Christian vs CM Punk


Pre-Show Stalwart
I've been thinking about it for a while and I believe a match between Christian and CM Punk needs to happen.They both are very good in the ring,very good on the mic and very charismathic.The promos and the match could be awesome and they could easily still the show.It doesn't have to be a championship match it could be a Raw vs Smackdown match(and if at WM even better).

So do you agree that Punk/Christian needs to happen or not?
heel vs heel? Why? I mean maybe in a year or two when they're both doing something. Right now both are kind of IWC darlings and heels to everyone else, so why would anyone care?

It's better to have opposites. I'd rather see Punk vs Orton and Cena vs Christian.
I don't see Punk as a heel right now. He is more of a tweener and possibly a face. He no longer seems like a heel. Facing Del Rio on Monday told me otherwise. I mean if he "seems" like a heel to everyone else, why on Earth are Little Jimmy's wearing Punk shirts? Why is Punk making so much money and getting CM Punk chants EVERYWHERE he goes no matter where the crowd. Comic Con EXPLODED when Punk walked in. I don't see him as a heel. Either a face or tweener, most likely the latter.

We all know Punk can put on great matches. Pit him against Christian and it would steal the show like every Christian match does.
heel vs heel? Why? I mean maybe in a year or two when they're both doing something. Right now both are kind of IWC darlings and heels to everyone else, so why would anyone care?

It's better to have opposites. I'd rather see Punk vs Orton and Cena vs Christian.

CM Punk Is A Face Now

Yeh I Do think this needs to happen and badly! Probly the best pure wrestlers in the WWE at the moment as well as Daniel bryan & Tyson Kidd.These too are great on the mic and promos would be awesome and as CM Punk is a face now it will be intresting how the outcome is.
Agreed on the tweener thing with CelticCorey.They can have it on a 3hr raw as a champion vs champion match if it is to be done in any near future,if it is a matter of just a match.Or...they should do it for summerslam next year as an interpromotional match.They can build up the feud and bahm!match at summerslam..i personally would not like the match at mania 28 or in any near future as a feud.The matches in mania 28 look almost fix to me.rock vs cena,jericho vs punk title match,randy vs daniel bryan title match,hhh vs miz who is the real cerebral assasin match,streak match with wade barrett.But hey its just me saying..
P.s i think hhh vs miz idea is bullshit..hahaha.
I agree that this match needs to happen. The promos would be electric and the match would be even better. These guys are the two best overall wrestlers in the WWE right now. I would agree this would be a great interpromotional match for a 3 hour Raw. It would be great at Survival Series but this event is pretty much planned. I think this match is going to happen probably summer or fall next year.
What a coincidence I was just thinking of this too. I think it would come out. The both are narcissistic heels, good on the mic, similar body types, and have similar movesets. I think they would have great in ring chemistry. Hopefully someone gets drafted and it can happen.
I think it would be a great feud between these two. Both men are great on the mic and both men are good in the ring. I'm sure they would steal the show if they do have a match because of both men's ring abilities.
It should make for an interesting match-up. Promos would be nothing less then good and the match itself would be great. It could quite possibly be a WM worthy match, so yeah it should happen along the line.
it would be a pretty great match with great promos in it but with both men heel it wont happen anytime soon dont hold your breath on that but maybe down the road we will see this match id like to see it personally
I think Christian's time at the top of the card is coming to an end soon. The 10 guys who he's over with are way too busy on internet forums like this one to support him in RL. Besides, what would spark this feud? Is CM Punk (An internet darling) going to call Christian (Another internet darling) a sell out? Are the "voiceless" crying out for their savior to expose Christian as one of Vince Mcmahon's pet projects? If the reality bit is what's making Punk hot right now, there is no way I can see him going into a feud with Christian, who's entire push seems like "busy work" to keep Smackdown going while RAW is on fire so their real ideas don't get overshadowed by the Summer of Punk.

So to answer the OP's question... No I do not think this needs to happen.
the match should happen in the future, but being on separate brands it's kinda difficult...i think they'll have a feud after WM28 and after the Draft 2012...
Punk is definitely an anti-hero face atm and will surely be continuing down that road for a while. I would absolutely love this to happed as they are both my favorites in the WWE right now and they can produce in the ring and on the mic. The match would most likely be the best on whatever card it's on and it could be a very epic feud.
I don't see Punk as a heel right now. He is more of a tweener and possibly a face. He no longer seems like a heel. Facing Del Rio on Monday told me otherwise. I mean if he "seems" like a heel to everyone else, why on Earth are Little Jimmy's wearing Punk shirts? Why is Punk making so much money and getting CM Punk chants EVERYWHERE he goes no matter where the crowd. Comic Con EXPLODED when Punk walked in. I don't see him as a heel. Either a face or tweener, most likely the latter.

We all know Punk can put on great matches. Pit him against Christian and it would steal the show like every Christian match does.
Punk has his die hard fans, but he's booked as a heel. Same thing with Christian. They're essentially the same character as far as "who likes them and who boos them' so why is this a good idea?

You need opposites, not similars to make a good match. But fine, the IWC love fest of "tweeners" would be amazing and draw a million people

I think Christian's time at the top of the card is coming to an end soon. The 10 guys who he's over with are way too busy on internet forums like this one to support him in RL. Besides, what would spark this feud? Is CM Punk (An internet darling) going to call Christian (Another internet darling) a sell out? Are the "voiceless" crying out for their savior to expose Christian as one of Vince Mcmahon's pet projects? If the reality bit is what's making Punk hot right now, there is no way I can see him going into a feud with Christian, who's entire push seems like "busy work" to keep Smackdown going while RAW is on fire so their real ideas don't get overshadowed by the Summer of Punk.

So to answer the OP's question... No I do not think this needs to happen.
I'm totally with you. I'm actually usually on your side. You seem to be able to seperate your own fanhood and really look at things. Everyone here is too much of a mark to think past "ooo I like these two guys, put them together". A match between 2 net darlings who are similar is not a good idea. Put Punk against Orton or another "mainstream mechanical gear of the machine".
Hmm Christian & Punk?

I really don't care for Christian..that's just my two cents though..if we wanna talk about the best two right now (especially on the mic) then its GOT to be CM PUNK vs MIZ. Get them two on the Mic & I can guarantee that'd be classic..behind the scenes? Really? Really?

Haha THAT would be the show stealer..
Hmm Christian & Punk?

I really don't care for Christian..that's just my two cents though..if we wanna talk about the best two right now (especially on the mic) then its GOT to be CM PUNK vs MIZ. Get them two on the Mic & I can guarantee that'd be classic..behind the scenes? Really? Really?

Haha THAT would be the show stealer..
O my god yes. Seriously. They are both excellent on the mic and unlike Christian and Punk, they cater to different fans. Miz is all about being mainstream and up to date. Punk is about being gritty and underground. Punk worked his ass off going from a chubby kid wrestling Chris Hero for 90 minutes in front of 100 people probably not getting paid by that piece of shit Axl Rotten to being one of the most over guys on the world. Miz went from reality star to pro wrestling star.

It's a great idea. Miz is basically the heel version of Cena. Just tweak each guy slightly and this is ........AWESOOOOOOME
Before I get into the topic, I just want to comment on some of the posts referring to whether or not this feud will draw: I, for one, am sick to death of pretentious windbags ridiculing the demands of the supposed 'IWC', while blabbing on and on about what will draw and what won't draw as though they are the second coming of Eric Bischoff. Guess what? You're not promoters, your fans. As is everyone else on these forums. And if there's actually an IWC, you're a part of it. Do you know why people want to see Christian vs Punk? Because they are fans of them both, regardless of whether or not that makes them IWC smarks or whatever the lameass generalizing putdown used by self-aggrandizing jackoffs is nowadays. Stop concerning yourselves with what will and will not draw, because it's really none of your concern, and acting as though you're only interested in what will draw money makes you seem like more of a mark than a fan who simply wants to see a good match.

That little complaint aside, I like Christian and I like CM Punk, so yes I would love to see this match. Christian so far has done a good job in the ring and on the mic, but I'm interested to see whether or not he could hold his own against one of the WWE's best talkers in a feud (which at this point, would be either Punk or Cena). I think a feud against Punk could help Christian raise his game to the next level, and I know he certainly has the wit to at least provide us with some entertaining promos. Combine that with the fact that both Christian and Punk are great in the ring, and this could be a very entertaining feud (and again, as fans, that's all we should give a damn about).
Before I get into the topic, I just want to comment on some of the posts referring to whether or not this feud will draw: I, for one, am sick to death of pretentious windbags ridiculing the demands of the supposed 'IWC', while blabbing on and on about what will draw and what won't draw as though they are the second coming of Eric Bischoff. Guess what? You're not promoters, your fans. As is everyone else on these forums. And if there's actually an IWC, you're a part of it. Do you know why people want to see Christian vs Punk? Because they are fans of them both, regardless of whether or not that makes them IWC smarks or whatever the lameass generalizing putdown used by self-aggrandizing jackoffs is nowadays. Stop concerning yourselves with what will and will not draw, because it's really none of your concern, and acting as though you're only interested in what will draw money makes you seem like more of a mark than a fan who simply wants to see a good match.

That little complaint aside, I like Christian and I like CM Punk, so yes I would love to see this match. Christian so far has done a good job in the ring and on the mic, but I'm interested to see whether or not he could hold his own against one of the WWE's best talkers in a feud (which at this point, would be either Punk or Cena). I think a feud against Punk could help Christian raise his game to the next level, and I know he certainly has the wit to at least provide us with some entertaining promos. Combine that with the fact that both Christian and Punk are great in the ring, and this could be a very entertaining feud (and again, as fans, that's all we should give a damn about).
Considering it's the goal of pro wrestling to draw, I look at guys who draw and think about what makes them a draw. I do the same thing with feuds. Through doing that I've learned to appreaciate what generally makes something a draw. I like the art of it. Not only that but after being a wrestling fan for as long as I have, I've found that "dream matches" between two similar guys aren't usually the best match. It's usually the guys who are opposites that make the best match.

I'm not necessarily concerned about what will draw. It's that I think Christian vs Punk is boring because nobody has much of a reason to care. It wouldn't draw because of this. I'm looking at it from the storytelling perspective. Storytelling is what sells. I've talked to guys like Harley Race and Terry Funk in person, I watch shoot interviews like the ones with Raven where he talks about what makes a great heel, ones where Joe and Punk discuss what they think makes a great match. I find it a lot more rewarding to think deeper about "what will work" as opposed to "what will I like". If you just think "I don't like that" or "what will I like" you're generally not given what you want and end up pissed about the product. Instead, if you ask yourself "why did they do that?" and then figure it out, or look at guys and think "what will they do with him to draw" it makes you think outside the box and outside yourself more. To me it's more rewarding. I'm weird though, I have a passion that I will say is greater than 99% of the population (on here or anywhere). I like to study wrestling. I'm watching every Raw ever and PPV during that era pretty much just for the fuck of it. I'm also looking for a place where I can watch the weekly episodes of CMLL and AAA just for the fuck of it. I read wikipedia articles about random promotions. I just love studying wrestling.

I don't think the feud would be all that entertaining. How's the promo gonna go "you self-righteous bastard" "you self-righteous bastard" "you have your small but vocal fans in the peeps" "you have a similar group of fans". Seriously? Sure in the ring it would be a fun match but who would you care about? Who would the crowd care about?

To me that's not interesting. I personally love both Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne, but I don't want to see them in a match together. Neither guy can talk well enough and in the WWE neither guy could make a good heel at the moment. I don't think it'd be a good match. It'd be good in the sense that it builds and it's flyer vs wrestler and it's fucking Bryan Danielson vs Matt Sydal. However, the story and emotion isn't there so I don't think it'd be good at this time.
Before I get into the topic, I just want to comment on some of the posts referring to whether or not this feud will draw: I, for one, am sick to death of pretentious windbags ridiculing the demands of the supposed 'IWC', while blabbing on and on about what will draw and what won't draw as though they are the second coming of Eric Bischoff. Guess what? You're not promoters, your fans. As is everyone else on these forums. And if there's actually an IWC, you're a part of it. Do you know why people want to see Christian vs Punk? Because they are fans of them both, regardless of whether or not that makes them IWC smarks or whatever the lameass generalizing putdown used by self-aggrandizing jackoffs is nowadays. Stop concerning yourselves with what will and will not draw, because it's really none of your concern, and acting as though you're only interested in what will draw money makes you seem like more of a mark than a fan who simply wants to see a good match.

That little complaint aside, I like Christian and I like CM Punk, so yes I would love to see this match. Christian so far has done a good job in the ring and on the mic, but I'm interested to see whether or not he could hold his own against one of the WWE's best talkers in a feud (which at this point, would be either Punk or Cena). I think a feud against Punk could help Christian raise his game to the next level, and I know he certainly has the wit to at least provide us with some entertaining promos. Combine that with the fact that both Christian and Punk are great in the ring, and this could be a very entertaining feud (and again, as fans, that's all we should give a damn about).

Well it says right in the OP's original post "Who thinks this match NEEDS to happen?".

I didn't see anyone say anything about drawing, but a couple of us have posted reasons why this match does not NEED to happen. If fans want to see it, why ask others for their opinion? As a TWJC said, we're looking at it from a storytelling perspective, and the story for this match doesn't fit into the current landscape. So without a complete change in direction this match doesn't need to happen. Would it hurt to have a one off match on Smackdown or something? No. But as far as marquee match that involves any kind of storyline, no. It wouldn't be the correct move creatively...IMO.
Yeah but you're thinking of them in their current storylines and feuds. If you think about this match further down the line then there's many different things you could do with these two as they can both do everything.
Yea, I don't think that is has to happen, or that i necessarily think it will happen. But damn, it would be a good match.
Cm Punk going over Christian or vice versa would give the winner so much of a launch to their career (Punk would probably need it more)
Might not happen this year, maybe next year if one switches brands, Punk has SCSA and HHH to beat yet ;)
I think that Punk vs Christian has already happened a few times, once on Smackdown and once even in ECW during Christian's reign as ECW champion.

I don't quite see this match happening under the current characters that they essay though. Christian is an IWC favorite and Punk has risen to popularity by playing to the IWC. As such I cannot see him taking on an IWC favorite. Of course there is also the controversy as to whether Punk is a face or a heel. He is a face among the IWC and the older fans but a heel among the younger fans. And when he turns on an IWC favorite, it would be interesting to see how much support he gets because apart from that his character is mostly that of a heel.

I would like to see heel Punk vs face Christian though. I maybe among those few guys who thinks that Christian was equally good as a face as he as a heel. I remember in the little alteraction that they had in ECW during which Christian called Punk a nerd for adhering to his straight edge lifestyle. So far no babyface has shown an intent to ridicule his straight edge way of living in their feuds with Punk and I do think that WWE have missed a trick here. But Christian, who I feel is one of the few naturally funny guys in the WWE can pull this off with ease, in my opinion.
A Punk and Christian feud makes zero sense. What exactly would Punk be mad at Christian for? They are far too similiar for them to be feuding.

Triple H seems like the most logical feud for Punk after Cena. Since Punk character is basically going against the WWE Machine.

Like others have said, Miz would be a great feud for Punk. Miz is one of the poster boys for the WWE. Even more so than Orton in a sense, Randy might be one of "golden boys" but he is not really the corporate type. Miz is very PC, always wearing suits, and does a lot of apperances for the WWE. He is basically every thing Punk's character is against.

Del Rio could be another possibility. He is a rich guy that keeps talking about its his destiny to become WWE Champion. Those are the type of guys Punk should be working with.

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