Christian Battlez vs Unholy Profit SVR BT

lol well yeah but both actually. anyway where are those shows.

technical difficulties Profit said his would be up today even if it took him staying up till noon he must have fallen asleep. I'll im him about it. Im not posting mine till his is up. Because Raw comes before SD in real life.
[QUOTE="The Olympic Hero" Christian Battlez;1157393]technical difficulties Profit said his would be up today even if it took him staying up till noon he must have fallen asleep. I'll im him about it. Im not posting mine till his is up. Because Raw comes before SD in real life.[/QUOTE]

IM him on what?
OKay, my show goes past the allowed text limit for one post so it'll have to be two posts and it'll be up very shortly.

Monday Night RAW
Live from Madison Square Garden, NY
Main Event: Unknown


As the opening video for RAW comes to a close the explosions of the pyro fill the air, almost drowning out the RAW theme playing over the PA. As the final fireworks go off, smoke fills the air atop the ramp, it slowly sneaks its way up to the rafters and fades off. The camera's pan throughout the arena, showing the sold out audiance who are on their feet cheering loudly and ready for an exciting night. Some of them notice that they are on camera and hold their signs high pridefully, wether it be in support of their favorite superstar or a sly insult toward one that they do not favor. We then see that the entire ring is surrounded by each and every RAW superstar, all standing looking confused as to why they are there. Some of them look tense, as if they are afraid that bad news is headed their way, while others such as CM Punk just rests against the barricade smiling and enjoying the rush that the fans give them with the loud cheers. Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole are sitting at the commentary table, Lawler is looking over the superstars that stand in front of them and all around the ring, while Cole is shuffling through some papers that sit in front of him. After a moment, Cole looks up to the camera with an inviting smile for the viewers.

Michael Cole: "Good evening everyone, and welcome to Monday Night RAW! I'm Michael Cole, alongside my partner here, Jerry 'The King' Lawler. Well, tonight we knew that surprises were going to be quick and often as we had the draft a short time ago and all the titles were vacated! We also were made aware that a new general manager would be announced, and by the looks of it whomever that general manager has hit the ground running with his job as it seems that he has ordered every RAW superstar out to the ring."

Jerry "The King" Lawler: "Thats right, Cole, no one knows who the new man in charge of RAW is going to be but i'm sure we won't have to wait too long to find out! I wonder if this has to do with the tournament that was announced on for the WWE Championship?"

Michael Cole: "Thats a good point, King, as most of you know an announcement was made earlier that we will be having an 8 man tournament for the WWE Championship that will hit it's climax at Backlash in just three weeks."

As Lawler gets set to respond, the lights start flickering a bit, causing every head in the arena to dart over toward the curtain area atop the steel ramp.


The fans go into a frenzy of cheers, as Kurt Angle has apparently made his WWE return! Angle steps out from the curtains onto the stage, he has a smirk on his face and adjusts his sports coat as he looks over the appeasing crowd.

Jerry "The King" Lawler: "Oh my god! It can't be, Kurt Angle is back in the WWE? What does this mean, could he be the general manager?!"

The superstars standing around the ring all have shocked expressions, as Kurt walks slowly down toward the ring, the crowd has not let up with it's pop for the return of Angle. He motions for Zack Ryder and Carlito to move so he can climb up the steps, as they oblidge his demand, perhaps fearful that he is indeed the general manger to be named. He climbs into the ring as his smile widens, he grasps the ropes and shakes his head, seemingly in disbelief and greatfullness to be back on RAW. He lets out a loud 'Ric Flair-esque' woo, as the crowd responds by mimicking him. Angle raises the microphone he has in his hand to speak, but the fans get louder and being an "Angle" chant, followed soon by a "You don't suck" chant. The latter makes Angle laugh a bit, as he waves to everyone, he then motions for them to calm down as they ablidge.

Kurt Angle: "Wow, I mean, just wow. Thank you all for that warm welcome, and i'll tell ya what, it's great to be back! The WWE finally has a gold medalist, a REAL athlete, and THE greatest superstar of all time back!! WOOO! Oh, it's true, it's true!"

The fans cheer and clap and begin and Angle chant, as he smiles and laughs.

Kurt Angle: "So, I bet each of you sitting in your seats here tonight, at home on your sofa's, or standing outside this ring are all wondering the same thing... why in the hell is Angle in a WWE ring?! Thats a valid question, and I will answer that by simply stating to all of you that I am in fact RAW's new general manager."

Loud and semi-long pop for the announcement, as some superstars outside the ring clap for him while others shake their heads in disgust.

Kurt Angle: "What this means is that RAW will be the top brand in sports entertainment, it will be edgey and it will be exciting. THe time for RAW to take that step to the front of this business is upon us, and with me leading this brand theres no stopping it from doing so, and that's DAMN true! Vince came to me and asked me about coming back as a competitor, I thought about that offer for a while and truth is I was going to accept it. I mean, we all know that i'm the best athlete in wrestling today, i'm a freakin' gold medalist, c'mon. But after some thought, and hearing about the vacant general manager position, I decided to shake things up and try something new. I met with Vince again, and we reached an agreement to put me in charge of RAW. So, as you can see, my first act as general manager was to ask every RAW superstar to come out to the ring. You see, I have an announcement that pertains to the WWE Championship tournament, you people want to hear it?"

The fans cheer in response.

Kurt Angle: "OKay, but grab hold of something, because this ones quite good. I know that the tournament was scheduled to be for just 8 superstars, but i'm feeling a little generous tonight, it is my first night in charge afterall. So, the first match of the tournament is going to start live here tonight, and it's going to start now. Thats right, each and every WWE superstar who wants a chance at the WWE Championship can step up into this ring right now, because the first match of the tournament is going to be an over-the-top-rope battle royal! The last man standing, he'll be the first man to move on in the tournament."

As the fans cheer again, we see Triple H shaking his head, he begins to climb up onto the apron.

Michael Cole: "Did you hear that King?! Every superstar on RAW's roster has the opportunity to earn himself a win here tonight and move on in the tournament for the WWE Championship! That is a huge announcement, i'm still in shock over the fact that Kurt Angle is back in the WWE, let alone our new general manager!"

Jerry "The King" Lawler: "I'm right there with you Cole, this is already turning out to be an amazing night! Kurt Angle as GM of RAW?! It's true! It's true!"

Angle turns around to see Triple H standing in the ring with him, Triple H shakes his finger at Angle mouthing the words "no, no, no" as he shakes his head in disagreement with what Angle has just announced. Angle doesn't look too pleased by this, as he gets even more frustrated when Triple H takes the microphone out of his hand. The crowd have a mixed reaction to this, as some of them boo while others remain silent.

Triple H: "Woah, woah, woah, Kurt. Hold on just a second, i'm happy for you and this new general manager gig and all.. really I am, it's great. But with that authority comes responsibility as well, and the responsible thing to do here tonight is award me with the WWE Championship right now."

The crowd boo loudly. As Kurt shakes his head, in disgust and disbelief at what Hunter is asking him to do.

Triple H: "Did you even watch Wrestlemania, Kurt? Before you dismiss my request, why don't you just look at this objectively. I defeated Randy Orton to WIN that title, and then just because we have some draft I get that title stripped from me? Not 48 hours after I just EARNED that title? Think about that, Kurt, you used to be in this business. Hell, you were a former champion in this business, Kurt. Think about what YOU would be thinking, had you been in my shoes."

Kurt looks in the air, as he thinks over what Hunter has just told him. He motions for Triple H to hand him the microphone, and he does.

Kurt Angle: "Look, Hunter, I get what your saying. Really, I do. But theres nothing I can do about the vacating of the championships, I can't go back and undo what has already been done. And i'm certainly NOT going to just award you with the title for doing nothing, if you want it so bad then prove yourself in the tournament."

Triple H's face turns to anger, his eyes cold, staring straight at Angle. He notices CM Punk clapping alongside a fan in the audiance out of the corner of his eye, and his attention immediatly turns to that. He rips the microphone from Angle, and points to Punk.

Triple H: "OKay, so your telling me that each and every one of us that won a title at Wrestlemania has to live with the fact that we got screwed by having them vacated... but Punk over here gets to keep his money in the bank briefcase AND compete in the tournament tonight? I mean, Punk isn't even in my league, let alone some of the other guys standing out here. If you want to do right by all of us that got stripped of the titles we earned, you'll bar CM Punk from the tournament."

Punk shakes his head, and climbs up into the ring after receiving a microphone outside.

CM Punk: "Hold on Triple H, just because you have to fight for something don't try and ruin my opportunity. I have done nothing wrong, I earned this briefcase that i'm holding, and I have just as much a right in this tournament as anyone out here right now. And whats that about me being not in your league? I'm sorry, man, but your getting up there in years. If anything, you're the one that can't keep up with the young guys like me, my friend."

Triple H uses everything he has not to attack CM Punk, he stands visibly shaking in anger, as Kurt explains that the match is going to happen and CM Punk will be eligible to compete in it. Triple H's anger subsides, almost equally as frightening he now has a calm and cold demeanor. He looks to Punk and smirks slightly as he mouths "Fine, you want it kid? You got it" toward him. The superstars start entering the ring as the battle royal is about to kick off the night!

WWE Championship Tournament - Round 1
27 Man Over-The-Top-Rope Battle Royal
Every WWE RAW Superstar

Every superstar has now filled the ring, as there is little-to-no room left to stand or move around. As the bell rings, Triple H begins barking orders to all the superstars standing around him. Some ignore him, instead looking for someone to toss out of the ring, while others such as Edge, Jack Swagger, and Ted DiBiase adhear to his calls. He points toward CM Punk, and tells them to eliminate him, as he feels that Punk doesn't deserve a chance to be in the tournament. They all go after Punk, and try as he might, Punk can't overcome the 4-on-1 odds. He gets beaten down onto the mat by the turnbuckle, and stomped on by Swagger, Edge, and DiBiase as Triple H watches on. He tells them to lift Punk, and they do, he then motions for them to move as he runs and closelines Punk out of the ring and onto the floor for the first elimination of the match.

Eliminated #1 - CM Punk

CM Punk is irate, and slams his fist against the barricade beside the fans, as Triple H laughs. The match continues on as superstars fall out of the ring and onto the floor almost every minute, the fans are in a frenzy enjoying each and every moment. The final four men left in the match are Edge, Undertaker, Triple H, and John Morrison. Edge and Triple H occupy one side of the ring, while Taker and Morrison stand on the other. Triple H looks to Edge and utters something to him, Edge nods his head in agreement. Hunter then looks over to Undertaker and tells him that they need to get rid of Morrison as he doesn't belong in the title picture anyway. Undertaker just stares at The Game, so Triple H and Edge go ahead with their plan without him and storm Morrison. He fights off Edge at first, and even Triple H, until they back him into a corner and begin stomping the life out of him as he falls to the ground. Triple H kneels down and grasps hold of Morrisons hair, he begins pounding away at his head with some stiff right hands. Edge keeps checking over to the Undertaker, who is standing contimplating what he should do, the fans cheer loudly for him to help out Morrison and stop the assault by Edge and Triple H. Hunter picks up Morrison and motions for Edge to step back and hit the lifeless opponent with his spear, Edge smiles and nods as he takes a few steps back. He yells at Morrison and waves at him "goodbye" before running toward him, only to get met with a closeline by The Undertaker. Taker picks Edge back up and grasps his throat, but Hunter drops Morrison and gets up. Triple H kicks Taker in the back of the knee, causing the deadman to lossen his grasp of Edge's throat a bit. Triple H kicks Taker in the gut and tries a couple punches, but they don't seem to phase Taker as he suddenly wraps his other hand around the throat of Triple H and now has both men in his grasp ready to deliver a double chokeslam! He begins to lift the two men up, but they counter and kick him in the gut, Edge and Triple H then deliver a double suplex on the Deadman. As Edge rolls over and gets onto his knees he gets met by a dropkick to his head by Morrison. Morrison lifts Edge up and walks him to the ropes where he pummels him with right hands, he then ties him up in the ropes and steps back taking a look at Edge who is now a prisoner to any punishment Morrison wants to dish out. Triple H goes to stop Morrison, but then thinks for a moment, and walks back to Taker leaving Edge to whatever fate Morrison has for him. Taker and Triple H lock up as Morrison slaps Edge across the face causing a loud cheer to roar from the sold out arena. Edge is foaming at the mouth he is so angry, as Morrison just laughs. Morrison gets tired of the games though, and decides to end things, he runs toward Edge and tries to deliver a closeline but Edge back body drops him to the outside! Edge free's himself from the ropes and struts forward a bit, thinking that he has just eliminated Morrison, however he is unaware that Morrison was able to "skin-the-cat" and remain on the outside ring Apron. He turns around and see's this, so he runs over to deliver a forearm shot on Morrison but Morrison drops down holding the top rope and causing Edge to fall over to the outside and be eliminated!

Eliminated #24 - Edge

Edge yells at the referee's, trying to weasel his way back into the match, but they are having none of it and demand that he head to the back. He grasps his hair in frustration, then his eyes move to the ring where Morrison is celebrating. Perhaps this was too much for Edge and sent him over the... edge, as he quickly slides into the ring awaiting Morrison to turn around. As Morrison turns he gets met with a hard spear from Edge, who stands up and looks down at the man who had just eliminated him, seemingly satisfied with the bit of retrobution he has gotten. Triple H and Undertaker are exchanging fists as Taker gets the advantage, knocking Hunter back with an uppercut. Taker moves toward Triple H, but The Game shows why he's known as the cerebral assassin and catches the Deadman with a spinebuster. He taunts over The Undertaker who holds his back in pain, he moves over toward his head and waits for Taker to get up. Taker clutches at Triple H's knee pads, as he slowly gets to his knee's, obviously in pain from the spinebuster and showing signs of fatigue. Triple H slaps the head of Taker a couple times, then places him in the Pedigree position. He grins and grasps hold of the undertakers arms, but before he can hit his finishing move Taker moves over toward the ropes and back body drops Triple H out of the ring for the elimination!

Eliminated #25 - Triple H

The Game grasps his back in pain, then his leg, as the referee's go to check on him. He pushes them away, and stands on his own, staring intently at Taker who stares right back at him. The two continue to stare at one another as Hunter makes his way up the ramp until he finally turns and heads backstage shaking his head. Taker turns his attention to Morrison who is still down from the spear he suffered from Edge. He stomps on Morrison's chest, and then bounces off the ropes and hits a legdrop. Taker gets up slowly, looking over his damaged opponent, as these two men have outlasted 24 other superstars and are the last two remaining in the match! Taker grasps hold of Morrison's hair and picks him up, he sets him up for a tombstone piledriver and connects! The fans cheer loudly, as Taker has complete control of Morrison, it seems as if Edge's illegal interference after his elimination could have done Morrison in. Taker steps back a bit, then does his "throat-cut" sign, signifying that he's going to end the match. Morrison rolls over to his side and tries to shake off the cobwebs that he must be feeling after the tombstone, as Taker grasps his hair once again and lifts him up. Taker grabs him by the throat and moves him toward the rops, as he's going to end this match with a chokeslam to Morrison all the way to the outside of the ring. He lifts Morrison up successfully, but Morrison shows his resiliance as he still has some fight left, he kicks away at Undertaker causing Taker to set him back down but not lose grasp of his throat. Morrison tries desperately to strike the arm of Taker with his elbows, but it has little effect as Taker just lifts him back up. Morrison is able to get both his feet on the top rope however, and uses that momentum to lift his legs onto Undertakers shoulders, Taker looks shocked as Morrison is able to hit a hurricanrana to the Deadman that sends him over the top rope! Morrison lands on the ring apron as Undertaker lands on his backside on the ground, and Morrison has done what no one thought possible in eliminating the Undertaker and picking up the win!

Eliminated #26 - The Undertaker

Morrison rolls into the ring and gets onto his knees, he raises his hands in the air as the announcer makes it official that he has won. The fans don't know how to react at first, but they then cheer Morrison's victory as Taker looks on in disgust from the outside, realizing that his mistake has cost him the match.

Winner: John Morrison

Jerry "The King" Lawler: "I can't believe it! John Morrison eliminated The Undertaker, he is the first man to move on in the tournament!"

Michael Cole: "He outlasted 25 other men, King, and he managed to go toe-to-toe with The Undertaker and get his had raised! Not many men can say that, especially not after getting attacked by Edge who interfered after he got eliminated by Morrison. Wow, talk about overcoming the odds!"

Morrison rolls out of the ring, and acknowledges the fans with a wave as they cheer him on. The camera's now cut backstage where Todd Grisham is standing outside of Ted DiBiase Jr.'s locker room. He smiles at the camera, as he pushes his glasses up farther onto his nose.

Todd Grisham: "Ladies and gentlemen, i'm standing by to speak with former Legacy member Ted DiBiase Jr. He has requested this time to speak his mind about a few things, and he should..."

The door behind Grisham opens up, causing Todd to jump a bit as he was startled, he turns to see it is DiBiase who is standing next to him now.

Todd Grisham: "Ted, do you have any thoughts on being drafted to RAW and see'ing your Legacy buddies drafted to Smackdown? Does this mean the end of Legacy?"

DiBiase looks at Grisham as if he's insuperior, Grisham seems to get this vibe as he moves his head back a bit. DiBiase clutches his waist with his hands, and shakes his head.

Ted DiBiase: "Does this mean the end of Legacy? Of course it does, what kind of ignorant question is that? Now i'm sure everyone thinks that i'm going to suffer as a result of this, that my talent won't be tapped now that i've lost my 'mentor' and my tag team partner. I can tell you right now, that couldn't be further from the truth. If anything, Grisham, i'm going to be able to showcase how GREAT I truely am. I mean, what were me and Cody to Orton anyway? Everytime he got into a bind he'd send us out there to get ambushed or hit with a sledgehammer, he'd put us in matches he didn't want to participate in, and he'd use us to help him win. If you ask me, thats not helping me reach my potential, thats just ensuring that Randy stays on top. So, i'm glad that i'm on RAW and they are on Smackdown, because now you and the rest of the world will get to see just who I really am. Theres no question that I was the more talented between me and Rhodes, I carried us in the tag team matches, and thats evident in the fact that I was chosen ahead of him in the draft. So, good luck Rhodes, because if you don't wise up to what Randy is doing then your going to need all the luck in the world to make any sort of name for yourself.. well, besides Orton's lackey."

DiBiase pushes Grishams hand that is grasping the microphone away, as he re-enters his dressing room and slams the door shut. Grisham has a surprised and nervous look on his face, as he shrugs his shoulders.

Michael Cole: "Some strong words from DiBiase, as he'll get a chance to back them up when he goes one-on-one with Triple H in the WWE Championship tournament a little later tonight. But up next, we get to witness some high flying action, King!"

Jerry "The King" Lawler: "Oh, we will definitly be seeing two of the most gifted guys in this company compete one on one, Evan Bourne versus Jeff Hardy is up next!"

**Commercial Break**​
Singles Match
Evan Bourne [-vs-] Jeff Hardy
The camera's cut back to RAW live, as the fans are sitting anxiously awaiting the next match of the night. Evan Bourne is out first, he receives a good amount of cheers from the audiance as he walks down to the ring, slapping a couple fans hands on the way. He slides in and raises his arms up, as the crowd cheers some more. Next out is Jeff Hardy, he gets a huge pop from the fans as pyro explodes from the top of the ramp and he makes his way down to the ring doing his typical taunts he always does. Hardy enters the ring as the referee makes sure both men are ready for the match, they are and so he signals for the bell to ring and it does. They both walk around one another, trying to get a feel for one another, as Hardy makes the first move and locks up with Bourne who counters by grabbing Jeff's arm and flipping him to the ground. Hardy grabs his back and then gets to his feet, as Bourne looks at him with a smile. Both men displayed amazing offensive attacks, as Bourne had the momentum for a while but after whipping Jeff into the turnbuckle he was hit with a splash as Jeff jumped up and off onto him for a near fall. Hardy was almost counted out, however, as Bourne was able to hit a suicide dive onto Hardy onto the outside of the ring which kept Jeff down for a 9 1/2 count until he barely was able to roll in the ring and stop the count. Bourne was able to later hit Hardy with a nice enziguiri that left him down on the ground, as Evan looked to take the advantage and end things. He climbed up onto the turnbuckle with his back to Hardy, as he raised one hand in the air signifying that he was ready to end things as the crowd cheered. Hardy, however, got to his knees and was able to pick himself up on the ropes. Jeff clutched the top rope, jumped onto it, and delivered a dropkick to the back of Bourne who was standing on the middle turnbuckle. Bourne fell backwards onto the mat below, as Jeff climbed up onto the turnbuckle and quickly hit the Swanton Bomb for the pinfall victory!

Winner: Jeff Hardy

After the match Jeff Hardy stands next to Bourne, who looks up from the mat and slowly gets to his feet holding his stomach. The two men stare at one another for a few tense moments as the crowd is quiet wondering if they are about to witness these two men go at it again, but Jeff Hardy reaches his hand out to Bourne who looks at it and then reaches his hand out as the two men shake. The crowd cheer loudly as Bourne raises Hardy's hand in the air, then out of nowhere Bourne grabs Hardy from behind and hits a loud inverted DDT! The fans cheers quickly turn to boo's as Bourne smirks arrogantly at the damage he has done to Hardy. He proceeds to slide outside the ring and grab a steel chair, which he folds up and tosses into the ring, he then grabs a microphone from the timekeeper and rolls back in the ring.

Evan Bourne: "I came to RAW to make an impact, to make a name for myself, Jeff. Unfortunately for you, i'm going to do that at your expense. You see Jeff, I get compared all the time to you, to your style of wrestling. Well, i'm damn sure NOT going to be the next 'Jeff Hardy', I mean look at you Jeff. What have you done with your career? You're nothing but a glorified high flying freak with occasional luck. Thats all you'll ever be, because thats all you are, and i'm not going to suffer the same future as you. My career will have MEANING, my career will have ACCOMPLISHMENTS, and my career will stand the test of time."

Bourne sets the microphone down and picks up the chair, he waits for Hardy to stand and then smacks it across his head causing Hardy to fall back down again and lay motionless. Bourne raises the chair in the air, as the crowd boo's loudly and we are now taken backstage where we see Kurt Angle sitting in his office talking to someone on his cell phone. We hear the door open, as Kurt's joyful smile leaves his face and makes way to a serious demenour. He hangs up his phone and stands up, staring at whomever has just entered the room.

Kurt Angle: "Well look who it is, the Rated R Superstar, Edge."

The camera's pan back and we see Edge standing next to the desk, he has a sluggish and unhappy look on his face, Kurt offers him a seat but Edge declines to sit.

Edge: "So.. RAW GM, what can I do for you?"

Edge says this in a sneer and patrionizing way, which Angle takes notice of quickly.

Kurt Angle: "The first thing I want you to do is show me a little damn respect, afterall, as you so wonderfully put it I am the GM of this show. So why don't you take a different tone with me, and listen to what I have to say."

Edge comply's with some hesitance, but realizing that he's talking to the man in charge he doesn't want to cause any problems for him as it would effect his stay on RAW.

Edge: "Yeah, fine, look you asked me to come here and I did. I was told you had some news for me regarding next week?"

Kurt Angle: "Straight to business, okay, I like that. I asked you here to inform you that you will be competing tonight against Mr. Kennedy, and the match will be part of the tournament for the WWE Championship."

Edge's face lights up, he had clearly been worrying ever since losing the battle royal earlier in the night wether or not Kurt was going to select him as one of the men to participate in the tournament.

Kurt Angle: "But, thats not all. Next week on RAW you will be going one on one with the man you speared earlier tonight. Next week it will be John Morrison versus Edge."

Just as quickly as Edge's face lights up, it fades a bit. He thinks for a moment, then smirks.

Edge: "As far as Morrison goes? Thats fine, that punk thinks that he's a winner that he deserves to be in the title picture just because he happened to get lucky and eliminate me. I'm going to put him in his place, show him what it means to be a main eventer, when he's done getting beaten down by me he'll see that he doesn't belong with the real stars of this company. And as for tonight, i'm glad you know who the horses of this brand are, the guys that can make RAW the best in this business. Theres no one that can stand in my way of winning this title, no one, and i'll prove that when I take out Kennedy tonight!"

Edge gives one last stare toward Angle and then turns around and leaves the office, as Angle sits back down and opens up his cell phone.

**Commercial break**

Tag Team Match
Carlito & Primo Colon [-vs-] THE Brian Kendrick & Zack Ryder
The bell rings as we are ready for another match on this live sold out RAW, the Colons make their way out to the ring first to a good amount of cheering from the crowd. They enter the ring as Carlito and Primo discuss their strategies for the match, Kendrick and Ryder come out next. Ryder works over the crowd even though they are boo'ing him, as Kendrick looks at his partner with confusion and shame. These two men were forced to team up with each other, and Kendrick is the one that seems to not be okay with it. He walks up the ramp past his partner, as Ryder see's him and quickly begins to follow him, Ryder puts his hand on Kendrick's shoulder but Kendrick shakes it off and shakes his head. They enter the ring and Ryder tells Kendrick that he wants to start things off, so Kendrick agree's, not because he wants to work with his partner but because he'd rather watch what he has to offer. Ryder and Primo were the men that started things off, with Ryder getting most of the offensive attacks in with a series of chops to Primo's chest, followed by a sidewalk slam. He goes to tag in his partner later in the match, but Kendrick steps down the steps and tells Ryder that he wants to see him prove himself. Ryder just shakes his head and turns around to go back to work on Primo, but Primo has tagged his partner and Carlito hits him with a closeline. Carlito kept him down for a while, hitting some nice suplexes and elbow drops, and even a dropkick off the top rope. All the while, Kendrick is just watching and refusing to tag in. Ryder eventually gets momentum and hits a DDT on Carlito, as both men are now down. See'ing that Carlito is hurt and fatigued, Kendrick now yells for the tag as Ryder crawls his way to him and is able to make the tag. Kendrick climbs in and picks up Carlito and tosses him into the ropes, he hits a spinning heel kick and goes for the cover but Primo comes in to break it up. Ryder runs over though and closelines him, as both men fall outside the ring. Kendrick goes up to the top rope, but Carlito is up and bounces into the ropes causing Kendrick to fall and land on his.. uhm.. crotch. Carlito gets up with Kendrick on the top rope and superplexes Kendrick to the mat below. Carlito grabs his arm and drags him to the ropes, he goes to climb the turnbuckle but Ryder grabs his leg from outside the ring. Carlito kicks his hand away, but the distraction gave Kendrick enough time to recover and as Carlito turns around he gets met with "The Sliced Bread No. 2"! Kendrick pins Carlito as Ryder knocks Primo down with a stiff right hand, and this new tag team have picked up a win in their debut!

Winners: THE Brian Kendrick & Zack Ryder

As Kendrick and Ryder celebrate in the ring, cameras move to the announce table.


Michael Cole: "Well folks, a couple huge announcements about next week have come in, and boy they are big!"

Jerry "The King" Lawler: "Thats right Cole, we already were told that Edge would be taking on John Morrison, and as if they isn't enough we are not being told that Angle has made a triple threat match for next week as well! The Undertaker, Jeff Hardy, and CM Punk will all be competing against each other for a chance to move on in the WWE Championship tournament!"

Michael Cole: "One of those matches has big WWE Championship implications, while the other one is strictly a grudge match with two men that had a run-in earlier tonight during the battle royal. And up next folks, one of the men we just mentioned will be competing in a tournament qualifying match, Edge takes on Kennedy, next!"

**Commercial Break**

WWE Championship Tournament - Round 1
Singles Match
Edge [-vs-] Mr. Kennedy
"Miiiiiiiiiisterrrrr.... Kennedy! .... .... ... Kennedy!" Kennedy makes his way out first as the fans get up on their feet and cheer for him, he walks slowly down to the ring with a big grin on his face, as he slides in and the arena goes dark except for a spotlight that is shining upon Kennedy. He looks up and reaches his hand into the air, as a microphone comes down slowly from the rafters above. The fans cheer as they know what is coming, as Kennedy grasps hold of the microphone and walks over to the turnbuckle, he climbs up and looks over the crowd.

Mr. Kennedy: "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages. Tonight the WWE and the RAW brand proudly bring to you, the most exciting and talented superstar on the entire roster. A man who is about to move on in the tournament and win the WWE Championship at Backlash, weighing in at 243 pounds of chissled muscle and standing at 6 feet tall.... mothers keep your daughters away, husbands keep your wifes away, he is Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisterrrrrr.... Kennedy! Kennedy!"

Kennedy hops off the turnbuckle and walks to the middle of the ring, microphone still in hand.

Mr. Kennedy: "Tonight you will all witness a man who goes by the name of Edge go one on one with the future WWE Champion, tonight you lucky people will witness my talent in all its glory. Tonight..."

Before Kennedy can finish he gets attacked from behind by Edge who had run down the ramp and slid into the ring, apparently tired of hearing Kennedy speak. The lights come back on as the bell rings and the referee slides into the ring, Edge stomps away at Kennedy then gets down and begins punching him in the head. He pushes the referee away who was trying to stop him, and continues to punch away until the referee begins counting. He lets the referee get to 3 before stopping, as he does not want to be disqualified. Edge lifts Kennedy up and sets him up for a suplex, but Kennedy blocks it and hits a suplex of his own instead on Edge! Kennedy rolls to his side and gets to one knee, he rubs his chin and then gets to his feet as Edge does the same using the corner to lift himself up. Kennedy rushes at Edge and closelines him in the corner, as Edge staggers forward and falls on his face. Both men battle eventually to the outside where Edge uses the stairs, as he smashes Kennedy's head against them. But the stairs work against him as Kennedy reverses an irish whip and Edge gets sent shoulder first into the steel of the stairs. Later both men are in the ring, Kennedy is working over Edge by the ropes and begins choking him with his foot but is forced to let go by the referee. As Kennedy picks up Edge, Edge grasps hold of the referee. Edge then flips his leg backwards and low blows Kennedy, however the referee didn't see as Edge had him in his grasp and was distracting him. He lets go of the referee and turns, as Kennedy is bent over holding his groin, he stumbles backward and has his back to Edge which proves to be a mistake as Edge hunches down and taunts for Kennedy to turn around. Kennedy eventually does and gets met with a thundorous spear! Edge pins Kennedy and hooks the leg to get the three count and move on in the tournament!

Winner: Edge

As Edge celebrates in the ring, Kennedy tries to explain to the referee how he was cheated, but without proof the referee can't reverse the decision. Kennedy punches the turnbuckle in frustration as Edge heads to the back laughing at the disspleased crowd.

**Commercial Break**​

Singles Match
Ricky Ortiz [-vs-] Kofi Kingston
Ortiz is out first, no reaction from the crowd really except for some minor boo'ing. He looks over the crowd with a blank stare, he enters the ring and waits for his opponent. The fans erupt as Kofi Kingston makes his way out next, pyro explodes from the stage as he gives some high fives on his way to the ring to the fans. He slides in and gets on the turnbuckle, working over the sold out crowd. The bell rings and both men lock up, with Kofi getting the advantage and putting Ortiz in a headlock. He then spins around to the back of Ortiz and trips him by grabbing his feet and knocking him to the ground. He laughs and tells Ortiz to get up, as Ortiz looks angrily at him and slowly stands. The mind games continued as Kingston showed off how much more experienced he was in the ring by constantly taking advantage of the mistakes of Ortiz. Ortiz did amount some offense though, as he was able to duck a closeline at one point and hit a neckbreaker. He followed that up with a legdrop, as he then picked up Kofi and sent him into the ropes and nailed a bodyslam on him into a pinfall for a two count. Kofi got the momentum back later when he rolled Ortiz up in a small package for a near fall, followed by a flying crossbody and a high dropkick. As the match continued the fans began boo'ing as they noticed something atop the ramp. It was Mark Henry and Tony Atlas, who were slowly walking down toward the ring. The fans wern't the only ones to notice this, however, as Kofi cought them in his sight and watched them wondering why they were heading to the ring. He went back to work on Ortiz though, as he gave him a bulldog and signaled that it was time for some trouble in paradise. He waits for Ortiz to stand, but notices Henry and Atlas have now reached the ring and Henry is climbing up onto the ring apron. He shifts his attention to Henry and motions for the referee to get him out of here, but the referee wants no part of Henry. Mark enters the ring and points at Kofi, he walks toward him as Kofi tries to defend himself by hitting the big man with some right and left hands. Henry brushes them off however and grabs hold of Kofi by the head and gives him a headbut. The referee calls for the bell, and a disqualification, but it doesn't matter to Henry who continues his assault of Kofi.

Winner by DQ: Kofi Kingston

Ricky Ortiz is now up, and he looks to Henry who looks back at him, the two men then begin stomping away together on Kofi Kingston as Tony Atlas watches and claps. Henry lifts Kofi up and hits him with his Worlds Strongest Slam manueover, then gets up and looks down at the damage he has caused. Tony Atlas motions for them to leave now, as more referee's make their way out to the ring. Henry and Ortiz leave the ring together and head back up the ramp to the backstage area with Tony Atlas.

Michael Cole: "What in the hell was that all about?!"

Jerry "The King" Lawler: "I have no idea Cole, but I wouldn't want to make Mark Henry angry! Whatever Kofi did, I'd suggest to that young man that he apologize, right or wrong. It's better than having him do to you what he just did!"

Michael Cole: "Well, whatever the case may be, i'm sure Kofi will have something to say about this! Folks, up next is our main event of the night, Triple H and Ted DiBiase square off for the right to move on in the WWE Championship tournament."

Jerry "The King" Lawler: "That match is up next, I can't wait!"

**Commercial Break**​

WWE Championship Tournament - Round 1
Singles Match
Triple H [-vs-] Ted DiBiase Jr.
DiBiase is out first, lots of boo's from the crowd, but he doesn't even seem to hear them as he's focused on the ring and is walking slowly and with a blank purposeful expression on his face. He climbs in and looks to the ramp, waiting for HHH. The crowd have a mixed reaction to Hunter, as it's about half cheers and half boo's, he walks down the ramp staring at Ted knowing that he is the only thing that stands in his way of moving on in the tournament. Triple H slides in as the bell rings, he quickly goes to work on DiBiase as he kicks him in the gut staggering him back a bit and pounds away at his head and body. DiBiase is clearly out of his element as Triple H dominates him for a large portion of the match, whenever DiBiase seems to be able to mount any offense Triple H just counters with a back body drop or at one point a sidewalk slam. He goes for some pins but DiBiase keeps fighting and kicks up after them all, causing Triple H to just hit him harder and harder after. DiBiase begins fighting back as he hits Triple H in the gut with some elbows as the Game has him in a headlock, the elbows loosen Triple H's grip enough for Ted to get free and he bounces off the ropes and hits Triple H in the leg with his shoulder causing him to fall down in pain. DiBiase immediatly goes after the leg and stomps away at it, he then grabs hold of Triple H's foot and lifts his leg up and slams his knee into the mat. DiBiase would keep control and keep Triple H down by working over his knee, but Triple H would counter when DiBiase tried a sleeper hold only to get tossed over the head of Triple H onto his back on the mat. DiBiase slowly stands up, as Triple H kicks him in the gut and sets him up for a pedigree. He tries to grab Ted's arms but Ted squirms around knowing that if he gets hit with the move he's going to lose. He grabs Triple H's legs and pushes him as both men run backward into the referee, as he and Triple H get sandwiched in the turnbuckle. DiBiase punches away at Hunter as the referee falls to the ground, he is able to hit a DDT and thinks about going for the cover but stops realizing no one is there to count. He crawls to the referee and tries to wake him up, but gives up after a minute. DiBiase turns his attention back to Triple H and lifts him up, he uppercuts him sending him back into the ropes. DiBiase points at him and says some things then slaps him across the face, which proved to be a bad move as Hunter knocks him down hard with a punch. As DiBiase gets up he gets hit with a high knee form Hunter, who then kicks him in the gut and delivers a Pedigree! He pins him but the referee is still down, Triple H bangs against the mat with his hand in frustration, then moves toward the referee to wake him. Suddenly CM Punk comes running down the ramp carrying his MITB briefcase, he slides into the ring and waits for Hunter to turn around, then nails him hard in the head with it! CM Punk grabs DiBiase and puts his arm over Hunter, then revives the referee and leaves the ring. The referee still dazed, begins to count slowly, and thanks to CM Punk's interference Ted DiBiase picks up the win and moves on in the tournament!

Winner: Ted DiBiase

CM Punk holds up the briefcase on top of the ramp as Hunter rolls onto his stomach and looks up at him. His face is shaking with anger, as CM Punk laughs and RAW fades to black.

WWE RAW Results:
27 Man Battle Royal - John Morrison
Jeff Hardy def. Evan Bourne
THE Brian Kendrick & Zack Ryder def. Carlito & Primo Colon
Edge def. Mr. Kennedy
Kofi Kingston def. Ricky Ortiz
Ted DiBiase Jr. def. Triple H
Awesome show Profit, simply awesome. I might have to take a few tips from you on the promo quality, I need to work on that part of my Book This! Great show, love the Morrison push, DiBiase push, Punk/HHH fued, and Angle as GM. Keep up the good work.
Awesome show Profit, simply awesome. I might have to take a few tips from you on the promo quality, I need to work on that part of my Book This! Great show, love the Morrison push, DiBiase push, Punk/HHH fued, and Angle as GM. Keep up the good work.

Thanks man, all feedback is very much appreciated, good to know we have a reader.
Totally awesome Raw show, fantastic. Was hoping that Angle was just back as a competitor but I can sure live with him as the GM.

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