Christian... Down on his last breath?


Pope of Dope
I've been watching ECW lately and I just noticed Christian the 2 x NWA World Champ, 3 time IC champ, 9 time Tag Champ, etc. Gets pinned by David Hart Smith, no offense to David, I know he has a bright future here in the WWE but he just got the BIGGEST pin-fall of his career and the commentators don't even make a big deal out of it, or a deal for that matter. So my question is do you think Christian might get buried soon, I mean C'MON he got pinned by Tommy Dreamer clean, in a non-gimmick match! THATS INSANE (no offense to Dreamer fans)!
God I hope they don't bury him yet. I don't think he is neccisarily Big time talent, but he is the undisputed star of ECW. They bury him, they bury the whole goddamn show. I think he will get a revenge victory over DH soon, I think its just the groundwork for a feud with Finlay. DH got a nice rub, it should've at least be mentioned.
How is he getting buried? He lost by a roll-up to the ECW Champion, then suffered a dirty loss to a man bigger than him and who had two cohorts on the outside. I like Christian, but he is extremely overrated around here. He will either still be in the title picture, move into a feud with the Hart Dynasty, or into one with Finlay. Complaining about the loss to Dreamer is especially ridiculous. If they want Tommy, and by extension the belt, to look credible, they can't have the champion to lose his first defense. Wanting otherwise is insane.
while it is hard to say if they are burying him or not. me thinks not just yet. as soon as he slides down the card and losses every match i will say no. like said he is the top of ecw right behind Swagger. these two are ecw at the moment so until i see otherwise lets pray Christan can get his tittle back.
Christian deserves waaaaaay better treatment! I dont mean pampering and titles, I mean he deserves to be on Raw or SD. They better not be burying him, I dont get why Vince hates him so much! I love christian manns, if he gets burried I'll be damned. He has waaaay better wrestling skills then frickin Ted Diabetes-oh I mean Dibiase and Cody. Why are they even on Raw? Oh cuz there 2nd,3rd I forgot, but a generation superstar! Big deal, Randy orton cant act and is teaching them the same! Christian should be there!
Basicly, BULL SH*T! Move him to Raw or SD!
I don't see what you're making this fuss out of. Did you watch those matches, or did you simply read the results? On RAW, the commentators were really pushing the idea of Dreamer gaining a new confidence at Extreme Rules, thus the better matches and fights he's putting forth. Christian was facing the ECW Champion, and regardless if Tommy Dreamer lost all his matches in 2008, he is the champion. The champion can not be booked to look weak. It made perfect sense to have them compete in a competitive, back and forth match. The ending was great. Christian is in control and going for the Killswitch, which is possibly the greatest name for a finisher I've ever heard, and got rolled up. That buries no one and they both come off looking good.

On Tuesday, Christian wasn't facing David Hart Smith. He was facing David Hart Smith with Natalya (who I am developing a liking for) and Tyson Kidd. David Hart Smith, while still a rookie, is still bigger and stronger than Christian. It only makes sense to have him look as good as Christian in the match and have his cohorts interfere and secure him the victory. Christian, while losing, looks none the worse.

Just listen to the pops Christian gets when his music hits. For being on ECW, where most fans in the arena are only half-interested in anything going on, he gets a good pop. There are always a good number of 'Peep' signs. Christian is popular and I'm very sure people in high places know this. Popular people, no matter how you like to bash creative and say that they don't know what people want, go places. If you can make the crowd care, you're in for great things. Christian does just that. Vince doesn't sit at a table, counting the money from Christian's t-shirt sales, and decide to begin to job Christian out.

Edit: He wasn't even pinned to lose his belt! He's not being buried.
Christian deserves waaaaaay better treatment! I dont mean pampering and titles, I mean he deserves to be on Raw or SD. They better not be burying him, I dont get why Vince hates him so much!

He'd be buried on raw or SD. ECW is the best place for him. On the other shows he wouldn't be in the top five superstars, on ECW he's in the top two. He hasn't been buried at all though. The heels are meant to beat the faces on the weekly shows. Christian is still in the scramble isn't he whereas neither of the Hart dynasty or whatever it is called is in.

Christian fans need to realise if you want him winning title, you need him on ECW. He will likely get the title back from Dreamer anyway. Him and Swagger have done a great job in making ECW matter again but Swagger is the one who will end up with the bigger push after their time with ECW.
He'd be buried on raw or SD. ECW is the best place for him. On the other shows he wouldn't be in the top five superstars, on ECW he's in the top two. He hasn't been buried at all though. The heels are meant to beat the faces on the weekly shows. Christian is still in the scramble isn't he whereas neither of the Hart dynasty or whatever it is called is in.

Christian fans need to realise if you want him winning title, you need him on ECW. He will likely get the title back from Dreamer anyway. Him and Swagger have done a great job in making ECW matter again but Swagger is the one who will end up with the bigger push after their time with ECW.

I'm on a wrestling posting kick, so why not respond, eh?

You see, I agree with most of what you say except for him not being a top five man on Smackdown or RAW and winning the title off of Dreamer.

1.) On SmackDown, who'd be above him? Punk, Hardy, Edge... Then it's wide open. Jericho and Mysterio are busy feuding for the mid-card belt. The Undertaker is no where to be seen. With Christian's popularity and the way the main-event is really being held together by three guys, I could see him being a fresh face inserted into that picture. Either that or he would feud with Jericho or Mysterio for the IC belt. Any way you slice it, on Smackdown, he'd be doing something important. There is no way Christian is put into a program with Haas and Benjamin. On RAW, he could be buried.

2.) Jack Swagger will win the title from Dreamer. Why? Because heels always make better champions and faces better chasers. And how often do you transition from face champion to face champion? It's typical heel to face and face to heel. Then again, it's a case by case situation and you can't judge well off that.
Losing to the reigning champion by a roll up is NOT down on your last breath.

Being the top face of a brand is NOT down on your last breath.

Losing to someone bigger than you who uses underhand techniques is NOT down on your last breath.

The guy has been back a few months and he has done what is better for him in the long run, slowly made his way up. If he was to be thrown in the title picture to start with he'd get lost, but he's on ECW, been champion there and is still picking up steam. Actually watch the matches, rather than read the results and you'll realise things are good for Christian.
Y'know I thought his loss was a good thing, you realise now that DH Smith just got a bigger win on ECW than what Rhodes and DiBiase have had in their careers (probly an overstatement, you get the drift anyway) basically he just got put over big time and Christian didnt look any the worse for it, who loses out? Nobody.

He lost to Dreamer via roll-up, I didnt see the match so I cant comment much, just go along with what everyone else is saying. Dreamer is the ECW Champ after all.

Christians doing fine, he's just doing what the vets on ECW are getting good at, giving the youngsters some time to shine.
1.) On SmackDown, who'd be above him? Punk, Hardy, Edge... Then it's wide open. Jericho and Mysterio are busy feuding for the mid-card belt.
I'd say Jericho is Smackdown's most valuable star at the moment. He is feuding with everyone it seems and putting them all over. He can jump back into the main event at any point he needs to. Punk, Edge, Jericho, Jeff and Rey are ahead of him and I'd put him in there with JoMo. There are two heels, three faces and Punk (probably a heel). So we will call it three and three. If he stays face he will be left out and will be feuding with Benjamin and Ziggler, if he's a heel he would only have R-Truth (or 'Taker when he returns). He doesn't go ahead of Rey or Jeff so I fail to see the use for him. A heel on RAW is his best chance at slotting in.

With Christian's popularity and the way the main-event is really being held together by three guys, I could see him being a fresh face inserted into that picture.
I wouldn't say it was three men. I'd say it was five who are being brought across as equal.

Any way you slice it, on Smackdown, he'd be doing something important. There is no way Christian is put into a program with Haas and Benjamin. On RAW, he could be buried.

As I said, if he was a face hed have no other choice than feud with Benjamin and Haas. He isn't as popular as Rey or Jeff. Need I remind you that the last ECW champ to move, Matt Hardy has spectacularly failed since his move to another brand. I fail to see why Christian would work.

2.) Jack Swagger will win the title from Dreamer. Why? Because heels always make better champions and faces better chasers. And how often do you transition from face champion to face champion? It's typical heel to face and face to heel. Then again, it's a case by case situation and you can't judge well off that.

In the scramble anything is possible. If not, there is enough friction between Christian and Dreamer lately to see one of them turn, though after this week it looks more like Finlay. I've forgotten my point now though. You've persuaded me, Christian can chase the title then or be in a high profile mid card feud, the first of it's kind on ECW in a long time.
Christian could potentially fit in on Smackdown as they need a face when Jeff Hardy leaves, I feel he could be that guy. He is fairly over and could have great Feuds with Edge and Jericho as he has always worked well with these two in the past. Even a Feud with Punk could do his push wonders. However he could only work well on Smackdown as he would just get lost in the mid card on Raw.

Would he entertain as a top tier champion though as in the past few years we have seen new guys come up and have piss poor title regins which has hurt them in the long run.
Christian's is washed up. His reward for coming back to the WWE was the to be placed on ECW and to win the ECW Title. Yawn. Lets place him in a feud with Dreamer, Swagger, Finley, and Henry, oh boy what a joy to watch. ECW should be Extreme, but all we keep getting is an Extremely boring main event picture on ECW. Christian go the shaft when he returned.

he should of been brought back and put in the feud with Edge and Jeff Hardy as the person who ran Jeff off the road, make the pyro go off in his face, but instead he was put on the cast away show. They should of brought him in as a heel to side with Edge, and slow build up for and Edge vs Christian Feud for the title. It would of been a much better use of all the talent involved. We could of Had Christian vs Jeff Hardy at WM25, rather than Hardy vs Hardy. Edge could of still faced Cena, and Bigshow could of still tossed him into that light due to them both being drafted to Raw.
Christian is just in a little slump right now, it happens often right after someone looses a championship so it's almost to be expected. Once he regroups and regains his focus then I think he will be right back in the title picture on ECW and then maybe he will get the oppertunity to move to Raw/Smackdown, we just got to give him a little time........
he should of been brought back and put in the feud with Edge and Jeff Hardy as the person who ran Jeff off the road, make the pyro go off in his face, but instead he was put on the cast away show. They should of brought him in as a heel to side with Edge, and slow build up for and Edge vs Christian Feud for the title. It would of been a much better use of all the talent involved. We could of Had Christian vs Jeff Hardy at WM25, rather than Hardy vs Hardy. Edge could of still faced Cena, and Bigshow could of still tossed him into that light due to them both being drafted to Raw.

That would have been ideal but unfortunatly it didnt turn out that way. It would have been great to see E&C and the Hardyz feud again.

Its not exactly if christians jobbing to anyone atm, he didnt get pinned to drop the title, lost a close match to dreamer (seemingly becuase of an ankle injury) and picked up a win against the Hart dynasty and swagger on superstars. Its far too early to say he's being buried.

IMO tho now that he has dropped the title he should make the move up to Smackdown, He's being wasted on ECW
Christan SHOULD NOT have been brought back to SmackDown or Raw, and there are a couple reasons why:

1. Most of the audience didn't/doesn't remember who the fuck he is

Christian left the company in 2005. Now, WWE is targeting a younger audience, and most of that audience probably wasn't watching wrestling yet when he left. Those that were watching then, probably thought that he fell off the face of the earth along with Angle, Booker, Nash, etc. So when they bring him back, why put him in a main event feud if a lot of people don't know anything about him? Allow the man to get built up before you move him up.

2. He was brought back into the same place he was before

Christian was given a great gig. When he left WWE, he was an upper-midcard wrestler. He challenged Cena for the WWE title in late 04/early 05 and was in Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania 21. Rather than start over like most migrants from TNA have to, Christian was brought back and placed right where he left: upper-midcard. This is why all of the "Christian iz getin uzed rong" threads are stupid. He is getting a much better deal than most guys from TNA and is in contention for his brand's top belt. Anyone complaining about Christian getting screwed has a distorted view of what's going on
[QUOTE="Lionheart" Thrill Jericho;1144267]Christan SHOULD NOT have been brought back to SmackDown or Raw, and there are a couple reasons why:

1. Most of the audience didn't/doesn't remember who the fuck he is

Christian left the company in 2005. Now, WWE is targeting a younger audience, and most of that audience probably wasn't watching wrestling yet when he left. Those that were watching then, probably thought that he fell off the face of the earth along with Angle, Booker, Nash, etc. So when they bring him back, why put him in a main event feud if a lot of people don't know anything about him? Allow the man to get built up before you move him up.

2. He was brought back into the same place he was before

Christian was given a great gig. When he left WWE, he was an upper-midcard wrestler. He challenged Cena for the WWE title in late 04/early 05 and was in Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania 21. Rather than start over like most migrants from TNA have to, Christian was brought back and placed right where he left: upper-midcard. This is why all of the "Christian iz getin uzed rong" threads are stupid. He is getting a much better deal than most guys from TNA and is in contention for his brand's top belt. Anyone complaining about Christian getting screwed has a distorted view of what's going on[/QUOTE]

the ECW title picture is the upper mid card? ummmm... hahahahahah Seriously? The ECW Title is usually defended first on almost every PPV, I would hardly consider it the "upper mid card." More like we need to keep these few guys employed and give them something to do, and since their the older guys on the show, well keep them around to help build up the younger guys. Thats why Christian is in a program with Swagger, because he can make swagger shine like gold. And really Outside of cutting promos, thats all Christian is good at
If it is just the older guys holding it, then why was Swagger champ? Or Matt Hardy? Hell, Christian isn't even that old. The ECW Title is definately upper midcard. It isn't at the same level as the World or WWE Titles, but it is above the U.S. and Intercontinental. Christian is good at cutting promos, but he is also a good worker in the ring. He sells well, which you implied, does believable offense and rarely botches. I like Christian, but most of the love he gets around here is more than he deserves.

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