Christian and JH vs Edge and MH


Dark Match Winner
I'll be the first to admit that I was expecting Christian to come down to the ring at the Royal Rumble chair in hand ready to deliver the infamous conchairto. I was honestly surprised that Matt Hardy turned out to be the person who cost Jeff Hardy the title.

Now with Matt Hardy's heel turn and the hopefully soon reintroduction of Christian does anyone have a small feeling that WWE may decide to push Christian as a face and potentially have him Feud with Edge right off the bat setting up a potential double Brother vs Brother storyline. And in all honesty with the way WWE loves to bring up old storylines could anyone possibly see a TLC match with Jeff Hardy and Christian as faces and Edge and Matt Hardy as heels?

Personally I'd love to see something along those lines, All four superstars have elevated their careers to the point where they no longer need any connection to a partner, hopefully Christian isn't punished for his time in TNA by being stuck in the mid card. Either way the four were able to put on fantastic matches years ago that left everyone in awwww and built memories that will last forever, now that they've had time to grow on their own I believe that a match with all four such as a TLC would still be, and could quite possibly be even more, entertaining than when it was done years ago.
Yeah i was thinking the same thing hey, this would be an awesome direction for the WWE to go with. But i am worried that Christian will be pushed into the mid card... But Vince would know that involving them in a match together, partners swapped and at the biggest wrestling event of the year in a classic match between 4 of the guys that created it would be BIG BIG BIG cash!!!

Hopefully he realises this and brings Christian into this fued, and as a face, semi teaming with Jeff would be an epic.... EPIC story. I would really love this, hope it happens!
As soon as Matt hit the ring I've been mulling this idea over. I can see it leading to a screwjob though where both men turn on their respective partners and then E&C have a shortlived reuinion of such, and the Hardys carry on feuding.

Or they get put into a tag team match and Matt leaves Edge in the ring only for Christian to turn on Jeff.

Either way so long as someone gets a con-chair-to I don't really mind.

As long as they the ultimate end to it all as Christian being a heel, because he gets over far more when hes a heel, plus we get some classic lines out of him.

OMG Jericho and Christian reuinion just for nostalgia value.
Some years ago Jeff and Matt had a feud but nobody gave a damn and now they are building up another feud but this time jeff is an established former WWE champion and Matt an established former ECW champion, but the motive of Matt´s turn remains the same the risky lifestyle of his brother. I was never a big fan of the Hardyz but i was indeed a fan of Edge and Christian with E&C´s involvement this story could become very interesting but only if the WWE actually brings Christian back as a believable Wrestler and not as a short lived victim.
I always thought when Christian came back it would be tough for him to be a heel cause the crowd would be so excited to see him back that he would have to be a face for a little while until he turned on someone. I would say everything depends on No Way out cause I would doubt that Edge would defend his Title in a 4 way against all 3 of those guys and it would seem to early to give Christian a title shot. Myabe if Jericho has nothing to do at Wrestlemania have a Christian and Jericho match or Christian and Shelton Benjamin for the US Title would be good as well
No. If Christian is ever going to turn into the deity that people want him to be, he needs to stay far away from Edge. Edge is a mega star and Christian is a midcard guy right now. Christian needs to go to the midcard for a year or two and establish himself there without ever interacting with Edge or the hardys. Christian would be the weak link in this feud and shouldn't be immediately pushed against Edge. Edge is WWE Champion. Why should some guy returning get a feud with the champion when he was on the midcard before? For those of you that think I didn't understand the question, the Hardys would cancel each other out in this tag feud, leaving them to go one on one. Just not a good idea.

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