Christian as champion

I always hear people on here saying that they all think Christian should be champion. Ok, let's say that Christian won World Heavyweight Championship tomorrow, what kind of a champion do you think he would be and what would you want to see him do during his title reign.

I think that he would be a great champion, he is very charismatic and he is over with the crowd, plus he deserves to be champion at least once before he retires. I would love to have him feud with CM Punk because I think that they would have some great matches. He could even feud with Kofi and establish him as a main eventer too.

That's what I think, now you guys tell me what you think.
As much as I'd like to see this, I doubt the WWE will ever put the title on Christian. He is over, but would he draw? Would fans pay to see Christian with the WHC belt? Someone like Swagger, Mysterio, or maybe even McIntyre are much better suited to holding the belt at the moment.

I think a run with the IC title is best suited for Christian, he could help mid card heels like McIntyre get over (cause Hardy is just doing a fantastic job). So no, I do want to see Christian as the champion. But to answer your threads question, I too would like to see Christian fued with Punk, if he were to become champion. Christian is a very good face, and Punk could constantly berate him, tell him how much better he is than him, these two could have some great verbal battles and this fued would be great to see.
I'll admit I'm a peep and I'd love to see Christian become champion. Do I think he will ever be a world champ? I honestly can't answer that. I think if need be they can put the belt on him and let him run with it until a big name star was ready for the belt.

Now lets just play the game here. Lets say Captain Charisma is blessed with the World Championship this week on SD. Obviously this would mean a heel turn and SD needs a heel and Christian could provide just that. Obviously I'd start him off with Mysterio and have him officially take Rey out at MITB. Now this would lead up to Summerslam. I would have it revealed that Christian is the attacker of Undertaker and Christian would avoid Kane at all costs. This would lead to a title match for Kane at Summerslam. Christian would overcome Kane only for Taker to come out and take Christian out. This would lead to a title match where Taker would take the belt of Christian at the September PPV.
I would love to see Christian as World Heavyweight Champion. He is a tremendous in ring competitor, simply magnificent on the microphone, and over with the fans. I don't see why he couldn't be World Champion.

Everyone he wrestles he brings the best out of. Christian and Jack Swagger had a great feud over the ECW Championship, he should have at least had a crack at Swagger. He wouldn't even have to win. That would have shown that Christian is a main event draw.

I'm sure Christian brings in a nice little take on merchandise and has proved time and time again of his capability to get the crowd into a match. He has also proven his ability to put over young talent.

Do I think Christian will ever grab the proverbial brass ring? No, mainly for lack of support. it has been reported time after time that Vince McMahon is not a peep. That very well may be to blame for Christian's lack of World Championship reigns. He might have seen his best days in the WWE as ECW Champion.
Christian definitely has Matt Hardy syndrome. Someone should check him out and see if he gains 40 pounds and starts putting on lacklustre matches before it is too late.

But seriously, he is in the exact same boat as Matt Hardy right now. He doesn’t seem to have the confidence from the top brass to warrant an automatic place in the WWE main event scene and as much as I love him, he is not nearly as over as he damn-well should be. The problem is that he is really mundane in terms of what angles he has been given. I think the WWE have snatched away everything that he could have been and they did it with not revealing that he was Jeff Hardy’s attacker.

Since then, Christian has been awash in rainbows and puppy dogs that are getting him nowhere. Yes, he is over with the fans but considering how good he is on the mic and in the ring, he is getting nowhere fast. He is certainly not on a level that he should be. In my mind, he should be competing for the World Heavyweight Championship but much like Matt Hardy, he seems to have been resigned to putting over talent. To me, the only way that Christian is going to get anywhere now, is to turn him heel and give him a run at that.

However, as far as how he would be as a Champion, I think he would do a great job. He is really good in the ring and I could absolutely buy him being a Champion based on that alone. His crowd skills are good enough that he would be a great champion all over and the fans would take to him like nothing else. I certainly think he would be a better Champion than Rey Mysterio and we wouldn’t have to deal with the underdog story every 5 minutes. I say give him the belt and we will find out soon enough.
If Christian was givin the the world heavyweight championship right now with the current smackdown roster I beleive he could be a very sucessful champion. He carried ECW the whole time he was the ECW championship and with no like major stars like Randy Orton, Triple H. or John Cena Christian could make it. BUt I don't know how likely that is.
As you can tell by my username, I am a peep. I would would love to see Christian hold the ol' big gold belt.

He constantly puts on exciting matches and when paired with one of the better performers, he can put on some very good matches. He is very over with the fans, I definitely think he could draw. But even with all this, it's tough to see Christian ever getting the championship. At WM26, he was the front runner to win MITB, and that didnt play out as most of it thought it was going to. Then, with all the big stars from SD! getting drafted over to RAW, a lot of people thought that now it was going to be Christian's time. When Fatal 4 Way was coming up, everyone thought Christian would finally get into a main event. That also didnt work out as we thought it would. Then just a few weeks ago, he teamed up with Hornswaggle. It really is not looking good for Captain Charisma.
For a long time now, I've envisioned Christian's potential World Title reign to have the Jeff Hardy effect. Jeff Hardy was already getting very nice pops before he won the World Title. He was good enough on the mic and put on some pretty awesome matches. After he won the WHC, his popularity shot through the roof and he became one of the Top 5 Stars in the WWE.
I see the same in Christian. I would argue that his mic skills are better than Hardy's and he's better than most in the ring. Christian could potentially have an outstanding feud with someone like CM Punk and he can even revisit a program with Jack Swagger.
When guys aren't getting over the way you hope, the last thing you need to do is throw the title on them and pray it'll help. Christian becoming World Champion is NOT a good idea right now. In ECW he was the biggest thing, but on Smackdown he's being pushed down because there's a large pool of talent, and the writing staff hasn't been able to use him.

He could be running a good program with Kofi Kingston, or any of the other midcarders, but instead he's thrown in limbo with MVP, Dolph Ziggler, and the other guys not doing much of anything. Christian looks vicious and has the best slap in the business. I wouldn't mind him being the World champion, but they really need to fill out his character before that happens. They need to give him a good push, maybe another run as IC champion, and then let him go for the gold. He could even win the MITB match, and they could throw him into the main event. They just can't hand him the title and expect good results.
What they need to do is keep him in the main event scen build him up form there and then people would pay to see him as champion...

He would be a good champion..he has charisma, good mic work and in-ring abilities..he can work a long match aswell and his feuds would be entertaining as well..

I also think he deserves one world title run in the "E", since they don't recognise his NWA world champion reigns..
In response to this thread I will say yes he does deserve a shot.
I dont know what Christians reasons were during the end of 2005 to work for TNA, but I do know the exposure he gave TNA hurt his career within the wwe for an eventual return.

I dont know how most Americans regard wwe superstars as famous or well known but to watch them here in New Zealand their very knowen and very talked about.
It would be great to see Christain get the nod at Money in the Bank as he is probably the best babyface talker on the card ,and yes has been performing for wwe since 1998.
I'm sure he'd a great champion. He was over when he was champion in TNA, he put on great matches in TNA and he cut great promos in TNA. He's lost none of that the only thing standing in his way is there are a lot more competitors for the World title on Smackdown and he's not as favoured as he was in TNA, those are the only things in his way.
Yes, former NWA champion! come on. Vince is using Christain as a "see what will happen if you go to TNA" guy. He deserves a title shot at the very least. Not wrestling Chavo on WWE superstars. The guys got talent, he can put on 30 minute matches at the main event level, he's got Chrisma, he's got mic skills. What else could one ask for? even if it meant he had to turn heel, YES, give him the belt.

BUT... dont get me wrong, World Heavyweight Champion, yes, WWE HE hasn't been pushed enough to compete with the likes of Cena, Orton, or trple H, but i think he'd be amazing as a deffending champion to the likes of Jack Swagger, Mysterio, Punk, and maybe even a fued with taker. even though i can never see the kill switch putting away the dead man. Give him a chance to shine for once!
I had confidence that he might have gone somewhere when he initially got drafted, but since then he hasn't really done anything. He is doing more of the same stuff he was doing when he was on RAW for that short while after ECW got cancelled. And for me it's really sad to see.

Christian has all the talent to be a very successful superstar, yet WWE has not decided to push him or do anything useful with him. They have basically given him a role similar to that of Kane and Matt Hardy and it's such a shame. The only relevant thing Christian was doing was seemingly the feud with Ziggler and that seems to have blown off.

If Christian were to ever win the World title, and i'm sure his reign would be similar to his ECW title reign which was fun for me to watch during it's duration. Christian's chances of becoming world champion are low and he's on SmackDown which is the most unfortunate part. The only way I could see him becoming world champion is if he won SmackDown's MITB match, and as it stands he has one the lowest chances of winning that match along with Matt Hardy.
Christian as World Heavyweight Champion? Way too long overdue.

I've said it repeatedly. Christian is a great wrestler with high calibre mic skills. It would be a mistake for the WWE to never give him his rightful reign. Yeah, he was ECW Champion and he made that title look better than it really was. He alone elevated that title and came off looking like a fighting Champion, so with that example, he's more than fit for the World title.

I DON'T want to see him win the Intercontinental title again. I don't want to see him win another mid-card title again, period. He's over that stage now. He's been over that stage for a long time. Winning a mid-card title would do nothing for him and only further make him lose the appeal of a true World Champion. What they need to do right now is place him in an exciting feud...perhaps one where he actively competes against his newfound rival in which they both try to outlast the other while claiming to be worthy of the World title or something to that degree. It needs to be at least something that can include him in the World title picture. Otherwise? It's just random matches and Hornswoggle with no title shot in the near future. That's a bland sinking ship.
My problem with Smackdown as a whole is who they decide to push over Christian. Over the last month, Captain Charisma has been absolutely buried with whatever programs he had been in. Dolph Ziggler has been featured more prominently on TV than Christian......let that sink in for a second. You can argue the same for guys like Hawkins/Archer, the 'suspended' Matt Hardy, MVP, etc. I would have thought the move to Smackdown would have been perfect for Christian to take that next step, but it simply hasnt happened. And thats without mentioning some of the people in the main event picture on Smackdown that don't deserve to be there.

I have to question whether Vince is mad at Christian for leaving WWE a few years back and going to TNA to be a world champion.

I do think Christian as a face has pretty much run his course in WWE. It's probably time for a heel turn to freshen things up with his character. IMO, he was at his best in the WWE right before he left the first time when the Captain Charisma gimmick was over with the IWC and he was cutting promos on Cena on a weekly basis.
I just can't see it happening. Christian's best shot at becoming a world champion would've been the MITB ladder match at Wrestlemania 26, but he didn't win, Swagger did. Christian is very good on the mic, he usually puts on good or solid matches, and he's pretty over with the crowd. But I have no reason to believe he will be a world champion anytime soon or in the near future. Vince McMahon keeps turning a blind eye to him, and well, he's tag teamed with Hornswoggle recently, so that should tell you everything you need to know about Christian's status on Smackdown.
I personally am a fan of Christian and would love to see him get a shot at the belt. However, I base a lot on crowd reaction, as does WWE, and if you were looking for a face that isn't Big Show or Rey to enter the title picture, Matt Hardy is the guy with the biggest pops. In that regard, justification of Matt Hardy say, winning Money in the Bank would be easier to defend than Christian at this point. However, the one thing that would truly make Christian a main eventer would be a fued against Edge if they ever end up on the same show, or if they feud towards Wrestlemania. You are guaranteed to have interest in that match, and regardless of whether Christian is getting the ideal reaction before that, people will be so excited about that match that it will sell itself. As far as Smackdown champion, I don't see why Christian couldn't carry the belt. The top 4 guys are nothing to get excited about sans Punk, so why not? Of course, Undertaker is due back soon, so unless he stays out of the title picture, everyone else is screwed. Perhaps Christian as a heel, though I think he's much better as a face. We'll see, but I think the way Christian can become a main eventer and a champion is to go over Edge is a feud for the ages.
This man really deserves a world title shot. When he came back from tna i thought vinces eyes may have been opened to the fact that he was capable of being champion but no vince still has no faith in christian for some reason or other. I don't think he is being punished for going to tna because why would vince have bothered bringing him back if he didnt plan to use him at all i think that vince just isn't a peep at all.
He puts on solid matchs with nearly everybody he steps in the ring with, so in ring ability cant be holding him back. He is very good on the mic as both a heel and a face, so no problems there. He has proved he can hold a title and head a show, the ecw title was on him for such a long time every week i was thinking im going to get bored of him as champ but that never happened. He made that title seem really important with help from tommy dreamer.
Trance Metaphor- I dont think giving him a mid card title is an entirely bad idea to be honest. Yes i would prefare him to hold a top title but, like chris jericho, giving one of these titles to christian would make it seem important again christian has a way of making titles seem like the most important thing to him, even as a face. If he won the IC title and the world title imagine how much more important he could make the IC title look. Holding both titles isn't something that is done often, i might be wrong but was hhh the last person to do this? Having a defending both titles would be great for christain because it would put him in the main event scene and would allow him to boost mid-carders by having great matchs an eventually putting one of them over, only to try win the title back of them showing that the IC title means as much to him as the World title.
The thing about christian is, he went to TNA and found amazing success. He came back to WWE for reasons i am not quite sure of. I think it was mainly sort of Jeff hardy's reason for returning, to prove to himself that he could do it and win the big one. I HIGHLY doubt christian returned just to put over new talent. It doesnt necessarily add to your record that you pinned christian. Yes he is a veteran of the industry but he does not have the name or star power to elevate someone to the next level as say Undertaker or like Shawn Michaels has done. So I think the reason he came back was to win the world title and i think it will happen.

Then again if it does i think it will be similar to Jeff Hardy's reign where he wins and loses it like a month later in probably his first title match. Christian is miles better then Jeff Hardy, but I think what vince did with Jeff was give him the title to say to the audience who had been bitching for years about him not having a title "there you go i gave him the title happy now?" then he just took it off him. Its no secret vince doesnt see christian as a main eventer so i do think he would let christian win just to shut people up. I love christian one of my favorites and i would love to see him win the royal rumble or something and have a wrestlemania main event moment, im just being real on a different prospective. Who knows though

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