTES FROM JEFF AND DIXIE TNA DOES HAVE THE GREASTEST WRESTLER IN THE WORLD PERIOD KURT ANGLE
As a few people have already stated I'm glad Christian is still in ECW. I mean about the only OTHER place he could make a splash is Smackdown! and I don't get MyNetwork whatever. As much as I'd love to see him feuding with some of the top RAW stars I don't think he is over enough for it to count for anything at this point. I mean yeah we'd get a few good matches, but, I think if Christain was on another show he'd kind of fill the role that JBL had before he retired. Jobber to the stars! I can't think of many people (besides Morrison Kane and Chavo) who have won the ECW title and not been moved on to bigger and better things. Hell, the ECW title gave The Big Show (who was arguably stale at the time) that little extra something that made me give a damn about him. Without the ECW title I don't think we would have seen Punk do half the things he's done since his debut. So, if WWE put the ECW strap on Christian I think it would be best then maybe just maybe we won't see the same thing that has seemingly been happening to him for the last few years of career and that's get lost in the shuffle.
Christian can rule ECW in fueds with Swagger and Morrisson, and put on good matches with them. There's no need to move him just yet.
I was surprised come the end of the draft that Christian had not been drafted to either Raw or Smackdown... but, like alot of people have been saying, this could well turn out to be a good thing. Christian should be allowed to win the ECW title and have a half decent reign as champion, defeating Swagger several times in various match types and maybe he could get into a feud with Kozlov. By defeating Kozlov who is a bit of a powerhouse, he could finally show that he is about to rise to the main event level. Then, after a build up he could finally make the jump to a different brand.
well I think it was stupid that christain went back to wwe but Vince McMahon thinks that Christain isn't an all that great wrestler he said his size isn't up there. I personally think Christain should go back to TNA
I can see the ECW title going on Christian at Backlash, I watched Swagger last night and his facial expression when Cena got out of his full nelson was none existent.. he needs to work his way up the ladder.
I'm personally irritated at the prospect of wrestlers "not being big enough". Some of the smaller guys, i.e. Christian, are the most entertaining. That's why I'm such a fan of Jeff Hardy and Christian. When he came back, I was psyched. Not to mention this "not big enough" game has gotten the wrestling industry into more trouble than it wants.

Regardless, I see where everyone is coming from with letting him stretch out his legs on ECW a bit longer before thinking about shifting him elsewhere. He's definitely got the potential to be big, he just needs the time to get the build up. The IWC may very well have its share of people who are annoyed that he's still on ECW, but I'm sure he isn't all that upset with his current position.
Don't forget about the supplemental draft on Wednesday. Christian is in a three way tonight for the #1 contender for the ECW belt. So instead of changing the match they could have him not be the winner tonight and get drafted to Raw or Smackdown tomorrow. Everyone seems to think that a big name will be drafted in the supplemental draft and Christian is about as big a name that I think could. I'm just saying wait till Wednesday to see if he actually stays on ECW.
great point cody....that match for tonight was already set for Christian to be in, him being drafted last night would not made much sense...BUT, it could make it interesting for the supplemental draft tomorrow.
I'm not denying anything. I just think that I've heard Christian has proven himself in TNA (from word of mouth), he's yet to prove himself entirely in the WWE. TNA is run alot differently and Vince will make all the calls in WWE. I think his nike skills are worthy enough to put him on as World Champion, but it's a case of time and patience if anything.

But equally, aside from this forum, how many people will say when they watch wrestling that they watch TNA? To most people WWE is the only thing out there. I've watched a couple of TNA episodes last year, I thought it was rubbish! That's why I don't watch it.

you should watch TNA this thursday, it has improved since last year... anyways I understand what your saying, in the WWE universe of things, TNA doesnt exist, he needs to prove himself to that fanbase, and phoenix, if you want to see some great christian TNA action, you should see his matches against kurt angle at final resolution january 2008 and against all odds 2008, or pickup the TNA instant classic dvd

i really think christian should win next years rumble and go to wrestlemania against edge, so much history and interest, in the next few months have they re-unite then start to build their fued late this year

i wish christian the best and lets see if hes drafted to smackdown tomorrow, hes the best
well, well, well, it looks like christian is stuck in ECW. am i right? or are my eyes deceiving me? but weren't ppl hoping he'd go to raw or smackdown??? and the christian burial continues.

But in all honesty, this is sad. its a damn shame, even though he got the win on shelton benjamin last night, they don't seem to push the man forward. post your thoughts about christian's wwe status.

I watch both TNA and WWE. I love both products, although the whole Frontline/MEM storyline is crap, but I was a big Samoa Joe fan until they killed his character during his TNA Heavyweight Title run. I like the fact that brought back Christopher Daniels, though.

Anyways, going back to Christian... just because he was so great in TNA, it doesn't mean he'd have to be win any of the 3 world titles right away. Granted he is the top face on ECW, but c'mon. Suuure, he lost his first ECW title match against Swagger. Big deal... so you mean to tell me that he should have been a world champion on his 3rd week on WWE tv? Well, yeah he's great in TNA, but no... I mean, did Jericho win the WWE Title when he debuted in WWE back in 1999? No, he didn't even win it until 2 years later. The way Christian debuted in TNA was just about the same as the way Jericho debuted in WWE during the attitude era, with a lot of hype... at least in TNA's eyes. But see, WWE and TNA are different... TNA cashes in on the fact that they wrestled for WWE, and the fact that they even acknowledge the "other" promotion all the time, while WWE never does, except for a few indirect lines ("This moment has become instantly classic" ). WWE never acknowledges TNA for the most part.

Do I think Christian is getting buried? No, I think he's doing just fine in ECW. I don't really see the point of him being underneath Edge (Edge's lackey). People will say that at least he'll have more chances of being a world champion but no, I disagree. He's already in high profile matches in ECW, and it's showing he can go at it alone, without any rub from Edge. He's practically on tv each week. How many matches has lost since his return? He has won majority of it, so I don't understand why some people think he's getting buried there.

To say majority of the people think Christian is being wasted on ECW is ******ed at most. The IWC, at most, only makes up a few % of wrestling fans... that's practically just one pond in the entire planet. So don't even say "No one watches ECW!" because if no one does, then why do people even say something like "I don't watch ECW! But if I see Christian, I'll watch him, but that's it!"...

So why not put him on the other brand without Edge besides ECW? The roster is too crowded with too many main eventers that Christian will end up being the Canadian William Regal....
"I don't watch ECW! But if I see Christian, I'll watch him, but that's it!"...

Yeah he is filling Benoit's shoes since Matt H. is gone who is the older draw?? Findley or Henry. Yeah that is watchable, Like I said last nite, its the same pond as TNA, But he is the biggest fish and probably getting the $$$ for it. Get the younger guys over and teach them something. Get a strap every so often and be happy, but be a main guy in ECW, or be buried in SD or RAW???
I watch both TNA and WWE. I love both products, although the whole Frontline/MEM storyline is crap, but I was a big Samoa Joe fan until they killed his character during his TNA Heavyweight Title run. I like the fact that brought back Christopher Daniels, though.

Anyways, going back to Christian... just because he was so great in TNA, it doesn't mean he'd have to be win any of the 3 world titles right away. Granted he is the top face on ECW, but c'mon. Suuure, he lost his first ECW title match against Swagger. Big deal... so you mean to tell me that he should have been a world champion on his 3rd week on WWE tv? Well, yeah he's great in TNA, but no... I mean, did Jericho win the WWE Title when he debuted in WWE back in 1999? No, he didn't even win it until 2 years later. The way Christian debuted in TNA was just about the same as the way Jericho debuted in WWE during the attitude era, with a lot of hype... at least in TNA's eyes. But see, WWE and TNA are different... TNA cashes in on the fact that they wrestled for WWE, and the fact that they even acknowledge the "other" promotion all the time, while WWE never does, except for a few indirect lines ("This moment has become instantly classic" ). WWE never acknowledges TNA for the most part.

Do I think Christian is getting buried? No, I think he's doing just fine in ECW. I don't really see the point of him being underneath Edge (Edge's lackey). People will say that at least he'll have more chances of being a world champion but no, I disagree. He's already in high profile matches in ECW, and it's showing he can go at it alone, without any rub from Edge. He's practically on tv each week. How many matches has lost since his return? He has won majority of it, so I don't understand why some people think he's getting buried there.

To say majority of the people think Christian is being wasted on ECW is ******ed at most. The IWC, at most, only makes up a few % of wrestling fans... that's practically just one pond in the entire planet. So don't even say "No one watches ECW!" because if no one does, then why do people even say something like "I don't watch ECW! But if I see Christian, I'll watch him, but that's it!"...

So why not put him on the other brand without Edge besides ECW? The roster is too crowded with too many main eventers that Christian will end up being the Canadian William Regal....

when did i ever mention anything about him winning world titles? or he should win a world title? when? NEVER. i mentioned how his run should be better.

so i guess for christian to come back on a third rate show, rather than smackdown (which is where he left off before going to TNA) competing in world titles bouts to now coming back, making a cheap return, losing MITB and being left off the monday night draft doesn't seem like hes being buried? LOL

canadian william regal? how so? if christian has yet to get suspended over drugs and has achieved more than william regal.

why is everyone saying he would be edge's lackey? thats your typical smart mark pathetic brain doing the talking. i'm not talking about WHAT IF. i'm talking ABOUT RIGHT NOW.

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